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Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light |OT| - Play This GOTY Contender


Re-posting for top of the page:

Let me formally endorse this product for all fence sitting GAFers.

This is the real fucking deal. This game is imo one of the top titles of the year, and is one of the first times I've ever said to myself "wow, this arcade game is as good as any full fledged $60 game!" I liked the last few Tomb Raider titles despite their glaring flaws, but this one is not like those... it has few flaws at all.

Frankly I'm a little surprised it is $15. The game has tons of content. 15 levels, first time through maybe take a half hour each... and you'll be doing these levels over and over to collect all the items to expand your character and to do the speed runs. There's easily over 20 hours of content here if you throw in playing with your friends (and online is coming September 28th so I hear. That's the biggest flaw this game has right now so...).

This game is the ultimate speed runners wet dream my God. There's so many ways to rip seconds off your time. The controls are perfect. They're fluid, feel just tight enough to make traversing each map a joy. Tweaked to a fine shine.

Level design is so good. Early few levels are naturally easy, but eventually they build to a devious Prince of Persia-esque crescendo, collapsing bridges, expanding platforms, spikes out the fucking ass. When you beat some of these later on you're gonna be fistpumping the air all "jesus christ I am such a badass, someone suck my dick already because damn it I DESERVE IT."

And then you'll do it all again to get under those par times.

It's so polished. About the only forgettable thing is the story but who the fuck cares about that all game stories are terrible and the only redeemable thing about them is that they sometimes provide some neat visual motivator for you to continue on. Here, the story is about some...Aztec something blah I don't even fucking know. But basically it's an excuse to set off a flurry of never-ending traps while you gracefully swan dive out of the way at the last final second. Take the first level, which is really easy. It finishes with this climactic little race over a pool of spikes and then some ever forwarding walls you gotta climb, and the last few are too high so you gotta throw your spear and use it as leverage. Now the very last platform can't take your spears, so you gotta throw up your grapple hook to reach the thing. But I didn't see that hook point the first time, so I'm frantically tossing spears at the wall like "W-T-F" and I'm almost out of floor space (so basically I'm gonna fall into the spikes) and at the last possible second I throw out that grapple hook and it grabs hold, as I hang perilously over the spikes. That's the type of shit this game has in store for you.

We're not worthy for this shit. I'm not afraid to say it.

I'm not even done mentioning things. The visuals are pitch perfect for this game, very nice to look at the entire thing. Nice variety. The music is awesome. I mean basically it's all awesome.

10/10. ****/****

This game is as polished as a Nintendo title.

derFeef said:
Ah, so there is good replay value as well. Can you start individual missions after completing it once?

They're fluid challenges you can tackle at any point - your first time through the level or your fiftieth time through.

For example, first level has you jumping from seven urns without touching the ground. And another challenge has you jumping across a river without hitting the water. Others take the entire level to complete... like destroy all 10 Trucks in a level or something.
@ Keir_Eidos

This game is awesome.

As Amir0x mentioned, this is the first digital download title that can compete with higher priced retail games. Excellent value for money, fun to play and beautifully designed. Credit to everyone involved.


fired zero bullets in the orphanage.
Amir0x said:
They're fluid challenges you can tackle at any point - your first time through the level or your fiftieth time through.

For example, first level has you jumping from seven urns without touching the ground. And another challenge has you jumping across a river without hitting the water. Others take the entire level to complete... like destroy all 10 Trucks in a level or something.

+ there will be odd sounding ones like heal the boulder, but the game pops up saying "Challenge Available" when you're in the area so you know to look out for it.


Eidos Loves You
Daigoro said:
please do. it sounds great.

i downloaded the demo today, looking forward to trying out.

OK, the third and most recent podcast (and details) can be found here. The guys at CD are open and honest, the only editing I had to do was to remove Daniel Neuburger (Creative Director) taking the piss out of Alex and Jeff :D

FunkyPajamas said:
Is the DLC free for 360 only, or PS3 as well?

Only for the 360 to my knowledge I'm afraid.

Amir0x said:
Let me formally endorse this product for all fence sitting GAFers.
This is the real fucking deal.

That is great to read. Thanks man. Forwarding to the digital team.

Opus Angelorum said:
@ Keir_Eidos

This game is awesome.

As Amir0x mentioned, this is the first digital download title that can compete with higher priced retail games. Excellent value for money, fun to play and beautifully designed. Credit to everyone involved.

Thanks dude, I pass this stuff on :)


erotic butter maelstrom
Wow, I just caught up with the last few pages. Looks like I'll have to get this one, honestly I thought it would end up being the weakest title in the Summer line up but I was way wrong.
I'll give the demo a shot but I'll probably have to wait for the PS3 version since my 360 HDD is full.


It's a real fucking shame most gaffers haven't jumped on this title yet. Midway through the trial I was ready to throw down my cash for this game. Some 20 hours later I'm sitting at 200/200 'chieves. It's odd given how many "What? It's 3 hours long and $15? NOT BUYING," posts we get on gaf and yet all bent over for Limbo. I hope that the relatively low sales(for a Summer of Arcade title) are due to the fact that a good chunk of people interested in the game are buying it for psn, steam, or waiting for xbl online coop patch. Best XBLA game by far for me.


Man, I hate delays. I was really excited to get this game on Steam, but late September? really?


Well, I'll still buy it, specially after Amir0x's last post.
Snuggler said:
Wow, I just caught up with the last few pages. Looks like I'll have to get this one, honestly I thought it would end up being the weakest title in the Summer line up but I was way wrong.
I'll give the demo a shot but I'll probably have to wait for the PS3 version since my 360 HDD is full.

I put this game on USB stick ... (not thay my HD was full but so I can take it to my brother in law to play couch co-op).

This is the best I think of the Summer Arcade line-up.


Beat the game, got every power-up,artifact, relic and weapon. Excellent game, one of the better summer arcade games in recent memories. I recommend it.
Played this game and kinda stopped near the sun discs part. Had the same thoughts as Jeff from Giant Bomb, I just lost the steam. Might come back to it at some point, but not sure.


Loved the game from start to finish, cannot recommend enough. If this is what we can expect from croft in the future than hell yes about time.


I completely agree with all of the positive sentiment in this thread - I can't believe how good it is. If anyone is still reluctant because they just want to play single-player, don't be. I have no interest in co-op, and 6 hours in I have not felt that solo play has been compromised at all. It is a fantastic single-player experience, with tons of compelling reasons to revisit levels.

It's so sad that this thread is only 9 pages long. Crystal D should be rewarded and recognized for what they've delivered here.

As a Tomb Raider fan, the thing I was looking forward to most in this game was the large-scale, best-be-patient, think-it-out-then-do puzzles. I like taking my time with games, especially with well-thought out puzzles, but I quite frankly didn't expect that I would have so much fun with the kind of adrenaline gameplay the featured throughout the game. Been quite a while since I last felt so tense playing a game. The traps/puzzles, like Amir0x said, are unbelievably fun and puts you at the edge of your seat. And then you feel like a badass when you master them for the second playthrough just to perfect the objectives/achievements.


Larson Conway said:

As a Tomb Raider fan, the thing I was looking forward to most in this game was the large-scale, best-be-patient, think-it-out-then-do puzzles. I like taking my time with games, especially with well-thought out puzzles, but I quite frankly didn't expect that I would have so much fun with the kind of adrenaline gameplay the featured throughout the game. Been quite a while since I last felt so tense playing a game. The traps/puzzles, like Amir0x said, are unbelievably fun and puts you at the edge of your seat. And then you feel like a badass when you master them for the second playthrough just to perfect the objectives/achievements.

This game makes me want Ubisoft to make a Prince of Persia title in this form.


As a Tomb Raider hater I was reluctant to have anything to do with this game. I was thinking: Downloadable only iteration of a shit series. They probably knew this one would be especially shit so they didn't even use the proper franchise name. Yawn, whatever, into the bin, forget it ever existed.

But I was pushed into trying the demo and I loved it. The rest of the game continued to exceed expectations. This game is fucking awesome. Everyone here needs to go out and twist the arms of everyone they know into trying the demo. It's fun, it's long, it's replayable, it's cheap and has great multi and singleplayer. FUCKEN BUY THIS GAME.


Yeah this game is awesome. I'd have a hard time choosing between it and MNC as the Arcade game of the summer...but its pretty fantastic. It lends itself to lots of replayability and the whole package is polished to a T.


Peff said:
Near the end, inside a broken tomb. Bomb it and it will appear.

Got it thanks.

burgerdog said:
It's a real fucking shame most gaffers haven't jumped on this title yet. Midway through the trial I was ready to throw down my cash for this game. Some 20 hours later I'm sitting at 200/200 'chieves. It's odd given how many "What? It's 3 hours long and $15? NOT BUYING," posts we get on gaf and yet all bent over for Limbo. I hope that the relatively low sales(for a Summer of Arcade title) are due to the fact that a good chunk of people interested in the game are buying it for psn, steam, or waiting for xbl online coop patch. Best XBLA game by far for me.

I've got all the achievements save the co-op ones so far and I've probably put in a good 10 hours thus far. 10 hours includes first run and completing a number of challenges, but still a good few left. I'll grab all the co-op achievements when the online hits so yea this game could certainly compete with some of the best retail experiences this gen. Also any word on when the first DLC will release as I’m so ready for that too….
I'm so proud of you my dear Lara... i wish the next main TR game get this much praise too!

one of my favorite franchise of all time <3

I can't believe i'll have to wait for another 4 and a half weeks to get my hands on this :(


Paco said:
Wow, did not expect such glowing reviews. Downloading now...

To me, this is the biggest surprise of the year.

Previous year Batman Arkham Asylum and Red Faction Guerilla took that award, but for 2010 Lara Croft has it in the bag.

I like Tomb Raider enough, but this is a different beast altogether.


Eidos Loves You
Thanks for all the support everyone, it's really appreciated.

Larson Conway said:

As a Tomb Raider fan, the thing I was looking forward to most in this game was the large-scale, best-be-patient, think-it-out-then-do puzzles. I like taking my time with games, especially with well-thought out puzzles, but I quite frankly didn't expect that I would have so much fun with the kind of adrenaline gameplay the featured throughout the game. Been quite a while since I last felt so tense playing a game. The traps/puzzles, like Amir0x said, are unbelievably fun and puts you at the edge of your seat. And then you feel like a badass when you master them for the second playthrough just to perfect the objectives/achievements.

Right on. I remember when I was back in Wimbledon at HQ and Ron (lead producer guy at Crystal) came over and showed me LCGoL. Crystal had kept it secret from Eidos and I remember being completely astonished. As soon as I got playing though the thing that struck me was that the combat was just bloody good fun. The adrenaline thing is great too, I love the levels where you're running along and the floor is crumbling and the sky is raining obstacles. Expect more of that on steroids in the DLC.

diss said:
As a Tomb Raider hater I was reluctant to have anything to do with this game. I was thinking: Downloadable only iteration of a shit series. They probably knew this one would be especially shit so they didn't even use the proper franchise name. Yawn, whatever, into the bin, forget it ever existed.

But I was pushed into trying the demo and I loved it. The rest of the game continued to exceed expectations. This game is fucking awesome. Everyone here needs to go out and twist the arms of everyone they know into trying the demo. It's fun, it's long, it's replayable, it's cheap and has great multi and singleplayer. FUCKEN BUY THIS GAME.

Haha, I love this post :D

The Praiseworthy said:
I'm so proud of you my dear Lara... i wish the next main TR game get this much praise too!

I'm based at Crystal right now. I wish I could say more. The new studio manager (Darrell Gallagher) is slowly turning things around. Wait till you see what is planned. The future is bright.
Keir_Eidos said:
Only for the 360 to my knowledge I'm afraid.
Bad news for me, but I'm still getting the game. Thanks for the answer.
Keir_Eidos said:
I'm based at Crystal right now. I wish I could say more. The new studio manager (Darrell Gallagher) is slowly turning things around. Wait till you see what is planned. The future is bright.
Quote my post if there's a Legacy of Kain/Soul Reaver game in the works.


Amir0x said:
oh boy there's gonna be DLC!?

Details please!

Five packs, three that have extra levels apparently harder than those of the main game and two packs with skins for both characters. The first level pack is going to be free on 360 as a token of appreciation for delaying the online co-op.
burgerdog said:
It's a real fucking shame most gaffers haven't jumped on this title yet. Midway through the trial I was ready to throw down my cash for this game. Some 20 hours later I'm sitting at 200/200 'chieves. It's odd given how many "What? It's 3 hours long and $15? NOT BUYING," posts we get on gaf and yet all bent over for Limbo. I hope that the relatively low sales(for a Summer of Arcade title) are due to the fact that a good chunk of people interested in the game are buying it for psn, steam, or waiting for xbl online coop patch. Best XBLA game by far for me.

I'm not a fence sitter. I want to play the game but I'm not buying the incomplete version. I'm waiting until they release the full game next month so my buddy who lives 1,000 miles away from me can play.

The low sales are no one's fault except for Squares for releasing a half complete title no matter how good it is.


Keir_Eidos said:
It's nice to see you posting here, and it's nice to see good impressions. I am waiting for it to come out on Steam so I can get it. :)

............I really am not a fan of paid DLC for PC games, though. That is your direct input from me before duckroll and Amir0x kill me. :lol
OldJadedGamer said:
I'm not a fence sitter. I want to play the game but I'm not buying the incomplete version. I'm waiting until they release the full game next month so my buddy who lives 1,000 miles away from me can play.

The low sales are no one's fault except for Squares for releasing a half complete title no matter how good it is.
Same here, I would have bought the game already had it come out for PS3.


Peff said:
Five packs, three that have extra levels apparently harder than those of the main game and two packs with skins for both characters. The first level pack is going to be free on 360 as a token of appreciation for delaying the online co-op.

oh man oh boy <3 <3


Amir0x said:
ProTip to beating par times:
dodge roll the entire time
It's still very possible to do it without rolling the entire time. I would get tired of jamming on x and just run in some chapters. You should send me a friend invite on xbl, I want to see your clear times. It's burgerdog99 if you're cool with it.


burgerdog said:
It's still very possible to do it without rolling the entire time. I would get tired of jamming on x and just run in some chapters. You should send me a friend invite on xbl, I want to see your clear times. It's burgerdog99 if you're cool with it.

Will add you. Yeah it is possible to do it without rolling, you'll just never get up there with the best times. Also when you're dodge rolling all the time, it's much easier to not get hit by the literal swarms of baddies on your ass (since wasting time killing them is the easiest way to miss par time).

I am rank like 701 on the level before the Spider Temple speed run. 4:31 or something/


Anticitizen One said:
Where does this game sit in the Tomb Raider timeline? and how long is it?

15 levels at 30 minutes average each first time through approx. (particularly if you're the exploring type who needs to find all the red skulls, artifacts, etc).

But each level has sub challenges that unlock individual awards and speed run times, so you'll be playing every level multiple times. And then there's co-op.

I'd say it's about 15~20 hours of good solid content. At $15, it's an unbelievable value.


Game was fun but kinda got repetitive towards the end. It was worth the price of admission tho.


Just completed the demo and I must say that this feels like such an excellent product. It's how I've wanted a Tomb Raider game to feel like for years now. It's clear there was a lot of care put into it.

Will buy as soon as I get through a couple more games in my backlog. Looking forward to it.
Keir_Eidos said:
I'm based at Crystal right now. I wish I could say more. The new studio manager (Darrell Gallagher) is slowly turning things around. Wait till you see what is planned. The future is bright.

You have no idea how much this post made me really happy :)

what a relief to hear this!


Blinded by the luminous glory that is David Bowie's physical manifestation.
*sigh* Still waiting for the PS3 version to come out.

Glad Edios/Crystal Dynamics aren't pulling a "LOL NO POST-GAME CONTENT FOR YOU" bullshit move like they did Underworld (Which I still need to find a copy of. Damn no Gamestops having it for $10 in the area. :|) for the PS3.

... Still need to finish Anni, but I've got Persona 4 right now to go through. Damn it, too many games. :lol
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