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Kitase & Toriyama are destroying Final Fantasy


In an alternate universe, FF6 was released for the first time in 2012.


3/10 Disgusting attempt to copy Heath Ledger's performance.

6/10 Decent jRPG, but hilariously boring attempt at steampunk that's been done 100 times.

3.5/5 Attempts to be emotional but just ends up being so emo that I killed myself only to find a bird brought me back to life.

Gamespot premium review: 6/10 Talking trains? A wisecracking Octopus? Street Fighter moves in battle? Gives Bayonetta a run for its money on randomness.

2/10 Why so serious?
Because a final boss is supposed to be a test off all your skills(in theory), and changing up everything about the game for the very last battle would both fail to do that and probably be really annoying (like how every 3D Sonic, save Colors, forces a wonky Super Sonic on you at the end).

This is entirely true, but not what I was going for. For example, in FF8,
as you fight Ultimecia, she pulls out Ragnarok and now we've got a cool new spell, but the rest of the battle system is the same. It felt kind of like a reward for seeing the game through to the end, and being able to spam what amounted to a Super-Ultima.
Something like that would've been fine for the final boss fight. Like, I don't know,
combine the skills of three of the classes, so that you've got Fangnarok giving Sentinel bonuses while increasing chain like a Ravager and attacking with Commando skills for high damage. It's not like the last fight was remotely difficult.

Or they could just do what they did in FFX and make the final boss battle a total cakewalk for the sake of story and spectacle.

I felt it pretty much was. The only fights I found even remotely challenging were
Bart 1 and MAYBE Cid, but that was just a matter of my characters not being stupid with where they were standing.

*sigh* Oh well.


People seem to like me because I am polite and I am rarely late. I like to eat ice cream and I really enjoy a nice pair of slacks.
Does FFXII have silly stuff too? I didn't notice anything.

What do you want, Ultros? Tell me you want!

Relm, Terra, and Celes. Probably Gogo too.
I find it very hard to believe that the entire plot hadn't been outlined by Matsuno prior to any serious development, especially by the point when Matsuno would have left. As such, it probably would have been the same story with Matsuno still on the team, with slightly different direction etc. FFXII takes itself seriously and it has a great localization. But that doesn't mean that FFXII isn't "silly" in the sense that the actual story content doesn't quite live up to the presentation.

I would love to see another Final Fantasy with cutscenes and voicework as well directed as Final Fantasy XII, however. FFXIII is such a step backwards in that respect.

Lady Bird

Matsuno's Goebbels
I find it very hard to believe that the entire plot hadn't been outlined by Matsuno prior to any serious development, especially by the point when Matsuno would have left. As such, it probably would have been the same story with Matsuno still on the team, with slightly different direction etc. FFXII takes itself seriously and it has a great localization. But that doesn't mean that FFXII isn't "silly" in the sense that the actual story content doesn't quite live up to the presentation.
Old Matsuno's interviews imply that there was supposed to exist a huge sky pirate subplot in FFXII's story, with Vaan and Penelo having an important role. We also know Watanabe changed (removed) Vaan's character development, and many of the cutscenes Watanabe wrote for Penelo had to be scrapped. Also, the "go to dungeon -> get magical artifact -> watch giant monologue at the end of the dungeon -> repeat ten times" narrative that FFXII's plot degenerated into, after the initial 1/3 of the game, is far more like Watanabe's writing (see FFXIII's plot from chapter 10 and on) than anything Matsuno wrote.

It's possible that with Matsuno on the helm, Vaan's dream of pilotting airships and the overall role of sky pirates would have developed into something, and the midgame narrative would have been more interesting and involving. Ever wondered why the story is so centered on Ashe and Basch, yet four of the six party characters are related to sky pirates?


Intentionally? maybe not. But the I'M CAPTAIN BASCH I'M CAPTAIN BASCH BASCH LIVES Don't listen to Ondore's lies bit is FFX laughing scene bad and goes on for about 20 times as long
What are you talking about? I just did that scene days ago (I'm playing the game again on PCSX2) and the scene is about 2 minutes, you just need to talk in front of the guys giving directions to the city twice of thrice.

It's ingame and it's not that silly, you're basically spreading a lie over-acting your claimings so to get people's attention. It's not even dubbed. Makes total sense.

EDIT: it actually is now that I think about it, it's a bit badly-dubbed, I'll give you that.


Sorry, who is WhiskeyGeorge? If he's into Whiskey I bet we'd be friends.

I realize that they change around the characters and settings, but that's not enough to save the series at this point. Square needs to go back to the drawing board, reassess what made FF great back in the 16-bit era, and rebuild the entire franchise from the ground up. Go dark for a few years. Tone down the pathos. Overhaul the art. Come back with a next gen title that restablishes the brand, and simply call the game "Final Fantasy."

C'mon. Even the most diehard apologists know, in their heart of hearts, that the number thing has become absurd. Even Police Academy stopped at seven.

WhiskeyGeorge was this guy Magius and I knew back on GameFAQs. He met an unfortunate end.

Anyway, I have to disagree with your point. Reboots have not worked out well in recent memory. Look at DmC and the massive outcry there. Or how about "Sonic the Hedgehog"? Or Bomberman Act Zero. The suggestion to reboot FF or Zelda is always foolish because FF and Zelda reinvent themselves each time a new one comes out.

Look how radically different Type-0 is from 4 Heroes of Light. Or how completely different 7 is from 2. FF is always reinventing itself. The problem is that the gameplay has strayed, not the story. The story remains the same fare it's been since 4.

Does FFXII have silly stuff too? I didn't notice anything.

Relm, Terra, and Celes. Probably Gogo too.

XII has Ultros and Gilgamesh cameos, and also, notably, Vaan asking Fran's age. Vaan and Penelo are supposed to be XII's humor, but it shines more in say, Dissidia and TA2.
Having attempted to get into FFXIII before and bailing after two hours, I finally sat down with the intent to get through and am now about 12 hours in.

Honestly, if both FFVI and XIII came out today, I'd still say VI was better in terms of story, but not by a whole lot. To me, though, that's where the problem lies. When FFVI came out for consoles, it was pretty much the highest grade in story you could get, though at the time I wasn't aware that Ultima 5 from like 6 years ago was already way ahead of it. But as time has gone on, FF stories have kind of stayed approximately the same quality, and while still enjoyable, relative to what games on consoles can be like now story-wise, FF games just don't live up to their potential. Despite the huge advancements in graphics and processing power that could lead to better stories, we're getting the same quality as 18 years ago.

As for the linearity, open-ness is not something I look for in FF, VI and VII being my favorites, but XIII takes the linearity to the extreme end so far. It is quite literally, walk down a one path hallway and fight mandatory enemies. The most egregious example of this is in the forest with Lightning and Hope, and Lightning tells you to follow the lights so as not to get lost. There is literally only one path! I couldn't get lost if I tried! Still, this isn't such a huge problem because the gameplay is very fun, but I don't want more of this in the future (apparently they've gotten the message in XIII-2).

So yeah, so far I wouldn't say that they are destroying FF in that they are turning it into complete shit, but I will say they are what could lead to its downfall if they continue to not deliver on the story. They need a writing team, not just one guy.


Having attempted to get into FFXIII before and bailing after two hours, I finally sat down with the intent to get through and am now about 12 hours in.

Honestly, if both FFVI and XIII came out today, I'd still say VI was better in terms of story, but not by a whole lot. To me, though, that's where the problem lies. When FFVI came out for consoles, it was pretty much the highest grade in story you could get, though at the time I wasn't aware that Ultima 5 from like 6 years ago was already way ahead of it. But as time has gone on, FF stories have kind of stayed approximately the same quality, and while still enjoyable, relative to what games on consoles can be like now story-wise, FF games just don't live up to their potential. Despite the huge advancements in graphics and processing power that could lead to better stories, we're getting the same quality as 18 years ago.

As for the linearity, open-ness is not something I look for in FF, VI and VII being my favorites, but XIII takes the linearity to the extreme end so far. It is quite literally, walk down a one path hallway and fight mandatory enemies. The most egregious example of this is in the forest with Lightning and Hope, and Lightning tells you to follow the lights so as not to get lost. There is literally only one path! I couldn't get lost if I tried! Still, this isn't such a huge problem because the gameplay is very fun, but I don't want more of this in the future (apparently they've gotten the message in XIII-2).

So yeah, so far I wouldn't say that they are destroying FF in that they are turning it into complete shit, but I will say they are what could lead to its downfall if they continue to not deliver on the story. They need a writing team, not just one guy.

Nail on the head man. That point was so stupid. I was all, uh, what?


In an alternate universe, FF6 was released for the first time in 2012.


3/10 Disgusting attempt to copy Heath Ledger's performance.

6/10 Decent jRPG, but hilariously boring attempt at steampunk that's been done 100 times.

3.5/5 Attempts to be emotional but just ends up being so emo that I killed myself only to find a bird brought me back to life.

Gamespot premium review: 6/10 Talking trains? A wisecracking Octopus? Street Fighter moves in battle? Gives Bayonetta a run for its money on randomness.

2/10 Why so serious?

We actually had this experiment on February 5th, 2007 and reviewers gave the game a Metacritic of 92. :p
We actually had this experiment on February 5th, 2007 and reviewers gave the game a Metacritic of 92. :p

To be fair, most of those reviewers probably played the game when it came out, his implication was that if the game came out today for the first time, the story would be ripped apart by critics (which I don't think is true but whatever)

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
FF12 has some silliness, but I view it as more of a Matsuno game so my intent isn't to laugh while I play his games. I go in with a different mindset, if you will.

Relm, Terra, and Celes. Probably Gogo too.
But she shows you that you are nothing but a "stupid octopus"! D:


Ultros just lost to a little girl. Ultros...

So, uh, is Strago better or worse than Tellah?

What am I saying? Strago can at least cast spells whenever he wants to! But he only demonstrates to you that only you can prevent house fires. He'll just fuck it up more.

(I'd love to do an FF6 playthrough w/text commentary but after FF4 I feel like I'm going to be burned out, plus my intent was to do an FF8 after, but I don't know if I'm even going to do that.)


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
I read an interview that suggested they actually went back and scaled down the maps later so that would probably explain that piece of dialogue.

Then wouldn't they record new dialogue and change the scene event?

That would make sense wouldn't it?

BTW I just can't accept Lightning and Caius as characters. They seem so static to me.

So without adieu.

I made this a while ago: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=HSTGON2rDek

Now joined by something I made today: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=MZ8pbGYWxog

I think it matches my view of Toriyama's influence on FF in a funny way.

Can't wait for that Lightning Returns trailer. At anyone's request I can always make a parody of it.


As much as I hate the direction that Final Fantasy is going in right now, it seems pretty unfair to simply blame everything on 1 or 2 dudes when these games are worked on by teams of hundreds of people. You can also never underestimate the influence of the higher-ups at Squeenix either...


Gilgamesh Fan Annoyance
As much as I hate the direction that Final Fantasy is going in right now, it seems pretty unfair to simply blame everything on 1 or 2 dudes when these games are worked on by teams of hundreds of people. You can also never underestimate the influence of the higher-ups at Squeenix either...


I can however. Toriyama needs to be checked and balanced. There needs to be a balanced team. He isn't adept at it by himself.


As much as I hate the direction that Final Fantasy is going in right now, it seems pretty unfair to simply blame everything on 1 or 2 dudes when these games are worked on by teams of hundreds of people. You can also never underestimate the influence of the higher-ups at Squeenix either...

It's pretty clear that Wada's decisionmaking and resource management is not suited for the creative environment of FF. That's why the resources get put in the wrong places and quality suffers. See: FF14's incredibly rushed and obvious Beta state.

Wada's a numbers man, always has been since he joined. You need a creative man helming a series that was built on creating new approaches to the medium.
Old Matsuno's interviews imply that there was supposed to exist a huge sky pirate subplot in FFXII's story, with Vaan and Penelo having an important role. We also know Watanabe changed (removed) Vaan's character development, and many of the cutscenes Watanabe wrote for Penelo had to be scrapped. Also, the "go to dungeon -> get magical artifact -> watch giant monologue at the end of the dungeon -> repeat ten times" narrative that FFXII's plot degenerated into, after the initial 1/3 of the game, is far more like Watanabe's writing (see FFXIII's plot from chapter 10 and on) than anything Matsuno wrote.

It's possible that with Matsuno on the helm, Vaan's dream of pilotting airships and the overall role of sky pirates would have developed into something, and the midgame narrative would have been more interesting and involving. Ever wondered why the story is so centered on Ashe and Basch, yet four of the six party characters are related to sky pirates?

This is backed up by Vagrant Story's massive revamp halfway thru from an actiony 3-person party infiltrating enemy bases in a more boisterous, brighter-lit narrative to the dark, dread-filled dungeon crawler with a single covert-op protagonist chasing cultists, rogue templars, and a snarl of conspiracy with a semi-real time/real distance/turn-based combat system without showing sutures like XII did. Lord Matsuno can do this sort of thing splendidly.


This is backed up by Vagrant Story's massive revamp halfway thru from an actiony 3-person party infiltrating enemy bases in a more boisterous, brighter-lit narrative to the dark, dread-filled dungeon crawler with a single covert-op protagonist chasing cultists, rogue templars, and a snarl of conspiracy with a semi-real time/real distance/turn-based combat system without showing sutures like XII did. Lord Matsuno can do this sort of thing splendidly.

Yeah, apparently Merlose has some coding indicating she was playable at one point.


Apparently John Hardin may have been playable too. And then there's that artwork of Tieger and Neesa and Ashley hanging out...


I read an interview that suggested they actually went back and scaled down the maps later so that would probably explain that piece of dialogue.

I don't know if I can believe that they ever went back and worked on anything in FFXIII. That entire game feels to me like they wasted the first 5 years of development, especially since they didn't know how it would play until the demo came out.

XIII has good moments, and I will replay it from time to time for the sake of the Gran Pulse segment, but I cannot honestly help but think that everyone not involved in the art, visuals and music departments blew those five years on coke and wild office parties. And the guy who designed Hope's costume went to a few anyway.

That said, I love its use of Australian accents for Gran Pulse accents. I just do.
This is backed up by Vagrant Story's massive revamp halfway thru from an actiony 3-person party infiltrating enemy bases in a more boisterous, brighter-lit narrative to the dark, dread-filled dungeon crawler with a single covert-op protagonist chasing cultists, rogue templars, and a snarl of conspiracy with a semi-real time/real distance/turn-based combat system without showing sutures like XII did. Lord Matsuno can do this sort of thing splendidly.

Yeah, I don't know about a 3-person system, but it was confirmed in interviews (one in English and one in Spanish if I recall correctly) that there was going to be a 2-player mode.


Final Fantasy 12 will however remain the FF with the most promise in a story and the worst follow through. In my opinion of course. Heck, it's one of the games, period, where I wish it could be remade with by the original vision. The story in the 1/3 was so good, so much promise. And it all goes extremely downhill from there. How disappointing to think about.
Final Fantasy 12 will however remain the FF with the most promise in a story and the worst follow through. In my opinion of course. Heck, it's one of the games, period, where I wish it could be remade with by the original vision. The story in the 1/3 was so good, so much promise. And it all goes extremely downhill from there. How disappointing to think about.

However, FF12 has one of the best battle systems and side quest setups in the entire series. Can't fault it for everything :p
Old Matsuno's interviews imply that there was supposed to exist a huge sky pirate subplot in FFXII's story, with Vaan and Penelo having an important role. We also know Watanabe changed (removed) Vaan's character development, and many of the cutscenes Watanabe wrote for Penelo had to be scrapped. Also, the "go to dungeon -> get magical artifact -> watch giant monologue at the end of the dungeon -> repeat ten times" narrative that FFXII's plot degenerated into, after the initial 1/3 of the game, is far more like Watanabe's writing (see FFXIII's plot from chapter 10 and on) than anything Matsuno wrote.

It's possible that with Matsuno on the helm, Vaan's dream of pilotting airships and the overall role of sky pirates would have developed into something, and the midgame narrative would have been more interesting and involving. Ever wondered why the story is so centered on Ashe and Basch, yet four of the six party characters are related to sky pirates?

This makes sense, but there's so much speculation surrounding FFXII (especially so much credence given to "Basch was the main character") that I don't know what to believe. Funny how the worthless Gran Pulse stretch in FFXIII reminded me so much of the trip to Archades in FFXII.



I can however. Toriyama needs to be checked and balanced. There needs to be a balanced team. He isn't adept at it by himself.

That's some pretty damning evidence. I even hate most of the games you said were pretty good on there, haha. Still, while I am certain that he holds a great deal of the blame, games are desgined and created by lots of peopIe. I was just trying to add some balanc to conversation though.


However, FF12 has one of the best battle systems and side quest setups in the entire series. Can't fault it for everything :p

Oh I wasn't. It's one of my favorites in the series. If only the story would have finished as inteded, and had we gotten the Job System version, it would have been close to perfect for me.


I still think Toriyama's influence on the brand is decreasing and is limited for the time being to Lightning Returns. As I said before, I am sure FF15 has been moving long ahead with a different director and vision free of his input.


Let's say Toriyama is being shunted to his Lightning saga.

Nomura is busy with KH and FFversus.

Who does that leave for FF15? What teams are there that are free? The ff14 team is still working at repairing it, yeah?


Let's say Toriyama is being shunted to his Lightning saga.

Nomura is busy with KH and FFversus.

Who does that leave for FF15? What teams are there that are free? The ff14 team is still working at repairing it, yeah?

Let's not joke around now.


Which game was this?

This niche little underground FF game you prolly never heard of called Type-0. It's mostly for people in the know.
hipster specs.

That's some pretty damning evidence. I even hate most of the games you said were pretty good on there, haha. Still, while I am certain that he holds a great deal of the blame, games are desgined and created by lots of peopIe. I was just trying to add some balanc to conversation though.

And in some cases those people do a FANTASTIC job. Case in point: The Third Birthday. Nomura, Shimomura and Tabata's areas of the game are amazing. It's just Toriyama's that's a flaming pile of crap.

Thanks, looks good but I don't see the PS1 FFs resemblance? (although exploring in this game looks great!)

I don't know how to explain it if it isn't apparent. You can breed chocobos, explore an (admittedly smaller world map, with just the one continent), fly an airship, you have 14 PCs to customize to your liking, each with their own unique weapon and playstyle (Nine uses Lances and is a Dragoon, King uses guns but has to reload while Cater also uses guns but hers are more like charged shots. Jack deals heavy damage with his samurai sword but moves very slow and has the worst defense in the game. Cinque's mace does similar damage and she has better defense, but worse accuracy, etc.), you fight bosses that are old
Gilgamesh, Omega Weapon and Shinryu
and new
Dark Suzaku, Qator, Nimbus
and there are classic enemies. The world map has random encounters, towns (sorta), one or two optional dungeons, there's a growth system in place like in the PS1 games.

Type-0 endeavors to cater to the features of the old FF games while being its own thing and also paying service to the FNC.

Let's say Toriyama is being shunted to his Lightning saga.

Nomura is busy with KH and FFversus.

Who does that leave for FF15? What teams are there that are free? The ff14 team is still working at repairing it, yeah?

If The Doctor loves us, we'll get Tabata.

Final Fantasy Type-0.


Man, those RTS segments look even less fun than Genso Suikoden V's... >.>

And Dark Schala, having never played an actual RTS game I cannot tell you if they're good or bad, but the RTS sequences are evenly split (to me) between not that hard and stupid cheap hard. My main problem is that I sometimes would have an entire map dominated, but because your troops can't conquer cities without Class 0, I would then have to come back from those sequences and put up with crap like a giant dragon, massive warship or the stupid scorpion Magitek Armor.

I should also point out that I don't remember those bird things in the finished game occupying that desert, and that I can't tell where the rainy area in the GIF is.


Will Eat Your Children
I don't know how to explain it if it isn't apparent. You can breed chocobos, explore an (admittedly smaller world map, with just the one continent), fly an airship, you have 14 PCs to customize to your liking, each with their own unique weapon and playstyle (Nine uses Lances and is a Dragoon, King uses guns but has to reload while Cater also uses guns but hers are more like charged shots. Jack deals heavy damage with his samurai sword but moves very slow and has the worst defense in the game. Cinque's mace does similar damage and she has better defense, but worse accuracy, etc.), you fight bosses that are old
Gilgamesh, Omega Weapon and Shinryu
and new
Dark Suzaku, Qator, Nimbus
and there are classic enemies. The world map has random encounters, towns (sorta), one or two optional dungeons, there's a growth system in place like in the PS1 games.

Type-0 endeavors to cater to the features of the old FF games while being its own thing and also paying service to the FNC.
I can definitely see the features of the old FFs it has, and of course I haven't played it so I can't judge yet but the fighting seems to be more similar to CC, and at best FFXII, and battles is a big appeal from the PS1 FFs for me


I can definitely see the features of the old FFs it has, and of course I haven't played it so I can't judge yet but the fighting seems to be more similar to CC, and at best FFXII, and battles is a big appeal from the PS1 FFs for me
Yeah, it's an action rpg, so combat actually isn't even close to FF12.

Dark Schala

Eloquent Princess
Yeah, the main combat is basically Crisis Core with a party and an instant killshot/critical blow if you time it correctly.

And Dark Schala, having never played an actual RTS game I cannot tell you if they're good or bad, but the RTS sequences are evenly split (to me) between not that hard and stupid cheap hard. My main problem is that I sometimes would have an entire map dominated, but because your troops can't conquer cities without Class 0, I would then have to come back from those sequences and put up with crap like a giant dragon, massive warship or the stupid scorpion Magitek Armor.

I should also point out that I don't remember those bird things in the finished game occupying that desert, and that I can't tell where the rainy area in the GIF is.
That sounds kinda gross. A lot of the criticism I've seen for the game both on here and mk2 have surrounded the RTS sections for various reasons. But I haven't really seen it in action until I took a good look at that trailer and it doesn't strike me as being very fun at all.

And to be fair, I think duckroll made the gif but I had it saved in my gif folder for just the right time and place. I assumed you could just breed chocobos and take them wherever you want. :lol

Anyway, I have the LE OST and the LE of the theme song CD single. They're pretty great. I just need the game to go with it, but SE don't care. :v
FFXIII is not "misunderstood". It is a terrible final fantasy game. If it did not have the FF label I could very well see it scoring 5 and below.

Left such a bad taste in my mouth I still haven't played the sequel.


FFXIII is not "misunderstood". It is a terrible final fantasy game. If it did not have the FF label I could very well see it scoring 5 and below.

Left such a bad taste in my mouth I still haven't played the sequel.

It probably would have been better received actually. Who knows though?


That sounds kinda gross. A lot of the criticism I've seen for the game both on here and mk2 have surrounded the RTS sections for various reasons. But I haven't really seen it in action until I took a good look at that trailer and it doesn't strike me as being very fun at all.
The RTS parts are really gross. They are definitely worse than Suikoden V's parts. My spotty memory says that the 'strategy' part of the RTS was nonexistent; the way a battle proceeds (what places to capture, what route to take) are pretty much linear. I might be wrong, but I remember you couldn't use skills for the RTS combat parts (only basic attacks and magic).

It was absolutely hideous.
As good as Type 0 is, I don't know if I would compare it to the PS1 Final Fantasies. It's more of a disjointed, yet expansive experience that features a lot of copy pasting and not so much of a continuous linear journey.
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