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Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light |OT| - Play This GOTY Contender


Just finally got through playing through the entire campaign on co-op. I gotta say, that one puzzle... forgot what level (Fiery something maybe?) where you have to
step on the switch and throw out your grapple, have your partner jump on the rope and then walk him around the loop while raptors and flaming floor panels sequentially light up around you, all so you can reach the other switch on the other side of the lava lake...
was one of the most brilliant little puzzles I've ever experienced.

God I cannot wait for the DLC. If that's a taste of things to come I'm super hyped.

One of the top ten games this generation.

Please definitely continue this type of Tomb Raider game in some capacity forever Eidos.


ArachosiA 78 said:
On average, how long does it take to get through this the first time in co-op?

Well, I wish I could judge accurately. I played on co-op all tonight in one sitting, and it took a little time (7:50-12:27), but if I hadn't known most of the puzzles (it changes things up with two players, but you can still basically figure out the flow of each level via single player) it would have taken a little longer.

Plus we didn't even do most of the challenges on this go.

I've spent easily more than 20 hours with this game already. Single player run regular + Single player run speed, now co-op run regular + (eventually) co-up run speed.

And the new DLC coming...

I am completely serious with my proselytizing. This is one of the top ten games of this entire generation. It cannot be emphasized enough. I don't know why GAF hasn't embraced this title the way it should, and I don't know why game critics have failed their job once again in not heralding this title the proper way and hyping it the way it should be, but this is the real genuine 100% deal. This is the type of game that deserves perfect scores, not Grand Theft Auto 4.

The value proposition is obscene.
Wow, Amirox...your enthusiasm for this game is really making me want to play it now. I wanted to wait until I could hang out with a buddy of mine to play it in co-op...hopefully I'll get a chance to do that next weekend.


It really is a true masterpiece.

Everything about this game is a joy to play. I wish I could find individuals who came up with various ideas in this game and buy them a drink.

The pure joy that is cooperating on grapple bridges and spear ladders is so unparalleled with most every other experience this generation that I am still in shock that these ideas had never really been fleshed out as well before. The controls are so perfect. Like, man, they are perfect. If I had been told early 90s Miyamoto himself had been sitting in the offices of this developer orchestrating these fits of brilliance, I would believe it because the game is so polished it might as well be a Nintendo game. The combat feels just fucking butter smooth. The platforming works amazingly well, as does every other single aspect of the controls. But that singularly unequaled joy of catching Totec in a death freefall with your grapple hook? I'm not even sure I have a word for that. Fucking amazing.

Music? ****/****
Visuals? ****/****
Gameplay? ************************/****
Story? LOL/LOL (game stories suck, this game gives a shit about its story and that's the way it SHOULD BE)

For FIFTEEN DOLLARS, you get better gameplay and more content than 98% of all other $60 games this generation. And Xbox 360 owners are getting the first DLC free, so that's even more content come September 28th.

I find it notoriously diffiuclt to ever replay content I've just beat. With Lara Croft, I'm not only replaying it, but I'm INSTANTLY replaying levels over and over and over again to slice seconds off my times. Level design is clever and rewarding. Even the linear levels are a blast to play.

The only complaint I probably have is that the later weapons totally throw earlier level balance off wack, so they should probably have found a better way to deal with it (restrictions on certain weaponry in certain levels). The Spear of Light fucking demolishes everything :lol

I am awe of this entire package. If someone were to complain about something in it, it's one of those games I just sit on the sidelines incapable of understanding how. It's such unadulterated pleasure to play through this game that my only thought when it finished is "why the fuck isn't there more!? WHY GOD!? PLEASE GIVE ME MORE."


erotic butter maelstrom
Dang. You already sold me on it a few pages back but I'm still holding out for the PS3 version as long as it's solid. It's just that I have 230 more gigs on my PS3 so it's the DD machine when I have the choice. This sounds really good, though, I look forward to playing it later this month.


Snuggler said:
Dang. You already sold me on it a few pages back but I'm still holding out for the PS3 version as long as it's solid. It's just that I have 230 more gigs on my PS3 so it's the DD machine when I have the choice. This sounds really good, though, I look forward to playing it later this month.

I really hope with the PS3 and Steam releases, it gets the traction and attention it deserves.

That one puzzle I described at the top of this page - AND PLEASE DON'T READ IT IF YOU HAVEN'T PLAYED IT SINCE IT DESERVES TO BE A SURPRISE - was so revelatory I just sat there laughing out loud in real life after we figured out how to solve it. While I was doing it I was just going "no fucking way, holy shit that is the coolest thing I'VE EVER SEEN EVER."


I have a feeling i will fuckin love this game to death. Friend and i cant wait for PC version, i neeeeeeed my co-op fix.


Amir0x said:
While I was doing it I was just going "no fucking way, holy shit that is the coolest thing I'VE EVER SEEN EVER."

ive said this a few times and i havent even gotten to that part yet.

i just love the mechanics in this game. co-op is brilliant, and the puzzles are very fun.

game needs more love for sure. hopefully it will get it when it releases on other platforms and get the online co-op sorted out.


Daigoro said:
ive said this a few times and i havent even gotten to that part yet.

i just love the mechanics in this game. co-op is brilliant, and the puzzles are very fun.

game needs more love for sure. hopefully it will get it when it releases on other platforms and get the online co-op sorted out.

Yeah, I'm hoping that it was the lack of online co-op and the fact it hasn't launched on PSN/Steam yet that has kept the game in a relatively low profile.

Still, this is GAF, and one would hope that at least here people would like to experience something like this.


Sevket-Erhat said:
I have already stated Offline Co-Op in my previous sentence

What the hell is RE5 offline style co-op? Guy replied to you telling you it has offline co-op. Make some more sense so we could help you.

Ami, the game needed to be black and white and it would have sold a million. Gaf would have ate that shit.


burgerdog said:
What the hell is RE5 offline style co-op? Guy replied to you telling you it has offline co-op. Make some more sense so we could help you.

Maybe he means... i... i'm not actually sure. I've never actually tried it, but is it possible you can't play even local co-op in Lara Croft without having an account signed in online?

Bah that wouldn't make sense.

The game has offline co-op Sevket-Erhat!

burgerdog said:
Ami, the game needed to be black and white and it would have sold a million. Gaf would have ate that shit.

:lol :lol

This game is approximately one infinity times superior to that game too. It's almost insane how much better this game is than that game.


Generally speaking, I do not like isometric view games (Diablo, Baldur's Gate, Fallout, etc). Something about the perspective has always felt off to me. That said I love Lara Croft, and the last few games have been great. All the praise for this game has left me feeling extremely conflicted.



well there's nothing one can do to assuage fears about the perspective since it IS what it is, but whatever your reasons for disliking that viewpoint, I can say that as far as the gameplay is concerned the viewpoint works perfect and I literally would not want another Lara Croft Guardian of Light-esque title without it. It's so amazing for the co-op puzzle format they have.

In general I am not a fan of this perspective for this type of game either, but after this game that has firmly changed. I want to see more action co-op titles exactly like it.
Just posting my comment that i think this game is exceptional. And, i think what's holding it back sales wise is the "Lara Croft" thing. I don't see the point in having her in this game other than to pull people to buy it, and to imo, it probably does the exact opposite.


burgerdog said:
What the hell is RE5 offline style co-op?

im guessing he means co-op with an AI partner maybe?

never would have worked in this game though. having an AI partner solve co-op puzzles with you wouldve been dumb. solving puzzles with real people is what makes this game brilliant. that and the way they handled the solo aspect of the game.

Mr. B Natural said:
Just posting my comment that i think this game is exceptional. And, i think what's holding it back sales wise is the "Lara Croft" thing. I don't see the point in having her in this game other than to pull people to buy it, and to imo, it probably does the exact opposite.

that would be a shame. this game is what Tomb Raider is/should be all about. solving actiony puzzles, shooting, dodging, rolling, grappling/wall walking, collecting loots.

it really has it all. its got tomb raiding down.


Eidos Loves You
I had a thought - if anyone here has any questions they'd like to ask the devs I'd be more than happy to get answers from the team for you. Just thought I'd offer.
God damn!

I grabbed this a couple weeks ago, but had only tried single player. The BF and I played through the first two levels last night-- amazing! Most fun I've had in local co-op since EDF!


Keir_Eidos said:
I had a thought - if anyone here has any questions they'd like to ask the devs I'd be more than happy to get answers from the team for you. Just thought I'd offer.

Did you ask about the border UI thing being optional? Even if you guys can't fix it for this game, it would be awesome if you gave us the choice in future games.


Eidos Loves You
fernoca said:
When's the DLC going to be released? I want moar!!!! :lol

I'll let you know as soon as that's decided.

burgerdog said:
Did you ask about the border UI thing being optional? Even if you guys can't fix it for this game, it would be awesome if you gave us the choice in future games.

Oh yeah, sorry for the delay. I spoke to the GUI guy named Pat and he says it's highly unlikely that it could be added for 360. He goes on to say he'd love to be able to try and get a fix in but not sure if it's possible right now. It's been noted if nothing else.


Keir_Eidos said:
Oh yeah, sorry for the delay. I spoke to the GUI guy named Pat and he says it's highly unlikely that it could be added for 360. He goes on to say he'd love to be able to try and get a fix in but not sure if it's possible right now. It's been noted if nothing else.
Good stuff, as long as it's been noted and kept in mind for future releases I'm happy.
Wow, I just won a copy of this in a competition I forgot I'd even entered. Code was emailed to me.

Despite loving Crystal Dynamics' Kain games, I've never tried any of their Tomb Raiders. In fact, I've not touched the series since the first game on the Sega Saturn, that after playing a single level of left a toxic taste in my mouth that's taken a decade to overcome.

I had no intention of playing this, but now I have it, I take it that concensus is its worth a go?


NeoGAF's smiling token!
Mama Robotnik said:
Wow, I just won a copy of this in a competition I forgot I'd even entered. Code was emailed to me.

Despite loving Crystal Dynamics' Kain games, I've never tried any of their Tomb Raiders. In fact, I've not touched the series since the first game on the Sega Saturn, that after playing a single level of left a toxic taste in my mouth that's taken a decade to overcome.

I had no intention of playing this, but now I have it, I take it that concensus is its worth a go?
Haha, awesome. I had also won a code, by chance did we enter the same contest? Anyway, I had played the trial and this game was going to be an sure buy for me eventually, a day later I entered a contest, not even expecting to win, fast forward two days ago I found out I won a code. So awesome~

Also this game is unlike the Tomb Raider series also hence why it's called Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light and not Tomb Raider: The Guardian of Light. It's a blast to play in coop so be sure to have a friend.


Mama Robotnik said:
Wow, I just won a copy of this in a competition I forgot I'd even entered. Code was emailed to me.

Despite loving Crystal Dynamics' Kain games, I've never tried any of their Tomb Raiders. In fact, I've not touched the series since the first game on the Sega Saturn, that after playing a single level of left a toxic taste in my mouth that's taken a decade to overcome.

I had no intention of playing this, but now I have it, I take it that concensus is its worth a go?
Are you serious? You got it for free so you can at least check it out, but yes the game is absolutely fantastic and most posters in this thread agree. Read the first post of the previous page(100 post per page.)

Plywood said:
It's a blast to play in coop so be sure to have a friend.

It's god damn amazing even in single player.


Keir_Eidos said:
I had a thought - if anyone here has any questions they'd like to ask the devs I'd be more than happy to get answers from the team for you. Just thought I'd offer.

Yeah, I'd like to ask them two questions.

One - what person or group of people specifically came up with the ideas for the cooperative nature of the grapple hook and the spear ladder? I know someone had to be the "golden go to" during the brain storming sessions, and they need to be duly acknowledged for their talent.

And two - What was the development philosophy behind Lara Croft? Specifically, how did you decide how much of the mainline Tomb Raider games you would take with you, and how much you would leave behind? Was there guidelines to how much of the spirit of the Tomb Raider games there should be, or did you have pretty much open season on every aspect?

Anyway, other than that, just express how damn much I am impressed by this product and that I can't wait to get more from this team. It's amazing.

Mama Robotnik said:
I had no intention of playing this, but now I have it, I take it that concensus is its worth a go?

Not just worth a go. One of the best games this entire generation. Full stop.


Eidos Loves You
Amir0x said:
Yeah, I'd like to ask them two questions.

One - what person or group of people specifically came up with the ideas for the cooperative nature of the grapple hook and the spear ladder? I know someone had to be the "golden go to" during the brain storming sessions, and they need to be duly acknowledged for their talent.

And two - What was the development philosophy behind Lara Croft? Specifically, how did you decide how much of the mainline Tomb Raider games you would take with you, and how much you would leave behind? Was there guidelines to how much of the spirit of the Tomb Raider games there should be, or did you have pretty much open season on every aspect?

Anyway, other than that, just express how damn much I am impressed by this product and that I can't wait to get more from this team. It's amazing.

I already passed one of your previous posts on to the entire LCGoL dev team because it was so awesome. And they loved it (partly due to your colourful language :lol ).

Anyway, with regard to your questions, I could probably give you a rough answer but rather than doing that I'll put them to Daniel Neuberger (Creative Director) Forest Large (Producer) and Jeff Wajcs (Lead Designer) and get back to you with their responses.


Started playing today. Only played the first level solo, but holy crap. So polished and so, sooo good. The hell with regular Tomb Raider. This is so much better.
acidspunk said:
Started playing today. Only played the first level solo, but holy crap. So polished and so, sooo good. The hell with regular Tomb Raider. This is so much better.

But yeah, I had more fun playing this than the last Tomb Raider game
@ Keir_Eidos

I'd interested to find out if the next Tomb Raider game has been changed at all based on the critical success of Lara Croft and the Guardian of Light.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
I hope the next 3d release sticks with the isolated on an island theme the concept art was pointing too. It looked amazing. Keep co-op in the side releases and do regular Tomb Raider in the 3d releases. The CD TR trilogy was fucking fantastic and I get the feeling that a lot of people just over look them because "there have been a million fucking Tomb Raiders."

Goddamn the Steam release seems so far away. This is not fair.


Finished this today. Been playing a few levels then going back and replaying them for the artifacts and relics etc.

Really fun game.

Kinda wish the levels were a bit longer though. Anyone else find that?
Sent said:
Should make the next one COOP but in regular 3D style :D

Stallion Free said:
I hope the next 3d release sticks with the isolated on an island theme the concept art was pointing too. It looked amazing. Keep co-op in the side releases and do regular Tomb Raider in the 3d releases. The CD TR trilogy was fucking fantastic and I get the feeling that a lot of people just over look them because "there have been a million fucking Tomb Raiders."

robot said:
Is the 360 co-op patch still scheduled for end of this month?
Still on the 28th


I stayed away from this game for a while due to the 2gig download. I got a 60gig HDD recently so I finally got around to playing it and after one run in coop I instantly bought the game. I'm loving it so far.

I just got the breadwinner achievement and I was wondering what's the most efficient way of racking up points.

Getting the special meter full and not getting hit is important but beyond that is there anything else that would be good to keep in mind?

Does it make any difference what weapons you use or how you kill bad guys?


Razorback PT said:
I stayed away from this game for a while due to the 2gig download. I got a 60gig HDD recently so I finally got around to playing it and after one run in coop I instantly bought the game. I'm loving it so far.

I just got the breadwinner achievement and I was wondering what's the most efficient way of racking up points.

Getting the special meter full and not getting hit is important but beyond that is there anything else that would be good to keep in mind?

Does it make any difference what weapons you use or how you kill bad guys?

That's the key really. Build that gauge, never get hit, and then scour the level for every diamond there is.


Amir0x said:
That's the key really. Build that gauge, never get hit, and then scour the level for every diamond there is.

Well if that is true, how come the top 10 high-scores aren't all the same ?

Seems to me that a lot of people would be able to get trough a level killing everything whilst not getting hit, getting a perfect score. But that's not the case, every score is unique so something else is at play.
Razorback PT said:
I just got the breadwinner achievement and I was wondering what's the most efficient way of racking up points.

Getting the special meter full and not getting hit is important but beyond that is there anything else that would be good to keep in mind?
There's really no need to worry about points until after you've completed a full playthrough. On one of the later levels, it's really easy to unlock the Golden Shotgun, which kills just about anything (outside of bosses) in one hit. This in turn makes it really easy to avoid taking damage, keeping your relic meter full.

Once you get the Golden Shotgun, then you can go back to previous levels and make all those point challenges your bitch.
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