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Mafia 2 Demo Impressions Thread - Steam, PlayStation Network, Xbox Live


Does this performance look ok to you guys. EVerything stock, in-game all settings maxed 'cept for physx.

xFire off:

xFire on:
Anybody getting weird pop-up shit on the PC demo. Sometimes random green objects just jump onto the screen.

Otherwise the demo is fine and it looks alright.
Got home, turned on my computer, logged into Steam and downloaded the demo while I made my dinner. As soon as I finished playing the demo I pre-ordered Mafia II and am now downloading the first Mafia (which I have never played).

tldr: wow.

Discotheque said:
Anybody getting weird pop-up shit on the PC demo. Sometimes random green objects just jump onto the screen.

Otherwise the demo is fine and it looks alright.

How old are your display drivers?


MrPink93485 said:
So were those earlier impressions I heard in this thread about the PS3 version supposedly being better a bunch of crap? Because the impressions right now seem the exact opposite (and the foliage to boot).
As far as I remember, none of the earlier impression posts(b4 mafia 2 demo hit u.s psn) stated that the ps3 version was better than the 360 version.

One ps3 owner who tried the ps3 version thought it had MLAA, some said it ran pretty well, some said it ran poorly etc. Some 360 owners commented that the 360 version might be running at sub-hd, most said it has noticeable tearing, etc.

Goldrusher compiled those early impressions and made a post. There weren't any direct comparison posts until just a few hours ago.
kinggroin said:
Does this performance look ok to you guys. EVerything stock, in-game all settings maxed 'cept for physx.

xFire off:

xFire on:

You're probably running into a CPU bottleneck there, hence the lack of scaling.


360 version definitely looks better than the PS3 version and it has a better framerate (but still not great). Also the 360 version does have very noticeable dithering on the shadows.
I know im being stupid or something, but it brought a smile and a laugh to me when i was in a cop car and had the siren on but no flashing red strobe of doom and i was like wtf??? So i looked harder at the red strobe to only notice it had been shattered in either gun fire or a random crash, that is attention to detail.


Yet another open world game with nothing to do. The cop AI is really lame though it's fun to bait someone in to shoot at you and watch the cops shoot them in the back of the head and walk away like it was nothing. Also I killed the gun shop guy and when I came back later there was police tape on the door and the store was empty.


KAL2006 said:
will this game look better on a:
1GB 4870
Phenom II X3 2.8GHz

or a 360

The reason I ask is because GTA4 ran better on a 360 than my computer

It was running very smooth on a similar setup for me at 1440X900. (I have a X2 550 so you have an extra core)

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
The benchmark gave me 59.0 FPS average with a Radeon 5870 1GB, Core 2 Quad 6600 @ 3.2ghz and 4GB of DDR2 800mhz RAM on Windows 7 Ultimate 64 bit. I ran the game at 1920x1200 with everything maxed, except I kept AA and PhysX off.

I really like the SSAO implementation in this game. Anyway, off to give the actual gameplay a try!


Ah, MUCH more like it

sidenote: Game doesn't really take much advantage of xFIRE, but I'll take whatever I can get.



edit: Right on the dot with the CPU bottleneck Brain. Thanks for the tip!

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
bridegur said:
Developers: Don't put water in your game if I can't go in it.
Yeah, just make it like an empty lakebed or or just a flat gray texture so I don't feel the desire to hop in and take a swim. It really kills the immersion when I see water and I want to go jump in it and I can't.


Stallion Free said:
Yeah, just make it like an empty lakebed or or just a flat gray texture so I don't feel the desire to hop in and take a swim. It really kills the immersion when I see water and I want to go jump in it and I can't.
The lack of water in the swimming pools drives me crazy.


X360 version has bad tearing inside the house at beginning but it's less noticeable for me in the rest of demo. Same for the PS3 version but more noticeable tearing in the entire demo.

PS3 version looks more jagged too. Framerate looks the same.
I agree with the lazy writing comment with whats presented in the demo. There's only so many times you can hear the f word before it becomes meaningless. A lot of developers abuse foul language when they can't seem to write interesting dialogue.

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
Wow, this game is good!

Not only does it look awesome, but it's a ton of fun to play, too!

I am going to buy it on Steam now. Maybe I'll finally play through the original Mafia (I remember hating the initial driving sections).

Zeliard said:

Stick it into the dir with the game .exe and run the patch.

Sweet! Thanks for that!

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
...and bought! Installing the original Mafia now.


y'all should be ashamed
Man this game is a disappointment. I love the atmosphere, the setting, the design, but the controls are not very satisfying and gameplay feels just plain generic. I had the same problem with Bioshock- killing a guy doesn't really feel all that rewarding. Phooey.


bish gets all the credit :)
Does the camera stick feel slightly laggy to anyone else? It seems to take a while to register movement. Controls are not very tight. Why can't any developer other than Epic and Naughty Dog make super tight 3rd person shooter controls?

Deleted member 17706

Unconfirmed Member
alr1ghtstart said:
Does the camera stick feel slightly laggy to anyone else? It seems to take a while to register movement. Controls are not very tight. Why can't any developer other than Epic and Naughty Dog make super tight 3rd person shooter controls?

They certainly felt sluggish on the PC version. I first started the game with my 360 controller, but they felt off. I switched to kb/m and the game controlled great, though.
BASED ON THE DEMO, it seems like a solid game but there's no hook IMO.

GTA has the insane attention to detail in a huge city, Euphoria physics etc.
Red Dead Redemption has insane detail on a HUGE map, satisfying gunplay, unique setting, etc.
Saints Row has the whole "I'm Insane" thing going on with full co-op.
Red Faction has the physics system.
Just Cause has the HUUUGE map, and airborne stunts.
Crackdown has the jumping, and verticality
etc. etc. etc.

Mafia II just seems like a jack of all trades, but master of none. The city isn't THAT interesting, the graphics are good, the music is good, the story is shaping up nicely, but I'm just not being pulled in. I'll probably bite at a lower price point, but not day one.
I like how this game is so strict with it's grading that averaging 75FPS is a B grade and it has a point where everyone hits single digit FPS for a split second.


Trucker Sexologist
Net_Wrecker said:
Seems like a solid game but there's no hook IMO.

GTA has the insane attention to detail in a huge city, Euphoria physics etc.
Red Dead Redemption has insane detail on a HUGE map, satisfying gunplay, unique setting, etc.
Saints Row has the whole "I'm Insane" thing going on with full co-op.
Red Faction has the physics system.
Just Cause has the HUUUGE map, and airborne stunts.
Crackdown has the jumping, and verticality
etc. etc. etc.

Mafia II just seems like a jack of all trades, but master of none. The city isn't THAT interesting, the graphics are good, the music is good, the story is shaping up nicely, but I'm just not being pulled in. I'll probably bite at a lower price point, but not day one.
If the game has a hook it's the story and atmosphere.


Net_Wrecker said:
Seems like a solid game but there's no hook IMO.

GTA has the insane attention to detail in a huge city, Euphoria physics etc.
Red Dead Redemption has insane detail on a HUGE map, satisfying gunplay, unique setting, etc.
Saints Row has the whole "I'm Insane" thing going on with full co-op.
Red Faction has the physics system.
Just Cause has the HUUUGE map, and airborne stunts.
Crackdown has the jumping, and verticality
etc. etc. etc.

Mafia II just seems like a jack of all trades, but master of none. The city isn't THAT interesting, the graphics are good, the music is good, the story is shaping up nicely, but I'm just not being pulled in. I'll probably bite at a lower price point, but not day one.

So what you're saying is that you need some retarded gimmick in all of your games or otherwise they're not worth buying?


Honestly I was pretty shocked at the jaggy fest which was the mirror scene when i loaded up the PS3 version. 360 one had a similar problem. Sealed the deal on what version to get regardless of extras.
SapientWolf said:
If the game has a hook it's the story and atmosphere.

IDK, maybe the demo wasn't a good indicator but I'm not feeling the "atmosphere" and this is coming from someone who LOVES stories from the period and genre they're using. Something like the Bioshock demo laid the atmosphere on thick, but if it wasn't for the music in the house on the radio and the cars, you wouldn't really get a sense that we're in the 1940s-50s

Munin said:
So what you're saying is that you need some retarded gimmick in all of your games or otherwise they're not worth buying?

I don't need a "retarded gimmick" but I do need something that separates the game from the pack, and JUST FROM THE DEMO, Mafia II seemed very by the books. And how are the things I mentioned gimmicks in the negative sense of the word? Everything I mentioned were integral in making those games what they are, and made them stand out from the sea of open world games out there. I'm just not feeling like Mafia II is trying very hard to distance itself from the pack.


MiDNiGHTS said:
I like how this game is so strict with it's grading that averaging 75FPS is a B grade and it has a point where everyone hits single digit FPS for a split second.

Gives us tech heads something to shoot for :D

I'm sure if I even begin to OC my GPU to it's usual settings (950/1175) and bump my CPU to 4ghz, I may be able to hit 85-90fps and finally earn that A :lol


Zeliard said:

Stick it into the dir with the game .exe and run the patch.
I downloaded a trainer (link on Mafia STEAM forums) which was a one file, which started the trainer with three options. Health, Ammo and Timer. 1, 2 and 3 (numpad). Didn't have to patch anything or modify any files and the trainer runs from where ever you place it.

Kind of interesting though from 2K:


I've seen a couple links to supposed demo timer removal methods. Not only do these often lead to viruses that will mess up your systems, removing the demo timer means you are stealing our game. If you post these, you will be banned.

Think of the devs at 2K Czech who have spent years slaving over this game and respect them. Don't remove the demo timer. The full game will be out in 14 days. Wait till then - it will be worth it. You will receive a fully finished game without any hacks (I guarantee the experience will be better) and you will be supporting the team you love so much, and the people who worked so hard to bring you Mafia II.

Also, you don't want to be banned.

Source: http://forums.2kgames.com/forums/showthread.php?t=79397

I didn't see removing the timer to be harmful at all, especially not "stealing". I mean the demo restarts after 10 minutes anyway so you can play as much as you'd like. I don't even understand why they'd have a timer if the demo is just going to repeat. Demo restrictions are in place too which limit where you can go.

Ah well, t-minus 14 days to go until full game. I don't really want to overplay the demo anyway, perhaps that's the reason for the timer. /shrug.


Trucker Sexologist
Net_Wrecker said:
IDK, maybe the demo wasn't a good indicator but I'm not feeling the "atmosphere" and this is coming from someone who LOVES stories from the period and genre they're using. Something like the Bioshock demo laid the atmosphere on thick, but if it wasn't for the music in the house on the radio and the cars, you wouldn't really get a sense that we're in the 1940s-50s

I don't need a "retarded gimmick" but I do need something that separates the game from the pack, and JUST FROM THE DEMO, Mafia II seemed very by the books.
I don't know if it's the same as the E3 demo, but I didn't feel embarrassed for everyone involved when a character opened their mouth to speak. That' noteworthy for a video game.


Tried the PS3 demo first. It ran like GTAIV for PS3 which is to say rather poor. L2/R2 aiming/firing made it rather tough for me to learn the controls. I kept defaulting L1/R1 which is sprint/reload. I'm sure if I gave it time, I would have been fine, but devs should really stop doing this.

PC version ran great, so I'll most likely get that one. I won't get into more tech talk, let's talk about the game itself.

I enjoyed the demo. It reminded me a lot of the first Mafia with all the little touches. I had forgotten that I couldn't speed so I was pleasantly surprised when I was pulled over. I flashed the $100 bill and was on my way.

Driving on "Normal" mode felt very twitchy to me, so I tried "Simulation" as per my bro's suggestion and it felt right. I didn't think it would be the case, but it was.

The gun fights seemed a little light. There wasn't a pronounced "umph" to the impacts, but that's probably me being too used to other games.

There was only one aspect of the demo which surprised me and that was the Playboy stuff. I didn't think they'd be done tastefully and I was proven wrong. I didn't bother to bring up a legend, but it would have been neat to have the names of these dames or which issue they first appeared in. My apologies if I missed it.


Licorice-flavoured booze?
Red Blaster said:
What, PS3 version uses L2/R2 to shoot?


Ahhh man are you serious?, why do dev's do this? I guess it's the PC version for me then, I take it the PC version supports the 360 pad fine?


I love how turning on AA gave me better average performance in the benchmark :lol

Everything maxed except for PhysX:



Now, that's not how it works while actually playing the game, but I thought it was funny. And it was regularly 10 fps better with AA ON until It gets to the part with all the fire and shit. That's what brought the average down.

Also, is there some bug with the blur or something? Check around the car on the ground and stuff. Kind of annoying when it's right in my face, but whatever.

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