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Kitase Explains Why A PS3 Final Fantasy VII Remake Would Be "Very Hard" To Do


Worships the porcelain goddess
I honestly don't know what to say to Kitase's comment.



Junior Member
Nairume said:
A lot of those locations on the LO map are just alternate entrances/exits. As much as I loved LO, there's really no denying that it's a smaller game in comparison to most PS1-era RPGs, FF7 included. Though, it is still large for a game of this generation.

LO with lets say 70% the amount of content as FF7 took 2 years and cost 20 Million to make. Sold a million copies. A game like FF7 with LO's graphics would easily sell 5 times that amount. So even if the costs were higher (let's say 50% more) to make than Lost Odyssey they'd still be posed to make a shitload of profit. The demand is obviously there. Kitase's excuse is bullshit.


I enjoyed FF7 when it was originally released, but it has aged poorly. I tried replaying on the PSP, when it was released on the PSN and I stopped playing at Shinra Tower out of sheer boredom. If there is a remake, and I think that Square should really redo the battle system. It's just so dated.
entrement said:
I enjoyed FF7 when it was originally released, but it has aged poorly. I tried replaying on the PSP, when it was released on the PSN and I stopped playing at Shinra Tower out of sheer boredom. If there is a remake, and I think that Square should really redo the battle system. It's just so dated.
It'd be fairly simple, at the very least, to keep the Materia system for abilities/equipment while updating the actual battle system to that of FFX-2 (simultaneous actions, varying charge/cooldown times for different commands) if you didn't want to do anything particularly experimental.
Again I wonder what the big deal is. FFXIII *does* have at least one town. Is the whole issue the insides of buildings, since you can't go in any doors in that town? Seems odd that they wouldn't be able to model a room...
graywolf323 said:
Square-Enix should talk to Naughty Dog sometime....

No, Kitase/Toriyama should talk to Nomura. This isn't a Square issue, this is an issue with the team that made FFXIII and what seems to be a lack of ambition.


SolidSnakex said:
No, Kitase/Toriyama should talk to Nomura. This isn't a Square issue, this is an issue with the team that made FFXIII and what seems to be a lack of ambition.

You keep saying this. Perhaps you should wait until Nomura's next game is actually released, because his last two certainly didn't do what he's claiming Versus will.


Bizzyb said:
Then make it for Wii or DS. I seriously hate how HD consoles make devs think graphics have to be continuously pushed to the edge bleeding their bank accounts for some sanctimonious idea that it will lead to higher sales and/or more critical acclaim.
What's the point of this? Why not just play the PSN release on your PSP if you are going to hope for a DS version.


FFXIII not having towns just blew my mind. What is the game going to have then? Are battles worthy of next gen inclusion?
ethelred said:
You keep saying this. Perhaps you should wait until Nomura's next game is actually released, because his last two certainly didn't do what he's claiming Versus will.

Did he ever claim that they'd do what he plans on doing with Versus?
I'm pretty sure XIII had ambition behind it. It just didn't lead to a direction you yourself didn't like. So don't act like the XIII team can't make an actual good game.

Its going to be very annoying when XIII comes out in NA.


SolidSnakex said:
Did he ever claim that they'd do what he plans on doing with Versus?

He has yet to deliver a game that has the, as you put it, "ambition" that you feel other teams lack. So maybe you should wait until he delivers that before proclaiming that the problem is with everyone else and they should just talk to Nomura to see how it should be done.

I should think this is a fairly clear point. I'm not sure why you needed me to restate it.
Himuro said:
But that's a part of its charm. :(

The point is, it wouldn't make the transition to an HD remake. It just wouldn't work there. I guess that's part of what would make an HD remake impossible without altering any of the original material. The people who would favor some sort of faithfulness to the original would be disappointed.
ethelred said:
He has yet to deliver a game that has the, as you put it, "ambition" that you feel other teams lack. So maybe you should wait until he delivers that before proclaiming that the problem is with everyone else and they should just talk to Nomura to see how it should be done.

I should think this is a fairly clear point. I'm not sure why you needed me to restate it.

I didn't need you to restate it. I'm just saying that if Nomura never promised the type of stuff that he's talking about with Versus in his previous games then there was no reason to expect that level. What he's said about Versus sounds a lot more ambitious than what XIII turned out to be. Yes, it could all turn out to be bullshit in the end. There could be no overworld, no airships, no day/night cycles ect. But there's no reason to think that's the case right now.
I really do wonder how they'd pull off FF7's awkward scenes like the cross dressing part in HD. FF7 is just soooooooo silly.
OH MY!!! this must be he lamest excuse if i ever hard one. its not necessarily about FF7 but the whole HD graphics limit our scope and scale because its too much work. way to go S-E >:|
What they said about XIII was ambitious too. You know all that talk about getting away from the traditional rpg structure of going to a town and solving its problems. Well they did that and on paper it sounds bad but on paper removing all the rpg elements of Mass Effect sounds bad too. And guess what ME2 was awesome!


Bel Marduk said:
I really do wonder how they'd pull off FF7's awkward scenes like the cross dressing part in HD. FF7 is just soooooooo silly.

FFXIII has a baby chocobo living in Sazh's afro. Those scenes are totally silly too. :p


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
ethelred said:
He has yet to deliver a game that has the, as you put it, "ambition" that you feel other teams lack. So maybe you should wait until he delivers that before proclaiming that the problem is with everyone else and they should just talk to Nomura to see how it should be done.

How about Birth by Sleep? It was very well received if I remember correctly.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
Nairume said:
All that leaves is a fullblown remake, which would require them to go back and pretty much completely rebuild the game from scratch. Couple that with the game's size, they could probably just make a new game in the amount of time it'd take them to remake it. All this for something that really wouldn't sell nearly as well as the fanbase wants to believe.

I don't think anybody would expect the game to sell similar to the original (what did that top out at? Some ~9m or so, right?), but it's rather presumptuous to suggest a FFVII remake wouldn't turn a profit when SE's first HD mainline FF hasn't even hit the west yet.

Having said that, I'm certainly not saying you're wrong or the FFVIIR Army is right - it's not like anyone has an idea of how the game would sell considering neither side has more context than the other. A remake of this scope is a gamble, to be sure.


Isn't it like the 50th time they're shooting the FFVIIR idea down?
I mean are journalists that eager to replay that game that they keep badgering Square about it?
I swear this is getting worse than the where's-game-X they keep playing with Nintendo's executive!

I mean they asked nearly everyone that question! Are they going to ask Kawazu too?
and he'll probably answer with a release date, just to troll his teammates


Mael said:
Isn't it like the 50th time they're shooting the FFVIIR idea down?
I mean are journalists that eager to replay that game that they keep badgering Square about it?

I mean they asked nearly everyone that question! Are they going to ask Kawazu too?
and he'll probably answer with a release date, just to troll his teammates

funnily enough, Kawazu did get asked about it recently, during a promo for FFCCTCB

bet the ppl there rue the day they made that tech demo :lol


Rez said:
i agree but please stop making me imagine this man's 'glorious' balls

#But you want to. :lol

EDIT: If UBi can do ASS Creed 2 & ND can do Uncharted 2 (with lush and expansive environments) Then Squeenix should be able to do FF7.

That said, Japanese devs are behind this gen.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
jiggle said:
bet the ppl there rue the day they made that tech demo :lol

I highly doubt the very thought of a FFVII remake would've progressed beyond "It'd be awesome if FFVII was remade in HD" in idle conversation had it not been for the tech demo. :lol


It seems kinda lame to whine that it takes too much time to make HD assets for regular RPG-style towns when you're doing an entire series of games based on FF13 at the same time. Maybe if you calmed down on all the Fabula Nova Crystalis B.S., you could make one full Final Fantasy game, hmm?


jiggle said:
funnily enough, Kawazu did get asked about it recently, during a promo for FFCCTCB

bet the ppl there rue the day they made that tech demo :lol

HOLY SHIT I was joking!
I swear the joke is getting old.
To ask someone who never had anything to do except being a coworker to the guys who actually did something.
I mean he was not a small time programmer that could be working on something, NO he's the head of his own part of SE's dev studio.
One that has NOTHING to do with anything Kitase/Nomura (I even doubt they even worked together before) is beyond preposterous.
I mean they're going to ask HAL were's Metroid Dread now?


Mael said:
I mean they asked nearly everyone that question! Are they going to ask Kawazu too?
and he'll probably answer with a release date, just to troll his teammates

You know, I'd love to see them put Kawazu in charge of a FF VII remake. Whether the resulting game was good or bad, it would definitely be interesting. I don't think most of the people asking for a remake would be too thrilled, though. :lol (I can already hear the cries of, 'Not like this!')
Mael said:
HOLY SHIT I was joking!
I swear the joke is getting old.
To ask someone who never had anything to do except being a coworker to the guys who actually did something.
I mean he was not a small time programmer that could be working on something, NO he's the head of his own part of SE's dev studio.
One that has NOTHING to do with anything Kitase/Nomura (I even doubt they even worked together before) is beyond preposterous.
I mean they're going to ask HAL were's Metroid Dread now?

Next thing you know they'll be asking Sakaguchi about FF VIIr.


The Amiga Brotherhood
What would people think of a reimagination of FF7 instead of a remake? No bounds attached, as long as it's still within the RPG genre, even if just barely. Making it an action/rpg like Crisis Core for example. And the towns don't have to be identical, and differently designed. Just keep the story and the music (although updated), most of the characters, etc.

Wouldn't it also be easier for the developers if they only had a few guidelines to go by, instead of following the original strictly?
God, SE, what the hell is wrong with you? Stop making WW2 games and other crap and make some RPGs like Mana, Chrono, Saga and the FFVII remake. People want it, they will buy it. Damn, I hate the Squaresoft - Enix merger.
Ruined the RPG market in JP


TommyTomsten said:
God, SE, what the hell is wrong with you? Stop making WW2 games and other crap and make some RPGs like Mana,

Be careful of what you wish for, we got more Mana games....
They fired Ishii for that. Seiken Densetsu is DEAD

TommyTomsten said:

Unless you can convince Horii don't expect more.

TommyTomsten said:

YES, and more like Romancing Saga less like Unlimited

TommyTomsten said:
and the FFVII remake.

How about a NEW rpg using the philosophy of FFVII?

TommyTomsten said:
People want it, they will buy it. Damn, I hate the Squaresoft - Enix merger.
Ruined the RPG market in JP
Yeah no, buy a DS
Hand it over to a western dev then like bioware, or besthda Softworks

they seem perfectly willing to craft nonlinear amazing towns in HD.

What a bunch of lazy bums.



BastardTrees said:
Hand it over to a western dev then like or besthda Softworks

Yes, so they can make a game so full of bugs that it doesn't even run properly.

No thanks.


I do find it interesting that there are people who have not played FFXIII, and I'm not sure if they ever intend to, who are crying about how the game is not "ambitious", etc, and that Versus will correct all that and be the real game worth waiting for.

My point of view is pretty different. I was always interested in both FFXIII and Versus, for different reasons, and I have always felt that Versus would be more fun because it's an action RPG -and- it's simply more appealing to me. But I really liked FFXIII too. The game delivered on most of the things which I expected from it, and I cannot in any honesty say that the game is not ambitious.

I just think that Kitase is a habitual liar, and that there is nothing he says to the press which can be taken seriously or taken as a fact. Nomura is a much more honest person in interviews and far more direct in terms of how he communicates with his fanbase.
BastardTrees said:
Hand it over to a western dev then like bioware, or besthda Softworks

they seem perfectly willing to craft nonlinear amazing towns in HD.

What a bunch of lazy bums.


This. Japanese devs seem to have huge problems with something Western devs have no problem whatsoever. They will rather sit and discuss, and moan about game philosophy, etc. On the other hand Western devs just go and make stuff simple as that. Probably why my current-gen jRPG library is 10% that of my PS2 jRPG library.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Rahxephon91 said:
What they said about XIII was ambitious too. You know all that talk about getting away from the traditional rpg structure of going to a town and solving its problems. Well they did that and on paper it sounds bad but on paper removing all the rpg elements of Mass Effect sounds bad too. And guess what ME2 was awesome!

The funny thing is there are at least 3 places I can remember visiting in FFXIII that would have easily hosted a village of some sort by just adding a couple of windows and placing NPCs (which are already in there) behind them selling items or offering side-missions (which ARE in the game). Basically the content is already in there. It just needed to be re-arranged.

So this talking about not having time to build towns sounds like bullshit to me. I think he's just trying to find an excuse after fanbase reaction to what was actually a design decision (one I totally support btw).


Castor Krieg said:
This. Japanese devs seem to have huge problems with something Western devs have no problem whatsoever. They will rather sit and discuss, and moan about game philosophy, etc. On the other hand Western devs just go and make stuff simple as that. Probably why my current-gen jRPG library is 10% that of my PS2 jRPG library.

That's only because you don't have a DS >.>
RedRedSuit said:
My head hurts.

I mean, if Ubisoft Montreal can make Florence and Venice that you can freely roam in every dimension, in 2 years, then what is so fucking hard about making a few barely interactive towns and a world map?
J-devs ... :/


So how are rpgs by developers with less budget than Square getting towns in their games? I don't buy that excuse. It's almost like their first focus was CG movies with a little gameplay tossed in on top of that.
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