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Metroid Other M "story" trailer

Finally, a range of eye-catching POS materials will be available around the time of the game’s release.

I instinctively read that as "piece of shit materials" :lol

It's nice to see this game get some attention, though. I just hope it will turn out to be an awesome game *hopes*


I was hoping that somewhere in the UK would get those Gamestop art cards as a preorder bonus, but that's looking pretty slim now. Tempted to just import, but the last time that happened I got hit with a £20 customs fee.



Mafro said:
I was hoping that somewhere in the UK would get those Gamestop art cards as a preorder bonus, but that's looking pretty slim now. Tempted to just import, but the last time that happened I got hit with a £20 customs fee.

It seems to me that it would be cheaper to find high-res artworks and get them printed at a print shop or something.
Where can i order those! damnit, please don't say gamestop, those bastards have insane fee's to ship games overseas, curse them!
Man, those heels are bad. 60s platform cheese bad.

Kard8p3 said:
I would hope so but we still don't even have an English version of the story trailer or a translation of the Iwata asks. They're sure taking their sweet time with all this.

Flashbacks to Corruption's very poor marketing by NOA three summers ago. :( All we got was the laggy video channel on the Wii and some dorks in an airport flailing their arms at a few brief clips in an airport terminal (the We Would Like to Play ads IMHO really should've only been exclusively used for the more mainstream/family/party games). And as par for the course, still no word on if we'll get any pre-order goodies. Trilogy disc bonuses, now that's what I call some decent fan service.
mantidor said:
While searching every single block with bombs back in the day seemed really fun, I certainly welcome this little help, I can no longer stand grinding whole levels, I have neither the time nor patience for it.

Not to mention that this isn't anything new considering all the upgrades in Prime emitted a low electronic humming noise. And as the preview clarified, just because the item is there doesn't mean you won't have to backtrack in order to get it.


I hope this game continues the trend of have a creepy area at some point. Just about every metroid game has that one section that could be viewed as creepy (the wrecked ship, the valhalla, SA-X in general and I know there's one in the first prime though it escapes me for the moment.) These are always some of my favorite parts from each game so I hope there's something like that here.
Kard8p3 said:
I hope this game continues the trend of have a creepy area at some point. Just about every metroid game has that one section that could be viewed as creepy (the wrecked ship, the valhalla, SA-X in general and I know there's one in the first prime though it escapes me for the moment.) These are always some of my favorite parts from each game so I hope there's something like that here.

Prime had the pirate lab in Phendrana.

Echoes didn't really have one specific part, but the Dark World as a whole was pretty unsettling.

lostinblue said:
the spaceship crashsite ruins

That wasn't creepy, though I agree it was a beautiful moment in the game.


lostinblue said:
the spaceship crashsite ruins?

sooooo atmosferic. gaming porn, that.

I believe that's it but I'm not completely sure. It's been years since I've played prime so I think another playthrough is needed.

_Alkaline_ said:
Prime had the pirate lab in Phendrana.

Echoes didn't really have one specific part, but the Dark World as a whole was pretty unsettling.

That wasn't creepy, though I agree it was a beautiful moment in the game.

Was the pirate lab where you got the thermal visor? I believe that's what I was thinking of.


_Alkaline_ said:
Prime had the pirate lab in Phendrana.

Oh man, that is one of the greatest moments in gaming. I love how there is no music what so ever in that sequence of the game, just all this technology hum. That really blew my mind.
robor said:
Oh man, that is one of the greatest moments in gaming. I love how there is no music what so ever in that sequence of the game, just all this technology hum. That really blew my mind.

Plus the observatory room, reading all the info from the Pirates about their experiements and the lead-up to the first metroid, and then when the power is cut and you're in the dark surrounded by pirates and metroids.

What I also love is just the stark transition, in one single hallway, from the beautiful Phendrana Drifts to this completely oppressive place where you know right away something is wrong. It's such a sudden switch.

Kard8p3 said:
Was the pirate lab where you got the thermal visor? I believe that's what I was thinking of.



Metroid said:
creepier than SA-X?

Yea well, that's a tough one, that bitch was pretty damn creepy but I think we've got some crazy stuff in store for us in Other M. Just look at the opening sequence, the entire entrance of the bottle ship is filled with sterility and the minimal clanking sound effects in the score re-enforce that feeling of dread.
And in Metroid prime 3 it was the ghost spaceship where you have to take those collectables to finish the game.
I remember to be scared in that part.

I love the Samus faces, are they official?

Beth Cyra

evangd007 said:
I'll see that and raise you a Yvonne Strahovski.

Ever since Other M was announced and known to have a "strong story component" there has been nonstop bitching about how it ruins Samus's character, who has more or less in game terms been a blank slate for players to apply their own interpretations to. The bitching comes from known information about the story contradicting these interpretations, which to me is just as bad as the bitching and moaning that went on when Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows came out where people complained that it contradicted their fan fics.

Hey I am completely cool with people shitting on the story. I don't think it is going to be all that great myself, I am just happy that Samus will finally be Samus and not some emotionless robot.

My post was calling out someone that called Samus a Bimbo, and that hasn't been shown in game (her being dumb, giving thumbs down and making a bunch of trained soldiers look nothing like tools is bad story telling maybe, making her look like a Bimbo? not at all.) so thus far nothing in Other M and certainly nothing from the previous games unless you want to count the swim suit which was more sexualized because it didn't make any sense unlike the Zero suit or unless you imagined her as a Bimbo for whatever reason.
Agent Unknown said:
Man, those heels are bad. 60s platform cheese bad.

Flashbacks to Corruption's very poor marketing by NOA three summers ago. :( All we got was the laggy video channel on the Wii and some dorks in an airport flailing their arms at a few brief clips in an airport terminal (the We Would Like to Play ads IMHO really should've only been exclusively used for the more mainstream/family/party games). And as par for the course, still no word on if we'll get any pre-order goodies. Trilogy disc bonuses, now that's what I call some decent fan service.
Bear in mind that Corruption was the first WWLTP failure. It's hard to know what doesn't work until you see it not working.

Even Super Paper Mario did fairly well with one.


_Alkaline_ said:

This was my first metroid game and I honestly didn't know what to expect. However once I saw that I knew I was in for a ride and pretty much everything that followed amazed me.

Prime was my second and I'm starting to remember more from my first playthrough. I got to the space pirate lab around three in the morning with all the lights out and I remember becoming more and more unnerved the more a progressed through. Once all the lights went out I paused it for a few minutes just to take in what was going on. Sometimes I wish I could erase these games from my memory just so I could play them without knowing what to expect.
Finally decided to pre-order this today. Pretty excited as I've been on a media black-out with the exception of some screen shots and basic game play stuff.
comedy bomb said:
Finally decided to pre-order this today. Pretty excited as I've been on a media black-out with the exception of some screen shots and basic game play stuff.

I think the media have been on a blackout, never mind yourself..
comedy bomb said:

Seems like there have been a ton of hands on impressions over the last week or so.

Yeah there have been quite a few, but a lot of them tend to said similar things - save for the Ars Technica and IGN previews.

But yeah, the cards are definitely close to the chest!
SpacePirate Ridley said:
And in Metroid prime 3 it was the ghost spaceship where you have to take those collectables to finish the game.
I remember to be scared in that part.

I love the Samus faces, are they official?

Corruption also had the excellent Skytown sequence with the metroid lab.
ShockingAlberto said:
Bear in mind that Corruption was the first WWLTP failure. It's hard to know what doesn't work until you see it not working.

Even Super Paper Mario did fairly well with one.

Interesting, I didn't know SPM had a WWLTP ad until now. I just Youtube'd it and I was suprised at how good it was, so much better than the WWLTP's for Corruption & Galaxy.


_Alkaline_ said:
Corruption also had the excellent Skytown sequence with the metroid lab.
Oh yeah I loved that place. From the point when you shoot open the door you know something is about to go down.
Yeah, seeing the lights go out in the Phendrana research lab and then being in the dark, starting to hear the Pirates making creepy noises, good stuff. Phendrana Drifts is still my favorite area in the game. Prime 1 itself is still my favorite GC game of all time. It's amazing how such a superbly polished game overcame so much negativity and staff problems pre-release. Hopefully it will be similar for Other M.



The Official Nintendo Magazine offered some of their latest overall impressions in their 12th podcast. They've played through a large portion of the game, but still haven't completed it yet. They said "it was everything you'd expect from a Metroid game, and then a couple of other things on top of it."

* Overall, the game is "gorgeous" and "absolutely enormous."
* Some of the small new gameplay twists like the over-the-shoulder segments are a bit "strange" and "don't work that well."
* Samus moves fantastically and there are lots of items to find, with plenty of morphballing navigation etc.
* The game has "massive maps to explore."
* Some of the music in the game is a "bit odd."
* They said for those unsure, that the "dialogue is a bit cheesy at times" but it's "a great story" and should make up for any of those details.
* While it can slow the game down a bit, for the purpose of exploring for clues or items, they said that the first person "works really well" (and e.g., works better than Prime Pinball).
* Fans may question the developer's choices here and there, but overall, they are going to enjoy it.

Thanks to members of the Metroid Database for the summary.
Kard8p3 said:

The Official Nintendo Magazine offered some of their latest overall impressions in their 12th podcast. They've played through a large portion of the game, but still haven't completed it yet. They said "it was everything you'd expect from a Metroid game, and then a couple of other things on top of it."

* Overall, the game is "gorgeous" and "absolutely enormous."
* Some of the small new gameplay twists like the over-the-shoulder segments are a bit "strange" and "don't work that well."
* Samus moves fantastically and there are lots of items to find, with plenty of morphballing navigation etc.
* The game has "massive maps to explore."
* Some of the music in the game is a "bit odd."
* They said for those unsure, that the "dialogue is a bit cheesy at times" but it's "a great story" and should make up for any of those details.
* While it can slow the game down a bit, for the purpose of exploring for clues or items, they said that the first person "works really well" (and e.g., works better than Prime Pinball).
* Fans may question the developer's choices here and there, but overall, they are going to enjoy it.

Thanks to members of the Metroid Database for the summary.

Please oh please oh please let all of this be true :(


Unconfirmed Member
Night_Trekker said:
Please oh please oh please let all of this be true :(
Of course it's true. Nintendo wouldn't let a mainline Metroid game suck. Those impressions point towards what I expected: unusual design choices that may strike many as awkward, but overall a great, polished game.
Krev said:
Of course it's true. Nintendo wouldn't let a mainline Metroid game suck. Those impressions point towards what I expected: unusual design choices that may strike many as awkward, but overall a great, polished game.

Well I'm mostly worried about the storyline. I would like to believe it has a great one.


Kitaura: He stood close to me, checking the monitors. When we'd shoot a particularly moving scene, I'd ask him 'How was that, Sakamoto-san?', but he'd be completely silent - again.
Iwata: Just like when he saw the storyboards for the first time?
Kitaura: Yes! (laughs) I was really worried, thinking 'Oh no, he doesn't like it...', but then when I peeked at his face, his eyes were full of tears.
Iwata: Oh my...
Kitaura: Well, the cinematic did show Samus in tights. (laughs)

Well if the new composer worked primarily on anime soundtracks then I can see that as having a very possible impact on the feel of some of the game's music. I wonder why Kenji Yamamoto didn't do the music this time?
Agent Unknown said:
Well if the new composer worked primarily on anime soundtracks then I can see that as having a very possible impact on the feel of some of the game's music. I wonder why Kenji Yamamoto didn't do the music this time?

I'm wondering this as well. Unless DKCR is taking up too much of his time.

Perhaps they just wanted a bit of change. I'm sure we'll see Yamamoto again in future installments in the series.
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