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LTTP: The Witch. Best horror movie of the last few years.

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Yeah, I've praised restraint as one of The Witch's best attributes, and I'd apply that to the fate of the twins as well. We've seen the fate of others - the baby,
Kalib, the dog. The twins are gone and it's not going to end well for them. We don't need an info dump to know that.
And not knowing it presents a different kind of horror than showing it, which in the context of that point in the film, was very effective.


seeing this tonight finally. super excited but also kinda nervous. i don't do great with conventional horror movies. hopefully the jump scares are relatively scarce.
Oh, why they do it has always been obvious. I wasn't scared while watching The Witch, but I was constantly nervous, weirded out, and appreciative of the craft behind it-- which I'll take over being "scared," but then again there are different types of scary and this movie is a certain type of scary. Some are under the impression if they're not being startled that they're not being scared, and that narrow-mindedness is what leads to 90% of the horror genre being total fucking balls.

Movies like this and the stuff James Wan does (so pumped for The Conjuring 2) are pretty much keeping my love for the genre afloat.


seeing this tonight finally. super excited but also kinda nervous. i don't do great with conventional horror movies. hopefully the jump scares are relatively scarce.

You should be okay. This is an old school, slow burn horror film, more about the atmosphere of dread and despair than making you jump. There's only one - possibly, arguably two - jump scares in the entire film.


You should be okay. This is an old school, slow burn horror film, more about the atmosphere of dread and despair than making you jump. There's only one - possibly, arguably two - jump scares in the entire film.

oh shit yeah that sounds right up my alley. jump scares are so goddamn cheap and annoying and they get me every single time.
Oh, why they do it has always been obvious. I wasn't scared while watching The Witch, but I was constantly nervous, weirded out, and appreciative of the craft behind it-- which I'll take over being "scared," but then again there are different types of scary and this movie is a certain type of scary. Some are under the impression if they're not being startled that they're not being scared, and that narrow-mindedness is what leads to 90% of the horror genre being total fucking balls.

Movies like this and the stuff James Wan does (so pumped for The Conjuring 2) are pretty much keeping my love for the genre afloat.
Yes, the whole movie, I felt tense and on edge, and its haunting moments and imagery stuck in my head long after the credits. It's rare for a movie to be able to worm its way on my skin.

I wasn't scared by the movie, but I was scared for the family. That movies pulls that off admirably. From the start, the family feels doomed, and the claustrophobic woodlands oozes that "you are unwelcome here" atmosphere. Plus the movie very quicky establishes that family is never safe. Night or day, in the woods or in their home, with family or with animals, the witch's influence is there, and they can't escape.
oh shit yeah that sounds right up my alley. jump scares are so goddamn cheap and annoying and they get me every single time.

Yeah you'll be fine. The jump scares he's referring to are just barely what I'd consider jump scares. They're not cheap, random things with loud soundtrack stingers. They feel like jump scares because like 98% of the movie is pretty chill, relatively speaking.


I only watched this last week. An absolutely masterful horror film with excellant performances. Gave me the same vibe as kill list although I slightly prefer that film.


I don't want to be overly negative but it is becoming a bit more apparent to me why mainstream movies feel they need to show and explain everything onscreen......

........because Jesus Christ, GAF...some of you....

Not enough digital blood squibs and jump scares I guess.


I respected your opinion and said that we can agree to disagree, why can't you do the same and you have to ridicule my opinion just because you disagree with me, is that what you do when you don't agree with someone?

I didn't asked for blood or jump scares. They could portray the fate of the twins in many ways that wouldn't include any blood.
Just watched this finally the other day.

It was good. I had no idea what it was about before watching.

The period piece opinion holds up. That's one of the film's strong suits. That they show off the witch so soon is alright, because the story mostly focuses in the interaction of the family.

Although, I would have liked more moments in the woods, maybe more interactions with the witch. I'm not sure it would have made the film better, but I would have liked to see more moments of fear.. I wondered if they
killed Caleb too early and could have shown us more of his horrifying situation before sending him back cursed

The ending was good enough. I'm glad they didn't cut it and roll the credits. Lately I've been fond of the follow through of a plot. So many movies cut to black and leave the ending to the viewer.. I'm a bit sick of that, especially when not necessary.. You build up a story, I'd love to see the results. So glad the film didn't stop prematurely.


Finally watched this last night and thought it was fantastic. It helps that I went into it knowing the type of slow burn it would be. I was hyped after hearing Eggers interviewed on CBC radio some time ago. This is exactly the type of horror movie I like, despite its slow pace every scene is so intentional and really lets your imagination go wild.
I initially wasn't sure what I was witnessing with the witch, and I wasn't sure this movie wouldn't just involve some type of mental illness of a character and the setting providing a backdrop for mental illness to be misunderstood (as it continues to be). The crushing oppressiveness of the setting and the bleak outlook on the odds of them surviving from the get go made this movie for me. Everything else was just icing and cherries. Realizing the implications of the twins songs etc about Black Phillip, Black Phillip kicking ass at the wood pile, and the reveal of Satan...wow. I'll definitely be watching it again.
I have to say I was extremely disappointed after the creepy first 15 minutes. I was like, "Damn, that was fucked up! This gonna be gud!". Unfortunately, the payoff never came for me. I had a hard time staying immersed into the story, and I just didn't find the proceeding events as scary, or interesting, as the opening. Don't get me wrong, it's a very well made film, it just didn't do it for me. Can't quite put my finger on it, but something was missing.
Thinking back on the movie, I somewhat liked it, still a slow burner though.
Black Phillip scene was very well done

I know it's accurate, but I think I l'd enjoy the movie more if they got rid of that 1600's dialect


I thought this movie was only OK. Any sense of tension was constantly broken up by the handful of scenes focusing on the drama between characters. It was counter-productive.

The defenders of this film always talk about how everyone needs "jump scares" these days, but I don't think people just wanted more jump scares from this movie. They just wanted more tension, more atmosphere. This movie had flashes of brilliance in those aspects, but again, it focused too much on character drama. To clarify, pretty much everything in the movie is quality in and of itself, but it didn't click for me as a whole.
I thought this movie was only OK. Any sense of tension was constantly broken up by the handful of scenes focusing on the drama between characters. It was counter-productive.

The defenders of this film always talk about how everyone needs "jump scares" these days, but I don't think people just wanted more jump scares from this movie. They just wanted more tension, more atmosphere. This movie had flashes of brilliance in those aspects, but again, it focused too much on character drama. To clarify, pretty much everything in the movie is quality in and of itself, but it didn't click for me as a whole.
The character drama is a byproduct of the horror, not something apart from it. The witch's influence is what destroys the family, or at least hastens their destruction. The family crumbling is one and the same with the movie's tension and atmosphere
The character drama is a byproduct of the horror, not something apart from it. The witch's influence is what destroys the family, or at least hastens their destruction. The family crumbling is one and the same with the movie's tension and atmosphere
Of course, I get all that. I just don't think it came across well. Someone hinted at the accent and dialogue; maybe they are on to something there. Many times I felt that the drama was overwrought and forced, which made the few instances of supernatural chaos more silly than terrifying as a result. That's not fair to the movie maybe, since it was going for the authenticity of that time period, but I found it hard to overlook. The crazy thing is I felt the performances of the actors was great. I don't know; this movie just left me with a weird feeling about it.
decent enough movie. I enjoyed it. Its mor a drama than a horror movie and I loved it when
the goat spoke
- kinda chilling.Loved that just about
died in this.



The kids probably died like both of you say but that doesn't mean it is okey to not show anything about it and I can't see how you defend it. The movie had like 6-7 actors to begin with, I am sure they could spend half a minute to portray what happened to them. Both of you say they died but neither of you can say it with 100% certainty because they simply didn't showed anything.
Viewers like you are the reason we have so many forgettable films filled with clumsy exposition. Stories are better when they don't show and tell you everything. The way to make a world come alive beyond the screen or page is to leave room for the audience to imagine and speculate.

Why do you want everything to be fed to you?


i need a bit to collect my thoughts but jesus fuck this movie knows how to lay on the impending and lingering sense of horrifying dread for an hour and a half


Picked up the Blu-ray based on this thread. I remember loving the original trailer as well. Looking forward to watching this weekend!


Viewers like you are the reason we have so many forgettable films filled with clumsy exposition. Stories are better when they don't show and tell you everything. The way to make a world come alive beyond the screen or page is to leave room for the audience to imagine and speculate.

Why do you want everything to be fed to you?

The ending was also a bit vague and doesn't tell you much,
the girl made a pact with the devil and joined the witches on their sabbath. The director actually took many historical theories about the sabbath and portrayed them (goat=devil, dance around the fire, the witches flying). Still the ending doesn't explain all that but as a historian I could spot an enormous amount of witchcraft references yet still it was only showed with no explanation and let the viewer understand whatever he can understand and it was fine

I didn't mind that but I think not showing what happened to the twins was a flaw. The movie had like what? 5 characters? I mean he showed what happened to the dog and literally everyone else so it feels like he forgot the twins at the end. Again by showing everyone's fate but the twins doesn't give you the impression that the director was going to do something like that.

But that is just my opinion on the movie and you don't have to share it but instead of just disagreeing with it people just say "LoL you are so stupid, you are the reason movies are so forgettable these days" nice discussion we have here.


I don't think even The Witch's staunchest defenders can fail to understand why some people would have liked one more big tit-crow to finish off the film. I loved what the film presented and what it chose to withhold, but I could definitely have used a final climactic chill; and I can understand why others might have liked a few more peppered throughout the movie. This could certainly be acheived without eliminating everything that makes the movie great.

Had the director gone this route, I doubt we'd be discussing how much better the film would be without that handful of explicit frames. In fact, I think the discussion would remain largely the same, but with fewer complaints. That's not the movie Eggers wanted to make, but I don't think it's unreasonable for viewers discussing The Witch to say that's the movie they'd have preferred to see.
Not enough digital blood squibs and jump scares I guess.


Related to you blood comment. I watched the film with commentary and
apparently the scene where Caleb is bled (when Kate slices his temple and catches the blood in a bowl) was achieved using only CGI.
It blew my mind since it looked like a very well done practical effect.


I don't think even The Witch's staunchest defenders can fail to understand why some people would have liked one more big tit-crow to finish off the film. I loved what the film presented and what it chose to withhold, but I could definitely have used a final climactic chill; and I can understand why others might have liked a few more peppered throughout the movie. This could certainly be acheived without eliminating everything that makes the movie great.
The ending is very chilling already, just psychologically.


I just watched this Sunday and I enjoyed it. My only complaint is the dialog as I was having a hard time understanding at times.
I just watched this Sunday and I enjoyed it. My only complaint is the dialog as I was having a hard time understanding at times.

Yeah I feel no shame for putting on the CC. Great movie trailer had me a bit over hyped thinking it would be scarier but overall a fantastic little story.


Good movie, but not really scary at all. Me and the gf walked out kinda feelin the same way "that was it?"


I liked this movie and it got me excited to see Anya Taylor-Joy playing Illyana in the New Mutants. It's kinda like a prequel, ha!

not my joke, I admit it


Some of the criticisms... jesus. Calling the fate of the twins a plot hole? Maybe the witches took them to disneyland. Right?


I agree with void. I likened it to Blood Meridian where all sorts of horrible things are described but it's implied that an act that isn't described is too terrible to imagine. I was fine with not knowing what happened to the twins, I don't need to see how much paste two young kids can become.


I agree with void. I likened it to Blood Meridian where all sorts of horrible things are described but it's implied that an act that isn't described is too terrible to imagine. I was fine with not knowing what happened to the twins, I don't need to see how much paste two young kids can become.

But the viewers who are saying they found the film dull possibly did; and it's not like explicit, visual horror hadn't been used to great effect in earlier parts of the movie.

I completely agree that the absence of obvious and detailed twin murder was a fine choice, but I see why people who wanted a little more hot fudge on their ice cream zero in on the twins as an obvious place to add some.


just watched it last night...amazing movie. also watched babadook. the witch is a much better movie overall imo, but babadook was geat once you get the symbolism behind it.


GAF don't hype me too much, you freaking disappointed me With Badabook and and It follow (was not that bad just the last 15 min kill it). They were nowhere as scary as proposed.

This one don't look that scary, should i lower my expectation ?
GAF don't hype me too much, you freaking disappointed me With Badabook and and It follow (was not that bad just the last 15 min kill it). They were nowhere as scary as proposed.

This one don't look that scary, should i lower my expectation ?
Depends on your definition of scary is, what kind of horror you enjoy. This isn't a movie that wants to startle you in your seat, but establish a sense of slow-burn dread and creeping unease through its atmosphere, cinematography and imagery, quiet implications, and dramatic moments.

I'd say the movie is less about trying to scare you, and more about making you feel scared for the family at its center
Finally watched this and boy was it ever sublime. I think my favorite little part is the shot
of Black Philip transforming into human form. It's a dark, very fast shot but the left hoof clomps in taking a step and then the right foot is a human. It's just a simple and effective way to depict the transformation. That whole final scene is maybe the best depiction of Lucifer I've seen.
It's simple and understated and incredibly effective. The whole film left me with a wonderful, horrible chill.

I am not a huge fan of horror movies because I am a baby so I ended up watching this twice. First viewing was pretty unpleasant because of how intense the dread can be but second viewing today was really nice. I had the volume cranked to better hear all the dialogue and now knowing what to expect throughout alleviated much of the dread, but it still was deeply unsettling a second time through. I really like their commitment to the time period, especially the language. Also their use of music and sound was great, good transitions from a quiet scene into a louder scene, etc. What a great, great movie.

And good child acting is so rare so it's always nice to see a child heavy cast all do excellent work.
Watched this film tonight and loved it. It was on another league from the assembly line horror films Hollywood puts out every year.

Really, really enjoyed it.


just watched it, great movie, also i think people are misunderstanding what caused the problems,
it wasnt the witch, it was black phillip all along


This movie was incredible. The cinematography was top notch, it's basically an arthouse period piece rather than a horror film.
The thing I loved about this movie was the way it wasn't afraid to take big dumb folklore and depict it as a living reality, seriously. The setting was alien enough for it to work and it left me wondering if I traveled back in time and retold this story to a bunch of pilgrims as if I'd been hiding in the cottage next door the whole time, would they believe me?
Watched this film tonight and loved it. It was on another league from the assembly line horror films Hollywood puts out every year.

Really, really enjoyed it.

I agree totally. As someone that thinks the influence of the film The Ring (and films like it) are one of the worst things to happen to modern horror films, this was like a huge breath of fresh air.

If anybody is looking for a true art house horror, I strongly recommend Von Trier's Antichrist. Not strictly like The Witch, but I couldn't help but think of it when I was watching it. I have since watched it again and it still holds up as one of my favourite alternative modern horror films. It's beautifully shot and acted, just be prepared as it is extremely graphic. Also, like a lot of Trier's work it is at its core misogynistic, but as that is a theme of the film I don't think it should offend too many people.

They will probably be too busy being offended by the other content in the film.


After a second viewing without hyped expectations from what I read on the Internet I really loved it.

The setting, cinematography, story & actors reeled me in.

Those Protestant Puritans geez, born in sin, living in sin. Sin sin sin everywhere wow.

I really appreciated seeing it for simply what it was.

EDIT: I need to watch it again in October :)


Watched this film tonight and loved it. It was on another league from the assembly line horror films Hollywood puts out every year.

Really, really enjoyed it.
Yes. And on top of the movie's obvious qualities (the pacing, cinematography, actors and music were all fantastic), I really liked that it doesn't follow a lot of the usual and generic rules of horror films.
The witch appears in the first 20 minutes, so that there's never any doubt that something utterly evil actually lurks in these woods. And by the end of the first half, you know things aren't going to get better, and none of these people are going to be spared.

It also has one of most unnverving
depiction of Satan on film. A whispering tempter who will get what he wants by slowly cornering you in a situation so fucked up that you eagerly (and deliciously) offer yourself to him

The final shot was incredible.
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