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Mafia 2 Demo Impressions Thread - Steam, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Kabuki Waq said:
you have a 5870 too correct? I get 59.9 on the benchmark but during most of the indoor shoot outs it goes down to 45 ish also when things explode with lots of flames indoor it goes down to 30fps for a minute.
Just played through the whole demo with FRAPS and it never missed a beat. Always 59-60 even when things get crazy. During cutscenes there are minor drops that happen (you'll see it go to 40 then back to 60 within a second), but other than that, it's smooth.

The minor hitches seem to be more related to the gamepad. With the mouse, panning looks totally smooth while it feels a touch jerkier with the 360 pad. Very odd.

You should definitely use D3D Overrider or else you'll see larger hits, I think.

Gives me a GTA vibe that GTA4 didn't really do.
Which isn't really a good thing, if you ask me, as Mafia always had its own feel. That's not to say this doesn't, of course, but I'm hoping the missions go off in the same direction as the first game. One of the biggest problems with GTA is how they limit most missions to the immediate game world. Mafia had unique locales and maps for each mission that would have worked as a stand alone action adventure if stitched together. I hope Mafia II doesn't stray too far. The demo mission seems to maintain that, but we'll see.

I want stuff like the awesome farm mission (in the pouring rain during a storm) or the mansion raid.


Trucker Sexologist
Kabuki Waq said:
you have a 5870 too correct? I get 59.9 on the benchmark but during most of the indoor shoot outs it goes down to 45 ish also when things explode with lots of flames indoor it goes down to 30fps for a minute.
That sounds like forced vsync without triple buffering.


Played the 360 demo. It was indeed a bit messy visually (jaggies, tearing, low framerate, subHD), but once I stopped fooling around and focused on actually doing the mission, that all was left behind and the awesome style, atmosphere, plot, music and dialog took over. Yeah, it's unpolished visually, but one really can't just dismiss the whole game because of it, since everything else is so top notch. The shooting and cover mechanics were surprisingly good, firefights were exciting for me, debris and random destruction looked great, loved mowing guys down with the thompson.

I'm not a fan of open ended games, they either overwhelm me or bore me with the repetition and generic feel, so I loved that this one seems to be a linear story focused game that uses the open ended city just as a playground for the events. I actually wanted to continue playing and following the plot really badly when it ended, not something that I feel much nowadays. Will buy (probably not at full-price/launch unless they polish it up a bit visually).


JRW said:
I wonder how much a GTX 260 Superlclocked would help with the Physx performance in this game if I add it in? Currently running a single EVGA GTX 480 / i7 920 @ 3.36ghz.

I have the GTX 260 sitting here unused (was gonna sell it) but not sure if its worth using as a
dedicated physx card.

A friend of mine saw a pretty big boost just by adding in a 9600GT. It'd definitely be worth a try.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
dreamer3kx said:
Jeez, damn ps3 version, ugh.
Both console versions are awful it seems.

Haven't tried it on PS3 yet, but the 360 demo is a mess. Framerates as bad as Saints Row are in full effect here.

I'm totally surprised as the PC version runs like butter. The opposite was true of GTAIV, however, where the 360 version ran very well while the PC version struggled at similar settings (and really struggled at higher settings).


Trucker Sexologist
dark10x said:
Both console versions are awful it seems.

Haven't tried it on PS3 yet, but the 360 demo is a mess. Framerates as bad as Saints Row are in full effect here.

I'm totally surprised as the PC version runs like butter. The opposite was true of GTAIV, however, where the 360 version ran very well while the PC version struggled at similar settings (and really struggled at higher settings).
The same thing happened with the original Mafia. History is repeating itself.
Played this last night on the 360 and thought it was a solid, fun demo that looks really good, but I still have zero desire to pick it up.

The shooting and death animations are really weak.....I think Red Dead Redemption has ruined all other sandbox games for me. :lol


Omiee said:
any other way i can get a download thing to get rid of the 10 min limit cuz the link i saw earlier i cant acces because my virus scanner say its not safe and wont let me connect to the website

you should probably not let your virus scanner dictate what you can and cannot do.

grow some balls! :)

Just played through the demo, had everything set to high/full. I have a i7 930 @ 2.8 [can OC to 4.0], 6gb and an HD5970. Game ran beautifully until the indoor scenes where it dropped to about ~10 fps. I've never gotten motion sickness from a game before, except for that...


rocK` said:
you should probably not let your virus scanner dictate what you can and cannot do.

grow some balls! :)

Just played through the demo, had everything set to high/full. I have a i7 930 @ 2.8 [can OC to 4.0], 6gb and an HD5970. Game ran beautifully until the indoor scenes where it dropped to about ~10 fps. I've never gotten motion sickness from a game before, except for that...


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
SapientWolf said:
The same thing happened with the original Mafia. History is repeating itself.
Eh, but it was clearly a PC game back then. It was made for the PC primarily and later ported to consoles. Consoles were less capable of such games, however, so it wasn't unreasonable. Modern consoles should be able to handle a game like this much better than what we have here.


dark10x said:
Eh, but it was clearly a PC game back then. It was made for the PC primarily and later ported to consoles. Consoles were less capable of such games, however, so it wasn't unreasonable. Modern consoles should be able to handle a game like this much better than what we have here.

Still think this is a casualty of multi platform development. PC can run the game so well based on brute strength alone. I know you aren't happy with GTA4, but with my Q9550 and GTX 260 I can run the game over 30fps and crank up the details and the game basically looks better than almost anything this generation. It looks so much better than the console versions it almost seems like a different game, even though they all use the same assets.
Every open world game that's not GTAIV makes it painfully obvious it's not GTAIV.

Production values just aren't there, writing isn't there, polish isn't there.

It feels like it'll be good enough for a playthrough based on the demo, but it's definitely not raising any bars.


bluedeviltron said:
Every open world game that's not GTAIV makes it painfully obvious it's not GTAIV.

Production values just aren't there, writing isn't there, polish isn't there.

It feels like it'll be good enough for a playthrough based on the demo, but it's definitely not raising any bars.

Writing? Polish? GTAIV?
bluedeviltron said:
Every open world game that's not GTAIV makes it painfully obvious it's not GTAIV.

Production values just aren't there, writing isn't there, polish isn't there.


Pretty sure this is what you are wanting...
I don't get why people still compare Mafia 2 to GTA4.

I don't think it is a fair comparison: the first Mafia was significantly different from any GTA game of the same period.

And Mafia 2 seems to follow the steps of its predecessor.

This is not GTA in the fifties. Deal with it.
dark10x said:
Just played through the whole demo with FRAPS and it never missed a beat. Always 59-60 even when things get crazy. .

You should definitely use D3D Overrider or else you'll see larger hits, I think.

I always use D3D. I have AA on and run at 1080p I get frame drop during the big gun battles Mid 40s. Dont kno why. Do you have AA on ? what Res are you playing at?

Big-ass Ramp

hella bullets that's true
wmat said:
I think they went a bit overboard with the swearing.

I'm usually really sensitive to that sort of thing and I didn't get that from the demo. It seemed all very reasonable given the characters.


Confirmed Asshole
Zeliard said:
The swearing didn't sound any more out-of-character than your typical gangster flick.
I think it's a tad unlikely for gangsters of Italian descent in the middle of the 20th century to swear like motherfuckers all the time. Doesn't mean I'm right, really; it just feels wrong to me.


How did we go from this:

V_Ben said:
goddamn. The PS3 version of this game is absolutely fantastic. It appears to be using some form of MLAA, and it also runs super smooth, with only a small amount of tearing, from what I noticed when I was playing the game.

To this:

heringer said:
PS3 version runs like shit. I honestly cannot believe how shitty the framerate is. It's definitely worse than GTAIV.

mintylurb said:
Just tried the ps3 version. As suspected it doesn't have any AA.

Pimpbaa said:
Damn, the game is a mess graphically on the PS3. Driving around the city looks awful with a near unplayable framerate.
bluedeviltron said:
Every open world game that's not GTAIV makes it painfully obvious it's not GTAIV.

Production values just aren't there, writing isn't there, polish isn't there.

It feels like it'll be good enough for a playthrough based on the demo, but it's definitely not raising any bars.

Oh, no you didnt.
The original Mafia shits all over the "story" or "writing" any GTA ever created.
Production values and polish are on par or better than GTA also, but I see you are a GTA nerd and you wouldnt let anyone tell you otherwise.
wmat said:
I think it's a tad unlikely for gangsters of Italian descent in the middle of the 20th century to swear like motherfuckers all the time. Doesn't mean I'm right, really; it just feels wrong to me.

The italian version seemed perfect to me.

Little swearing and good acting.


PS3 version is the shittiest version without playing it or seeing flaws. Just go to options and configuration. You will see R2 is shoot, L2 aim.....FAIL. Fuck off with this BS config. Makes the controls worse.
Oh, I just realized I still had a GTA avatar. Har har har, derp derp derp.

I'll check this thread out again after the flood of lukewarm reviews.
Cruzader said:
PS3 version is the shittiest version without playing it or seeing flaws. Just go to options and configuration. You will see R2 is shoot, L2 aim.....FAIL. Fuck off with this BS config. Makes the controls worse.

I have the real triggers and actually like when games do this.


Digital Foundry pixel pusher
Mrbob said:
Still think this is a casualty of multi platform development. PC can run the game so well based on brute strength alone. I know you aren't happy with GTA4, but with my Q9550 and GTX 260 I can run the game over 30fps and crank up the details and the game basically looks better than almost anything this generation. It looks so much better than the console versions it almost seems like a different game, even though they all use the same assets.
Well, I just tested GTA IV and it runs better than I remember from earlier. With most details at high but draw distance knocked down a bit it runs at 60 fps 90% of the time. Not too bad.

Still, it's on much newer hardware. Mafia 2 is more solid and, honestly, looks nicer to me. It actually reminds me a lot of Half-Life 2 in terms of coloring and details. It's a step up, of course, but still reminiscent. Even the water is very HL2.

I always use D3D. I have AA on and run at 1080p I get frame drop during the big gun battles Mid 40s. Dont kno why. Do you have AA on ? what Res are you playing at?
1080p without the AA option enabled as it didn't appear to do much of anything (though framerate seemed the same when I tested). Just did another run through and it still ran perfectly.


will this game look better on a:
1GB 4870
Phenom II X3 2.8GHz

or a 360

The reason I ask is because GTA4 ran better on a 360 than my computer
Shurs said:
How did we go from this:

To this:

The PS3 demo was exclusive to PS+ members for the first 24 hours, so only the died in the wool Sony fans were playing it back then. When normal gamers played it, the PR battle was lost.
KAL2006 said:
will this game look better on a:
1GB 4870
Phenom II X3 2.8GHz

or a 360

The reason I ask is because GTA4 ran better on a 360 than my computer

Just a bit! :lol

There's no way GTA ran better on the 360 than that rig, you must have been using completely different settings but that's for another thread. No ambiguity here with Mafia, it'll be like a completely different game.


dark10x said:
Well, I just tested GTA IV and it runs better than I remember from earlier. With most details at high but draw distance knocked down a bit it runs at 60 fps 90% of the time. Not too bad.

Still, it's on much newer hardware. Mafia 2 is more solid and, honestly, looks nicer to me. It actually reminds me a lot of Half-Life 2 in terms of coloring and details. It's a step up, of course, but still reminiscent. Even the water is very HL2.

I think Mafia 2 looks far better. The bonuses to GTAIV come in its use of Euphoria, its lighting engine, and its sheer graphical detail, but the image quality is a disaster even on the PC.
bluedeviltron said:
Oh, I just realized I still had a GTA avatar. Har har har, derp derp derp.

I'll check this thread out again after the flood of lukewarm reviews.

You're trying too hard. Be more subtle in future.
metareferential said:
I thought this too, watching the water.

I found a supposed no-time-limit patched .exe, is it reliable? Anyone tried?

Don't know if I can link to it.
i used the trainer exe from the steam forum. works but it kept poppping up the whole disk crap thing. but other than that it freezes the time ( get the one on page 2. Time Limit Only)


brain_stew said:
The PS3 demo was exclusive to PS+ members for the first 24 hours, so only the died in the wool Sony fans were playing it back then. When normal gamers played it, the PR battle was lost.

It's a bummer, though, I would have bought it for ps3 due to the exclusive dlc if the game performed or looked better.
brain_stew said:
The PS3 demo was exclusive to PS+ members for the first 24 hours, so only the died in the wool Sony fans were playing it back then. When normal gamers played it, the PR battle was lost.
Actually, it was available to European members yesterday, and is available in NA today, PSN+ or not.

So yeah, no.

That said, I'm not seeing the "PS3 version runs like shit" complaints. It RUNS fine, but yes, it doesn't look as good as it should. PC version it is!
Was able to run this at 60 after turning PhysX off. Seriously LOVED the fucking demo. Souped up some nice ride with a celeste paint job and sick rims. I've been waiting for a really awesome game about the Mafia. I'll definitely be buying this.

So is that PhysX fix only for nVidia?
Was able to run this at 60 after turning PhysX off. Seriously LOVED the fucking demo. Souped up some nice ride with a celeste paint job and sick rims. I've been waiting for a really awesome game about the Mafia. I'll definitely be buying this.

So is that PhysX fix only for nVidia?

PhysX is only really playable if you have Nvidia hardware powering it. Sure, you can use your CPU for it, but it'll be near unplayable unless you have like a 6 core I7 or some shit.


Revolutionary said:
Actually, it was available to European members yesterday, and is available in NA today, PSN+ or not.

So yeah, no.

That said, I'm not seeing the "PS3 version runs like shit" complaints. It RUNS fine, but yes, it doesn't look as good as it should. PC version it is!
In Europe the demo was exclusive to psn+ for one day.
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