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Longtime NRA Board Member Blames Victim's Gun Control Views For Charleston Killings

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I have a question:

Based on the side conversation about Mammoth Jones about his membership in the NRA, and the NRA being a toxic organization (which I generally agree with)...

Why doesn't someone start a grassroots alternative to them that isn't about making gun manufacturers more rich and focuses on gun safety and proper representation for minorities?

Is that possible? I don't know anything about guns, but I have to imagine there are people who would jump ship in a heartbeat if there was a better solution available, right?

Baraka in the White House

2-Terms of Kombat
I have a question:

Based on the side conversation about Mammoth Jones about his membership in the NRA, and the NRA being a toxic organization (which I generally agree with)...

Why doesn't someone start a grassroots alternative to them that isn't about making gun manufacturers more rich and focuses on gun safety and proper representation for minorities?

Is that possible? I don't know anything about guns, but I have to imagine there are people who would jump ship in a heartbeat if there was a better solution available, right?

I imagine such an organization might appeal more to members like Mammoth who say they don't necessarily agree with the direction of the NRA yet really, really like guns.

But I imagine such an organization would eventually be corrupted by support from gun manufacturers or just outright be attacked by the NRA on behalf of gun manufacturers.
Nothing is the NRA has to do with personal liberties or "freedom"(TM). It has to do with greed, monetary value being put on human lives and the fucks who own gun-related business wanting to make more money.


We have statistics from a billion countries that show demonstrably that strict gun control laws lead to massively less gun violence, and that lax gun laws lead to much more. There's no real argument against it, the data is crystal clear. You're confusing your desire to own a gun no matter what with the reality of what your freedom is actually doing.

Yeah, about those stastistics...

Here's a graphic that shows the countries with the most firearms (at prorata), compared to their homicide by firearms rate


And here's another graphic with the countries with the highest homicide by firearms countries compared to their firearms possession stats. All the countries in green are seen as having hard laws for firearms owners. The only country in red is the USA, for lax gun laws.



the first graph demonstrates the more firearms you own, the more deaths occur. 88.8 firearms per 100 = 2.97 deaths per 100,000, and unless I'm mistaken, that's well over double the rate of deaths per 100,000 that Switzerland has, who coincidentally has just over half the amount of guns per 100 people we do.

The second graphic muddles your point by comparing developed countries to a huge list of (mostly) countries that score quite low on that index.

Of developed nations, we are far and away the worst.

Crime rates are always significantly higher in areas with increased lawlessness due to poverty, poor governance, etc.

you confuse me for someone who believes the only thing we need to fix is gun control. Even if we did that, if we had an economically underdeveloped country like many of those in your second graph, violence would still be astronomical. There would be little oversight, huge blackmarket for weapons, etc. But the correlation between countries with high gun ownership and little control and gun violence is very clear.


Nor does mine, but the NRA and the president of the NRA used people that look like us to scare white people into buying guns. They also took part in stripping black people of their rights to protect themselves in the 60s.

Can you not own a gun without being an NRA member?

But bruh you don't understand, the discounts.


Not bitter, just unsweetened
the first graph demonstrates the more firearms you own, the more deaths occur. 88.8 firearms per 100 = 2.97 deaths per 100,000, and unless I'm mistaken, that's well over double the rate of deaths per 100,000 that Switzerland has, who coincidentally has just over half the amount of guns per 100 people we do..

Switzerland has conscription and people in military must have a personal gun.


Swiss army issued rifles don't come with ammo, and Switzerland has very strict gun regulations.

Yeah but the Swiss government subsidizes ammo sales for civilians. And when your time in the military ends you can have your issued assault rifle converted to semi-auto and keep it. The Swiss like guns, a lot. They just don't kill each other with them.


Huh? What did I say? Did I screw up again? :(
Its the classic natural disaster therefore Jesus because of sinners style argument you can expect from deranged people.


The Autumn Wind
That analogy only holds if you believe the NRA in 2015 is equivalent to the KKK.
You say this as if it's a stretch. In fact, I'd say the NRA is worse considering the lobbying power they have. I'm comfortable saying the NRA is responsible for more deaths than the KKK in 2015.


One of my best friends is a gun nut. He agrees with this! :(

He use to be a pretty rational person. Now he watches Fox News, Goes to Stormfront, and strongly supports the NRA. He also doesn't see any issue with police brutality towards blacks. I don't know what happened.



I'm Canadian, but I really belive the NRA should be shut down and replaced with a more sane organization, unfortunately that will never happen. Get rid of Lapierre and all of his cronies.


I hope people around the world see how most Americans don't give a shit about this shooting.

We let this happen and everything is ok. We fuel fear, racism, and hatred. It is in the media, on our social networks, our work places, and our homes.

At least the NRA is consistent. They don't care about dead white kids or dead black adults.


I have a question:

Based on the side conversation about Mammoth Jones about his membership in the NRA, and the NRA being a toxic organization (which I generally agree with)...

Why doesn't someone start a grassroots alternative to them that isn't about making gun manufacturers more rich and focuses on gun safety and proper representation for minorities?

Is that possible? I don't know anything about guns, but I have to imagine there are people who would jump ship in a heartbeat if there was a better solution available, right?

I'll be honest, I think a lot of people want to do this but don't want to be put in the sights (figuratively and literally) of the NRA lobby.

The first person to start a gun-owners-for-sane-gun-laws org are going to have their entire life dug up and be under constant threats by armed people.


I'm Canadian, but I really belive the NRA should be shut down and replaced with a more sane organization, unfortunately that will never happen. Get rid of Lapierre and all of his cronies.

All the hate on the NRA kind of makes me laugh though, as it ignores the reason the NRA has taken a hard-line stance the last couple of decades, and it's not because gun manufacturers wanted them to(shit most gun manufacturers would have been more than happy selling nothing but overpriced O/U shot guns and revolvers, they are way higher margin than the types of guns gun control advocates go after). It is because the GOA and the SAF were formed in the mid 70s because of the NRA completely caving in with the GCA of 1968, though the shitshow that was the 1986 Firearms Owner's Protection Act of 1986 was what really gave those groups steam.

Most of the NRA's membership would be more than happy to fuck over any other gun owner as long as it didn't hurt the value and legal status of their precious duck guns and 1911s, but they can't because of the pressure put on them by the competition.

Besides all the worry about the NRA blocking legislative action on gun control is pointless, when the SAF and the Heller Foundation are getting gun control laws struck down in the courts left and right anyway. The NFA and FOPA are up next on the block it looks like, because of how moronic the ATF looks trying to have to explain how 'equal protection' works while approving transfers of post 1986 machine guns to certain individuals. Though the NFA registry being hacked, leaking(to the Chinese most likely) the names and addresses of every legal machine gun owner in the country does a pretty good job of making the government look completely incapable of being trusted with that kind of authority anyway.


You say this as if it's a stretch. In fact, I'd say the NRA is worse considering the lobbying power they have. I'm comfortable saying the NRA is responsible for more deaths than the KKK in 2015.

Well we've certainly learned that Mammoth Jones is self-admittedly a Clayton Bigsby, only he's figuratively blind rather than literally blind. ;)

Just replace lynch mobs with "stand your ground" laws and unjustified police shootings, and the two groups becomes starkly similar.
Why do these people think that having a gun automatically makes you Superman in these types of situations.

That's what I'm wondering. If all the members did have guns who's to say the shooter wouldn't be faster or that the gun of the pastor's wouldn't jam or that there'd just be 10 bodies including the shooter instead of just 9 or the shooter wouldn't just choose an alternative method of assassination knowing the entire congregation is strapped. He believes a gun could have stopped a gun but would it have stopped a homemade bomb? Or a fire? Dude makes a whole lot of assumptions about this shooting and the effectiveness of having guns.

Alternatively, I've said it before and I'll say it again: Just because the NRA is so gung ho about concealed carry does not actually mean people are forced to buy guns. The pastor could just not want a gun even if it were legal along with his congregation. But again and again it's the same "Why'd you go out at night?" lame surface level victim blaming that allows this guy to be and stay blind to the actual motivations and elements of this shooting.


I slept like a baby before and after I joined the NRA. If my membership ever lapses I'll sleep exactly the same, lmao.

It was started in New York to improve Union soldiers marksmanship during the Civil War. To shoot who? Confederate soldiers. You know...the people that wanted to keep my people in chains. Ironically gun control started to keep freed slaves from owning guns. But hey, let's not let a little thing like history make that soap box slippery. And give me a break, NRA members aren't the ones committing vast portions of gun crimes.

This type of vitriolic nonsense is why you'll never see anything done regarding shifting gun policy (And convincing a broad amount of people) to something a tad more reasonable. You wail and moan about the NRA but to those hardliners...people like you that demagogue the issue give more to their specific cause than I ever could. Own that.

Flack, sure. I'll take some flack. I'm used to it. Tell me I'll burn in hell? That's just childish emotional nonsense. Void of reason. Just emotional drivel.

Gratz for supporting mass murder, a true american patriot. Not sure how here in europe we can live without all that freedom.

NRA is one of the true cancer of American society. Friendly reminder that the NRA policy over gun has also created a police force who routinely shoots black people because guns are so common that apparently the only thing you can do is shoot everyone before they shoot you. So basically, promote mass murder, discrimination, economic inequality, and reward billionaire corps that sell deadly weapons. For what? For being able to say "i have the freedom to carry a gun"? Seriously?
Stay a thirld world country america.


Is anyone else just sitting' back waiting for this powderkeg to explode?

I've got to hand it to you America. You put up with some Damn crazy shit.
One of my best friends is a gun nut. He agrees with this! :(

He use to be a pretty rational person. Now he watches Fox News, Goes to Stormfront, and strongly supports the NRA. He also doesn't see any issue with police brutality towards blacks. I don't know what happened.

Run Astro....run far away and make new, better friends.
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