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League of Legends |OT4| No Country for Old Karma

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will I have enough time to earn ip for trundle? I'm at 2.8k atm or close to that.

I assume they'll re-launch him together with the Lissandria patch but neither is available on the PBE as of now, so you should have plenty of time.
Awesome, thx!
I got bonus for the next 16 wins (maybe because I wasnt online in like 2 and a half years)
just got 400 IP for my win this day, should be easy to earn enough ip to play ranked.


I got bonus for the next 16 wins (maybe because I wasnt online in like 2 and a half years)
just got 400 IP for my win this day, should be easy to earn enough ip to play ranked.

Probably one of those IP boosts for server problems they've given out a few times. Pretty cool. :)


what's wrong with zhonyas on lux? it's saved me more times than I can count

I'm never close enough to even lose hp in team fights. I'm usually over a wall casting spells from a safe distance or standing near my adc to peel for them. I'm almost never a primary target where all 3 tanks flash towards me to kill me. You just gotta know where to stand when playing lux.

It's not just positioning here. It's analysing the situation. Are you fed enough that the enemy know? If you are, I stand near the adc so that people focus the adc but i will always peel for them. But I will never be close enough to go near gap closers, even vi ult.

I don't know if stacking tear got you people ridiculously trigger happy or something but even at my spammiest I never run out of mana with chalice.

You never run out of mana with tear and you can use more spells in a smaller time because you have a bigger mana pool. Champions like anivia and lux and kassadin are better with a bigger mana pool instead of mana regen because they spam skills and use mana very heavily.

What is the point of going through a combo of skills then wait a few seconds to cast your combo again? With a bigger mana pool, you can CONSTANTLY cast in a team fight. It's more efficient in almost all cases with these champions.

And I don't know why you make it as if it takes an entire game to stack tear. You do realise it only take 8-15minutes (personal experience) to stack it? I can usually buy tear+boots by 10minutes and have a fully stacked tear by 20-25minutes. By 30minutes, I'll have tear, boots, guise, rabadons then either finish the seraphs or buy a void staff by 36ish minutes depending on the enemy's MR.

And i'll do my maths now


AP from seraph embrace from a fully stacked tear+lux base mana at 18+mastery: 129.5AP
Morellonomicon: 75AP
Haunting guise: 25AP
Void: 70AP
Deathcap: 120

Total of: 419.5
Total after including deathcap passive and mastery: 566.325

Q: 260+396.4275+ 190 (illumination proc from ult)
E: 180 + 339.795
R: 500 + 424.74375

Total damage: 2290.96625
With 30 spell pen and 43% spell pen

No ADC should be able to survive that unless they somehow life steal during the binding, they bought a negatron, or they are fed enough to buy a warmogs.

And this build is to snowball you both in mid game and late game. Mid game with the cheap spell pen. ADCs should generally have around 40-50mr depending on runes so you should be able to one shot them throughout the entire game.

And I got this build from watching Froggen play lux for 2-3 hours a few months back when season 3 started. Heard his favourite champ after anivia was lux so I decided to tune in and noticed his build was different to mine and was wondering how he was carrying games so hard with lux. I tried his build and saw the definite damage increase in mid game which carried onto a faster late game lux.
we need more draven skins
I know he said he'll give a summary but do we know exactly why he was kicked out?

Turning up late to practice constantly, going out on the drink and not turning up at all, showing a fangirl the backstage area when they were supposed to be practicing. All in last week's Gamecribs.


Tragic victim of fan death
Turning up late to practice constantly, going out on the drink and not turning up at all, showing a fangirl the backstage area when they were supposed to be practicing. All in last week's Gamecribs.

Ah. I don't watch that show so I didn't know. Thanks.


So this is what happens when you decide to take a break out of the blue.

If you watch GAMECRIBS, you'd know that Chaox and Regi have been at each other's throats since week 1 of lcs, and more recently Chaox and the rest of TSM. He's late to everything, abandons them at MLG to get drunk with fan girls, etc etc
If you watch GAMECRIBS, you'd know that Chaox and Regi have been at each other's throats since week 1 of lcs, and more recently Chaox and the rest of TSM. He's late to everything, abandons them at MLG to get drunk with fan girls, etc etc

Yeah, Regi said straight out in the first one to Chaox "if you piss me off, I'll kick you off the team."

From the wording of their press release (and I'm probably reading too much into this, but I'm a journalist so of course I will) it specifically said the management took the decision rather than using the word team. So one could probably infer from that that this was a Regi/suits decision as opposed to a team wide one, especially after Chaox only being benched for one week.

SaintVicious pulling no punches.


I think tsm contributed greatly to chaox's negative attitude. Poor guy. Hope he can find happiness somewhere else.

Props to wild turtle though. Stand up guy deserves a chance. Pity nien bet on MARN, he probably never expected TSM to open a spot.

The frejlord patch sounds to be huge - karma rework, lissandra, sej rework? Trundle rework, aram map + queue all the while continuing the frejlord lore entries. I think they should shift into huge lore based patches instead of a patch purely for one champion.

So something like, after the frejlord patch comes a piltover patch 4 weeks later with 2 champs and a few piltover skins + large lore entries concerning the region, occasionally a lore/region based item.

Riot, hire me for more great ideas and champion designs like an undercover agent from piltover with hidden pistols that brings them out for short periods of time, to deal tonnes of damage. Ranged melee assassin adc bruiser.
I'd tell you guys more but it's so good somebody might steal it
I think tsm contributed greatly to chaox's negative attitude. Poor guy. Hope he can find happiness somewhere else.

Props to wild turtle though. Stand up guy deserves a chance. Pity nien bet on MARN, he probably never expected TSM to open a spot.

The frejlord patch sounds to be huge - karma rework, lissandra, sej rework? Trundle rework, aram map + queue all the while continuing the frejlord lore entries. I think they should shift into huge lore based patches instead of a patch purely for one champion.

So something like, after the frejlord patch comes a piltover patch 4 weeks later with 2 items and a few piltover skins + large lore entries concerning the region, occasionally a lore/region based item.

Riot, hire me for more great ideas and champion designs like an undercover agent from piltover with hidden pistols that brings them out for short periods of time, to deal tonnes of damage. Ranged melee assassin adc bruiser.
I'd tell you guys more but it's so good somebody might steal it

First it's hidden pistols then it's ARAM queue DLC $5.99

Do you have no shame?


I'm never close enough to even lose hp in team fights. I'm usually over a wall casting spells from a safe distance or standing near my adc to peel for them. I'm almost never a primary target where all 3 tanks flash towards me to kill me. You just gotta know where to stand when playing lux.

It's not just positioning here. It's analysing the situation. Are you fed enough that the enemy know? If you are, I stand near the adc so that people focus the adc but i will always peel for them. But I will never be close enough to go near gap closers, even vi ult.
I hate this kind of advice because it's basically just saying "you're bad at the game". I already know I'm bad at the game, I buy resistances because I can't completely avoid damage, even pros build defensive items on carries, so I really think "don't buy zhonyas because you shouldn't be getting caught in the first place" is not helpful at all for me. I'm always at the back, I've played like 800 matches, I'm not great but I'm not a noob, but I can acknowledge that I can use the fuckup buffer that comes with being immortal for a couple seconds.

the standing next to the adc idea I do appreciate, by grouping up you force them to maybe go for only one of us and we can focus damage on them. I find that often there's nothing I can do against a hecarim or xin or someone like that, this might help.

You never run out of mana with tear and you can use more spells in a smaller time because you have a bigger mana pool. Champions like anivia and lux and kassadin are better with a bigger mana pool instead of mana regen because they spam skills and use mana very heavily.

What is the point of going through a combo of skills then wait a few seconds to cast your combo again? With a bigger mana pool, you can CONSTANTLY cast in a team fight. It's more efficient in almost all cases with these champions.
I don't need to wait but ok, you chalice haters are weird :p

And I don't know why you make it as if it takes an entire game to stack tear. You do realise it only take 8-15minutes (personal experience) to stack it? I can usually buy tear+boots by 10minutes and have a fully stacked tear by 20-25minutes. By 30minutes, I'll have tear, boots, guise, rabadons then either finish the seraphs or buy a void staff by 36ish minutes depending on the enemy's MR.

And i'll do my maths now
where did say an entire game? I asked you if 25 minutes was a good idea for a "tear noob" and said it takes like 15 minutes myself :/

AP from seraph embrace from a fully stacked tear+lux base mana at 18+mastery: 129.5AP
Morellonomicon: 75AP
Haunting guise: 25AP
Void: 70AP
Deathcap: 120

Total of: 419.5
Total after including deathcap passive and mastery: 566.325

Q: 260+396.4275+ 190 (illumination proc from ult)
E: 180 + 339.795
R: 500 + 424.74375

Total damage: 2290.96625
With 30 spell pen and 43% spell pen

No ADC should be able to survive that unless they somehow life steal during the binding, they bought a negatron, or they are fed enough to buy a warmogs.

And this build is to snowball you both in mid game and late game. Mid game with the cheap spell pen. ADCs should generally have around 40-50mr depending on runes so you should be able to one shot them throughout the entire game.

And I got this build from watching Froggen play lux for 2-3 hours a few months back when season 3 started. Heard his favourite champ after anivia was lux so I decided to tune in and noticed his build was different to mine and was wondering how he was carrying games so hard with lux. I tried his build and saw the definite damage increase in mid game which carried onto a faster late game lux.
cool, ty. alright so yeah, I think we're on the same page, mid game increase from haunting guise is as pleasurable as expected, but late game it seems like seraph is more or less the same as zhonya's (129.5 vs 120).

imma try it, it's decided.

I'm not a Lux player but I think the idea is going tear instead of chalice is a higher damage output for less money build path. Tear gives you good early game mana regen while expanding that mana pool throughout the early/mid game. Also builds into a couple nice items (I consider manamune core on someone like Ryze for example).

You're obviously doing real well with Lux so I wouldn't necessarily change what you are doing, but you started the convo saying that you have mana problems early if you don't build a chalice, opting to try to rush morellonomicon. Tear is a pretty cheap supplement to that build imo. Lots of bang for the buck.
yeah it's actually pretty reasonably priced, I like it in theory, though I just hate stacking it :p


sooo just to clear it all up in a neat little package, what is a common tear lux build right now?

tear, cap, boots, DFG, seraph, what else?


sooo just to clear it all up in a neat little package, what is a common tear lux build right now?

tear, cap, boots, DFG, seraph, what else?
no, by all means no DFG. 750 range defeats all the purpose of lux's range and late game you're mostly procing your passive using your ult anyways so you got no reason to be that close.

basically it's tear on first back, then haunting guise, sorc shoes, deathcap, morello's, void staff.

right now I advice against athene unless you're against kassadin or akali or something since I hold the belief that morello's is stupidly OP on lux. it's not a bad buy, but morello is just way better.


no, by all means no DFG. 750 range defeats all the purpose of lux's range and late game you're mostly procing your passive using your ult anyways so you got no reason to be that close.

basically it's tear on first back, then haunting guise, sorc shoes, deathcap, morello's, void staff.

right now I advice against athene unless you're against kassadin or akali or something since I hold the belief that morello's is stupidly OP on lux. it's not a bad buy, but morello is just way better.

I don't know the stats off the top of my head but would that give me 40% cdr? Seems like only 30. I think.

And what do u buy with the tear? Arch angel or the other one?


so there's the league channel that reddit made called "silver vs platinum" where they pit lower ranks vs. higher ranks and then have like a Q&A after the match, but it's hard to get a hold of the better players, like people are consistently looking for plats and above

there is a second room now too called "silver vs platinum 2"

I played one that was 3g 2p and 4s 1b and it was a pretty good atmosphere, like it was basically a place where everyone wants to help each other and get better


so there's the league channel that reddit made called "silver vs platinum" where they pit lower ranks vs. higher ranks and then have like a Q&A after the match, but it's hard to get a hold of the better players, like people are consistently looking for plats and above

there is a second room now too called "silver vs platinum 2"

I played one that was 3g 2p and 4s 1b and it was a pretty good atmosphere, like it was basically a place where everyone wants to help each other and get better



I don't know the stats off the top of my head but would that give me 40% cdr? Seems like only 30. I think.

And what do u buy with the tear? Arch angel or the other one?
yeah, you build tear into archangel staff into seraph when fully charged. just hold on to it until you reach 750 mana, then upgrade, don't bother earlier.

and yeah, morello will only take you to 20% (24 with masteries), the rest comes from blue buff. you can go around with 34% if you buy blue elixir and masteries if you don't have blue buff, too, so it's not that bad.

dfg is a bad idea on lux because she's aoe and super long ranged, though I'm sure you could make it work.


yeah, you build tear into archangel staff into seraph when fully charged. just hold on to it until you reach 750 mana, then upgrade, don't bother earlier.

and yeah, morello will only take you to 20% (24 with masteries), the rest comes from blue buff. you can go around with 34% if you buy blue elixir and masteries if you don't have blue buff, too, so it's not that bad.

dfg is a bad idea on lux because she's aoe and super long ranged, though I'm sure you could make it work.

Why is it a bad idea to buy archangel until the 750? Is it just a waste of money without it being a Seraph? Oh, and do I upgrade the Guise into that thing after it that burns people? So final build should be

Sorc Boots, Void Staff, Rabadon cap, Morello, Mask looking item, Seraph? Though I would probably get a zhonyas in there in replace of something. Maybe the void staff.

I only said DFG because of the CDR and the damage, but you're right, I dont even want to be in that range.


Why is it a bad idea to buy archangel until the 750? Is it just a waste of money without it being a Seraph? Oh, and do I upgrade the Guise into that thing after it that burns people? So final build should be

Sorc Boots, Void Staff, Rabadon cap, Morello, Mask looking item, Seraph? Though I would probably get a zhonyas in there in replace of something. Maybe the void staff.

I only said DFG because of the CDR and the damage, but you're right, I dont even want to be in that range.
it's a lot of money to upgrade tear into arch and it's better to wait and go for deathcap early. upgrade tear last, it's just not worth it before.

also I was just doing zhonya's instead of tear before and just bought a lot of blue pots to compensate for lack of mp5/mana and it wasn't so bad.

also absolutely get void staff, it's amazing on lux and super cheap
It's so infuriating when the laner is too passive despite the situation. I jungled Jarvan and the enemy had a solo top Kog. Piss easy to gank, but he always survives because our Nidalee only decides to attack only when Kog is near dead beside the tower. It could have resulted in at least 3 kills.


Sejuani is such an amazing jungler! Yes she underperforms on certain things and you better not lose your first round jungle but as soon as you hit lv 6 your ganks are pretty much a guaranteed kill. I love how shes a CC bot but if the enemy is not careful you can wreck shit hard. To me she plays a lot like fiddle (in terms of group dynamics) and I love that


we just lost 4v5. can't say anything, our bizarre wukong mf bot lane was terrible, but really we just got beaten.

hats off I guess.

tried tear a bit, not a huge fan but it's alright.


I hate this kind of advice because it's basically just saying "you're bad at the game".

Except it doesn't? He's just saying you need to have better positioning. Sure, if everyone is Flash diving you then you make the necessary adjustments with Zhonya's to bait but that's an unrealistic scenario. You shouldn't be dived that hard unless you have absolutely nothing remotely close to a front line. And, in that case, they don't even really have to dive you then, just walk by them.

At the end of the day, Zhonya's is a bad damage item. This isn't a surprise, you pay 3410 Gold for 2610g worth of AP. Any item geared more towards damage is more cost efficient than it for AP. It's not a bad item by any means, just not something you'd get offensively.

I don't need to wait but ok, you chalice haters are weird :p

I hate responses like this about advice.

cool, ty. alright so yeah, I think we're on the same page, mid game increase from haunting guise is as pleasurable as expected, but late game it seems like seraph is more or less the same as zhonya's (129.5 vs 120).

It's worth noting that it's 130 AP vs 120 AP with a 700g difference in cost in favor of the 130 AP. That's the real big thing to take note of.


I hate this kind of advice because it's basically just saying "you're bad at the game".

I'm not saying that at all.

I'm just pointing out something a lot of players seem to forget. You sometimes have to adapt to the game you're in and you can't go by one single build or single mind set of playing with lux because she is amazingly flexible.

Your positioning should change game by game. Sometimes you need to stand way back to avoid cc, sometimes you have to stand at the front line to get more binding angles, sometimes you stand by the adc to peel for them, sometimes you stand by the adc to bait the enemies to dive deeper in and get cced, and sometimes you need to stand over walls and cast from there so you never get hit by a fed melee champ.

It's hard to break out from what you usually do and it'll screw you up sometimes but the more you get use to it, the better you'll be.

And I still don't understand why Tristana isn't a pick or ban in games right now. She just can't be stopped.
Weird how Jarvan is banned in more than 80% of my games recently. Those pbe changes really scare some people, huh?


it's a lot of money to upgrade tear into arch and it's better to wait and go for deathcap early. upgrade tear last, it's just not worth it before.

also I was just doing zhonya's instead of tear before and just bought a lot of blue pots to compensate for lack of mp5/mana and it wasn't so bad.

also absolutely get void staff, it's amazing on lux and super cheap

Cool thanks. One last thing, do u bother going for liandrys? Right now I'm going tear -> boots/rab -> morello -> guise -> void staff


Bjergsen is the greatest midlane in the world
Sejuani is such an amazing jungler! Yes she underperforms on certain things and you better not lose your first round jungle but as soon as you hit lv 6 your ganks are pretty much a guaranteed kill. I love how shes a CC bot but if the enemy is not careful you can wreck shit hard. To me she plays a lot like fiddle (in terms of group dynamics) and I love that
The light, you've seen it.

I'll believe Sej visual rework exists when I see it.


Except it doesn't? He's just saying you need to have better positioning. Sure, if everyone is Flash diving you then you make the necessary adjustments with Zhonya's to bait but that's an unrealistic scenario. You shouldn't be dived that hard unless you have absolutely nothing remotely close to a front line. And, in that case, they don't even really have to dive you then, just walk by them.
uh, this is silver solo queue bro, people are idiots and just run towards their deaths trying to "rush" their carries while leaving you unprotected all the time. you don't have a frontline because people are idiots and don't know the meaning of peel or have even the most basic teamfighting skills. I'm not saying ELO HELL FUCK IT but the situation he was presenting didn't apply to me in the slightest.

I'm not saying I'm great at positioning, but I'm human, on silver for a reason, and silver teammates are random and just do whatever. sometimes they're really cool but more often than not it's you versus the world, which is why I like having a bit of resistances (and got very sad when GA got nerfed) and a golden immortality button.

for the bit I've tried seraph is a really good alternative since it's a guaranteed 300ish shield that leaves you free to move.

At the end of the day, Zhonya's is a bad damage item. This isn't a surprise, you pay 3410 Gold for 2610g worth of AP. Any item geared more towards damage is more cost efficient than it for AP. It's not a bad item by any means, just not something you'd get offensively.
I buy it as a defensive/offensive item ofc since you know how much I love its active. it's a fourth item unless I'm up against an ad assassin or something.

I hate responses like this about advice.
w/e bro I said like ten times already that for me chalice is more than enough mana and that I never run out during or after teamfights yet people keep singing the same tune. I get it, my experience is different from yours, I appreciate the effort but it's gotten tiresome now

It's worth noting that it's 130 AP vs 120 AP with a 700g difference in cost in favor of the 130 AP. That's the real big thing to take note of.
yeah, it's now a matter of deciding if the active's worth that difference on a match to match basis.

I'm not saying that at all.

I'm just pointing out something a lot of players seem to forget. You sometimes have to adapt to the game you're in and you can't go by one single build or single mind set of playing with lux because she is amazingly flexible.

Your positioning should change game by game. Sometimes you need to stand way back to avoid cc, sometimes you have to stand at the front line to get more binding angles, sometimes you stand by the adc to peel for them, sometimes you stand by the adc to bait the enemies to dive deeper in and get cced, and sometimes you need to stand over walls and cast from there so you never get hit by a fed melee champ.

It's hard to break out from what you usually do and it'll screw you up sometimes but the more you get use to it, the better you'll be.
I agree, but I also think that not losing hp in teamfights is unrealistic, which is what annoyed me about your post. it's like I'm telling you I like to buy this item because positioning is not always easy and your answer is "you need better positioning".

it's also not giving me the benefit of the doubt of knowing a bit what I'm talking about like I've just picked up the game yesterday or something.

Cool thanks. One last thing, do u bother going for liandrys? Right now I'm going tear -> boots/rab -> morello -> guise -> void staff
haunting guise after deathcap and morellos is too late, your best bet is to rush it before deathcap or don't bother at all. I mean it won't hurt but you'll waste it's magic hour. personally I'm not a huge fan of it on lux, I sometimes buy void staff before deathcap if I feel like it, but it's still a good idea I imagine.

as for liandrys, I like erasing people on one combo so it's not often on my rotation but it's a good item if you're on a poke comp or the enemy team is stacking health. it's not bad, but it's not the way I'd normally play lux and I like doing a defensive item last (though I'm more and more moving away from this since it barely seems to change anything).
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