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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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You don't need more Cdr if you get blue or get a blue elixir. Getting 40% cdr through items is a waste if you're able to get blues or have the gold to blue elixir up. Seraph embrace+morello gives you insane late game damage. And mana regen is never a waste. You can farm forever. Lux and TF are like the only two champs I can farm over 100cs every 10minutes. Pretty easy to get 250cs at like 22 minutes in even with ganking. I use to go your build but I experimented and was amazed how my Q-e-r combo was still melting everyone late game. Seraphs embrace is an amazing item on lux.

Just think about it;
If you go chalice over tear, you have less damage fir late game and they both solve your mana problem. It's extremely easy to finish stacking a tear by the 25 minute mark so you can buy a seraph for insane ap before 30minutes after a rabadon.
If you go chalice into athene, you get a bit more cdr and can't kill carries so you essentially set your team up to be a poke comp or you become a shielding/poking support carry thing. Poke comps are extremely risky to play in solo queue because people get impatient. So why not build the item which gives you the most ap in the game (seraph) and allow you to one shot any squishy targets and make the game a 4v5? You'll have your ult back before the carry spawns too. There's been so many instances ( did it 4 times this week) where I instantly kill a carry before a team fight even happens, then push, do it again and then keep throwing out Q-e-r combos and essentially win from one major push starting from an outer turret.

I think you misunderstood me.

I don't buy athene+morello, it's one or the other, depending if I'm gonna need the grevious wounds or not. then blue elixir/buffs

how much ap does seraph give on a level 18 lux?


So after playing most of my games with Trist, i realized that I simply cannot carry effectively.
Too much pressure, not enough support, crap ganks if any at all. My general squishy-ness..

So i then tried Panth... and man he is fun to play. Good amount of Poke and nice sustain + awesome tower dives with the shield.

That was also my first non alistar melee.

After having fun with panth.. decided to buy cheap garen to see if melees in general are more fun for me.

And they are SOO much more fun for me at the moment.

mostly because i get less harassment from my own team.

Who else is a fun/cheapish melee i should try?


The current system tries to balance your LP gain with your MMR: it tries to accelerate you when you're playing better opponents than your placement (i.e., play vs Plat players but in Silver league) and slows down when you're playing worse opponents than your placement (i.e., play vs Silver players but in Plat league). The goal is to get those two to be the same: Play vs Plat players while in Plat league.

Also, I don't believe 11 LP is a normal gain. It should be around double that

And it was Silver (1150) to Gold (1500) for Season 2.
What makes you a sure of that?

I've played ranked and I'm pretty sure low teens is the equilibrium point


I'm seriously wondering if I should ward less. like, no one of my team mates does, even when I ask them to in my nice "for the love of god stop throwing" personality but honestly I don't know what helps my team more. last match I had to buy a sightstone as my last item because the support nidalee just refused to ward and I was like "I might as well get some health with my wards or something". 18 fucking wards plus the ones that came from sightstone. previous match was 15 wards. that's over 1k in gold spent on wards that should've been split among the team.

and then after for the nth time xin zhao decides to make us all waste one minute as we watch him go against 4 people and throw the game over and over again and I wonder if I shouldn't just be as selfish as they are, for the team's sake.

I'm gonna start buying less wards, it's pretty weird but being able to see how people don't give a shit about their teammates it's pretty sick and I feel I'm enabling them by just compensating for their atrociousness.

Ps, seraph gives around 108 for most champs at 18
ok so how does seraph become the item that gives the most ap in the game?

I just don't see the benefit of doing seraph+morellos instead of zhonyas+morellos or zhonyas+chalice.

tear is also a useless item aside from the mana regen unlike chalice that gives you a bit of an defensive edge. also tear takes a lot of time to pay off, while chalice you can build into an early athenes if you feel like you need to. it also delays buying kages which makes it less efficient (chalice is the same but buying both morello and athenes is really a bad choice)

personally right now I feel like on lux morellos is almost a no brainer, just get an early kages, then deathcap/boots, then finish up morello's and the damage is noticeably higher than with athene. you can get away without the mr from chalice because of your range, and I have to be more cautious with mana because you can't be as dumb as just casting shit up non stop as with chalice, but for the most part it's ok.

I kinda feel morellos needs a nerf (well, actually maybe athene needs an ap buff) because it's just insanely good and ridiculously cost efficient. like it easily costs less than void staff if you get an early kages.

So after playing most of my games with Trist, i realized that I simply cannot carry effectively.
Too much pressure, not enough support, crap ganks if any at all. My general squishy-ness..

So i then tried Panth... and man he is fun to play. Good amount of Poke and nice sustain + awesome tower dives with the shield.

That was also my first non alistar melee.

After having fun with panth.. decided to buy cheap garen to see if melees in general are more fun for me.

And they are SOO much more fun for me at the moment.

mostly because i get less harassment from my own team.

Who else is a fun/cheapish melee i should try?
hmm, cheapish, if you already have garen covered jax is a good choice like wolf akela said. he's pretty good and easy to play and can snowball ridiculously.


Tear isnt for the mana regen really, chalice is for mana regen. even catalyst gives you more mana regen

tear is to give you a huge mana pool (with some mana regen) so you can spam spells and not go oom, then go back to base then repeat

the tear build is actually
tear, guise, mpen boots, dcap/void staff

or something like that. Maybe.

You should double check that seraphs number btw


Tear isnt for the mana regen really, chalice is for mana regen. even catalyst gives you more mana regen

tear is to give you a huge mana pool (with some mana regen) so you can spam spells and not go oom, then go back to base then repeat

the tear build is actually
tear, guise, mpen boots, dcap/void staff

or something like that. Maybe.

You should double check that seraphs number btw
yeah they're basically two ways of solving mana, that's what I meant.

just checked, lux has 1150 mana at level 18 with no mana items so if I'm not wrong total ap at level 18 gained from seraph is 124ish. 5 more than zhonya's at level 18 and less than zhonya's at almost if not all levels before. it's good but not that impressive. a 500 max HP shield is great for baits and whatnot (specially combined with lux's W) but I just don't see where's the massive late game damage I'm missing for not building it.

my build (deathcap, morello, zhonya, void staff, sorc shoes):
q 260+333
w 180+166
e 240+285
r 500+356

combo damage (without counting passive since it doesn't really matter): 1974
cost: 11895

my build with athene instad of morello (deathcap, athene, zhonya, void staff, sorc shoes):
q 260+319
w 180+160
e 240+274
r 500+342

combo damage: 1935
cost: 12495

your build (deathcap, morello, seraph, void staff, sorc shoes):
q 260+354
w 180+177
e 240+304
r 500+380

combo damage: 2038
cost: 11495

that's a 103 damage difference tops and you're missing all the armor and mr you get from zhonyas and athene. I didn't count haunting guise since it'd make the cost difference too big and if I'm building a sixth damage item myself I'd probably also go liandry's so it's the same thing.

correct me if I'm wrong (I'm no good at math so I may have done something wrong) but I just don't see it :p

edit: that's with AP quints and double pen marks. forgot to set up masteries but I don't think it'd be that much a difference.


Tear, guise, mpen boots, void/dcap+bluepot is about mid game dominance

Different things really.

Tear is basically so you don't have to spend on mana regen which is a passive lane stat since if you're winning you can just back anyway, hence the focus on mid game dominance.

Anyway, just ask Neki what the lux build is. He's pretty much the only high elo lux player on neogaf


Tear, guise, mpen boots, void/dcap+bluepot is about mid game dominance

Different things really.

how does tear help your mid game more than chalice?

and ferga was talking about insane late game damage with seraph+morellos, and I don't know why, that's what I'm challenging.

no need to tell me haunting guise is a mid game investment

Tear is basically so you don't have to spend on mana regen which is a passive lane stat since if you're winning you can just back anyway, hence the focus on mid game dominance.
it's only 180 gold difference and buying chalice is basically going into I DONT CARE ABOUT MANA ANYMORE mode unless you're anivia

Anyway, just ask Neki what the lux build is. He's pretty much the only high elo lux player on neogaf
I'm not asking for build "handout", I'm pretty comfortable with my own, but I'm open to changes which is why I'm wondering about seraph.

if he wants to pitch in all the better ofc


because tear means higher mana pool, which means you spam your spells as much as you can, hopefully hit them several times and then go back

mana regen means you have to wait for the regen to kick in to recieve the same benefit

tear gives you a base 250 mana which is 179s of 7mp5 from chalice

so if you go back less often than every 180s then chalice is better for you. lux however, can go back whenever she ults so with tear you can ult twice and just go back (~100-140 depending on blue)

and THEN the bonus mana goes up to 750 to spam that shit

think about it
at level 16 with 40% cdr, her E is 130mana@6s and R is 100mana@24s
thats 23.17mana per second
thats 115mp5 needed which aint happening. youd have like 12mp5 or 2.4mp1 at level 16 @ base mana 1050

so youd run out of mana in 1050/23.17 (time from base mana pool) + 1050/23.17*2.4/23.17 (regen over that period) = 49.67s of pure spamming

while a tear has 1800mana which is 1800/23.17 = 77.7s of spamming and this doesnt even include the mana regen from tear/passive regen

tear is just more spammability

level 7 (comparing the items only)
e is 115mana@10 and r is 100mana@80 --> 12.75mp1
650 base mana pool-> go oom in 51s, gain 71 mana from chalice 7mp5 which is 5.6s more spell casting (so 57s) - which means you cant even cast your ult twice with chalice alone (23s left to ult cd refresh is just 32.2 mana on 7mp5).
900mana@12.75mp1 is 71s of spamming - with a tiny bit of regen, you have enough to ult twice since 71s is very close to 80s

i mean i could be more accurate and discretize it in matlab but I CBB

theres a reason why everybody swapped to tear

its not even "seraph" - just like chalice you can sit on your tear for ages, and its 180g cheaper, and it lets you spam better
the only reason i see to get chalice is if youre against an ap assassin in middle that can get into your range, like lb or kassadin


Ew. Zhonyas on lux. I never go that route unless I'm against a zed mid. Don't even need it against talon.

And yeah. Tear-guise-rabadons was what I said before. However I sometimes skip guise if my team is really ahead so I rush rabadons to end the game faster.

You seriously got to try the tear build bro. You ain't played s3 lux if you haven't built the crazy snowball tear build.

Bigger mana pool>mana regen in team fights. Ain't got the time to wait for mana.

And I'll contribute with the maths tomorrow when I can get on a computer.


Zac is looking really rough with the %health casting cost. Just watched some clips of gameplay with him and they were showing him just bleeding health like crazy in the early game to do anything. His ganks look pretty good but being rooted while casting his gap closer is tough. Vi gets to move around while she charges :(

His end build will probably be something like:

spirit visage
spirit of the spectral wraith

Get that health regen going.


5 LP, now at 95 LP, this is painful. :(

Next game, 2LP, never going to get to gold.

I heard that Silver I division is pretty tough in LP gains. The system wants to make absolutely sure you belong in Gold before promoting since you can't drop.

I'm in my promotion series to Silver I right now. Not looking forward to the climb through Silver I. Just going to play and see how it falls. If I belong there I'll get there eventually.
Yeah I feel you on Silver I to Gold V. Feels like I have been grinding forever. Still not close =/ Was at 87 LP at one point then fell down back to around 20. In the end, things will balance out but man, it sure does suck haha.


How the fuck am I ever going to get promoted out of Silver V if EVERY SINGLE time I'm up for promotion I get a troll? And because I'm the first person to pick, I call a lane and go it, and then someone else goes that lane and says "get mad".

I fucking hate this game. I'm so mad. Silver II to Silver V.



I heard that Silver I division is pretty tough in LP gains. The system wants to make absolutely sure you belong in Gold before promoting since you can't drop.

I'm in my promotion series to Silver I right now. Not looking forward to the climb through Silver I. Just going to play and see how it falls. If I belong there I'll get there eventually.

If people would let me mid, I'd get there, but no one ever does. Can't carry as support when we have Blitz jungle and Urgot who facechecks everything and feeds. There goes 19LP.


If people would let me mid, I'd get there, but no one ever does. Can't carry as support when we have Blitz jungle and Urgot who facechecks everything and feeds. There goes 19LP.

That's a big reason I took up jungling. Even if someone wants to jungle, they're usually just as happy playing top or mid. And poor junglers are very common in silver.

I used to mid, never got to do it. When I did I was rusty and it was because I was a higher pick and I'd get counter picked. I did well, but too inconsistent. I get jungle 4/5 times, no matter my position. Not many people REALLY want to jungle lol.

And turns out I'm pretty decent at the role now that I do it a lot.

edit: New sale


Vi finally on sale. So glad I decided to buy her with IP a few weeks ago. She's my strongest jungler by a landslide. Unfortunately now she's going to be even more of a pick/ban. :(

Thinking of buying Cait. She's pretty strong now. Still need a second ADC I'm comfortable with.


Trundle Rework

Zac's moves scale off his current health and currently his moves cost are at about the same cost for his slime regen without spirit visage. His passive scales off his maximum health.

Zac you rush spirit visage since means when jungling he stays at high health after placing yourself in a corner so the oozes land on top of you after casting an ability.

Zac is being buffed way too much due to low skillcapped players on PBE not understanding and complaining about him.


thanks for going into raw numbers, I never ever really had a run out of mana problem on chalice but I guess it's worth a try. I've seen froggen use it, I don't really get it but w/e

I dunno how I'm supposed to fill tear with lux though, at best 6 seconds cooldown with 40% cdr on her E.

edit: also if you have 40% cdr on lux at lvl 16 it means you have blue buff, which would leave you with chalice at 32 mp5 (amped up to 64 considering depending on how much mana you're missing) plus 0.5% of your mana per sec., plus 16ish mp5 (amped up to 32 thanks to chalice) from her level. I haven't done the math but under those circumstances I'm guessing mana is not an issue with chalice at all. if you add blue buff to tear it's probably even more excessive a difference, but what do I care if I already have all the mana I ever need? to take longer to go back to base? I like stocking up on wards, and if there's a teamfight and you got out alive I'm guessing you either won't need mana for a good 30 seconds or you'll be going back to base anyways.

also ironically enough all the times I've bought tear I've found it to be really underwhelming and ran out of mana a lot easier because I kept spamming spells to charge it up, but I guess that's my inexperience with the item more than anything.

edit2: btw I'm now routinely buying morello's on lux, so it's not like I'm predicating for chalice or anything. only morellos does have mana issues that make you very blue-buff dependant so it does makes sense to mix it up with tear, which is why I've just added it to my recommended items program.

Ew. Zhonyas on lux. I never go that route unless I'm against a zed mid. Don't even need it against talon.
what's wrong with zhonyas on lux? it's saved me more times than I can count

and before you say something about positioning, this is league of double gapclosers and undodgeable vi and darius ults and triple stun jumping flobbers and whatever shit riot comes up with next

And yeah. Tear-guise-rabadons was what I said before. However I sometimes skip guise if my team is really ahead so I rush rabadons to end the game faster.

You seriously got to try the tear build bro. You ain't played s3 lux if you haven't built the crazy snowball tear build.

Bigger mana pool>mana regen in team fights. Ain't got the time to wait for mana.

And I'll contribute with the maths tomorrow when I can get on a computer.
interested in the maths, because really the mana problem I don't see it. I don't know if stacking tear got you people ridiculously trigger happy or something but even at my spammiest I never run out of mana with chalice.

and again it's the damage I'm interested in, I dunno why both or you are concentrating on mana. you've seen my matches history, it's not like I don't kill anybody and I'm sitting on unused spells, I poke, I snipe, I position myself to maximize damage on teamfights, I use her passive, I go into mid-game beast mode and roam and try to make shit happen all over the map, whatever.

if I say chalice is enough for me is because I've tried it. a lot. I don't mind trying seraph, I can see the point in trading zhonyas for it since seraph lets you move, which is crucial on lux, but without the damage to back it I'm not sure if I care to bother stacking that shit up.

should I be aiming for getting it filled by 25? say I shoot my Q and E spells every 10 seconds (E's cd), that's 48 mana per minute, it'd take me about 15 minutes to fill it up. doesn't sound so bad, and you have to also account for her ult and W, blue buff and 3% cdr from masteries (I take 3 instead of 4), and base spam.


Zac's moves scale off his current health and currently his moves cost are at about the same cost for his slime regen without spirit visage. His passive scales off his maximum health.

Zac you rush spirit visage since means when jungling he stays at high health after placing yourself in a corner so the oozes land on top of you after casting an ability.

Zac is being buffed way too much due to low skillcapped players on PBE not understanding and complaining about him.

Mm. Good insights. I'm eager to try him. It could very well be a case of most of the latest new releases where they seem UP until they get the hang of the champ then suddenly strong.

interested in the maths, because really the mana problem I don't see it. I don't know if stacking tear got you people ridiculously trigger happy or something but even at my spammiest I never run out of mana with chalice.

and again it's the damage I'm interested in, I dunno why both or you are concentrating on mana. you've seen my matches history, it's not like I don't kill anybody and I'm sitting on unused spells, I poke, I snipe, I position myself to maximize damage on teamfights, I use her passive, I go into mid-game beast mode and roam and try to make shit happen all over the map, whatever.

if I say chalice is enough for me is because I've tried it. a lot. I don't mind trying seraph, I can see the point in trading zhonyas for it since seraph lets you move, which is crucial on lux, but without the damage to back it I'm not sure if I care to bother stacking that shit up.

should I be aiming for getting it filled by 25? say I shoot my Q and E spells every 10 seconds (E's cd), that's 48 mana per minute, it'd take me about 15 minutes to fill it up. doesn't sound so bad, and you have to also account for her ult and W, blue buff and 3% cdr from masteries (I take 3 instead of 4), and base spam.

I'm not a Lux player but I think the idea is going tear instead of chalice is a higher damage output for less money build path. Tear gives you good early game mana regen while expanding that mana pool throughout the early/mid game. Also builds into a couple nice items (I consider manamune core on someone like Ryze for example).

You're obviously doing real well with Lux so I wouldn't necessarily change what you are doing, but you started the convo saying that you have mana problems early if you don't build a chalice, opting to try to rush morellonomicon. Tear is a pretty cheap supplement to that build imo. Lots of bang for the buck.
Whoa, I had no idea they were reworking Trundle. He looks awesome now. Now I wish I would of bought him when he was on sale recently.


btw from yesterday's highlights I just wanna share my fuck you "you guys are pussies" all damage xin zhao. I hope your balls fall off

nidalee wasn't so far behind in the imbecile department


Tear is just better than Chalice long-term. The end result item is superior just by their design. The difference between Tear and Chalice is whether or not you need the Chalice stats (aka, the MR). If you don't, you get Tear. You'll have the higher time-to-failure in lane with a Tear and it'll result in a better item. Neither item is rushed into anything (that is, there's a different first item than upgrading them) so both pick-ups are all about the first back -> first item period.

That said, I'd probably just work on csing rather than the build. Getting an extra 1-2 cs per minute would do more for your success than a build tweak.
I'm all confuddled re: Lissandra.

She's Ashe's ally in previous lore, she's Ashe's ally in the journal, but Morello basically said on Twitter she's the evil ice witch being referenced.

Help my head pls


That said, I'd probably just work on csing rather than the build. Getting an extra 1-2 cs per minute would do more for your success than a build tweak.
agreed. it's not really about missing last hits for me (though ofc there's that too) but not backing properly and wraiths just being tougher to kill in S3. I do a lot better with anivia/ori than lux tbh
Ashe is evil, duh.

Edit: Damn ;__;

well sure, but my point is that the lore says it's the ice witch, the trolls and Sejuani against Ashe and Lissandra, but Lissandra is apparently the ice witch, hence my confuddlement.

This: The trolls, the Winter’s Claw, and the Ice Witch—together, can Lissandra and Ashe hold them back?

And the tweets:

@RiotMorello "Rumors of the legendary Ice Witch of Freljord have these people terrified."

For all that is good and just in the world PLEASE tell me that's not Lissandra. I'm begging you.

And Morello's reply:

@clockworkfaerie it is. You actually wanted "featureless blonde chick?"

Hence my confusion. Lissandra is apparently the Ice Witch she has to fight against. Which is what sounds wrong.


well sure, but my point is that the lore says it's the ice witch, the trolls and Sejuani against Ashe and Lissandra, but Lissandra is apparently the ice witch, hence my confuddlement.

This: The trolls, the Winter’s Claw, and the Ice Witch—together, can Lissandra and Ashe hold them back?

And the tweets:

And Morello's reply:

Hence my confusion. Lissandra is apparently the Ice Witch she has to fight against. Which is what sounds wrong.
There will be betrayalton.


well sure, but my point is that the lore says it's the ice witch, the trolls and Sejuani against Ashe and Lissandra, but Lissandra is apparently the ice witch, hence my confuddlement.

This: The trolls, the Winter’s Claw, and the Ice Witch—together, can Lissandra and Ashe hold them back?

And the tweets:

And Morello's reply:

Hence my confusion. Lissandra is apparently the Ice Witch she has to fight against. Which is what sounds wrong.
maybe they're not besties anymore?
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