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Microsoft calls on consumers to buy...Nintendo Wii?

winston_pr said:
Before E3

Post E3
Good enough. :lol

I've been watching Die Hard too much lately.

Jive Turkey

Unconfirmed Member
Y2Kevbug11 said:
The best combination is PS36ii. All three of them. And that's the only way to get the best experiences on all three consoles.
I agree but that would mean I'm spending $1200 on consoles alone! Double the price for just one more console? :lol Sony has kicked themselves in the balls. Sure it may not be fatal but they're going to have a nasty stomach ache for a while.


Wow, just.... wow. All that's happened over the past few days marks a big turning point in the console wars. Sony won last generation by a bloody landslide with the PS2, and I felt sure that they would continue to dominate for at least one more generation. It will be a much more level playing field this time around.

As for Wii/360 being the winning combo for next gen, the Xbox 360 probably won't do well in Japan, ever. That's a big advantage for Sony. Most Japanese developers still want to develop games for a console with a traditional game controller, and that means a choice between 360 and PS3. Yes, PS3 is $600, but that won't compel Japanese devs to abandon it to makes games for the outcast console. PS3 will have the Japanese titles. That will be its sustenance, and you can count on it to be the chief factor that precludes 360 from ever attaining first place.

With that said, it's Wii60 for me too. :D


dabbled in the jelly
Trust me I would much rather do WiiS3 but Sony is pushing my hand. If Sony is bluffing with that price then they hold a damn good poker face.
Whatever happens I can't see a situation where Nintendo doesn't at least improve on last gen, although that isn't exactly hard to do
Damn it, I wish I had any sort of gif-making or Photoshop skills, as I would make something related to the final showdown in Die Hard. Hans would say "$599!" And everyone would start laughing, and then McClane would pull a Wiimote off his back and shoot Hans with it.
Wii60 for me as i dont watch home videos. An extra 200 for a glorified oft-delayed and yet downgraded* format is not worth it AFAICS.

*BR was planned as a replacement for VHS, ie BR-RW not BRD!


"Tell me why you would buy a $600 PS3?" Peter Moore, a Microsoft vice president, said in an interview. "People are going to buy two (machines.) They're going to buy an Xbox and they're going to buy a Wii ... for the price of one PS3."

he really, really fears the ps3. :lol


I like Peter Moore and what he said is basically true for me at least. I own a 360 and would like to get my second new console this holiday....and that console will be the affordably priced Nintendo Wii.


Paradoxal_Utopia said:
The enemy of my enemy is my friend.

This makes perfect sense. The wii provides much less of a threat for the 360 in America than the p3 will. Conversely in Japan, the 360 poses absolutely no threat to the wii, but the ps3 will.

Its a very logical 'alliance', in that sense.


Haleon said:
If Microsoft can convince Konami to port MGS4 to the 360, it's all over for Sony. I'm sure of it.


^^^ Is Master Chief wearing ski goggles?

i think those are MX goggles, as he is also wearing a six six one full upper chest protector under his plastics. lol

i called these two as the perfect two systems complimenting each other but i never knew it would end up with such a nice ring to that name , lol



Titanic was called the Ship of Dreams, and it was. It really was.
Microsoft doesn't see Nintendo as a threat, and not because of market share but mainly because Nintendo is all about the console market. Microsoft has entered this market because they are in a corporate battle against Sony. PS3, just as PS2 was, is one step closer at an attempt to gradually make the mainstream buyer shift from the PC. That is very threatning to Microsoft, specially when you consider how successful the PS consoles were and that's why they're using all of their corporate power to help Xbox, Nintendo isn't going for any of that, even if Wii is wildly successful that still probably wouldn't derail the success of 360 in almost any way, and even if it did it's better for MS than having PS3 up there.
radioheadrule83 said:

I'm stealing this. ;)

Moore brings up really great points, though. And I don't see how a couple of people here can argue that the PS3 is now set up to take advantage of the situation as supposedly embodying both elements of a Wii60 combo. It would have a significantly less number of games than a Wii60 combo and don't even start trying to compare that half-assed implimentation of a tilt feature in the DS3 to the Wiimote. I'd rather take a combo of realistic x360 games and innovative Wii games than buy just one console and hope it meets the sheer number of quality titles of a Wii60.


fly high ~ayunite~ said:
Microsoft want Nintendo to be their "Apple" of the video game market. If you see what I mean....the DS is Nintendo's iPod and home consoles will be Nintendo's "Macs". Maybe I'm not making sense but that's my way of looking at it...also looking at how Rare is supporting the DS is like how Microsoft Office supports the Mac etc.

you are so onto something here with that!



Batteries the CRISIS!
Only read the OP but... This is really amazing. I've never seen hardware companies allying with other hardware companies! Sony am fucked!
Wii60 for the win! "MGS4 360" is certain port 6 months later, and FF13, well, if you like FF you're probably not too excited about playing Mario or Halo are you?

I have never, EVER seen Japanese people slam Sony before. It would be like an American slamming Johnny Cash or John Wayne.

But they're coming out in droves to drive it in...these are JAPANESE people folks.


Even online sites are attacking Sony:


"I want to throw this question at Sony employees on launch day: Are you yourself going to spend all that money today to buy a PS3"

There is still a loyal contingent, mostly FF13 fanboys, but what's funny is a lot of them are saying "If it's ported to 360, I may reconsider my stance against the 360".

Seriously, Wii is going to be very successful in Japan. I'm sorry to hear that Mario is not a launch title though, that was a huge problem with GameCube launch I was hoping they learned from...


Jealous of the Glory that is Johnny Depp
"People will always gravitate toward a competitively priced product -- like what I believe Wii will be -- with innovative new designs and great intellectual property like Mario, Zelda and Metroid," Moore told Reuters.


I can honestly say that before this E3, I had almost zero interest in a Wii.

But if Peter Moore thinks that picking one up, to go along with my 360, will stick it to Sony for the ridiculous $600 pricetag... then I'm in.

Wii60 FTW bitches!!
From a consumer point of view I honestly would not have minded if Nintendo + MS just made one console jointly.

Especailly if Wii is going to be $200 or more.

One less system to buy, more horsepower for Nintendo titles, XBox Live + Nintendo's back catalog, better Japanese 3rd party support for MS, etc.


CountZeroInt said:
Wii60 for the win! "MGS4 360" is certain port 6 months later, and FF13, well, if you like FF you're probably not too excited about playing Mario or Halo are you?

Heh, lies. I'm about equally excited by a new Final Fantasy game and a new Zelda game, and to a slightly lesser extent, a new Halo game.

There is still a loyal contingent, mostly FF13 fanboys, but what's funny is a lot of them are saying "If it's ported to 360, I may reconsider my stance against the 360".

Seriously, Wii is going to be very successful in Japan. I'm sorry to hear that Mario is not a launch title though, that was a huge problem with GameCube launch I was hoping they learned from...

A graphically upgraded Legend of Zelda: Twlight Princess and Metroid Prime 3 at launch just about kicks Rogue Squadron + Luigi's Mansion's ass, I'd say.

... though I still bought Gamecube very early because, good god damn that Star Wars game rocked.


this is gonna be my combo also. i definetly wanna pick up a ps3 but gees it will be even more here than the equivilent of 600USD im prediciting nothing less than 1100AUD, sony always price theyre shit more than the direct translation here >=( when i heard the ps3 price i was basically like oh well....just 360 for me, but nintendo just ripped it...Wii killed the show, and i also thought MS did really well too. so in conclusion....Wii60 ftw?:)
Ok, now, we know it's cool MS is having kind words for Nintendo, 'cause we all want Sony to suffer for it's arrogance.

But seriously, some of you want MS en Nintendo the really become partners and build one console? I wouldn't see that as an improvement.
It's the concurrence of the PSP that has made Nintendo pull the effort to make the DS the ultimate handheld.

So a hard battle between all three seems to be the best scenario for gamers. Quality form all three sides.

(But as a consumer with limited money reserves, at this point the Wii60 combo seems indeed the best option)
nah....still gettin PS3
wii and 360 hasnt convinced me at all that they wont be the same disappointment repeats of the last 4 years of xbox and gamecube

been with Sony since 1999.....they been good to me since then. not gonna change now


frAntic_Frog said:
nah....still gettin PS3
wii and 360 hasnt convinced me at all that they wont be the same disappointment repeats of the last 4 years of xbox and gamecube

been with Sony since 1999.....they been good to me since then. not gonna change now
Yep. Have fun with those $1200 Gamestop bundles this fall :)


frAntic_Frog said:
nah....still gettin PS3
wii and 360 hasnt convinced me at all that they wont be the same disappointment repeats of the last 4 years of xbox and gamecube

been with Sony since 1999.....they been good to me since then. not gonna change now

You must be some kind of masochist that likes to have his wallet FHUTA
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