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Longtime NRA Board Member Blames Victim's Gun Control Views For Charleston Killings

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TPM: Longtime NRA Board Member Blames Victim's Gun Control Views For Charleston Killings

TPM said:
In a post Thursday on a message board for Texas gun enthusiasts, Charles Cotton, who served on the NRA board of directors for at least 13 years, referenced the shooting from the night before that left nine dead at Charleston’s Emanuel African Methodist Episcopal Church, a historic black church.

Cotton was responding to a user with the name “ShootDontTalk” who wrote: "Something else to consider: The pastor of this church, who was killed, is a State Legislator in S.C.”

“And he voted against concealed-carry,” Cotton wrote. “Eight of his church members who might be alive if he had expressly allowed members to carry handguns in church are dead. Innocent people died because of his position on a political issue."


Basically if hell exists and Satan is real, he literally has reserved stadium seating for every member of the NRA.

Anybody who consciously remains part of an organization with views like these is encouraging them and by definition is supporting them, and therefore is responsible for them.


Junior Member
Fucking Christ, his last name is Cotton...

We probably don't have to go too far back to find a plantation owner in his ancestry, do we?


Basically if hell exists and Satan is real, he literally has reserved stadium seating for every member of the NRA.

Anybody who consciously remains part of an organization with views like these is encouraging them and by definition is supporting them, and therefore is responsible for them.

I'm already convinced I am living in hell.
Matthew 26:52

"Put your sword back in its place," Jesus said to him, "for all who draw the sword will die by the sword."

Advocating that guns be brought into a God's house is simply outrageous. This is not what we're called to do. Guns are not the solution to our gun violence problem.

Angry Grimace

Two cannibals are eating a clown. One turns to the other and says "does something taste funny to you?"
Are you shocked to learn that Guy Guy has rallied around the idea that all these pesky gun deaths would be lessened if there were simply MORE Gun Guys?

Its a very clean fit with things they already believe.


Why do these people think that having a gun automatically makes you Superman in these types of situations.
Yeah, that's exactly what would have helped this situation. More armed people, most likely inexperienced with weapons, firing across the pews in a church.


That's a bold move.



Why do these people think that having a gun automatically makes you Superman in these types of situations.

if these people had their way, we would be in the wild west totting guns and shooting towards the sky whenever a happy thought comes to mind.


America is a failed state in terms of guns. When the solution by one of the most powerful and rich organizations in the world is to arm your churches and places of worship like we're living in fucking Somalia, then we failed as a society. Completely and utterly failed.
Everyone having guns isn't a wash. If he rolled up and just started blasting there is no guarantee that anything different would have happened. To be guaranteed safe against random killers you'd need a better defense system than a gun on your hip, like an auto scan and detect turret or some shit.
Guns in Church, i've heard it all now. There again i can't be surprised that a gun lobbyist's answer to everything is more guns. In church.

I'm pretty sure Jesus is saying "U wot m8?!", "Did i fucking stutter?"
Yes, instead of blaming the racist fuck who went into a church lusting for blood, let's find a way to still blame the negroes.

Fucking asshole.
One of my best friends is a gun nut. He agrees with this! :(

He use to be a pretty rational person. Now he watches Fox News, Goes to Stormfront, and strongly supports the NRA. He also doesn't see any issue with police brutality towards blacks. I don't know what happened.

Lan Dong Mik

And why would I want them?
Fuck it just arm every single American. Send kids to schools with guns! Attend bible study with an AR15 strapped to your back. What a solution!!!!!


Fucking disgusting. I'm so tired of these scum gun advocates who rush to blame everything on the victims in shootings than the person who actually killed.


If only people watching a comic book movie were strapped, they'd be alive...

If only kindergarteners were packing heat, they'd still be alive...

If only elderly black church ladies had pistols at the ready, they'd still be alive...



Thank god so many people support and donate to the NRA and this man.

Thanks for that. It wouldn't be possible without people like you.


Everyone having guns isn't a wash. If he rolled up and just started blasting there is no guarantee that anything different would have happened. To be guaranteed safe against random killers you'd need a better defense system than a gun on your hip, like an auto scan and detect turret or some shit.
The probability of all these people dying would have been lower, because someone might have been able to gun him down. That doesnt change the overall problems in society though when everyone has access to firearms.

But the 2nd amend. is sacrosanct these days. Especially in conservative states where it symbolizes personal freedom.


One of my best friends is a gun nut. He agrees with this! :(

He use to be a pretty rational person. Now he watches Fox News, Goes to Stormfront, and strongly supports the NRA. He also doesn't see any issue with police brutality towards blacks. I don't know what happened.

Best friend...?


One of my best friends is a gun nut. He agrees with this! :(

He use to be a pretty rational person. Now he watches Fox News, Goes to Stormfront, and strongly supports the NRA. He also doesn't see any issue with police brutality towards blacks. I don't know what happened.

what happened is you need to bail the fuck out of that relationship

your friend is fundamentally a broken, grotesque human being. hopefully he changes, but that is a diseased relationship for sure.


Everyone having guns isn't a wash. If he rolled up and just started blasting there is no guarantee that anything different would have happened. To be guaranteed safe against random killers you'd need a better defense system than a gun on your hip, like an auto scan and detect turret or some shit.

Their flawed logic never seems to account for the fact that having a gun means jack shit if someone else fires first.


One of my best friends is a gun nut. He agrees with this! :(

He use to be a pretty rational person. Now he watches Fox News, Goes to Stormfront, and strongly supports the NRA. He also doesn't see any issue with police brutality towards blacks. I don't know what happened.

Is he still your best friend? I couldn't have someone like that in my life.

if these people had their way, we would be in the wild west totting guns and shooting towards the sky whenever a happy thought comes to mind.
The wild west had better gun control laws.


what happened is you need to bail the fuck out of that relationship

your friend is fundamentally a broken, grotesque human being. hopefully he changes, but that is a diseased relationship for sure.

just some light hearted racism, cmon Amir0x, don't we all have completely shitty bigot GOOD/BEST friends that we keep contact with?

Having bigoted racist best friends says nothing about your decision to be friends with them.
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