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Metal Gear Solid: RISING WebSite is Now LIVE! + Direct Feed Trailer


Blader5489 said:

I always thought this was the most interesting part of MGS4. Such a great way to ambiguously tease people. And then they have him with a "synthetic body" at the end. you know when that scene happened I thought to myself "I wonder if they cloned him balls too". I mean why would you want to give up a kickass cyborg body for a fleshy one if you can't use the benefits of it?


I am Homie
Rez said:
I can't quite put my finger on it. It just looked and felt like MGS4 with a weird cutting mechanic tacked on.

I need to see more of the game in action, I guess. Maybe some enemies that are specifically designed for this sort of thing and environments that didn't look like Act 1 or the end of Act 2. Maybe Raiden moving in a way that isn't like MGS4 Snake.

I'm not saying that's all it will be, but of the handful of seconds we got to see it looked kiiiiind of awkward.
Yea, you aren't alone. hoping for the best though.


Raiden's design is fucking awesome.

But I still think/hope this game is set after MGS4. If it's set before, what a waste.


I just saw the direct feed 60Hz version that's up on Gamersyde.

If this is real, and it's on consoles, it's the best looking console game so far. Holy Fuck.

If anyone has the original press version, let me have it please, if it's not the one on gamersyde anyway.
StuBurns said:
I just saw the direct feed 60Hz version that's up on Gamersyde.

If this is real, and it's on consoles, it's the best looking console game so far. Holy Fuck.

If anyone has the original press version, let me have it please, if it's not the one on gamersyde anyway.
Same here. I'd love to have that.


I like how Raiden moved, didn't feel like Snake. And how he moves really quickly from one target to the next.

Whatever the case I'm looking forward to it. The sword sheath is awesome. I wonder if it can be used as a gun as well. Looks like the railgun almost. Also in the conference they make it sound like it is set after MGS4.
I don't know when he said this, but Kojima confirmed that this would indeed be a stealth-focused game. I saw it while browsing through a MGS Wiki, so I don't know how true it is, but that's awesome nonetheless.


Ether_Snake said:
Raiden's design is fucking awesome.

But I still think/hope this game is set after MGS4. If it's set before, what a waste.

It's been confirmed to be set in between 2 and 4.

Being a sequel to 4 wouldn't make sense anyway, given how it ended.
That story synopisis sounds pretty stupid ,but whatever after 4 I'm not putting much into MGS stories.

Anyway I finally played this through my PS3 on an actual tv and man it looks way to good. I would die if the game actually looked and ran that smooth. I want to believe. MGS games have always been beats ,but it looked too good.

I'm really blown away.




Blader5489 said:
It's been confirmed to be set in between 2 and 4.

Being a sequel to 4 wouldn't make sense anyway, given how it ended.

Yes, there really shouldn't be any games made now or ever that are set after MGS4 IMO. I'm happy that this one is at least set between 2 and 4 and the series can retain what (little) storyline integrity it has left, for now.

My 1998 self would be so sad to see me typing these words.


So one useful element of the Konami conference was that we got to hear more about Rising. What did you guys think?

[2:36] Shigenobu Matsuyama and Mineshi Kimura (producer and director, respectively) are out to talk about the game.

[2:36] Matsuyama asks if the crowd liked the trailer, which gets a round of applause.

The Metal Gear Solid: Rising trailer gives new meaning to the word "spineless."

[2:37] In the trailer, the concept word "Zan-Datsu" was shown. It's a made up word, he explains, and talks about the scene where Raiden yanked the guts/spine out of the cyborg.

[2:38] It also provides items, ammunition, and information. Harvesting the batteries from enemies allows players to proceed in the game.

[2:38] But players have to strategize what they take and aim and angle where they want to cut.

[2:39] Kimura takes over to explain more.

[2:40] The tech team made the "cut at will" concept internally in order to achieve the goal of the Zan-Datsu system.

[2:40] You can cut anywhere and destroy things, but as the watermelon bit showed, players can control how deeply they cut as well.

Kimura and Matsuyama offered detailed descriptions of how to cut and destroy.

[2:41] That lets players cut to kill their opponents, or merely wound them.

[2:41] Kimura said the team is working on the controls, but once players get used to the system, he promises they'll have fun "just cutting and cutting."

[2:42] He talks about the stealth of the Metal Gear franchise, and says Rising will speed up the action some.

[2:42] He also wanted players to be able to hide vertically, because Raiden's acrobatic abilities allow him to jump to places where Solid Snake just couldn't reach.

[2:42] The goal is to make it "almost like a hunting stealth."

[2:43] In addition to his blade, Raiden will also have sub-weapons.

[2:43] What he's trying to achieve is the sort of speed and action from the Metal Gear Solid 4 trailer where Raiden took down a walking mech on his own.

[2:44] Finally, he talks a bit about the story. The game will take place between Metal Gear Solid 2 and Metal Gear Solid 4.

[2:44] And why he became the Raiden gamers know from Metal Gear Solid 4.

[2:46] He's not allowed to say more about the story, but he assures the game will be a totally new experience thanks to the experience of the sword combat.

[2:46] The goal for the next game is to raise the popularity of the Raiden character even more.


To me they said exactly the sorts of things that I wanted to hear. That it's an Action/Stealth Stealth/Action game. You don't have to kill your opponents, and they wanted to preserve the 'non lethal' message from previous games in the series. Raiden WILL have more weapons than just his sort, adn he will be able to use hiehgt and location as a stealth.

"Stalking Stealth"? Sounds like the game is, intentionally or not, showing some similarities to Batman: AA while also still being an 'MGS" style game.


One thing that worries me is that we're going to have to go through the "Colonel marries Rose" story arc. Raiden was pretty darn emo at the end of MGS4 until she explained everything.

To me they said exactly the sorts of things that I wanted to hear. That it's an Action/Stealth Stealth/Action game. You don't have to kill your opponents, and they wanted to preserve the 'non lethal' message from previous games in the series. Raiden WILL have more weapons than just his sort, adn he will be able to use hiehgt and location as a stealth.

"Stalking Stealth"? Sounds like the game is, intentionally or not, showing some similarities to Batman: AA while also still being an 'MGS" style game.

all that stuff we heard from Famitsu beforehand.
The teasing about introducing speed and verticality to the stealth gameplay interested me the most. If it comes together as well as the more traditional MGS gameplay then it will be awesome.


I just saw the 60hz trailer... So good. I'll believe it runs like this on consoles when I see it, though. (I hope it does.)


Zenith said:
One thing that worries me is that we're going to have to go through the "Colonel marries Rose" story arc. Raiden was pretty darn emo at the end of MGS4 until she explained everything.

Hopefully they'll flesh it out enough so it isn't nonsensical like it was in MGS4. Personally I think that 'emo Raiden' was one of the MVP's of MGS4, so I'm ok with it. It will be interesting to see his character (presumably) go from Post MGS2 Raiden, to grappling with his 'loss' of Rose, and ultimately his humanity as he's converted into a machine. Raiden is an interesting character to me; To be able to see him going through the things that we know will happen in between MGS2 and 4 is a pretty compelling story, at least to me.


Not pure anymore!
Zen said:
Hopefully they'll flesh it out enough so it isn't nonsensical like it was in MGS4. Personally I think that 'emo Raiden' was one of the MVP's of MGS4, so I'm ok with it. It will be interesting to see his character (presumably) go from Post MGS2 Raiden, to grappling with his 'loss' of Rose, and ultimately his humanity as he's converted into a machine. Raiden is an interesting character to me; To be able to see him going through the things that we know will happen in between MGS2 and 4 is a pretty compelling story, at least to me.
Yep, same here.

I'm glad the game is set between 2 and 4. Raiden got the good ending in 4, and I'd prefer they leave it at that. Raiden got his family back, it wouldn't make sense for him to leave them, plus there is no-one left to fight after 4.


I would love for this to have a tanker style chapter were we play as MGS2 Raiden in the beginning with classic MGS gameplay and ends with him becoming ninja Raiden before starting into the main game.
Don said:
I would love for this to have a tanker style chapter were we play as MGS2 Raiden in the beginning with classic MGS gameplay and ends with him becoming ninja Raiden before starting into the main game.

Now that would be amazing. They could even have the questions at the start so if you just want to cut some shit, it just throws you into Rising proper.

Never happen.
"We are – yes -- experimenting on both [Move and Kinetic]," Matsuyama said via a translator while stressing that traditional controls would be the game's main focus.

Other than that, Matsuyama and Kimura said that players shouldn't expect the traditional Metal Gear experience. Kojima Productions sees Rising and the past Solid experiences as individual properties – lengthy cutscenes and in-jokes won't necessarily be a part of Raiden's adventure.



Don said:
I would love for this to have a tanker style chapter were we play as MGS2 Raiden in the beginning with classic MGS gameplay and ends with him becoming ninja Raiden before starting into the main game.

That sounds awesome. Now I'm going to be disappointed if this doesn't happen.


Don said:
I would love for this to have a tanker style chapter were we play as MGS2 Raiden in the beginning with classic MGS gameplay and ends with him becoming ninja Raiden before starting into the main game.
Strange, I was thinking earlier it should start near the end of MGS2, when you get your clothes back and a sword (remove the 'infinite ammo' line of course), play thru the end of MGS2, and have the game end with the phone call to Snake in MGS4, "Jack is dead".


Zen said:
So one useful element of the Konami conference was that we got to hear more about Rising. What did you guys think?
Never been more excited about a MGS game. The violence and gameplay style appeals to me immensely :evil

At this point I just want it to come out and get reviewed. I don't foresee anything that will make me think "this no longer interests me". I guess they did not hint at a date (TBA 2011?)?
revolverjgw said:
The fuck? Metal Gear without the batshit crazy eccentric humor? I don't even want to think about it
That humor's never been front and center in the series except for in trailers and out-of-context winks to the player anyway. I doubt that it'll be out of the game entirely (hello, slicing watermelons to the cheers of young Japanese children after annihilating PMC troops moments before), but maybe they wanna do some extremely dramatic story for Raiden about losing his humanity or whatever. He does get thrown under the same number of buses after MGS4 that Snake goes through (while not necessarily the same ones, losing your wife and kid to Campbell while saving some other kid and being forced into Gray Fox(TM) armor might compare to premature aging and stuff).


Holy shit, I just saw Gamersyde's direct feed footage of this. The game is 60fps?

That trailer might've been the best looking game I've ever seen!
Other than that, Matsuyama and Kimura said that players shouldn't expect the traditional Metal Gear experience. Kojima Productions sees Rising and the past Solid experiences as individual properties – lengthy cutscenes and in-jokes won't necessarily be a part of Raiden's adventure.

Gah! This 'young' team has no sense of humor, nor appreciation for boobies. I am losing hope for this game.


I'm gaining hope as well. This might be a much better game than MGS4, just like MGS3 obliterated MGS2.

Chip N Chance said:
Being able to hide vertically, and given how acrobatic he is, this sounds like it could play out like Arkham Asylum. Which will be great.

When they said 'Stalking stealth' I smiled. I don't necessarily want it structured like Batman AA, but how that game handled the transition from combat to stealth, being able to evade and mess with you enemies, as well as the fast paced combat itself were things that I really hoped MGS Rising would take a look at, and even if they've never played that game, it seems like they're taking it in a direction that's parallel to the sort of things seen in Batman.


StuBurns said:
The video itself is evidence. It very clearly is, the question is real time on what?

Since it's a multiplatform engine and the game isn't finished yet, I think it has to be running on a PC.


Blader5489 said:
Since it's a multiplatform engine and the game isn't finished yet, I think it has to be running on a PC.
As do I. It'll be interesting to see what it'll look like running on home consoles. I know it's fair to show the PC version if you're making one, but most people will think of this game as a console game, so I'd hope they'd show something that is representative of a console version. We shall see.


Is it confirmed for pc? The trailer last year said it but I haven't seen anything saying that its still in the works. The website only lists ps3 and 360 too.
Zen said:
I'm gaining hope as well. This might be a much better game than MGS4, just like MGS3 obliterated MGS2.

Me too, now that they've shown Rising will be equally as polished as a main MGS title.

Still, Snake, in the midst of a mission, can make time for boobs and peeking up Naomi's skirt. Why can't Raiden do the same? :p
Zen said:
When they said 'Stalking stealth' I smiled. I don't necessarily want it structured like Batman AA, but how that game handled the transition from combat to stealth, being able to evade and mess with you enemies, as well as the fast paced combat itself were things that I really hoped MGS Rising would take a look at, and even if they've never played that game, it seems like they're taking it in a direction that's parallel to the sort of things seen in Batman.

That was the first game i thought of when i heard it had stealth. Allot of games are doing the whole arcadey stealth mechanics now. Just look at Splinter Cell. If this game's combat is what we saw in the trailer, and mixed with some acrobatic stealth, then i could totally see this game being fantastic. Also, i really liked the level structure of MGS4, of having 4 separate levels appose to past MGS games. It was refreshing, and id prefer this game did that as well. Given Raidens story, i'm sure hes gonna be globe trotting in this game anyway.


Chip N Chance said:
Also, i really liked the level structure of MGS4, of having 4 separate levels appose to past MGS games. It was refreshing, and id prefer this game did that as well.

Gotta disagree with you there. I much preferred MGS1-3 on this aspect because they gave the player a sense of isolation and it just felt more cohesive by not being broken into multiple missions at different locales. Plus the sense of geographic progress as you progressed through the storyline, in MGS3 especially, was a great touch.
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