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McAss Whoopin'

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I wonder what the two 'victims' expected when they went over the counter. The more that I think about it, the more I realize that they pretty much had a tremendous ass whoopin' coming to them.


Emily Chu said:
Wait ive been skimming this thread what causes the customers to jump the counter ?

Video starts with customer telling employee to "do something" and repeatedly calls him a "pussy". You can then see a 2nd (less vocal?) customer slap (or punch?) the employee who immediately without hesitation swings right back at her. First customer jumps the counter and chases him down. They both do actually, because you can see him beating them both with the pipe behind the counter, but I can only see when the one jumps.


filler said:
Dude was like "I'm going to the back to super-size this ass whoopin', hold on"

Comes back out with a McClub

He went ham-burger on them hoes... Hit them bitches with a McFlurry...

He beat the McNuggets out of them McChickenheads

Classic lmao


Fixed2BeBroken said:
yea, cause u know, only black women argue in certain ways, while asian girls dont.


racism is lame. and so are stereotypes.

I found it funny. He said that he always thought chinese girls were docile and timid and shit and then he found out the hard way by getting cussed out by his girl that that is not always the case.


Emily Chu said:
Wait ive been skimming this thread what causes the customers to jump the counter ?

The argument started over a $50 bill they handed him, that the cashier was checking if it was counterfeit. The customer(s) blew up and started screaming, slapped him, then jumped over the counter etc.

Guy clearly went overboard and took it beyond self defense, but they were the ones who started shit so I don't feel sorry. A civilized person would've asked to see the manager to make a complaint rather than trying to make it a physical fight.


While they were without a doubt wrong that in no way remotely makes what he did right.

Hmm. This part makes me wonder why the hell he was out anyway.

McIntosh served more than a decade in prison after shooting and killing a high school classmate in 2000. He was being held on $40,000 bail.

Based on that he's a convicted murderer already so why is he free is my question. Shouldn't be be on death row with the rest of the murdering scumbags?


He went too far but I can't say I feel sorry for the people who put themselves in that danger. Seriously, slapping the guy across the counter and rushing back there to confront him even more? Come the fuck on


Full Metal Jacket said:

I love the part where he's nodding, almost asking "Do you want more" and a moment later the lady tries to get up only to be beaten down again. Best game of whack a hoe i've ever seen.
Sean said:
The argument started over a $50 bill they handed him, that the cashier was checking if it was counterfeit. The customer(s) blew up and started screaming, slapped him, then jumped over the counter etc.

Guy clearly went overboard and took it beyond self defense, but they were the ones who started shit so I don't feel sorry. A civilized person would've asked to see the manager to make a complaint rather than trying to make it a physical fight.

Isn't checking notes standard practice in the US? Whenever you had over anything over a £10 in most shops here, they get out their fake note detection pen and check if the note is legit. It's pretty standard practice, so why they'd blow up?

Maybe it was fake?


Speedymanic said:
Isn't checking notes standard practice in the US? Whenever you had over anything over a £10 in most shops here, they get out their fake note detection pen and check if the note is legit. It's pretty standard practice, so why they'd blow up?

Maybe it was fake?
Rigga Moment. Logic doesn't exist
SSJ1Goku ... he is very likely my favorite gaf member lol! Really, by large I have come to his conclusions by thinking about the topic of "Black Culture" and talking with other friends about it. I love how most of the time I never see anyone he argues with actually use cites or links to back up w/e they're saying yet he does. If you step back from trying to defend Chocolate Women and allow them to own up to their shit then you will see his point makes sense.

Anyway, I feel these fuckers deserved every hit they got and I feel sorry for the man. Finally gets out of jail for some fucked up shit he did as a kid, tries to get his life together and work a legit job ... only to run into some load mouth ghetto "butch lesbian thugs" who want to use what may be a fake $50 bill and attack him when he does what he is SUPPOSED to do and try to have it checked. After slapping him and jumping the counter to follow him after he walks away ... that's completely understandable imo. Loosing it in that event ... I can see.

And something I haven't really seen touched upon here ... these women are following him and trying to do more harm to him/ fight him in a FUCKING FAST FOOD KITCHEN! Now regardless of how fucking stupid and sexist I think it is for some people here to equate women to children (even if it's just physically) you HAVE to realize how dangerous it is to fight in an active, busy fast food kitchen. Even if he had tried to "hold them or grab their hand reaaaaly hard" or w/e bs people here are suggesting ... there is still a very good chance that they could do something that would really damage all people involved. From hot oil to hot stoves to slippery ass floors, that is NOT a good place to pick a fight.

Zwei said:
31-year old male still working at WacArnold's? Yeah, that seems like a dude who could blow the fuck up at any moment. :/
"Still"? The man has been locked up most of his adult life. And in THIS economy? Fuck, there are TONS of people coming out of better jobs trying to work a McJob after being laid off and jobless for a year.

And just to share something I came across to spread out the heat, crazy ass woman trashes a McDrive-through because they wouldn't sell her McNuggets at that time of day.

OH! And this is the BEST WSHH fight break up I have come across!
reggie said:
Please let your post be sarcasm. Since when is it ever a good idea to panic in bad situations? It only serves to make it worse.

Yeah, no. A blood curdling scream has a chance to pierce the battle madness that descends during violence. A polite, "Hey dude would you stop beating these two women to death with a metal pole", is not going to register. Ignoring that the blood curdling scream does in fact get a response from the guy almost instantly which discounts your whole nonsensical theory.


What was he supposed to do when one jumped the counter and the other one went around to get to him? Grab them and lay them gently on the ground? If you're going to come around and actually walk around an employee/employer barrier, if you get beat up to the extreme, that's your fault.


best seen in the classic "Shadow of the Beast"
Black-Wind said:
SSJ1Goku ... he is very likely my favorite gaf member lol! Really, by large I have come to his conclusions by thinking about the topic of "Black Culture" and talking with other friends about it. I love how most of the time I never see anyone he argues with actually use cites or links to back up w/e they're saying yet he does. If you step back from trying to defend Chocolate Women and allow them to own up to their shit then you will see his point makes sense.

well, youve just extended the lifespan of this thread by a few pages come morning


I know pretty much know all of the arguments SSJIgoku uses and if anyone wants i can cite the videoblogger he picked up his arguments from.


Speedymanic said:
Isn't checking notes standard practice in the US? Whenever you had over anything over a £10 in most shops here, they get out their fake note detection pen and check if the note is legit. It's pretty standard practice, so why they'd blow up?

Maybe it was fake?

Almost every time I have given someone a $50 or a $100 they have checked it.
That guy is going back to jail, and he needs to. That was over the top.

Buy my god, that beatdown is amazing. Looks like he's playing a game of whack-a-mole at one point.

24FrameDaVinci said:
Holy shit. Hooooly shitttt :lol

I actually expected her to come flying through the little window when she followed him into the back room.
If this was two guys jumping over the counter and going towards him to beat him up he would have been an hero.

That's equal rights for you.

Then again... manslaughter... why was he out in the first place?
Metalmurphy said:
If this was two guys jumping over the counter and going towards him to beat him up he would have been an hero.

That's equal rights for you.

Then again... manslaughter... why was he out in the first place?
because it was manslaughter, not rape or some drug charge. or murder.


MIMIC said:
Or maybe she walked in with it.

Cute! You might want to take your own advice and watch the vid since one of them gets a whack to the head while still vertical.

Or don't.

Edit: Or just check out the anigif above :lol


PsychoRaven said:
Based on that he's a convicted murderer already so why is he free is my question. Shouldn't be be on death row with the rest of the murdering scumbags?

Upon further research, he was NOT a convicted murderer.

He was convicted of manslaughter. Back when he was in high school, he and a friend were playing with a gun and when it was his turn, he accidentally shot himself in the leg and the bullet ricocheted off the floor and hit and killed his friend.
Suairyu said:
lol@the "you don't know what weapons she might have had on her" argument. Worst argument in the world.

How? Why? If they're no longer attacking you, it's over. They just have every instinct in their body telling them to get up.

If they are no longer a threat, it is no longer defence. If it isn't defence, it's an attack. I'm honestly confused by you here because this is a black and white issue: are you defending yourself? No? Then you're attacking someone.

He was (after her first, deserved, beatdown) viciously attacking her.
if they're still coming at you, they're still a threat. and you can clearly see that one chick still rising from the ground and going after him in the gif posted in the thread.
Have you black-women-haters ever watched the Jersey Shore? Or any of the Real Housewives shows? How do you explain how they act? Why do black women always get singled out?


1. the chicks deserved it (well, to an extent)
2. he doesn't need jail, he needs help. this guys obviously has anger issues.
3. what those chicks got was a bit more than what they "deserved" but still, if u wanna go hard like that, u get wut u deserve.


samus i am said:
Have you black-women-haters ever watched the Jersey Shore? Or any of the Real Housewives shows? How do you explain how they act? Why do black women always get singled out?
Those women don't act like that.


do not tempt fate do not contrain Wonder Woman's thighs do not do not
Haha, what a feel good clip.
Recorded in 1080 as well.

Those stupid bitches deserved the ass whooping they got, when he walked away, they should have just left it at that.

Going around the counter? Asking for a beating.

P.S The woman screaming Stop.....deserves a medal for being the most annoying thing ive heard in months.


samus i am said:
Have you black-women-haters ever watched the Jersey Shore? Or any of the Real Housewives shows? How do you explain how they act? Why do black women always get singled out?
Holy shit...

This is not an example of anyone getting singled out. This is an example of 2 bitches who acted like bitches. You are the one adding race to it.


HeadlessRoland said:
Yeah, no. A blood curdling scream has a chance to pierce the battle madness that descends during violence. A polite, "Hey dude would you stop beating these two women to death with a metal pole", is not going to register. Ignoring that the blood curdling scream does in fact get a response from the guy almost instantly which discounts your whole nonsensical theory.

Holy fucking shit. You have to be kidding now. Her screaming did absolutely nothing, if someone actually kept their cool and went over to try and calm him down instead of screaming like a fucking clown you might have seen a better outcome.
Raine said:
I was sort of wishing he'd hit the white lady while he was at it...


Did it really sound like that? Say it out loud.


They deserved it. At first I thought the extra two whacks at the end were uncalled for, but the blown-up GIF shows one of the women trying to get back up. So it was self-defense all the way. The guy was in a potential life or defense situation. He hasn't had years of training as a police officer to know when his life is no longer in danger. Two people jumped the counter and he defended himself by hitting them with a metal rod. The extra hits at the end were justified because they still tried to get up. He has adrenaline pumping through his whole body. He's supposed to assume the woman is trying to get back up to start a friendly discourse?
filler said:
Dude was like "I'm going to the back to super-size this ass whoopin', hold on"

Comes back out with a McClub

He went ham-burger on them hoes... Hit them bitches with a McFlurry...

He beat the McNuggets out of them McChickenheads
I'm fucking crying! Oh shit!

Edit: and SSJ...wow dude. You're a scary fucking individual. I envision you like Bernie Mac playing cop in that one comedy. "I hate yo black skin..."


Will Eat Your Children
Damn, awful display of events. Guy probably saw red the minute he got slapped. Still gotta say tho, play with fire
reggie said:
Holy fucking shit.

Indeed another tard who feels like he must speak with nothing to say. I will lend you a little insight into the situation. See when you are in battle mode you are only vaguely aware of whats going on outside of the person you are fighting. You are running on pure instincts.

There is no calming and rationally explaining anything to someone in that state of mind. Where as screaming,a slap to the fact or a stern shacking might "snap them out of it." Just watch the video when the chick screeches at him he instantly looks in her direction and stops hitting them.

You really just have no clue about "fighting" and state of mind that goes along with it. Yeah, if someone calming walked up to the man beating the two women to death and engaged in polite conversation would have had a huge positive effect. The man wouldn't even be aware you existed unless you touched him or did something else to "snap him out" of it.


Dudes fight or flight response must of been turned up to 11 after 10 years in the can...

The bill must of been fake, who the hell gets pissed at a cashier checking their bills unless they are trying to pass a fake bill?
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