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Mirror's Edge demo coming Oct 30 PSN/Oct 31 XboxLive

PS3 version has (i think) 7.1 sound
Every speaker was playing something different so i think its 7.1

Probobly i will get the PS3 version and later on the pc version.(I'm fan of the game so :p )
Wow, I was really blown away by this demo. The controls are amazing- it just feels so freaking good to play, and it's shockingly intuitive. It's made up entirely of small challenges- successfully making a jump, sliding under something with perfect timing, pulling of a roll to keep momentum...

And the animations on the disarms are so satisfying. While playing it I didn't see that many alternate routes, but watching some of these youtube vids it's clear the game actually has a lot of options for how you move around certain parts of the world.

I'm still not sure if it's a $60 purchase for me- it seems like a short game, and also one that is likely to see a price drop in not too long. But I'm really impressed with the execution, and I find myself thinking about it when I'm not playing it, and trying to climb over everything when playing other games.


They really delivered on the first person platforming! It felt like a next gen Prince of Persia. Seems like the hype will be justified, though I am expecting a 10 hour story driven deal with lots of visuals but so-so replayability.

I couldn't get that L2 roll after big jumps though. I'm not feeling the timing on that one.


shooting blanks
stuburns said:
Yes, exclusive downloadable DLC for the PS3.

Damn that really sucks, I liked the controls on the 360 version. Will still get the 360 version for achievements, hopefully it's just timed exclusive DLC for ps3. I cant see EA throwing money away if the game sells more on 360.


how do I slip unnoticed out of a gloryhole booth?
fuck exclusive dlc. Exclusive games is one thing, because development is centered around one platform, but to have a build for both platforms and release something on only one of them is just mean :(
I fired up the ps3 demo over the weekend, cool game but not one I would pay $60 for. I'll wait til I can find this for $30 or less, ebay/whatever.

I could not pull off the high falling roll for the life of me


Got to agree, I really hate exclusive anything.

If the baseline game is multiplatform, everything for that game should be.

No exclusive DLC, no exclusive demos, nothing. It's easily the worst trend emerged from this generation so far.


The Faceless Master said:
so what's up with the time trial code? is it tied to my EA account or something?

i didn't have to enter any code at all on 360, because i entered the code on PS3?
Pretty sure it tells you that it's tied to your EA account right at the code enter screen.


Will Eat Your Children
Okay so the first jump where you go from one building to another. What do you need to do to actually make it without hanging and pulling yourself up?


Teetris said:
Okay so the first jump where you go from one building to another. What do you need to do to actually make it without hanging and pulling yourself up?
When you land on the blue fire escape? Tuck your legs in mid-air.


This sucks. I pre-ordered this yesterday from GAME.co.uk and I just read online that they don't send users Time Trial codes. :/

Please, if anybody has a spare code, could you please send it to me?
So I've never pre-ordered from Amazon.com - I am thinking about doing so for this game for a few reasons. Do they usually SHIP the game on release date given, or is the game scheduled to deliver on release date - meaning they ship a day or two before?

The demo sold me and I can't get enough of it, but can't WAIT to play more of a variety of levels in the game - the demo is such a small taste it hurts!


I ordered from amazon a few days ago and still haven't been emailed my time trial code. Anyone else have this issue with Amazon?


Will Eat Your Children
raYne said:
When you land on the blue fire escape? Tuck your legs in mid-air.
Sorry, I meant in Time Trial. You jump, get over the fence then jump again. I can't seem to figure out how you jump without holding on to the side. I tried tucking legs but then I don't even get to the o ther side.


So I finally played the demo. From the videos and even from watching others play it, I thought it was kind of boring and had a bad camera, but after actually playing it, I'm sold. In fact I'm really looking forward to it now.



I REALLY want to play the time trials in this, so far i've just been timing myself on the prologue level :D Any UK gaffers have their pre-order codes yet?

Also, wtf is with forward roll inconsistency?? Do you have to hold LT/L2 a certain time before you land =\

This game wins so bad.


Woffls said:
Also, wtf is with forward roll inconsistency?? Do you have to hold LT/L2 a certain time before you land =\

I just tap it once real quick before my feet hit the ground and that does it perfect every time for me.


hyperbolically metafictive
Teetris said:
Sorry, I meant in Time Trial. You jump, get over the fence then jump again. I can't seem to figure out how you jump without holding on to the side. I tried tucking legs but then I don't even get to the o ther side.

keep holding the jump button when you tuck


Kind of neat but it just didn't click for me. The controls just seemed whack. I guess with enough training you'd get used to them but considering all the titles this fall I'll probably skip ME until I can get it cheaper or rent.
It's pretty but sort of felt very lifeless and sterile.


Ok tapping trigger to roll works nice, thanks gaf.

Got 2:32:09 on the demo level (not timetrial, I just used a stopwatch) :D Had a few flow breaking obstacles but was generally pretty good. I hope.


Teetris said:
Sorry, I meant in Time Trial. You jump, get over the fence then jump again. I can't seem to figure out how you jump without holding on to the side. I tried tucking legs but then I don't even get to the o ther side.

You could try kick jumping off the billboard on the left side.
Fuck this game is awesome! Glitching the training area so you can go anywhere is amazing. So many cool opportunities that they wouldn't let you try otherwise. I hope the game comes with a free run option so you can just explore the levels and see what the best lines are.


First tragedy, then farce.
Hellsing321 said:
Fuck this game is awesome! Glitching the training area so you can go anywhere is amazing. So many cool opportunities that they wouldn't let you try otherwise. I hope the game comes with a free run option so you can just explore the levels and see what the best lines are.

How do you do this?


nods at old men
Hellsing321 said:
Fuck this game is awesome! Glitching the training area so you can go anywhere is amazing. So many cool opportunities that they wouldn't let you try otherwise. I hope the game comes with a free run option so you can just explore the levels and see what the best lines are.
StoOgE said:
How do you do this?
When they show you the wall jump(LB,RB,LB move) instead of doing the wall jump go to the right side of the area and face the wall with a window. Jump up that wall and you'll grab a ledge. Turn to the left while hanging on and jump again but tuck your feet up this time. Now you'll be standing on the ledge so look up and jump one more time to grab the ledge above you and pull yourself up. Shimmy across the wall and move toward the zip line. Celeste will just stand there instead of using the zip line so now you are free to use the zip line and go any where you want in the training area.

If you fall you'll have to do the glitch again but it's easy enough once you figure it out.


Little_Donkey said:
+better color
+better lighting
+better sound

-no AA
-screen tearing



Lots of hitting the HDMI switch to confirm.

First time I ever thought I would get the PS3 version of a multiplat.


-viper- said:
Personally I don't see any screen tearing issues. The game looks beautiful and I'll definitely get the PS3 version.
It's just in SD apparently. I've played the demo a fair bit in HD and never seen a single instance of screen tear, except during the 'flash' movie, which is very odd because I gather it's prerendered, the codec is kind of blocky.


Hellsing321 said:
When they show you the wall jump(LB,RB,LB move) instead of doing the wall jump go to the right side of the area and face the wall with a window. Jump up that wall and you'll grab a ledge. Turn to the left while hanging on and jump again but tuck your feet up this time. Now you'll be standing on the ledge so look up and jump one more time to grab the ledge above you and pull yourself up. Shimmy across the wall and move toward the zip line. Celeste will just stand there instead of using the zip line so now you are free to use the zip line and go any where you want in the training area.

If you fall you'll have to do the glitch again but it's easy enough once you figure it out.

You can also do this by simply running past Celeste at the very beginning and jumping down to where you have to do your first roll. There's a Youtube video of it somewhere..

Oh, there it is.



I was pleasantly surprised by this demo. I played both the 360 and PS3 versions and the 360 version looked better through VGA (360) than through HDMI (PS3) on my 1368x768 LCD (less aliasing and better color).

But really, the differences were quite negligible and I didn't notice screen-tearing on either version.


nods at old men
Crisis said:
I really like the game but is Sixaxis really pissing anyone else off when they try to use it?
During the tutorial it showed either the sixaxis motion or the R stick.

I assumed it meant you can use either.
I kept my controller straight and just used the R stick to balance.


Crisis said:
I really like the game but is Sixaxis really pissing anyone else off when they try to use it?

Sometimes, other times I can make it over the bar with ease but it never feels that responsive. That Rubber duck game is the only tilt I have experience that seemed to have nailed it.


Crisis said:
I really like the game but is Sixaxis really pissing anyone else off when they try to use it?

I just turn it off - I fall off the pipes while balancing with Sixaxis everytime at least once or twice.
Usually I'm quite good with Sixaxis controls, liked them in Lair & Ratchet (not Motorstorm though).


Pre-order code IS bullshit, its the time trials that have me the most addicted to this game.

my time on edge = 43:40, still can't put together a perfect run though. :/
Just ranked 87 on Edge (360). This game is so freaking addicting already and its just the demo. I love it. I love it. I love it. I love it.

I love it.
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