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Longtime NRA Board Member Blames Victim's Gun Control Views For Charleston Killings

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I'm not sure which is worse: this jackass or Rick Perry, for not only refusing to place the blame where it belongs by blaming prescription drugs rather than guns and racism, but for calling the attack an 'accident' instead of the instance of terrorism that it is.

Conservatives are stooping to new lows to distance themselves from this horrible act. The problem is that when your political party of choice is full of people who actively support Roof's cause, if not his specific actions, it's hard to make the mental gymnastics work in your favor.
One of my best friends is a gun nut. He agrees with this! :(

He use to be a pretty rational person. Now he watches Fox News, Goes to Stormfront, and strongly supports the NRA. He also doesn't see any issue with police brutality towards blacks. I don't know what happened.

Stop being friends with him.
Our society has failed if we all have to be armed.

This is true on a fundamental level.

A society where you need to arm yourself for protection isn't a society, it's a social-darwinist warzone. Society implies protections, mutual trust, understanding, cooperation. Tell a man he needs to arm himself to be safe, you may as well be telling him to find a cave in the woods and never leave.
Basically if hell exists and Satan is real, he literally has reserved stadium seating for every member of the NRA.

Anybody who consciously remains part of an organization with views like these is encouraging them and by definition is supporting them, and therefore is responsible for them.

NRA member here. Fuck outta here with that noise. Same can be said for any political group or party. Pretty sure we can find members/representatives of all political groups/parties that said something fucked up. Doesn't mean each and every member approved.

Hey, some of those donations go toward making Eddie Eagle cartoons.

Which are so rad.

Telling children that live in a society permeated by guns: "Stop. Don't touch. Get an adult." is bad? I know, we shouldn't have them live in a society with guns period but in reality the program teaches that. Not really how great guns are.

That a a different program....


I'm not sure which is worse: this jackass or Rick Perry, for not only refusing to place the blame where it belongs by blaming prescription drugs rather than guns and racism, but for calling the attack an 'accident' instead of the instance of terrorism that it is.

Conservatives are stooping to new lows to distance themselves from this horrible act. The problem is that when your political party of choice is full of people who actively support Roof's cause, if not his specific actions, it's hard to make the mental gymnastics work in your favor.

The fact that they even have to distance themselves from it, the fact that they have to rationalize race out of the equation...that should be a telling sign for everyone.


All I read is "blames victim"

in the title

and now I can't see straight. Everything's turning hazy and red.
Telling children that live in a society permeated by guns: "Stop. Don't touch. Get an adult." is bad? I know, we shouldn't have them live in a society with guns period but in reality the program teaches that. Not really how great guns are.

That a a different program....

Yeah, I'm sure Eddie Eagle is a totally benevolent program and not an insidious way to introduce kids to gun culture and eventually into NRA membership.

He's totally just a cartoon eagle teaching about gun safety.


NRA member here. Fuck outta here with that noise. Same can be said for any political group or party. Pretty sure we can find members/representatives of all political groups/parties that said something fucked up. Doesn't mean each and every member approved.

This isn't a few bad apples, its the largely vocal, and powerful, NRA culture and board members that has this identical message, and continues. Its a clockwork response from the NRA, because they represent gun manufacturers. As a member, it is quite simple to say "Well, shit.. a lot of NRA fucks are insane, and they are board members. But man, the discounts are great!" Instead of "Well, other things are just as bad too!"

That would at least be some real talk. I don't get how much the membership could possibly be worth to you, considering the leadership. But, you and I will never agree on you owning a gun as a black man (lol FEARLESS, considering we're killed for walking) and the NRA deal.

Just think about the sheer volume of NRA threads you have to rush to the defenses for. Because its often bullshit coming from the NRA. has there ever been a feel good thread for the NRA? A kudos thread? Akin to the good cop threads. You are so on point with all of your posting, until it comes to the blanket NRA defense.

Im sure there has to be more sane gun clubs out there. There have to be.


Telling children that live in a society permeated by guns: "Stop. Don't touch. Get an adult." is bad? I know, we shouldn't have them live in a society with guns period but in reality the program teaches that. Not really how great guns are.

There was a time when the NRA supported a reasonable cause - responsible gun ownership, mainly for hunters. These days, they're just an extension of the gun makers' lobby, whose only goal is to get more guns into the hands of more people, consequences be damned. A few cartoons playing lip service to gun safety doesn't wash the blood of thousands of victims off of their murder-enabling hands.

Perhaps the SPLC should think about adding the NRA to their list of hate groups - they might not be racist as an organization, but their unwillingness to budge even an inch on anything related to controlling guns and keeping them out of the hands of racists like Roof certainly makes them enablers.


Not really surprised by this.
The response from Conservatives (I know Cotton is a libertarian but come on) has been about expected.
Blame anything, (even the victims) but don't blame the white guy or racism.

NRA member here.

As a black man, why would you support this organization?


NRA member here. Fuck outta here with that noise. Same can be said for any political group or party. Pretty sure we can find members/representatives of all political groups/parties that said something fucked up. Doesn't mean each and every member approved.
By giving them money/support you're enabling their behavior.
If I knew one of my friends frequented Stormfront not out of morbid curiosity but out of genuine interest in becoming part of them we would no longer be friends.
I despise this viewpoint of that all attacks would be stopped if there were gun-wielding good guys in such places as schools and churches.
Hey, some of those donations go toward making Eddie Eagle cartoons.

Which are so rad.

Lol at the bottom of the page



Wow, you mean a former member of the NRA board expressed a view on a discussion board for pro-gun activists that is unpopular with anti- gun people? gtfo.

outrage troll at tpm needs a real job.


And he voted against concealed-carry,” Cotton wrote. “Eight of his church members who might be alive if he had expressly allowed members to carry handguns in church are dead. Innocent people died because of his position on a political issue."

i can't even believe what I'm reading.
America is a failed state in terms of guns. When the solution by one of the most powerful and rich organizations in the world is to arm your churches and places of worship like we're living in fucking Somalia, then we failed as a society. Completely and utterly failed.
I can't disagree with this. Sandy Hook was a watershed moment, and all it led to is an understanding that the absolute primacy of gun rights means we're meant to accept these tragedies on a regular basis.

As a culture we're truly sick.
There was a time when the NRA supported a reasonable cause - responsible gun ownership, mainly for hunters. These days, they're just an extension of the gun makers' lobby, whose only goal is to get more guns into the hands of more people, consequences be damned. A few cartoons playing lip service to gun safety doesn't wash the blood of thousands of victims off of their murder-enabling hands.

Perhaps the SPLC should think about adding the NRA to their list of hate groups - they might not be racist as an organization, but their unwillingness to budge even an inch on anything related to controlling guns and keeping them out of the hands of racists like Roof certainly makes them enablers.

You had me with the first paragraph. Then you veered off into anti-gun fantasy land.

By giving them money/support you're enabling their behavior.

I'm also supporting other policies/legislative action/stuff that directly benefits me. I can do that yet still consider this guy a douche the same way I can vote for a political party and donate despite mouthy idiots that say offensive shit.

This isn't a few bad apples, its the largely vocal, and powerful, NRA culture and board members that has this identical message, and continues. Its a clockwork response from the NRA, because they represent gun manufacturers. As a member, it is quite simple to say "Well, shit.. a lot of NRA fucks are insane, and they are board members. But man, the discounts are great!" Instead of "Well, other things are just as bad too!"

That would at least be some real talk. I don't get how much the membership could possibly be worth to you, considering the leadership. But, you and I will never agree on you owning a gun as a black man (lol FEARLESS, considering we're killed for walking) and the NRA deal.

Just think about the sheer volume of NRA threads you have to rush to the defenses for. Because its often bullshit coming from the NRA. has there ever been a feel good thread for the NRA? A kudos thread? Akin to the good cop threads. You are so on point with all of your posting, until it comes to the blanket NRA defense.

Im sure there has to be more sane gun clubs out there. There have to be.

Not defending the NRA or this. Just don't agree that I am morally culpable for some asshole in my same group saying something dumb. Doesn't mean I agree with them.

As for the gun manufacturers. I can't really condemn them as I'm more than happy to give them money for products. And trust me, I see the negative side of it every time I got their gun magazine. I still remember the darkened Obama cover. I mainly pay membership dues for some pretty good range benefits. That and some legislative stuff. Doesn't mean I agree with everything.

As a black man, why would you support this organization?

Because my skin color doesn't determine each and every one of my political preferences.

Black people need protection too. When there's a Black NRA I'll be the first to join it. Until then it's NRA/2A Foundation/NYSRPA.

By giving them money/support you're enabling their behavior.

Or I'm an example that not every NRA member is batshit crazy, racist, homophobic and willing to engage in a discourse. With respect.


NRA member here. Fuck outta here with that noise. Same can be said for any political group or party. Pretty sure we can find members/representatives of all political groups/parties that said something fucked up. Doesn't mean each and every member approved.

Nope, sorry, this is just nonsense people who can't do the difficult thing tell themselves so they can sleep better at night.

The organization was started as a organization that was hugely influential in laws that wanted to keep blacks away from guns; its board members continually pushes racist, hateful and extremely dangerous ideology and uses funds it gets from NRA members to do the same. Enacting legislation that has literally resulted in the innocent deaths of untold thousands.

You're responsible too. Own it.

It's the same thing for institutional racism. You may not be individually able to change the system, but if you are aware of how it works and you do not write your congressmen, protest when able, and speak out against your government for the shit it helps create, you are partially responsible for that system. Trying to detach yourself is cowardly nonsense.


But to be really safe, you'd need to shoot everyone else that has a gun on him in public. You could prevent a massacre! #PreventBloodShed #SupportNRA
The implication that the reverend is not an innocent victim :(

That's probably the most insidious thing. NRA folks have long been like "Well, if they all had guns no one would have died!", but the implication that someone deserved to die because they opposed concealed carry is one of the most disgusting things I've ever heard come from them, and that says something.


Boom! Bitch-slapped!
Gunned Down : The Power of The NRA (PBS Frontline)

Pretty disgusting organization these days that only serves as a propaganda machine drumming up fear among gun nuts with shameful rhetoric whenever opportunity presents itself. This PBS piece is both depressing, saddening, and outrageous, to think we can't even pass very mild forms of gun control due mainly to their propaganda after Sandy Hook of all things. It is sickening.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Mammoth, the NRA's goal is not to protect people. It's to make guns more accessible. Guns are the priority, not people..

Support organizations which focus on addressing matters of social and cultural diversity, community outreach in government, education, hunger, and poverty, if you want organizations that will make you and your communities safer


Because my skin color doesn't determine each and every one of my political preferences.

Black people need protection too. When there's a Black NRA I'll be the first to join it. Until then it's NRA/2A Foundation/NYSRPA.
Nor does mine, but the NRA and the president of the NRA used people that look like us to scare white people into buying guns. They also took part in stripping black people of their rights to protect themselves in the 60s.

Can you not own a gun without being an NRA member?
You had me with the first paragraph. Then you veered off into anti-gun fantasy land.

I'm also supporting other policies/legislative action/stuff that directly benefits me. I can do that yet still consider this guy a douche the same way I can vote for a political party and donate despite mouthy idiots that say offensive shit.

Not defending the NRA or this. Just don't agree that I am morally culpable for some asshole in my same group saying something dumb. Doesn't mean I agree with them.

As for the gun manufacturers. I can't really condemn them as I'm more than happy to give them money for products. And trust me, I see the negative side of it every time I got their gun magazine. I still remember the darkened Obama cover. I mainly pay membership dues for some pretty good range benefits. That and some legislative stuff. Doesn't mean I agree with everything.

Because my skin color doesn't determine each and every one of my political preferences.

Black people need protection too. When there's a Black NRA I'll be the first to join it. Until then it's NRA/2A Foundation/NYSRPA.

Or I'm an example that not every NRA member is batshit crazy, racist, homophobic and willing to engage in a discourse. With respect.

Anyone who stayed an NRA member after Sandy Hook absolutely deserves flack for being an NRA member.


The NRA doesn't want restrictions because it'll cost them money in lost sales. The "freedom" talk is a charade to make people feel they're on the "right" side.

It's the same reason police organizations protest many reforms of the drug war - they'll lose funding due to less manpower and equipment being necessitated and are trying to maintain their piece of the taxpayer pie.
Nope, sorry, this is just nonsense people who can't do the difficult thing tell themselves so they can sleep better at night.

I slept like a baby before and after I joined the NRA. If my membership ever lapses I'll sleep exactly the same, lmao.

The organization was started as a racist organization; it continually pushes racist, hateful and extremely dangerous ideology and uses funds it gets from NRA members to do the same. Enacting legislation that has literally resulted in the innocent deaths of untold thousands.

It was started in New York to improve Union soldiers marksmanship during the Civil War. To shoot who? Confederate soldiers. You know...the people that wanted to keep my people in chains. Ironically gun control started to keep freed slaves from owning guns. But hey, let's not let a little thing like history make that soap box slippery. And give me a break, NRA members aren't the ones committing vast portions of gun crimes.

You're responsible too. Own it.

This type of vitriolic nonsense is why you'll never see anything done regarding shifting gun policy (And convincing a broad amount of people) to something a tad more reasonable. You wail and moan about the NRA but to those hardliners...people like you that demagogue the issue give more to their specific cause than I ever could. Own that.

Anyone who stayed an NRA member after Sandy Hook absolutely deserves flack for being an NRA member.

Flack, sure. I'll take some flack. I'm used to it. Tell me I'll burn in hell? That's just childish emotional nonsense. Void of reason. Just emotional drivel.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
The weirdest thing about gun enthusiasts is that almost all of them will give passionate, sometimes even articulate explanations of the second amendment to defend every aspect, including ugly aspects, but the reality is that most of them aren't actually concerned about militias, or government tyranny.

Many of them know that as a form of self defense, it's empirically more dangerous than none at all.

They just fuckin' love guns and shooting them. Which is fine. So do I. But of course, that's not a good argument against gun legislation, so they torture a 300 year old document to justify a dumb, fun hobby.


Report me for trolling ND/TLoU2 threads
that is there solution to everything is more guns, after the kindergarten kids were killed they said teachers should have guns....how far are they willing to go honestly.


Read the article.

He's a current board member.

Sorry I'm on a train near Nagasaki on vacation ... Little distracted and misread that. But still don't see much point in pretending to be shocked by what a pro-gun activist (emphasis on activist) posted on a chat board meant for his ilk. I mean, of course he did. That's where you go on the Internet to find that opinion being expressed. It isn't news.


This type of vitriolic nonsense is why you'll never see anything done regarding shifting gun policy (And convincing a broad amount of people) to something a tad more reasonable. You wail and moan about the NRA but to those hardliners...people like you that demagogue the issue give more to their specific cause than I ever could. Own that.

Thats vitriolic? Saying you need to at least see/understand/accept why people blame NRA supporters? Nope. Its like some cop friends understanding that others make shit bad for them. The NRA makes shit bad for you, as a member, but instead you want to attack people for generalizing.

The reason you'll never see anything done regarding shifting gun policy, is because the NRA is strong lobby that controls our government, funded by you and others, as well as the Gun Lobby. Don't get it twisted that anything Amir0x, I, or anyone else says is what is in the way of gun control. Its literally just the NRA in the way.

As I've said before, you are a damn good poster on gaf. But the NRA issue is the only one where you're making little sense. Considering you understand the NRA's motivation to not change anything. Its just strange. As you're on point with everything else you speak about.
Sorry I'm on a train near Nagasaki on vacation ... Little distracted and misread that. But still don't see much point in pretending to be shocked by what a pro-gun activist (emphasis on activist) posted on a chat board meant for his ilk. I mean, of course he did. That's where you go on the Internet to find that opinion being expressed. It isn't news.

Who's shocked?

It doesn't have to be shocking in order to be newsworthy.
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