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Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite |OT| Marvel vs. Capcom: 4 Female Characters


I love the smell of a Bomba in the morning...

I mean I was expecting a bomba but the level at which it cratered in the UK is just ridiculous.


As in "Heathcliff"
Considering how populated Marvel was for CEOtaku and SCR I don't think that's going to be a worry. The game still brings viewer hype so there's that at least.

Speaking of SCR has the Top 8 been uploaded anywhere? Capcom Fighters blocks it behind subscription.

The viewers will drop eventually. Without expansion or updates, so it will drop slowly for a year or two years.
Sales are shit but you'd have to be high in thinking support will end mid next year. ESports and dlc will keep this shit alive. That's how sfv kept trucking along and where the big bucks live (obviously won't pull in as many viewers but it'll definitely be stronger than most other fighting games)


That feel when you're Combofiend and you simultaneously fueled your fighting game knowledge into creating one of the best fighting games ever made but also doomed it to financial failure because of a single god-awful PR answer


The feeling when this is the first and last game you will ever work on.


Sales are shit but you'd have to be high in thinking support will end mid next year. ESports and dlc will keep this shit alive. That's how sfv kept trucking along and where the big bucks live (obviously won't pull in as many viewers but it'll definitely be stronger than most other fighting games)

Yeah. I don't see support going anywhere until 2019 at the worst. I'm still betting at minimum we get two more character packs.


"one of the best fighting games ever made"

C'mon you guys can't be serious. I bought the game too. I know we're in the honeymoon phase but it's too early to say if it's even better than UMvC3, let alone one of the best fighting games ever made. To elaborate, we don't know of any game breaking glitches or exploits yet (A la DHC glitch), and no real broken characters/mechanics save Dormammu and Reality stone, which themselves are arguable.

If in a year support is gone and we've got Dormammu on every team I doubt I'll look at this game more fondly than UMvC3. Dudes like Chris G are already dropping characters like Morrigan for someone more top tier


DBZF will have better reviews, better marketing, more hype into a more salivating fanbase. They would get overshadowed hard.

Again, better to have delayed it into competition and fix up the visuals, and ideally fix up the roster by including Monster Hunter and friends at launch. It would have at least decent legs.

"one of the best fighting games ever made"

C'mon you guys can't be serious. I bought the game too. I know we're in the honeymoon phase but it's too early to say if it's even better than UMvC3, let alone one of the best fighting games ever made.
Well at the very least I'm enjoying it much more than I did 3 initially.


I don't think season 2 is coming. If sales are that low, the development cost could be higher than the potential revenue.

If we're talking absolute doomsday scenarios.
They'll at least give us 1 more character pass to keep the rosters equal i think.


If they didn't do a decent job marketing the game it would have tanked regardless. It being perfect would have helped its legs. Again, look at MvC3 and the excellent PR hype leading up to release that Capcom set up.

Seth, Niitsuma, Chris Svensson, these guys received a lot of heat but man, they carried Capcom hard.
marketing was shit through and through for sure, but idk about it not selling any better at all if the marketing was still poor but the product met expectations. having positive buzz should at least help with that, until dawn comes to mind as an example of a game that received little marketing but still managed to sell well. incidentally it also had really great word of mouth.
Clearly you are every casual player. /s
I think his point still stands. We've seen it countless times with games like Xenoverse or NRS games that content is king.

This didn't need a story mode. We got a divisive Saturday morning cartoon that doesn't really mean anything in the end. The mode that was suppose to attract casuals is being used to scare people away from buying it. If their budget was small they should have put all their story mode investment into better visuals, more characters, and arcade endings.


"one of the best fighting games ever made"

C'mon you guys can't be serious. I bought the game too. I know we're in the honeymoon phase but it's too early to say if it's even better than UMvC3, let alone one of the best fighting games ever made.

Exaggeration for effect.

MvCI blows MvC3 out of the water in everything that isn't presentation/roster imho.


Exaggeration for effect.

MvCI blows MvC3 out of the water in everything that isn't presentation/roster imho.

Too early to tell imo. I edited my post to elaborate. Watch this become a broken snoozefest in a year or two

Well at the very least I'm enjoying it much more than I did 3 initially.
I am too, but that's because I have 7 years of experience playing 3/U3 now whereas I was a newbie when 3 launched. But I'd be lying if I said I'm having more fun than when I had playing Ultimate at launch week. Perhaps because I'm having a character crisis right now


so what are your sales predictions now?

Im thinking around 400-500k in a couple months time

And ya, with sales this low S2 support is not guaranteed. People say look at SFV, but if sales are what we think they are, this isnt the same situation...


Where's that edited picture that added outlines to Hawkeye to give it more of a cartoon look? They should have done that. Would have helped a bit.


If we're talking absolute doomsday scenarios.
They'll at least give us 1 more character pass to keep the rosters equal i think.

Possibly. It's just that everything about the game feels like it was made with the idea to spend as little money as possible. They've been super cheap so far, so I would assume the pattern to continue with the dlc.
Sales are shit but you'd have to be high in thinking support will end mid next year. ESports and dlc will keep this shit alive. That's how sfv kept trucking along and where the big bucks live (obviously won't pull in as many viewers but it'll definitely be stronger than most other fighting games)
SFV still sold relatively well at the start. If this bombs as hard as it seems like it will, support will be cut off faster than you can say "SFxT".
"one of the best fighting games ever made"

C'mon you guys can't be serious. I bought the game too. I know we're in the honeymoon phase but it's too early to say if it's even better than UMvC3, let alone one of the best fighting games ever made. To elaborate, we don't know of any game breaking glitches or exploits yet (A la DHC glitch), and no real broken characters/mechanics save Dormammu and Reality stone, which themselves are arguable.

If in a year support is gone and we've got Dormammu on every team I doubt I'll look at this game more fondly than UMvC3. Dudes like Chris G are already dropping characters like Morrigan for someone more top tier

Ghostrider and Nemesis are low-key top tier characters. It's already better than 3. Dormammu being top tier was always gonna happen just like Dragunov is always gonna be top tier in a new Tekken.
Yeah. I don't see support going anywhere until 2019 at the worst. I'm still betting at minimum we get two more character packs.

I think 2019 will be their expansion pack point. Or even end of 2018.

I don't think season 2 is coming. If sales are that low, the development cost could be higher than the potential revenue.

Game sales aren't the only form of revenue, else SFV wouldn't be getting shit. DLC, esports partnerships, and general licensing partnerships can make up a huge portion of missed sales. SFV was effectively saved by that esports part, and although it'll be harder for Marvel to capture that same viewership due to its chaotic nature, it'll still be getting a sizeable chunk of the pie. For better or worse, a good section of money making is from outside factors and not necessarily game sales (although, you could say the same for other, more successful games too).

Plus I bet Marvel wants to get in on this esports shit and being a part of a game makes it ezbreezy for them to profit. If anything, this game will get a refresher earlier than it should if Marvel still has its hands in development.

SFV still sold relatively well at the start. If this bombs as hard as it seems like it will, support will be cut off faster than you can say "SFxT".

What? No it didn't. That game was supposed to reach 2 million within a few months and still has not done so over a year later. It wasn't tracking nearly as well as most SF or other fighting games.

And the situation is much different. If Capcom can make revenue other ways, then they won't need to rely strictly on game sales. I'm more worried about how the watchablity will translate to casual viewers, because you aren't making shit if your game is illegible.


This didn't need a story mode. We got a divisive Saturday morning cartoon that doesn't really mean anything in the end. The mode that was suppose to attract casuals is being used to scare people away from buying it. If their budget was small they should have put all their story mode investment into better visuals, more characters, and arcade endings.

but people been asking for storymode since mvc3......


but people been asking for storymode since mvc3......

Yup. Capcom listened but thought they could cut corners elsewhere (visuals, presentation) to meet budget.

Entirely their fault, people wanted a good story as well as gameplay, presentation, etc.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
I don't think season 2 is coming. If sales are that low, the development cost could be higher than the potential revenue.

again, its insanity to think they will leave the roster lopsided. The fact that season 1 has 4 marvel characters and 2 capcom absolutely means there will be at least a season 2.

Also, you guys realise companies know when games are going to bomb right? They have pre order numbers, sales forecasts etc.

Hell WE knew the game would bomb, you think the companies themselves dont?


Too early to tell imo. I edited my post to elaborate. Watch this become a broken snoozefest in a year or two

Whether or not a game is unbalanced isn't the end-all, be-all on how much fun I have playing it. I love how freeform MvCI's combat is. In contrast I always felt like I was too held back when playing MvC3 at any juncture. I had more fun watching it than I did playing it, and returning to it on PS4 just highlighted how little I managed to get out of it. In contrast whenever I play MvCI I just have fun coming up with a bunch of silly shit thanks to the active tagging mechanic and infinity stones.

And if the only real worry is that the game becomes broken in two years well then we definitely don't have anything to worry about when Marvel 3 managed to survive six years.


I expect 200k-300k sold in a year.
Low sales meme going to become a self-fulfilling prophecy. I already know a couple of people who were wating on a sale but will not buy now assuming that they will only run into FGC pros online, if someone at all.

Whether or not a game is unbalanced isn't the end-all, be-all on how much fun I have playing it. I love how freeform MvCI's combat is. In contrast I always felt like I was too held back when playing MvC3 at any juncture. I had more fun watching it than I did playing it, and returning to it on PS4 just highlighted how little I managed to get out of it.
Oh the 'SFV is the best Street Fighter ever because it's the most fun I've had with any SF' argument. Gotcha. I was thinking on more objective terms. But yeah, I can see how it's more instantly fun. I'm having fun labbing in this game.

And if the only real worry is that the game becomes broken in two years well then we definitely don't have anything to worry about when Marvel 3 managed to survive six years.
Every Marvel game gets broken, but the worry is more whether it becomes a Marvel 2 or Marvel 3 when it does. In Marvel 3 we had 7 different teams and 7 different champions in 7 years, whereas in Marvel 2 J Wong. went undefeated for years and meta became stale with like 12 or so broken characters being picked all the time.
My worry is that because this game is so freeform, it might become more like Marvel 2, where the characters with the most broken tools providing the most bullshit due to the freedom. The 'rich get richer' theory. If this happens, I would consider this a worse game than Mahvel 3, where besides absolute shit characters like Hsien Ko, every character could win in a team build around them.


but people been asking for storymode since mvc3......

Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
You need a story mode these days if you want to appeal to the masses. I can't think of any successful fighter the last 5 years that doesn't have some form of that. Even SFV had the character stories at it's worst.

The big issue is just budgeting on Capcom's part. They seem to look at stuff like it's a checklist and nothing more. "We have a story mode, We have arcade, We have 30 character's". They see it on paper and go "We're good to go". When the fact of the matter is you need all of that plus the presentation and other things to get people on board. That's the part capcom seems to be missing. You gotta have that quality on all aspects along with the checklist.

No it doesnt. They aren't gonna make new DLC just for the sake of symmetry lmao

If anything the Season 2 DLC is probably already being worked on. Hell it might just be a veteran pack which is far cheaper to produce than all newcomers.
They don't need to make all new rigs and such like they did with SFV.


This didn't need a story mode. We got a divisive Saturday morning cartoon that doesn't really mean anything in the end. The mode that was suppose to attract casuals is being used to scare people away from buying it. If their budget was small they should have put all their story mode investment into better visuals, more characters, and arcade endings.

Instead of generating goodwill story mode just attracted bad press. I mean there are reviews out there that literally only focus on story mode. There's an entire article on Polygon or somewhere shitting on the game solely because of story mode LOL.

Oh Capcpom, why you gotta do this to yourselves.

The garbage-tier story modes ArcSys makes are so low-budget that they're incomparable to the stuff NRS makes, so they don't even warrant a mention. But Capcom actually tries and this is the result lol.


Whether or not a game is unbalanced isn't the end-all, be-all on how much fun I have playing it. I love how freeform MvCI's combat is. In contrast I always felt like I was too held back when playing MvC3 at any juncture. I had more fun watching it than I did playing it, and returning to it on PS4 just highlighted how little I managed to get out of it.

And if the only real worry is that the game becomes broken in two years well then we definitely don't have anything to worry about when Marvel 3 managed to survive six years.

Yeah, MvC2 survived fine as well. I'm a competitive player so I'll enjoy it even if it's just Ultrons all around at the top meta.

But I'm worried since bad sales means less support (which doesn't just mean DLC but also patch support)
To be fair, Ghost Rider and Nemesis were thought to be good early on in UMvC3, as well as Iron Fist. Early meta is early meta. Remember when Wesker was considered top tier?

Wesker was top tier for a pretty long time though. I believe active tag is gonna change how we choose characters.


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
No it doesnt. They aren't gonna make new DLC just for the sake of symmetry lmao

who said anything about new dlc? they have a fuckload of Marvel 3 characters to use. They have all the x-men characters that apparently would have added 1.5million sales to the game to add at little cost.

want me to add a lmao there at the end too? because I can.


Ghost Rider and Nemesis were only thought to be good before the game actually came out. When the game actually came out they were exposed to being ass.

Where as in MVCI they both have out performed their counterparts in 3 already. They are certainly better than their previous versions but they are the type of characters to fall off in tiers/play over time.


As in "Heathcliff"
Sales are shit but you'd have to be high in thinking support will end mid next year. ESports and dlc will keep this shit alive. That's how sfv kept trucking along and where the big bucks live (obviously won't pull in as many viewers but it'll definitely be stronger than most other fighting games)

I agreed with you it is more likely to have a long support by esport crowds and mostly fgc fans. However do you think Marvel and/or Capcom wouldn't bail out when they are losing money or bleeding money when they can't meet its ends with the money from DLC sales?

The feeling when this is the first and last game you will ever work on.

I thought he tooks a part in SFV SP2?

I don't think season 2 is coming. If sales are that low, the development cost could be higher than the potential revenue.

Some characters for Season 2 should be worked on right now but not 100% done so they can cancel it if they wanted to. However I don't think it's wise to drop season 2 since it's more likely to have X-Men


Ghost Rider and Nemesis were only thought to be good before the game actually came out. When the game actually came out they were exposed to being ass.

Where as in MVCI they both have out performed their counterparts in 3 already. They are certainly better than their previous versions but they are the type of characters to fall off in tiers/play over time.
I'm just saying, early meta is early meta. It's looking good for those two though!


More like less DLC coming, support dying, and no new MvC game in the near future.

It's kind of sad that the game is getting memed on so hard since it's such a blast to play and watch. Capcom should have delayed this.
It is really fun. Even at a competitive level though its showing week1 some broken issues though. Both Cap. Marvel and Gamora have moves that have way more advatages than they were supposed to, reality stone is fast showing potential issues in how strong it is because its acting like a combo breaker similar to doom missiles, handcuff glitch has been found, cap float glitch was found, and Dorm is so buffed that even week 1 he has 106 hit combos and nigh permanent lockdown and controls movement so hard folks can barely move without armor or reality stones interrupting him.

Its fun but quality and polish is very absent. Its got issues at all levels.


Damned if they do, damned if they don't.
You need a story mode these days if you want to appeal to the masses. I can't think of any successful fighter the last 5 years that doesn't have some form of that. Even SFV had the character stories at it's worst.

The big issue is just budgeting on Capcom's part. They seem to look at stuff like it's a checklist and nothing more. "We have a story mode, We have arcade, We have 30 character's". They see it on paper and go "We're good to go". When the fact of the matter is you need all of that plus the presentation and other things to get people on board. That's the part capcom seems to be missing. You gotta have that quality on all aspects along with the checklist.

I celebrated the inclusion of a story for MvC but then the problem with Capcom is I can count the amount of good game stories they have on like, one hand. Maybe it's why "wifearm" never bothered me. Most of their stories are already stupid schlock.

(Which makes Marvel a perfect fit for them lol)
who said anything about new dlc? they have a fuckload of Marvel 3 characters to use. They have all the x-men characters that apparently would have added 1.5million sales to the game to add at little cost.

want me to add a lmao there at the end too? because I can.
Porting over MVC3 characters isn't free. If the game/DLC doesn't sell they aren't gonna add more characters just because.

A season 2 was very likely already in the plans from the start but nothing is 100% guaranteed.


I really hope they take the right lessons from SFV and MvC:I. Both of those games had plenty of opportunities to be huge successes (within the confines of the genre, that is)...

If SFV had launched with all the necessary single player content (everything we have now plus an arcade mode), had polished up the rough spots (Ken's face), and had launched with the online stability (the utility, and stability, we have now), it would have been praised. Sure, there would be detractors, and it wouldn't be seen as the perfect Street Fighter game, but it wouldn't have received the hate it did at launch.

MvC:I, on the other hand, focused on fixing those problems (except the polish, yuck), but ended up falling short everywhere else. With a better roster, and better graphics, this game would have been huge. The people playing it are loving it. Having the required single player modes from the beginning wasn't going to be enough to sell the rest.

Capcom is well on its way to having SFV built up to a respectable game. They can surely do the same with MvC:I. I hope they do just that. However, they NEED to give these games the proper budget and development cycle so that they can stop having to dig their way out of holes...

I wanted this game to suffer in sales to some extent, but this shit doesn't make me happy at all. I really want to see these games thrive, but I also want to see them done right. Please, Capcom, I still remember who you used to be...


The Steam equivalent of the drunk friend who keeps offering to pay your tab all night.
"I wanted to see this game fail" heh.

I love this myth that "yeah the game will bomb that will teach them to make it better next time" is a thing.
I agreed with you it is more likely to have a long support by esport crowds and mostly fgc fans. However do you think Marvel and/or Capcom wouldn't bail out when they are losing money or bleeding money when they can't meet its ends with the money from DLC sales?

Of course they'd bail out. But it'd have to be such a significant amount for that to happen. Like, more than just a bad launch, but no legs, horrible esports turnout and deft lack of partnerships to rake in any cash. And that would also mean they'd have to exhaust their options as well.
Even though it's early and alot of tech hasn't been found yet, I still feel like it's not going to go the way of dlc glitch, OTD feel due to active and counter switching. Some stuff is concerning like Dorm's the floor is lava (yes you can jump out, but to have that portion of the screen locked off, especially for so long, is kind of cheap. Also sucks for characters without flight/ways to stay in the air like Nemesis's charge rocket shot.)

I think it'd be fair to change reality stone and Dorm's thorns to disappear on hit.


I really hope they take the right lessons from SFV and MvC:I. Both of those games had plenty of opportunities to be huge success (within the confines of the genre, that is)...

If SFV had launched with all the necessary single player content (everything we have now plus an arcade mode), had polished up the rough spots (Ken's face), and had launched with the online stability (the utility, and stability, we have now), it would have been praised. Sure, there would be detractors, and it wouldn't be seen as the perfect Street Fighter game, but it wouldn't have received the hate it did at launch.

MvC:I, on the other hand, focused on fixing those problems (except the polish, yuck), but ended up falling short everywhere else. With a better roster, and better graphics, this game would have been huge. The people playing it are loving it. Having the required single player modes from the beginning wasn't going to be enough to sell the rest.

Capcom is well on its way to having SFV built up to a respectable game. They can surely do the same with MvC:I. I hope they do just that. However, they NEED to give these games the proper budget and development cycle so that they can stop having to dig their way out of holes...

I wanted this game to suffer in sales to some extent, but this shit doesn't make me happy at all. I really want to see these games thrive, but I also want to see them done right. Please, Capcom, I still remember who you used to be...

I've said before if you combined all the positives of SFV and MVC:I into one game. You'd surely have a decent seller on your hands. It's so odd they fixed things in one and not the other.
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