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Lets build the perfect PSP-2


DennisK4 said:
I think Sony would be wise to give up chasing the little kids market. Nintendo is king there. Instead I would target a more mature audience and to do this it must be a more powerful device. If that is at the expense of battery life, then so be it.

DS family isn't aimed at little kids. Expanded markets appreciate battery life as well.


Sony is in a very difficult spot with the PSP2. They need to have some kind of unique feature or something, but I can't think of what they can do to make them stand out.

Nintendo will already have owned the 3D market by then, Apple is doing the digital download thing with much success. As for a 'mobile Xbox Live' that some mentioned, that's already being done by MS with Windows Phone 7 and Apple with the Game Center stuff.

I'd say 32GB storage, touch-screen, and $199 price point are the absolute must have features of a PSP2. But they need something more to stand out IMO.


Better battery life.

The DS had great battery life...the DSi not so much. I would've never traded in my DS for the DSi if I knew the battery is going to be that much worse.

Despite the lower battery life on the DSi, it is still better than my PSP. =/
I'd like to be able to play for a day w/o having to charge it.
-3d glassless tech.
-2nd analog button.
-New media format, backwards compatible with umd drive. Doesn't make as much noise.
-Able to sign in on psn and chat/see what are your friends doing.
-576p or 720p resolution
-Longer battery life.
-Under $249, if its over, it's dead.
"BC will make or break the PSP2."


BC might be a hot topic on GAF and other gaming enthusiast sites, but newsflash: the average consumer does not give a fuck.

the TMO


This with touch screen and a decent android-based dashboard


GAF's Bob Woodward
Sean said:
Nintendo will already have owned the 3D market by then, Apple is doing the digital download thing with much success. As for a 'mobile Xbox Live' that some mentioned, that's already being done by MS with Windows Phone 7 and Apple with the Game Center stuff..

I don't think you can really add up all the individual components of their competitors and then treat them like they're all part of one offering.

A 'mobile Xbox live' coupled with the kinds of 'dedicated device' games PSP has had (and 3DS is gunning for now), for example, would be a differentiated position (assuming Nintendo didn't step up on online for example). Or various other combinations of things that in isolation may not be unique but together are.


Relaxed Muscle said:
Damn, you couldn't choose a worse start, right?

Things PSP2 will have if Sony is smart:

- touchscreen
- mode for using the device as a touchscreen-only device

For both of those, the PSPGo design is a far more logical choice. There's nothing at all wrong with the design, and it's a good start for getting to where I'm sure Sony wants to be: an iPhone / iPod Touch-like device, but one that also had buttons.


Utilize a new software format known as Bluray Minis

Require glasses for 3D experience

Allow output to TV (Bravias only)

No Analog sticks

Resistive touch screen

Stylus sticks for 49.99

Built in phone (Contract required, Talk on the side of it N-Gage style)

I don't get why people say the the Go is so flawed. The design and approach was great. It just needed the proper software support which it still hasn't received. For a gaming device I can see the downfall, but what it does, it does right, component out, DS3 compatibly, Bluetooth, ample storage. I hope I'm not the only one that thinks that.

I also think the design of the hardware is fine for a phone. It's a cooler looking version of the Palm Pre. With touch on the screen would be sex. I can't say I'd change from my Iphone tho =/


Serenade said:
This is what Sony did with the PSP 1.
And they have been succesful with that. First handheld to really challenge Nintendos domination in any meaningful way. I don't really see what Sony is going to do other with the PSP2 than be a more mature and powerful device. If they can be more powerful than the 3DS AND have great battery life that would be great but I they will most likely have to choose.

I would like to see Sony go with a very high resolution screen like the iPhone 4. That is one area where they can really upstage Nntendo. And much of the buzz for iPhone 4 was that super-sexy screen.
Sean said:
Sony is in a very difficult spot with the PSP2. They need to have some kind of unique feature or something, but I can't think of what they can do to make them stand out.

Middle ground.

3DS is a cheaper, kid-friendly, cartridge based, Mario Bros handheld.
iphone is completely digital download, touchcreen only, and expensive (considering the carrier charges)

PSP-2 will have a large disk-based and digital game library (hopefully). Fully fleshed out games (MGS, Gran Turismo, etc), and causal cheap download games. Along with music, video, and internet. It'll basically be the ultimate gaming/ entertainment device. Without the hassle and expense of owning a smart phone.

I think the only reason the PSPgo failed is that it shit in the face of previous PSP owners, and didn't appeal to newcomers because of the comically limited game selection (PSN only? REALLY Sony??)
DennisK4 said:
Why? I have never understood this obsession with battery life. Do you really commute for 7 hours straight? If not, surely there is opportunity to recharge.

Moar graphical power, please. 4 hour battery life is fine.

Uh, no it isn't. Some of us like to charge it up for the week ahead - it's more convenient.

4 hours is pointless for long flights.


DennisK4 said:
And they have been succesful with that. First handheld to really challenge Nintendos domination in any meaningful way. I don't really see what Sony is going to do other with the PSP2 than be a more mature and powerful device.

You keep using the word mature, but where is there for Sony to go with that, really. They would end up putting themselves in some kind of 'wanna be grown up' Marcus niche. The kind of advertising that worked against the N64 won't work against the 3DS. Hell, it already failed against the DS. You can't really be more mature than the system that has the widest demographics. That 'Nintendo is kiddy' stuff doesn't really fly anymore in the real (expanded) world.


GDGF said:
You keep using the word mature, but where is there for Sony to go with that, really. They would end up putting themselves in some kind of 'wanna be grown up' Marcus niche. The kind of advertising that worked against the N64 won't work against the 3DS. Hell, it already failed against the DS. You can't really be more mature than the system that has the widest demographics. That 'Nintendo is kiddy' stuff doesn't really fly anymore in the real (expanded) world.
Small, or at least smaller, kids make up a larger portion of the Nintendo audience. By 'mature' I mean they should target a slightly older audience, like teenagers. The PSP compared to the DS. I think Sony is stuck with that as their only option. Nintendo can reach everybody but I simply don't think that will work for Sony - they have to seem different or else Nintendo wins by default.


it has to be one of two things. either a really cheap GBA style tiny machine with more traditional games OR an actual console in your pocket.

by console in your pocket i mean HD consoles. so two analogues, tv out, mad graphics, premium price point (250-300), huge focus on PSN/Online and multimedia

it also needs to be fully backwards compatible with ad-hoc party. Battery life should not be less than 6 hours and it should have at least 8 gigs of inbuilt memory.


-2 analog sticks
-psp1 umd bc (i dont care how they do it,i dont need psn bc when half the games are not available)


DennisK4 said:
I think Sony would be wise to give up chasing the little kids market. Nintendo is king there. Instead I would target a more mature audience and to do this it must be a more powerful device. If that is at the expense of battery life, then so be it.
I didn't say "sell it to kids", I said "sell it to parents".

People don't usually buy gadgets because of its tech specs. Some do, but that's a minority. People buy gadgets to fulfill a purpose. Buying a handheld gaming machine and a pair of headphones for the purpose of quieter car trips is not uncommon. If the battery life is short, then the PSP2 fails for this purpose and won't get bought by parents wanting a quieter car ride. Or by people with long commutes.

Chasing after the "mature" audience alone is foolish, there's simply not enough of these to hit critical mass. You need a machine that has a hook for the tech-interested, a use for parents, lasts long enough for practically any travel, and has a long list of compelling software for all kinds of users.

Don't think so much "specs" when mentally designing hypothetical hardware. Think "purpose". What do the potential users want to do with it, and how can we satisfy as many of those as possible? Awesome power, high price and short battery life is pretty much the worst way to go there. You need "good enough" graphics, long battery life, and an affordable price.

Frankly, I don't see how Sony, as it is, can make a device like that. Especially one that can go up against the 3DS. Nintendo has the handheld market pinned down, you really need to out-Nintendo Nintendo to get in on it. Sony's PSP was a good effort at attacking a new GameBoy, but it was ill equipped to face the DS.


A PSP2 with a light technical upgrade and second analog stick launching at 200 dollars top would be the way to go.
2 UMD slots, the second one is a UMD-writer for saves. Drop the wifi and launch a new Sony proprietary wireless system called Blu-Fi. Turbo switch for every button. RealD 3D, include a pair of 3d glasses with the launch bundle +Avatar on dual-UMD.
weekend_warrior said:

My version:

Start with a PSP-GO. The size, the sliding screen, the general appearance is a great starting point.


+ A second analog stick
+ Touch screen
+ The CPU/ graphics technology you can fit in the package
+ 32/64 gig harddrive

Release an external UMD reader ($35) that lets people burn UMD games/ movies onto the harddrive.

Release 2 SKUS. One for $250 with the external UMD drive included and 64 gig HDD, and one for $199 with no drive and 32gig HDD.


What am I missing?
That + a phone version as well.


Eh, the DS and its successor are real tough acts to follow. My ideal would be a Dual CPU of some sort, latest SGX GPU, 512 MB of Ram and a super high resolution 3D screen with a clam shell design as the main screen, and perhaps a smaller touch sensitive screen on the back so when closed it can be used to navigate menus and such...or pehaps even make it a large high res touch screen (to play casual games the unit would be closed and would be touchscreen only, then open it for more hardcore experiences). Pie in the sky.


No additional functions
HDMI out and blue tooth DS3 support on all games would be nice. Hopefully they don't go the Nintendo route and find a way to differentiate themselves.
rainking187 said:
2nd analog stick
full PSP BC

That's it. I don't want 3D, a touchscreen or a phone.

You under-estimate how incredibly useful touch screens are. Entering text, surfing the web, accessing all your media without needing the slider to be open. Plus a whole new genre of games the PSP could support.
Aeana said:
People keep suggesting this, but it kind of baffles me, since people only need one phone. On the other hand, people buy more than one gaming handheld.

If they sell a version that is a phone and one that is not a phone (like the iTouch/iPhone model) that'd be perfect.

also people in here that keep saying the PSP has no games...really?...


Rolling Girl
viciouskillersquirrel said:
You anti-touchscreen people make me sick. It's 2010! How do you expect people to do anything not related to gaming on a PSP2 if it doesn't have a touchscreen?
Well it has buttons!


Speaking of phone PSP, how much different would each version have to be in other countries or is everyone basically using the same stuff these days? I dunno how mobile phone infrastructures work in other countries.

weekend_warrior said:
Clam shells are sooooooooo 2002...

Clamshells protect the screen. It's a genius design, I don't give one shit about aesthetics.


Unconfirmed Member
Captain Tuttle said:
You're goddamned right that's not going to happen. Can't change the laws of physics. Why even bother listing that?
I was thinking on an iPad sized device.

Agent X

Here's what I envision:

Start with the PSP Go form factor. Add touch capabilities to the screen, as well as a second analog nub, tilt controls, and front and rear cameras.

No UMD drive, so PSP discs would not work. However, the unit would be compatible with downloadable games for the original PSP.

Physical games could still be purchased at retail, as a selection of games would be produced on ROM versions of Memory Stick.

PSP2 could connect to a TV, just like the more recent PSP models. PSP2 games could be played at 720p resolution when connected to an HDTV.

PSP2 would have more advanced access to PlayStation Network, similar to what is available now on PS3, with full friends list support, messaging, voice/video chat, and trophies. PSN data could also be communicated to popular social networking sites as well.

A much more advanced Web browser than what we've got with PSP now.

Other network applications: Netflix, Hulu, YouTube, Pandora Radio, Skype (with video), Google Voice. Existing Internet radio function would also be spruced up. Games could export video clips to YouTube (like you can do now on PS3), and Internet radio or Pandora could be used in the background during a game like a custom soundtrack.


Serenade said:
  • ram: 5999 gHz of ram
  • cpu: a quad core arm cortex a8 clocked at 5999ghz (can be easily overclocked)
  • gpu: something that can run crysis better than on pc's clocked @ 59999 ghz
  • Storage: 599 TB internal storage
  • 1680x1050 amoled 3d touchscreen display (there will be another touchpad on the back of the device so we will get easy ports of good games on the puny 3ds)
  • constant free 4g network available without any contract
  • Can has games from Android market + ships with android 2.1
  • Capable of ps3 emulation
  • Battery: 99 hours at highest briteness
pricepoint should be at $499.78 (Because the casual consumer will no that they r getting good value for theyre monie and will not pass it up. they will eat it up and be a bigger success than apple or the casual nintendo ds ever could hope to be
got to here and couldn't hold my laughter in :lol
Himuro said:
Then why does 3ds have a clam shell. Clam shells make the most sense when it comes to game systems.

Because the 3DS is designed to be kid friendly.

does the iPhone use a clam shell? Does ANY smartphone on the market today use a clamshell?
When you have a device that's a music player, video player, internet device, clamshells are stupidly inconvenient.
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