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Leslie Jones currently going HAM on racist internet trolls

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Yeah that's what I find hilarious in a summer when movie that won 11 acamedy awards is getting a remake (and both it and the original being based on a book does not make this not a remake) it's fucking Ghostbusters that gets the ire of the remakes are ruining our lives brigade.

I mean no one should be freaking out about remakes/reboots period, because it's literally been part of movies and art in general (see re-mounts in theatre and covers in music) since you know forever. But it's hilariously telling that it's this movie and not Ben fucking Hur that's getting all the heat, certainly has nothing to do with sexism and the toxic side of geek culture, nothing like that at all.

This is a really poor comparison to try and prove your argument, and I'm not disputing some of the Ghostbusters kerfuffle is simply hate and sexism. One is a beloved geek movie, one is a historical epic that I don't think anyone my generation actually has seen. No shit one is going to draw a lot more attention.

Fucking shame they put money ahead of creating a healthy environment for its users. Wouldn't they make more money as more people (like me who tend to stay away from Twitter due to trolls) actually feel comfortable using it knowing harassment would be kept to a minimum?

Doubt it. It'd be a nicer place to be, but that doesn't pay the bills. Being an internet startup that's all about growth leads to stupid business like this where they know their service has a problem but they're wedded to it, and the fact that the people who bitch about Twitter are still using it because they don't see an alternative means it's generally business as usual. Maybe at some point they'll be some huge incident or just a critical mass of all these smaller ones and finally turn people off, but it's essentially similar to hoping Facebook dies. It's possible, but at this point it's got so much inertia behind it and it's outlasted all its competitors.
This is a really poor comparison to try and prove your argument, and I'm not disputing some of the Ghostbusters kerfuffle is simply hate and sexism. One is a beloved geek movie, one is a historical epic that I don't think anyone my generation actually has seen. No shit one is going to draw a lot more attention.

There have been a lot of geek remakes: Robocop, Total Recall, Friday the 13th, etc. They are all almost always greeted with apathy and not outright hate like this movie (and all of those movies have a way lower RT score than GB 2016).
There have been a lot of geek remakes: Robocop, Total Recall, Friday the 13th, etc. They are all almost always greeted with apathy and not outright hate like this movie (and all of those movies have a way lower RT score than GB 2016).
Ghostbusters is in a weird place, the fanbase is not as small as those franchises but is not as big as Star Wars or Marvel. So with the Rocobop remake there was a tiny group complaining on the internet, so tiny that their voices are barely heard, and with Star Wars you had things like these, but the fanbase is so big and diverse that the support for the other fans shut down the negativity about Force Awaken.
I had to step away from this last night because it was making me so depressed. Christ, I just want to give her a hug, what a frustrating nightmare :(


Is there a good place to give her some solidarity and support?

This level of hate is really, truly heinous and nobody deserves this, especially someone whose only goal was to make you smile in her movie.

Geez, humanity. Get your act together.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
any of the celebs have her back? :(

William Shatner was calling people out. But he tweets a lot about everything. And he never misses an opportunity to call Twitter out on their blind eye to blatant abuse.
William Shatner was calling people out. But he tweets a lot about everything. And he never misses an opportunity to call Twitter out on their blind eye to blatant abuse.
Was he even in the movie? That's kinda messed up if he wasn't. You'd think her costars would have her back..
Fucking Social Media (or Twitter in this case). Really isn't worth all the shit that comes with it. An open platform for any stupid, ignorant cunt to mouth off with their stupid, ignorant shit and think it's okay. You'll never silence racists and other fuckwads by talking to them or 'engaging' them, they're either too stupid or too vicious to give a shit. Only the application of law can shut these fuckers up. Take them down and silence them. Goatfuckers.


Supersonic, idiotic, disconnecting, not respecting, who would really ever wanna go and top that
Was he even in the movie? That's kinda messed up if he wasn't. You'd think her costars would have her back..

They'll probably release a statement or something. I don't think her co-stars have a huge social media presence. I'm not even sure if any of them are on Twitter, for instance.


Compiled her latest tweets:
It's so sad,most of these comments sound like they are from ignorant children. "I'm the source of AIDS?!" WTF!! These people hate themselves

You have to hate yourself to putout that type of hate. I mean on my worst day I can't think of this type of hate to put out.

I don't know how to feel. I'm numb. Actually numb. I see the words and pics and videos. Videos y'all. Meaning people took time to sprew hate

This sent a video screaming he hates niggas! I'm just so like damn! Like no shame or compassion for human life.It scares the fuck out of me!

I use to wonder why some celebs don't have Twitter accts now I know. You can't be nice and communicate with fans cause people crazy.

As much as I love live-tweeting posting the pics of awesome things that happen in this life I've been blessed with. I don't know anymore.

As much as you want to thinks actors ain't human I want to give you something to think about. I work off pure passion for this game.

I'm more human and real than you fucking think.I work my ass off. I'm not different than any of you who has a dream to do what they love.

I've never claim to be better or special. I just try to do my job as best as I can. Isn't that any of us yall. So Yea this hurts me!

It's like when you think "ok I've proven I'm worthy" then you get hit with a shovel of hated. I'm numb. I mean I know there is racism.

But I'm I that naive to think that some things was changing yes I was. We still live in a world where we have to say "black lives matter"

I'm so tired of it. Why is this still a fight? I want to hate so bad but I can't because I know it doesn't fix anything and just make me sad

I'm not stupid to not know racism exists. And I know it will probably live on way after me. But we have to make people take responsibility

responsibility for the hate they sprew. We have to stand up to it. block mfs but let them know they are racist and sprewing hate.

Stop saying ignore them or that's just the way it is. Cause that's bullshit. Everybody knows an asshole check them for their hate.

Stop letting g people get away with being ignorant. You stupid people to shut up. Tell them to shut up real talk. Say something.

Stop letting the ignorant people be the loud ones. Y'all I got more love than hate but they louder. Fuck that be louder.

I'm tired of everybody not believing they can change something. We are the people we can change anything if we want. We stop eating spinach

Cause we thought it was hurting us. You mean to tell me we can't stop hate. I don't believe that. I just am sadden today.

Twitter I understand you got free speech I get it. But there has to be some guidelines when you let spread like that. You can see on the

Profiles that some of these people are crazy sick. It's not enough to freeze Acct. They should be reported.

And for all the "don't stoop to their level people" it's way past that. So please have a seat. Don't tell me how to react.

Cause I have every right to be offended and pissed. So for right now I have to take a break. All this hatred giving me the blues! Outty 5000

Agreed 100%. This is just heartbreaking to read.

Reading this made my eyes water, damn.


Man, that is a mess. I feel bad for all these women in this movie. Especially Leslie since she gets the misogynistic shit piled on top of the racist shit she is already getting.


who knew the GB fanbase was so terrible???

I mean, Ghostbusters!? THATS what you tied your loyalty to? Thats what you tearing into people until they cry for!?

Like some people got mortgages to pay, jobs to attend to, relationships to mend, sick loved ones to tend, but you...you got one job: making sure everybody knows how bad the new Ghostbusters movie is.

These are the same people that went berserk over video games two years ago and comics. They are a disturbed bunch.


That's a shame. The Ghostbusters reviews consistently paint Jones as the only believable person in the cast.

I had a feeling that might have been coming. Wiig and McCarthy have a high level of awareness, and likely playing comfortable characters that audiences are familiar with. McKinnon is a fantastic unknown, but playing a character which is largely already set up (inventor, nerd, etc).

Jones, who is generally unknown to wide audiences, gets to play a character which appears to enable her own comedic style and without any general expectations to what this character is supposed to be.
Is HAM a black thing or a young people thing? Either way, I'm clueless. The only thing I go HAM on is the BMT at Subway, or a nice Easter dinner.

In context I'm thinking its a race thing, but hell if I can be bothered to google 'ham' and try to wade through those delicious pictures.

NEVERMIND... Found the answer on the last page

Originally Posted by -shadow-

H.ard A.s a M.otherfucker


Ironically, I've come to feel nothing but spite for the original movie because of these fucks. All I can think about are people tweeting pictures of apes at her; this has made me angry beyond belief.


Poor woman. Typical dumb racist shit but with a helping of Internet anonymity.

Honestly this kind of stuff makes me feel it would be better to strip that privalige from those who abuse it.


Which is exactly why a manager should have stopped her during this.

All she succeeded in doing was giving a few pricks jollies, and making herself sad.

Hopefully the increased exposure moves Twitter to actually do something about the abuse people receive


Saw this earlier today on twitter. Sent her a tweet of love and decided to go see the movie to support her. Its not much but I don't know what else to do.

Fuck people sometimes man.

Why not just say this is awful.

No one cares that you don't care to see her movie.


Because I thought it might be good to show that one can not like the product, while sticking up for the humanity of one of its creators.

FWIW, I don't particularly care about your opinion either.

I notice that a lot in this thread. People have to throw in "I think this movie looks stupid, but...."

lol, that's because some dingleberries appear to need to conflate negative opinion with outrageous, racist behavior.
Can you be banned from Twitter. I know the CEO tried to contact Leslie.

You certainly can get banned from twitter, and it currently works off a report system. If enough people report a tweet the person is either auto banned or investigated by a person and banned. Usually it works well, sometimes a mob mentality takes over and someone gets an auto ban because an internet mob all reports their tweet due to one or a few "high follower" people suggesting they take action against someone else. It doesn't work in this case because I'd bet few people are reporting the offensive tweets. It can't just be a handful of reports, you need a few hundred or thousand reports for the ban-bot to kick in.

Twitter could implement an auto filter that auto bans if you say certain words. The problem is, as we see on twitch, is that its trivial to get around word bans - if Islam became a banned word, I'd just say I$lam or a million different variations thereof.

So until we get AI that can instantly look at a tweet and decide if it crosses a hurtful line or not - which is a lot harder than it sounds - you'd need mods to check out every tweet. Currently there are over 650 million tweets sent a day, you'd need to hire a few million mods to do this which is not really feasible. In comparison, neogaf gets around 30-100k posts a day.

For those asking why the other GB stars don't stick up for Leslie, none of them are on twitter, only the director Paul Feig who of course has supported her.



Because I thought it might be good to show that one can not like the product, while sticking up for the humanity of one of its creators.

FWIW, I don't particularly care about your opinion either.

lol, that's because some dingleberries appear to need to conflate negative opinion with outrageous, racist behavior.

What you had to say had some value, stop using lol as punctuation it makes you look stupid.
"That thing you were a part of was a piece of shit, but you don't deserve to be treated like this!"

To anyone who thinks that's a good way to show support for someone, please try it on someone you know in person and let us know how it goes.
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