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Leslie Jones currently going HAM on racist internet trolls

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looks like these sexist and racist assholes can't handle that the movie turned out good and are taking out their frustration on this actress



Edit: Just checked Twitter, oh boy. Man this is so terrible. Can't believe that this happens because... Well I honestly don't know why. And no Ghostbusters shouldn't be an excuse to be such a terrible person :/
Just a reminder, Twitter temporarily canceled Azealia Banks' account due to racist tweets. I guess everyday trolls can get away with whatever. Someone should get them fired from whatever job they may have


When did this alt-right bullshit fester and grow like this? Or has it always been like this ever since the Internet went popular and mainstream with a lot of social media?

Fucking bigots


When did this alt-right bullshit fester and grow like this? Or has it always been like this ever since the Internet went popular and mainstream with a lot of social media?

Fucking bigots
It's the natural consequence of a generation of people growing up thinking that 'casual racism' isn't serious and is just for the lulz


Deleting my Twitter account because of this, I've had enough. This was the last straw. The lunatics can have the asylum. If Twitter won't make any worthwhile effort to fix this sort of garbage then I have no interest in supporting their service any longer.

If Twitter things they need the likes of Milo more than they need people like me then it's no wonder they can't make any money. You can't grow a business if you let the trolls and scumbags suck up all the air.


Milo is garbage and shouldn't be allowed to have an opinion let alone express it. Fuck that guy

I'm not a fan of Milo at all but that's just a ridiculous statement to make, who are you to say that someone isn't allowed to have an opinion?


I'm not a fan of Milo at all but that's just a ridiculous statement to make, who are you to say that someone isn't allowed to have an opinion?
Milo can say what he wants, but no-one is obligated to give him a platform.

The fact that Twitter does is the reason Twitter is 100% at fault here.


Milo can say what he wants, but no-one is obligated to give him a platform.

The fact that Twitter does is the reason Twitter is 100% at fault here.

At this point it's obvious that Milo's sole purpose on Twitter is to instigate his dimwitted followers against liberals in order to get clicks for his blatantly false articles.

He should absolutely be removed from Twitter.


Dammit, never respond to internet trolls. It just makes them double down. Sucks that there's no moderation for this kind of thing.


Dammit, never respond to internet trolls. It just makes them double down. Sucks that there's no moderation for this kind of thing.

this isn't just "trolling", it's racist abuse. It needs to be put down swiftly and immediately
I also enjoy the way Ron Funches handles twitter trolls, but she takes it to a whole new level. He also doesn't get as much racist shit as she does either though.

I like her line about how those people have mothers and sisters etc. Like, what would they think if they knew their kid was talking to a woman that way?


Aftershock LA
Leslie and Kate McKinnon are two of the reasons why SNL has been funny. They were both great in Ghostbusters too.

It really saddens/angers me how a lot of people's first go to when trying to insult a black person is to attack our race with racist bullshit. As a black woman, she not only has to deal with racists, but misogynists as well. It's fucking disgusting and pathetic. We're trying so hard to be civil about this shit, but some people don't want a goddamned thing to change.


I think the only thing that might work is some sort of Twitter boycott. It's probably doubly effective if celebrities do it, because I'm sure they provide outsized traffic to Twitter.

I don't think there's any otherway to fight the good fight against the trolls because Twitter doesn't really provide any tools to do so, and they literally don't give a fuck.

I feel bad for her. That last tweet was sad.
If you could kindly point me to where I said anything like what you are suggesting I said... Oh wait you can't because if you actually read what I wrote before going in to woe is James, you'd see that what I said is that the people who were very quick to jump to the defense of Rolfe (from what was a mix of proper criticism and yes petty embarrassing insults), are dead fucking silent here in the face of a torrent of racism and sexism including some from a "journalist". This had absolutely nothing to do with Rolfe specifically and everything to do with the fact that the people that were so on the ball to defend him from heaven to earth from anyone daring to say anything about him have said fucking nothing today in defense of Jones. Dead fucking silence....

My overall point is there has been a very specific movement (mostly of people who are religiously anti-reboot and are willing to absorb/ignore the sexist downvotes and pretend it's all because it's a re-boot) to deny the sexism and whatnot that's been on display towards the cast and crew of Ghostbusters for 2 fucking years. Those people in denial of that, who frequently ignored the inundation of abuse hurled at the cast and crew, were the same ones that jumped to the defense of Rolfe from everyone and anyone. They used him to further their denial and downplaying of the original and ongoing toxic sexist backlash, and now that it is has reared it's ugly head again? Fucking crickets.

It's hilarious btw that your first post here in this thread is literally almost doing exactly what my post you quoted is critical of.
Ah sorry, misread your post then. My Bad.
Can't say her response is professional.

But these fuckers deserve to be called out, ignoring them only makes them feel untouchable

A) She's a comedian, so anything is fair game for her to say

B) Who gives a shit what her response is to this filth, nothing she says could be as bad as what is being leveled at her
A) She's a comedian, so anything is fair game for her to say

B) Who gives a shit what her response is to this filth, nothing she says could be as bad as what is being leveled at her

Yeah, what's up with this concern troll bullshit? How else should she have reacted? She had every right to express her self in the way that she did.

And on top of the racist tweets and photos being thrown at her she also had to deal with someone impersonating her account and posting awful horrible shit.

I spent $30 taking friends and myself out to see Ghost Busters and I would gladly do it again, fuck this nonsense.
Their user numbers will go down. Smaller userbase = less money selling promoted tweets.

Fucking shame they put money ahead of creating a healthy environment for its users. Wouldn't they make more money as more people (like me who tend to stay away from Twitter due to trolls) actually feel comfortable using it knowing harassment would be kept to a minimum?


listen to the mad man
twitter's main business problem is that no one who has an account uses it. most people who tweet get 0 replies, 0 likes, 0 engagement. at this point it's basically a place for celebrities and journalists and people who want to abuse celebrities and journalists. i'm not saying abuse is the only reason for this, but it's one of the factors. the first time someone gets a notification and checks and sees that it's someone spawn-camping a hashtag to angrily yell at people they disagree with, that's pretty much game over for that first person's account. and yes, of course, you can't have conversation without disagreement and arguing and i'm not saying that everyone who says "no, all lives matter!!!!" is committing harassment, but I still think most people aren't there to yell at people or get yelled at.


A person shouldn't have to suffer personal insults directed at them like this. If you hate the movie, just move on and don't watch it. No need to track them down on Twitter and hurl personal attacks on them like that.


looks like these sexist and racist assholes can't handle that the movie turned out good and are taking out their frustration on this actress

Do you really think they'd be any nicer to her if the movie bombed critically
They'd just be gloating instead
I'm not a fan of Milo at all but that's just a ridiculous statement to make, who are you to say that someone isn't allowed to have an opinion?

Milo has shown that he is willing to use speech to harm and endanger people.

He should be in jail. Hell, if I ever met him in person I know I wouldn't stop myself from beating the shit out of him. He has no sense of remorse or humility.
Didn't like the film but you don't attack a person. I only use Twitter to keep up to date but Twitter needs to be fixed or people might consider calling quits. People might see it as accepting defeat but it's just avoiding an ongoing nuisance by staying on.
who knew the GB fanbase was so terrible???

I mean, Ghostbusters!? THATS what you tied your loyalty to? Thats what you tearing into people until they cry for!?

Like some people got mortgages to pay, jobs to attend to, relationships to mend, sick loved ones to tend, but you...you got one job: making sure everybody knows how bad the new Ghostbusters movie is.


who knew the GB fanbase was so terrible???

I mean, Ghostbusters!? THATS what you tied your loyalty to? Thats what you tearing into people until they cry for!?

Like some people got mortgages to pay, jobs to attend to, relationships to mend, sick loved ones to tend, but you...you got one job: making sure everybody knows how bad the new Ghostbusters movie is.

Every fanbase is terrible because the internet is full of bigot tourism. People like Milo often don't give a shit about whatever fandom they latch onto. They're just looking for targets and sympathizers.
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