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Most clueless you've ever been to sexual/romantic advances?

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In 6th grade some girl came up to me in the middle of Lunch and said to me "do you see that girl over there?" *points way across the lunch hall*, "she really likes you. Would you go out with her?"

I actually couldn't tell who she was pointing to but said "nah" anyway. Actually thought it was a joke/dare/bet, and it could have been. To this day I have no idea who it was. Honestly don't care, but it's funny to think about. Wonder if it was someone I actually knew.


When I got towards the end of this, I started to think, "If he says, She's my bro one more time I'll lose it." Unfortunately, that point was already after the last time you had said it, haha.

Then the amount was perfect :p But the overuse of those stupid words was intended to give you a good idea of my stupidity in those moments of absolute cluelessness. I'm not sure I have graduated from that but I guess I'm making slow progress...

She still is MY BRO THOUGH !
Then the amount was perfect :p But the overuse of those stupid words was intended to give you a good idea of my stupidity in those moments of absolute cluelessness. I'm not sure I have graduated from that but I guess I'm making slow progress...

She still is MY BRO THOUGH !

You did it well I think, as I got a sense of that, and when I said lose it I meant lose my shit aka laugh my ass off.

I might actually adopt that phrase to remind myself not to be clueless in the future, good stuff.
In 6th grade some girl came up to me in the middle of Lunch and said to me "do you see that girl over there?" *points way across the lunch hall*, "she really likes you. Would you go out with her?"

I actually couldn't tell who she was pointing to but said "nah" anyway. Actually thought it was a joke/dare/bet, and it could have been. To this day I have no idea who it was. Honestly don't care, but it's funny to think about. Wonder if it was someone I actually knew.

Oh, this has happened to me a couple times. Some guy would be like "oh, x girl likes you."

Automatic assumption it was a lie. I was probably right, too. After it happens to you just once, and you half-believe them for them to tell you they were joking, you learn peoples' bullshit.
In 6th grade some girl came up to me in the middle of Lunch and said to me "do you see that girl over there?" *points way across the lunch hall*, "she really likes you. Would you go out with her?"

I actually couldn't tell who she was pointing to but said "nah" anyway. Actually thought it was a joke/dare/bet, and it could have been. To this day I have no idea who it was. Honestly don't care, but it's funny to think about. Wonder if it was someone I actually knew.

Happened to me, too. I was at the Fair with my friend and we were walking around, a girl comes up to me and says:

Girl: My friend over there (points to the waving girl) thinks you're beautiful and was wondering if you want to go on some rides with her?

Me: Who, me?

Girl: Yeah, so...?

Me: Uh, we're gonna be leaving soon. Thanks, anyway.

I've been called a lot of things in my life, but never "beautiful."
Happened to me, too. I was at the Fair with my friend and we were walking around, a girl comes up to me and says:

Girl: My friend over there (points to the waving girl) thinks you're beautiful and was wondering if you want to go on some rides with her?

Me: Who, me?

Girl: Yeah, so...?

Me: Uh, we're gonna be leaving soon. Thanks, anyway.

I've been called a lot of things in my life, but never "beautiful."

I want to hit you so hard in your handsome face, you motherfucker.
Girl cutting my hair, real cute kept asking very detailed questions about me, especially if I'm single and so on. She told me all about herself and such and at the time for some reason I was just totally going along with the conversation. Didn't realize till later that she was obviously hitting on me. She was so interested in everything I said, wanted to know more and kept relating. Her going into me being single and such should have set up a flag in my mind.

Not saying this was what happened, but I know a few stylists... "flirting" with the clients is a part of there job apparently. They want you to keep coming back. Being social and flirty with the opposite sex is practically a prerequisite. But then again, maybe the only stylists I really know are sluts...
MY gawwddd....reading this thread...oh wow..
You guys really are expert self cock-blockers!

if I had half an opportunity as some of the posters here, I would have taken it!

But nooooo, I must be butt ugly or something. I always had to go out of my way to make opportunities. Failed most of the time...but that's another story.
When a closeted gay preacher was close to touching my crotch showing me something at a clothing store. It was uncomfortable but I didn't think it was deliberate until he followed me to my car asking what types of clubs I go to and started naming all of this gay stuff. I still was stupefied but enough to chase him off. It creeped and grossed me out to no end. I was violated!


My contribution:

In my second year of high school, me and my class went on a trip to Poland for two weeks. Students in their last year (one or two year older) took care of us and made sure we were getting wasted every night, fun times.

Anyway, on one of the last nights, everyone's broke so we go to a cheap bar and lo and behold, actual discussion occurs, most notably among people that didn't know each other very well. This trip was a few months only after the year started and our class was kind of a patchwork with people coming from different sections.

I don't quite remember how it started but I talked all night with that girl from my class and we hit off pretty well. I had zero confidence but mustered the courage to ask her best friend whether or not she had a boyfriend. She didn't, and the friend was ready to help a little, she thought it might work.
Soon, everyone knew I had a thing for that girl, but said best friend moved out of the country. And that's where the terribleness begins : I was never, ever able to ask her out or hold a decent conversation any more with her until graduation. It made for a lot of REALLY awkward situations and pretty much everyone involved in that mess hated me for doing fucking nothing. During the last months of high school, she and a friend who lived in the school dorms (I didn't) kinda got together, which made for strange situations at parties.

Right after high school, I moved to Paris for Uni, so I stop pursuing that girl, and never heard from her ever since. Goddamn was I stupid and shy.


I was wearing a shirt that said "can't get no satisfaction" and went to the movie theater with some of my friends. A cute girl at the ticket booth looked at me and the shirt and said, "I can help you with that". I gave her a puzzled look and said what, she pointed at the shirt and smiled. I said thanks, smiled and got my ticket and moved on. I don't think what she said hit me till a few minutes and I kicked myself for not acting on the opportunity.

Sarah! Sarah! Look at this douche's shirt, I totes dare you to say "I can help you with that" when he comes up to buy his ticket!! OMG LOL LOL


Happened to me, too. I was at the Fair with my friend and we were walking around, a girl comes up to me and says:

Girl: My friend over there (points to the waving girl) thinks you're beautiful and was wondering if you want to go on some rides with her?

Me: Who, me?

Girl: Yeah, so...?

Me: Uh, we're gonna be leaving soon. Thanks, anyway.

I've been called a lot of things in my life, but never "beautiful."

I'm nodding my head in agreement and face palming myself at the same time (not to mention that we're both art majors). A similar thing happened back when I was in community college during a Asian culture event (I was with some friends). Do note that I have a ripped slim physique that reveals my muscles (in this context, my arms)./stealth brag

The exchange went as follows:

A decent looking chick with a dude (a friend probably) obliviously eats me with her eyes and notices me. She then proceeds to approach me.

Chick: I just wanted to let you know that you're gorgeous.

Me: (stunned) Uhh...Thanks.

Chick then proceeds to go back to her friend. I go back to my friends. We eventually walk out of the event.

Me: (to my Puerto Rican friend) Dude, a chick just told me I'm gorgeous and I didn't know what to say!

Friend: That's cool man. She probably wanted to go out with you on the spot. Did you get her number?

Me: (defeated) No. It didn't occur to me in the moment.

Later that day when I got home. I told my brothers. This was their reaction:

There seems to be more than a few people in here saying that these types of situations have never happened to them, while adding that no one ever approaches them or has said these types of things to them......but keep in mind that if you asked more than a few people in here the same question maybe 5, or say 10 years ago, they would have probably said the same thing about the exact same stories they are now telling.

Aka if you're completely oblivious to the types of advances described (like most of these stories show) then by definition you might actually have similar situations happening to you, but you are completely, and I mean COMPLETELY unaware.

Learn from it sooner than later and you too, can not end up in this thread, haha.

/Papa Steve service announcement for the continual advancement of the dignity of the human race.

Jedeye Sniv

Not sure, maybe I just act in an unattractive way? I don't know.

I used to get some indicators of interest during college, but since then nothing has really happened.

I've never been one to get any compliments though.

I know that feeling man, I feel like I've missed out on too much in my life, even if it's embarrassing clueless moments like this.

You're the kinda guy that should carry a book everywhere. Or maybe a satchel with books in it. You have an air of aloofness (not necessarily a bad thing), so you need to cultivate it and make it into your thing.
Back in my art school days, I came home one afternoon to find four Australian girls in my dorm room. My roommate appeared and explained that he had met them on the street and thought it would be cool to hang out. They all said hello to me and were rather giggly. I, however, was pissed. I had been up all night and just walked back from class (Townsend to Pine) carrying my my drawing board. I put my stuff down and started to leave. I head what might have been wait or goodbye from several voices. I went into an empty bathroom, crawled into the bathtub and cried. Yeah, I was majored depressed and at that point was untreated. I stayed in the tub until dinner time and when I had returned to my room, the girls were gone. The next day I was walking down the street when I heard a bunch of girls yelling my name. Across the street were the same Australian girls waving and shouting. I nodded or waved or something and kept walking.

My friend says he made out with all of them. I believe him.
In grade eight these two guys came up to me, and one guy pointed at his friend and said "hey, Tom really wants to go out with you". And I thought it was a joke or something and ran away. Anyway I spent most of grade nine crushing on 'Tom', and feeling really dumb.

Oh, and then there was the guy who asked if I wanted to come over for lunch, and not realising he thought it was a date until he tried to kiss me. That was more uncomfortable than anything.

I am pretty clueless in general though.


I cant remember much specific but during secondary school apparently there was this girl who was crushing on me badly and I barely even acknowledged her existence. A couple of months later she gave up and moved on and my friends told me about it. I was just like "oh".

I felt quite bad about it.


Bit late posting, but shan's post reminded me of how I was in School.

I see. I can understand that really.

In the UK we have a first school, middle school, and high school. You start high school at 13 years old. In middle school I didn't really know if I was attractive or not. At that age I was pretty shy around girls and didn't really know how to communicate with them or express my feelings. I would do stupid things like kick them (lol). That basically meant I was interested in her. I was also pretty immature. It didn't go down well particularly. I remember occasionally some girl would turn around say things like, "they wouldn't go out with me" when the question was asked by others joking around. I kind of felt like I wasn't that attractive really. It seemed odd when a girl seemed genuinely interested in me. I didn't really know how to take it. Is she just being friendly or does she really fancy me? Never that clear to me.

Even at the start of high school I was a little uncertain about myself. Seems strange looking back at it now because some pretty attractive girls were interested in me in high school. Around the age of 15 I sort of cottoned on to the fact that, yes, some girls are indeed attracted to me. lol


I'm pretty oblivious in general. Several female friends have told me that since I'm generally friendly when meeting people I interpret flirtatiousness as nothing more than reciprocated conversation. Kind of a moot point since I have a girlfriend though.


I'm pretty oblivious in general. Several female friends have told me that since I'm generally friendly when meeting people I interpret flirtatiousness as nothing more than reciprocated conversation. Kind of a moot point since I have a girlfriend though.

Yeah. This doesn't happen to me anymore. I'm pretty good at reading people now. When I was a kid -- as I posted previously -- I never really knew if I was attractive or not. I also think girls at that age were put off by how immature I was. That only added to the confusion. I was shy as a kid, so I would never confront a girl I was attracted to. However, when I realised I was attractive to the opposite sex, it became more obvious to me. There are times when I can get it wrong though I guess.

And I'm not as shy as I was either. There came a point where I just stopped caring and became more outgoing.


The main one was in college, when this girl I'd been hanging out with on occasion told me she was looking for someone to basically have casual sex with, though she didn't put it so bluntly. My lack of self-confidence automatically must have kicked in, and I assumed that couldn't possibly include me as a candidate, so I just kind of nodded and said, "Oh yeah?" She stopped hanging out with me shortly thereafter. I don't remember if it was a few hours or days later that a voice in the back of my head said "she wanted to fuck, moron!!" And I facepalmed for a while. Oh well.


Junior Member
In my early 20's, a girl I was banging told me her friend agreed to a three some if my gf wanted to. I was trying to be a nice guy and told her it didn't matter. It would have been a glorious combination: menage, Indian chick with decent body and hot Black chick with a great body, both willing to give great head.

What was I thinking?


Yeah, this is me. I only seem to be aware I'm getting checked out or hit on if it's someone I'm not interested in. But only years later do I realize if that hot chick was making a move. One that comes to mind is freshman year college. I was hanging out with this good friend of mine from high school, who also happened to be a super hot aspiring model who I'd have banged at the drop of a hat. But we'd been friends for a couple years and lived near each other, so we hung out almost nightly--doing nothing. We'd go on long drives and just talk for hours and hours. She even picked out "a song" for us and our adventures. And she played it for me in the car once and I said it was awesome and we moved on.

The song was Dave Matthews' "Say Goodbye," which has a line that literally sings: "Tonight let's be lovers, and tomorrow go back to being friends." And it goes on about having meaningless sex with your good friend.

Took me years to realize it, which was followed with even more years of facepalming. I'm married now to someone else and I still can't believe how stupid I was.


English is not my first language so excuse me if I make some mistakes.

- In high school there was a girl in my class who I never really talked to, just some smalltalk occasionally. She was really friendly and a pretty good looking blonde. But anyway, I didn't had much contact with her, and she was just a girl like many others to me. She didn't grab my attention really, just a nice girl. At the end of the school year we had an oral exam. I was waiting for my turn outside of the classroom, sitting on the stairs with my books. Suddenly the girl turns up and comes sit next to me. She asks if we can test each other about our exam material (asking each other questions and stuff). "Ok, sure" So we start and after a minute or two she puts her hand on my leg/lap and kept staring at me. I was confused, so I just continued to ask her about the study material, and when it was my turn to enter the class room I just stood up and said "thanks" (I don't know why) and went in. We didn't spoke since.

- At a party there was this friend of my cousin, she is a bit older than me. We start talking, but I am bad at smalltalk so the conversation didn't really go anywhere. I felt like a doofus. A bit later everyone is dancing and the girl starts putting her arm around me and starts grinding. I thought she was making fun off me in a sence like "would this idiot really think he's got a chance with me? lol, let's see" After half a minute I walk away to get a drink, feeling a bit humiliated. I stay at the party thinking "whatever". At the end of the night she comes at me asking if I could hold her purse while she searches for her cellphone in it. I thought I saw some sort of lube in there (it was something for her face, yeah I suck), and asked "What?Is that lube?". "No", laughs, looks at me and says "But I got some at my place if you want" at that point I'm thinking why does she keep making fun off me? I didn't know what to say, faked laughed and just stood there.
The next week I saw my cousin again and asked her why her friend acted so weird. Apparently she was in to me. A few months later I met the girl again at a party, she was with another guy. She totaly ignored me.

- Me and some friends were on vacation in Asia. It was a group travel, we didn't know the other persons. After some time we got to know the other persons pretty well, cool people. There was this girl in the group and me and her were the only singles on the journey. We talked alot and it was fun. So, at the final few days of the vacation we were staying at a hotel. Me and a friend slept in the same bed. (cheaper than two rooms). In the evening me and my friends were going to a restaurant and the girl asked if she could come with us. "Sure, why not". Once there, we sat at a table and she sat in front of me. Everyone was talking about their hotelrooms because they were so luxurious. Then the girl leaned forward and said to me "you should come check out my room later. It's so big, even the bed, way to big for one person" I said "Nah, that's ok, it's only a bed".
She turned red and went silent.
I later found out the whole group knew she was interested in me and tried to arrange it so that we were always next to each other and stuff.

I'm so bad. :/


A few times have stood out over the years for me.

In first grade I used to have three (yeah, three) different girls take turns laying their head on my shoulder during story time. I even had a crush (granted, a first grade crush) on one of them. And what did I do? Violently shrugged my shoulders to knock them off. Because I thought it was funny. Ironically, I would later learn that one of them (not the one I had a crush on) had a crush on me through the entirety of school, all the way through senior year.

Then in middle school, I had a crush on a different girl. We were in the percussion section in band together, and talked all the time, but I'm paranoid and was somehow convinced she had a crush on one of my best friends, despite showing no signs of that actually being true. So naturally, me being an idiot, I tried to set them up. I told her that my friend liked her, although she never actually responded, so I was never really sure if she heard me. But towards the end of the year, she mentioned that she was going to transfer to the trumpet section in band. Where the best friend was. Strangely, enough, they never seemed to get together. They did flirt a lot, or at least it looked like it to me.

There was also a time in that same year that I got a call from a girl who asked me if I wanted to go out. I was friends with her, so again being an idiot, I assumed it was some kind of prank (in my defense, I heard laughing in the background). She insisted it wasn't, and I somehow mumbled an "I guess" before hanging up. The next day she was telling everyone we were going out, which I vehemently denied, still thinking it was a prank.

Later in high school, I would have a few classes with the girl I had a crush on in middle school. In driver's ed we got paired up along with another for some driving practice. We talked pretty much the whole time, and she held onto my arm while the other person was driving. Didn't really think anything of it. She mentioned after the fact that she really liked being in the same group, and when I told her we were in different groups the next time, she seemed pretty disappointed. Once again, me being me, I did nothing about it.

We would later be in the same German class together, and we would frequently talk and pair up together for assignments. She also sat right in front of me, and when I would lay my head down on my desk, she would always lay her had back and turn towards me, so we would be like 4 inches apart. Again, I thought nothing of it. Sadly, she later started pairing up with someone else for assignments until we eventually barely ever talked. I learned next semester that she was dating the person she had been pairing up with. Never spoke with her again. I did see her on graduation day and tried to smile at her, but she either didn't see me or was ignoring me. I still don't know if she ever actually liked me or not. The signals seemed very mixed, at least to me, and I'm still not convinced that the signals I thought I saw weren't just in my head.

There was another minor instance of a girl at my job. We worked in the toy department at Walmart, and we were rarely too busy, so we would always talk. Looking back she did laugh an awful lot, and when my sister came in to shop, immediately (and almost accusingly) asked me if she was my girlfriend. Dunno if there was something there either, but she quit like a month later anyway.

In short, I got no game. Like many, I have problems figuring out if someone is flirting or just being overly nice.


I'm new to GAF, and this is one of the first threads I clicked on in OT.

Mah lawd. I'll post some of my (nowhere near as facepalm worthy) stories later on.


You're the kinda guy that should carry a book everywhere. Or maybe a satchel with books in it. You have an air of aloofness (not necessarily a bad thing), so you need to cultivate it and make it into your thing.
Ah damn. :/

I guess I am quite a quiet guy, but even so.


Not really missing clues but...

In 5th grade there was this girl who clearly liked me. Always tried talking with me, would find any excuse to touch me, etc etc.

I kinda found her a bit annoying.

Anyway fast forward like like 7 years and she got SO. HOT. Damn late bloomers.


Was typing out something I just remembered from around 3 years ago and half-laughing at my stupidity, like George Costanza "I don't drink coffee late at night" level, then cast my mind to a few weeks ago and realized that I'm still an absolute oblivious idiot and haven't learned at all. So I thank this thread.
Back in high school, some friends and I were chilling in the Wendy's after school. This girl we all knew came in and was hanging out with us, she sat on the chair directly behind me(was a lot of us so we took up two tables, table I was at had no chairs free). Every few seconds she would stretch her arms back and touch my face or play with my hair. Then a friend got up to order some more food and she jumped up and stole his seat.

So she kept staring at me and winking at me, but I thought she was just trying to be funny. When we were all leaving she asked me which train I was gonna take home(one of the trains I could take home is next to her house). I told her I was taking the train which is closer to Wendy's, which is not the train by her house. Then she asked "ARE you sure your taking that train?!"

...I told her I was sure... Can't believe I didn't realize -__-


Well there was this really cute girl in a University Statistics class which kept praising me and telling me how "cute" and "smart" I was, I thought she was just being nice. She sat next to me all semester and I didn't really pay much mind to her because I was making advances on another girl, and it turns out I was barking at the wrong tree. Haven't seen or heard from her since then, I should search for her on Facebook and try to catch up.
Back in high school, some friends and I were chilling in the Wendy's after school. This girl we all knew came in and was hanging out with us, she sat on the chair directly behind me(was a lot of us so we took up two tables, table I was at had no chairs free). Every few seconds she would stretch her arms back and touch my face or play with my hair. Then a friend got up to order some more food and she jumped up and stole his seat.

So she kept staring at me and winking at me, but I thought she was just trying to be funny. When we were all leaving she asked me which train I was gonna take home(one of the trains I could take home is next to her house). I told her I was taking the train which is closer to Wendy's, which is not the train by her house. Then she asked "ARE you sure your taking that train?!"

...I told her I was sure... Can't believe I didn't realize -__-
I remember in my first high school there was this girl who knew this other friend of mine, and she'd come to my art room before school started to talk with us. Well, mostly talk to my other friend, she'd just try to start random arguments with me. She was on the debate team, and she would constantly try to make me debate her over anything and everything, whether we agreed or not. It drove me nuts.

Over the course of the year, she would say weird things like she thought my hair looked nice that day, or whatever. I just played it off as her trying to make up for causing me grief all the rest of the time. Then, she cooked me an entire sheet of brownies on my birthday, and expected me carry it around all day. I appreciated the gesture, but I ended up just giving them to everyone in my next class.

These sorts of small gestures carried on for a while, and one day she asked me what kind of music I liked. I knew she was just going to use this as another thing to argue with me about, since she liked a lot of (then) current music. I mostly listened to stuff from the 60s and 70s (still largely just do) at the time, and she made it her mission to expose me to all of the wonderful things she listened to. So, she made me a cd of her favorite songs and artists, but I just tossed it into a drawer when I got home. A week or so later, she made my friend bring me to the hall her first class was on in the morning, and she proceeded to bring out a guitar and start singing. There were a few people around, and I assumed she was just doing her usual attention getting behavior stuff. When I started to hear the words though... I realized she had a huge crush on me and was singing a love song she had written for me in the middle of a crowded hallway.

I stood there waiting for it to end, because what the heck do you do when this sort of thing is going on? I told her it sounded nice and I had to get to class, since it was about to start. I got to class as fast as I could. She never directly asked me out or anything after that, and I was glad since I wasn't attracted to her at all after as much as she had grated on me up to this point.

A few years ago, I was going through my room, and I found the cd in my drawer. I popped it into my old cd player, out of curiosity, and it was a bunch of love songs. Made me feel pretty bad that I had probably really hurt her feelings without wanting to, but yeah.


Only had one that I can think of back in high school. There was this girl that we all knew who had a great body but a pretty homely face. She acted like one of the guys so no one really took notice of her until about Junior year when her face somehow turned out nice. She ended up in one of my classes and sat next to me as a buddy. What I didn't realize was how she kept making references to her body and how it related to me. She came up to me one day while I was sitting down and rested her boobs on top of my head asking if they felt like they gotten bigger. I thought it was awkward so I let it go. Next class, she dropped her pencil and bent over to do it, except she kept scooting her ass towards my face. By this point, I thought something was up but never realized what was up until she asked me to hang out at her house one Saturday while her parents were away. Me and my infinite stupidity said this and I kid you not:

"Sorry I won't be able to. I have to go to a Super Smash Bros. tournament on Saturday and I'll be gone for the whole day."

She was obviously disappointed and left me alone after that. It didn't hit me until after high school she was wanted the D. Hold me GAF.


Only had one that I can think of back in high school. There was this girl that we all knew who had a great body but a pretty homely face. She acted like one of the guys so no one really took notice of her until about Junior year when her face somehow turned out nice. She ended up in one of my classes and sat next to me as a buddy. What I didn't realize was how she kept making references to her body and how it related to me. She came up to me one day while I was sitting down and rested her boobs on top of my head asking if they felt like they gotten bigger. I thought it was awkward so I let it go. Next class, she dropped her pencil and bent over to do it, except she kept scooting her ass towards my face. By this point, I thought something was up but never realized what was up until she asked me to hang out at her house one Saturday while her parents were away. Me and my infinite stupidity said this and I kid you not:

"Sorry I won't be able to. I have to go to a Super Smash Bros. tournament on Saturday and I'll be gone for the whole day."

She was obviously disappointed and left me alone after that. It didn't hit me until after high school she was wanted the D. Hold me GAF.


Reading GAFfers post about high school as if it was some ancient past makes me feel young. I'm still in high school, and, like many here, interpret blatant romantic advances as friendly gestures, which has lead to a lot of awkward moments. But I'm still allowed to make those mistakes, right?

Right?! D:


One time I was on going on a run and I passed this cute girl who was just sort of standing on the path. She told me to stop because there was this snake in the path a bit ahead. I got a stick and scared it off as it was just a big garter snake. She thanked me and smiled alot. She then started jogging again, and I stayed back because I don't need people to actively see how out of shape I am... or the fact my tie dyed shirt was soaked with sweat despite only running a bit less than a mile. When she passed me on her way back she smiled again. Like, very friendly like. When I walked back to my car, I saw her stretching on a park bench and she once again thanked me for moving the snake and smiled more. I said it was no problem. I then made a stupid ghostbusters homage and referenced the "who you gonna call" in case she ever had any more snake trouble. Only once I started to drive away did I realize that she probably would have been very receptive to me asking her out for a drink or dinner or something. Not to mention that "who you gonna call" could have easily gotten her number. My virginity then grew back.


A little less than a year ago, there was a girl I met online, had a date with, things seemed like they went well (or so I hoped). A couple of weeks later, I pulled an all-nighter for a project, and she messaged me on Skype. She started talking about shaking her ass to "Smack Dat" and when we talked about how our sleep schedules were fucked, she says "Well we could, unfuck each other, lol". Later that day her friend just grabbed her phone and texts me "Sorry if this is a little forward, but would you perhaps be interested in mutual making out?" Long story short, that happened, the relationship went on for a few months, on again a few months later, and ended two weeks after that.

Fast forward to the end of the relationship with said girl mentioned above, I was really fucking depressed and my co-workers knew what happened. I talked to them about it, one of them was this girl that I had already ruled out in my mind because I figured there was no way we would work out, no way she would be into me, and I doubt I would be into her. So anyway, this girl is talking to me trying to cheer me up, texting me over the next month or two. Every time we end up talking about how cold it is outside, she keeps saying something like "Well that's what snuggling is for!" Obvious fucking hint number one missed there. She would keep wanting me to come to things with her (and her friends), and even on my birthday wanted me to go to a restaurant with her and her roommate. Before we got there, she texted me "Do you mind if (roommate) comes along?" I figured that was an anti-hint.

Come December, I was at a Christmas party for a student organization, and she texted me again, and after a few texts, just said "So what would you say if I said I liked you?" We had a date the next day and she is now my girlfriend. I also found out I was completely wrong about her, despite knowing her as a co-worker for a year now.

I thought of the possibility of all the hints but just dismissed it because I overanalyze things and though "No way, I'm just overthinking it, she's just being a friend." Of course I was wrong about thinking I was wrong.

We talked about all of this, the snuggling thing was an obvious hint. The thing on my birthday, she didn't want to bring her roommate, but she couldn't just leave the roommate by herself. So yeah, there were hints everywhere, and I was dismissing them, but it worked out in the end.
A while ago I was at a gig with a group of people. We were all dancing and having a good time and I noticed this girl kinda hanging around us and dancing in our group a bit. Then the set ended and while we were waiting for the next act I start talking to one of my mates. I put it down to being pretty high at the time, but while we were talking the girl comes around and slaps me on the ass. I just stopped talking for a second, gave her a "can't you see I'm having a conversation here" kinda look and go back to my conversation haha.

Not so much clueless, but unlucky really: Another time I was on a train and this hot Serbian brunette is sitting next to me. I usually just listen to music and read on train journeys, but this girl grabbed one of my earphones and put it in her ear to check what I was listening to. After that we got talking and the conversation was flowing really well. She mentioned she was heading to London dor a Diesel photoshoot because she's a model. Seemed like she was pretty into me, but then she asked how old I was. I was 17 at the time and it turned out she was 23. After that she kinda went "oh..." and the conversation died down haha. Wonder what would've happened if I'd lied about my age.


One time at a casino bar I was ordering a couple of bourbon & cokes for me and a friend. When I'm handed the drinks, the smoking hot girl standing next to me leans over and says the bartender put more bourbon in the drinks than he should have and essentially gave me 4 drinks for the price of 2.
In the infinite wisdom of youth I glanced at both drinks, shrugged and said "Huh....a drink is a drink". Then I walked back to my friends. Upon reaching them it dawned on me that she was trying to make smalltalk. Walking back over to her at that point would just seem weird, so I decided to let it go. I informed by mates, who all simultaneously craned their necks over toward the bar. She was looking in my direction when they did that, so now things were doubly awkward.
It was then that I suggested we go play some roulette...
In grade eight these two guys came up to me, and one guy pointed at his friend and said "hey, Tom really wants to go out with you". And I thought it was a joke or something and ran away. Anyway I spent most of grade nine crushing on 'Tom', and feeling really dumb.

Oh, and then there was the guy who asked if I wanted to come over for lunch, and not realising he thought it was a date until he tried to kiss me. That was more uncomfortable than anything.

I am pretty clueless in general though.

lol what is with loads of people in this thread "running away"? Paints a hilarious image in my head.

Jedeye Sniv

Ah damn. :/

I guess I am quite a quiet guy, but even so.

No man, it's a good thing! The air of mystery and coolness! I always made myself too available, I have no mystery at all. You remind me of my friend from school and he was swimming in clunge.

Carry a book. Make it a french one.
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