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My Little Pony: Friendship is Magic

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Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Oh man now I have something new to do in my down time between watching shows and movies featuring Selena Gomez and Victoria Justice.


-PXG- said:
I don't care what ya'll say. There's no reason for grown ass men to be watching this shit. Unless you're parent, or, for some odd reason, using this as a reference for some kind animation class, you have NO business watching this. Creep City.

Feel better about getting that off your chest?


dude said:
Well, aren't you the one who made the thread about "social conservatives"? How they have to defend themselves? This is kinda ironic.

Not ironic in the least. I'm not asking for any legislation to prevent grown adult males from transcending deeper into the realm of social ineptitude, I'm just suggesting that mocking grown adults who pimp MY LITTLE PONY has got to be an expected part of the territory. It's My-Little-Fucking-Pony. My FOUR YEAR OLD NIECE grew out of that shit.

You guys are entitled to love it and pimp it, I'm just saying you can't take it so personally when people poke fun. It's a gaming message board and this shit IS hilarious.

By all means love it, jerk to it, buy My Little Pony merchandise and the My Little Pony deluxe DVD set. Some people are just going to rib you over it. Grow a spine.


Amir0x said:
there's nothing insecure about mocking grown adult males touching themselves over MyLittlePony. somethings are just inherently comical. Like adults who play with virtual pets.
He's insecure because he finds people watching and enjoying a cartoon (and not, as you say, "touching themselves" over it) creepy. To find something creepy, it has to provoke a reaction of discomfort and the only logical reason for someone to find someone else enjoying a non-Japanese cartoon discomforting is if they have they own insecurities, possibly relating to how they feel about the fairer members of the equine family, being agitated.

Amir0x said:
You guys are entitled to love it and pimp it, I'm just saying you can't take it so personally when people poke fun. It's a gaming message board and this shit IS hilarious.
Yeah, it's funny we like it. I'd agree with you there. Our issue is with you and the other detractors implying (or in your case, explicitly stating) there is a sexual component to it. I dunno, watching My Little Pony as an adult is definitely a bit odd, but what you guys are doing is just plain disturbing.


Jenga said:
don't watch anime
My statement didn't suggest you did. Nor did it suggest you find Japanese animation superior/more artistically relevant than American. It was a knock at the more unsettling fringes of Japanese animation.


Suairyu said:
He's insecure because he finds people watching and enjoying a cartoon (and not, as you say, "touching themselves" over it) creepy. To find something creepy, it has to provoke a reaction of discomfort and the only logical reason for someone to find someone else enjoying a non-Japanese cartoon discomforting is if they have they own insecurities, possibly relating to how they feel about the fairer members of the equine family, being agitated.

Yeah, it's funny we like it. I'd agree with you there. Our issue is with you and the other detractors implying (or in your case, explicitly stating) there is a sexual component to it. I dunno, watching My Little Pony as an adult is definitely a bit odd, but what you guys are doing is just plain disturbing.

I've implied no such sexual component. "Touching yourselves" in this case is an EXTREMELY obvious metaphor for the unbridled enthusiasm an adult shows over a show indisputably for pre-schoolers.

I have no opinion as to the sexual preferences of those involved in MYLITTLEPONY worship. I encourage the continued adoration for the show. I just encourage growing a little thicker skin so you're not offended when other people fuck around about the elephant in the room.
Dai101 said:
That part of "Dragonshy" was awesome, and with a refference to Charlie's Angels too

yeah i was cracking up the first time i saw it, cause she had the football helmet and everything. her whimper is too cute. sometimes i find it hard to believe the same person voices pinkie pie as well.


Amir0x said:
Not ironic in the least. I'm not asking for any legislation to prevent grown adult males from transcending deeper into the realm of social ineptitude, I'm just suggesting that mocking grown adults who pimp MY LITTLE PONY has got to be an expected part of the territory. It's My-Little-Fucking-Pony. My FOUR YEAR OLD NIECE grew out of that shit.

You guys are entitled to love it and pimp it, I'm just saying you can't take it so personally when people poke fun. It's a gaming message board and this shit IS hilarious.

By all means love it, jerk to it, buy My Little Pony merchandise and the My Little Pony deluxe DVD set. Some people are just going to rib you over it. Grow a spine.
What's funny about it? Every joke about people who watch MLP is a thinly veiled "you're gay" joke.
I just thought people who go out of their way to make a thread like you did would at least wear the mask of the thinking man, and not give in to the gut reaction to laugh at any sign of a man giving up something of his masculinity.


Jenga said:
your statement implied that detractors did
No, it didn't. It was implying that detractors might have a possible excuse to detract were it something that had come from Japan. 'twas a joke about moe animé and the sexualisation of girls under the age of 18 in Japanese manga culture.

Amir0x said:
I've implied no such sexual component. "Touching yourselves" in this case is an EXTREMELY obvious metaphor for the unbridled enthusiasm an adult shows over a show indisputably for pre-schoolers.

I have no opinion as to the sexual preferences of those involved in MYLITTLEPONY worship.
And my "... what you guys are doing is just plain disturbing", coupled with the gifs posted earlier, are obviously tongue in cheek.

Regardless of our joviality or your intended use of metaphors, your resulting tone has been more "you guys have something wrong with you" than "haha you like My Little Pony".

That said, "indisputably for pre-schoolers" is factually wrong because it can be disputed. Its target audience might be young girls, but similar to Dexter's Lab, Powerpuff Girls and other Cartoon Network cartoons, there's a lot there for older audiences, hence why we're all enjoying it. The creators are very intelligent people.


Everything is moe to me

if you knowing avoid good entertainment because you'd be embarrassed to be seen outside of your age group, then you are already dead. You have the emotional development of the 12 year old who thinks good games are defined by an M rating.


Jenga said:

talk about reading too much into something

Does it bother you that you come across as a really unpleasant person in this thread?

I always wonder that about trolls.

I mean, I've never seen or heard of the show before but I was curious at seeing the thread bounce up to the top of the page so much and judging by their posts all the guys (and gals?) that like the show seem really enthusiastic and friendly.

You and that mod just come across as bitter grouches upset that someone else is enjoying something you don't think they shouldn't.


dude said:
What's funny about it? Every joke about people who watch MLP is a thinly veiled "you're gay" joke.
I just thought people who go out of their way to make a thread like you did would at least wear the mask of the thinking man, and not give in to the gut reaction to laugh at any sign of a man giving up something of his masculinity.

You're making your own implications. If I wanted to say "you're gay", I would say it. I think it's more (read: only) about a level of mental immaturity than sexual orientation, one way or the other.

Suairyu said:
That said, "indisputably for pre-schoolers" is factually wrong because it can be disputed. Its target audience might be young girls, but similar to Dexter's Lab, Powerpuff Girls and other Cartoon Network cartoons, there's a lot there for older audiences, hence why we're all enjoying it. The creators are very intelligent people.

I've sat through an episode of this tripe while finding shit for my little niece and nephew to watch, and I'm sorry - the relation to Dexter's Lab and Powerpuff girls is purely bullshit. It's farcical garbage meant to distract from the reality of the situation. The show has neither the sharp, concise commentary on adult situations of those previously mentioned cartoons nor the frequent visual gags that exist for the sole purpose of adult consumption.

It is in every way a show for fucking little kids.

You are ENTITLED to like it, lots of adults are obsessed with shows that are there for nothing but little tiny kids. Hell, we've got a contingent of GAF who genuinely like that horrendous Victorious and iCarly shows - but let's not act like MyLittlePony is intending to be some subversive wink-wink-nudge-nudge young adult cartoon. It's for fucking kids.

In any event, I am just telling you to ignore the playful ribbing. There is NOTHING wrong with being attracted to shows for pre-schoolers or young kids, if it manages to somehow click with you. I'm just saying it's not serious. NOBODY is saying anything weird about your sexual orientation or calling you gay or anything else.

Pandaman said:
if you knowing avoid good entertainment

Only knowingly avoid SHIT entertainment.
Furret said:
Does it bother you that you come across as a really unpleasant person in this thread?

I always wonder that about trolls.

I mean, I've never seen or heard of the show before but I was curious at seeing the thread bounce up to the top of the page so much and judging by their posts all the guys (and gals?) that like the show seem really enthusiastic and friendly.

You and that mod just come across as bitter grouches upset that someone else is enjoying something you don't think they shouldn't.
Don't think you should put Amirox and Jenga in the same basket. Jenga's just trolling to get a rise out of people and it's working, Amirox is pretty much saying 'ignore the trolls' in a tough love kind of way.

Myke Greywolf said:
Here's the definition from Wikipedia

It's a term mainly used in anime to describe characters specifically designed to be adorable, vulnerable and able to invoke a "protection instinct" kind of feeling in their viewers.

Fluttershy does moe better than 99,9% of all moe anime characters I've seen.
ooooh. Then I definitely agree with the "moe as fuck" macro.


Furret said:
I mean, I've never seen or heard of the show before but I was curious at seeing the thread bounce up to the top of the page so much and judging by their posts all the guys (and gals?) that like the show seem really enthusiastic and friendly.
Man, kids these days. By merely expressing my opinion on the show I see nothing but rage and anger.

I'm leaving this thread, I really cannot tolerate such brutish and unsavory behavior on behalf of MLP fans.
Amir0x said:
I've implied no such sexual component. "Touching yourselves" in this case is an EXTREMELY obvious metaphor for the unbridled enthusiasm an adult shows over a show indisputably for pre-schoolers.

I have no opinion as to the sexual preferences of those involved in MYLITTLEPONY worship. I encourage the continued adoration for the show. I just encourage growing a little thicker skin so you're not offended when other people fuck around about the elephant in the room.

I'm fine with a bit of ribbing, but the problem is when the discussion is completely overrun by trolls and people responding to the trolls... for the first 6 pages, this thread managed to avoid that fate, but if this is gonna be the moderation policy going forward, the trolls are gonna pile up until the moderation staff gets tired of it and bans ponies altogether.

Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Jenga said:
Man, kids these days. By merely expressing my opinion on the show I see nothing but rage and anger.

I'm leaving this thread, I really cannot tolerate such brutish and unsavory behavior on behalf of MLP fans.


Mechanical Snowman said:
Don't think you should put Amirox and Jenga in the same basket. Jenga's just trolling to get a rise out of people and it's working, Amirox is pretty much saying 'ignore the trolls' in a tough love kind of way.

What's wrong with nice love, why does nobody ever try that?

Watching Amirox swearing his head off and get flustered about... whatever it is about this topic that has exposed his insecurities, is really unpleasant stuff.

It was better when you were talking about which pony had the best song.


Stallion Free said:





Amibguous Cad said:
I'm fine with a bit of ribbing, but the problem is when the discussion is completely overrun by trolls and people responding to the trolls... for the first 6 pages, this thread managed to avoid that fate, but if this is gonna be the moderation policy going forward, the trolls are gonna pile up until the moderation staff gets tired of it and bans ponies altogether.

There's really only like three people out of this entire thread who are just fucking around with you guys - not even really trolling. They're just playfully ribbing you. If you really think the conversation is sooo overrun by three out of like 30 posters, bygods, just ignore their posts.

You guys don't understand what trolling really is jesus. It always shows on GAF. Threads get derailed more by people failing to understand a troll, and failing to ignore those who get under their skin because they decide to put a playful little rib over something inherently funny like adults liking a show for preschoolers is what destroys threads.

It's just in good fun. It's not serious. Nobody is being malicious. Nobody hates anybody else. Do you really want a GAF where every thread gotta be deadly serious or circle jerking or ignoring the elephant in the room for fear of offending the humour-deprived set?


Furries said:
Watching Amirox swearing his head off and get flustered about... whatever it is about this topic that has exposed his insecurities, is really unpleasant stuff.

I am insecure about nothing. I curse about everything. I'm from Brooklyn.

This is another public service announcement for the YOU'RETRYINGTOOHARD society.


I had a rainbow bright pony come to my birthday when I was young, true story.

Speaking of which why not rainbow bright? Where's her reboot?


Kills Photobucket
Ferrio said:
I had a rainbow bright pony come to my birthday when I was young, true story.

Speaking of which why not rainbow bright? Where's her reboot?

I wanted the KITT/Rocket Horse from the Movie.


Amibguous Cad said:
I'm fine with a bit of ribbing, but the problem is when the discussion is completely overrun by trolls and people responding to the trolls... for the first 6 pages, this thread managed to avoid that fate, but if this is gonna be the moderation policy going forward, the trolls are gonna pile up until the moderation staff gets tired of it and bans ponies altogether.
;______; I'd be sad as I would like to talk about new episodes when they air. The pony backlash at other places around the web is disheartening. Why not let people enjoy something that is fun and nice like ponies?

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
Furret said:
It was better when you were talking about which pony had the best song.

Listen carefully, because I don't have much time! I come from the future, and I've seen it! IT'S NOT TOO LATE! We can still do that, we can still do anything! WE CAN STILL GET ALONG WITH EACH OTHER!

We can still talk about ponies. Rarity's song in 1.14 is undoubtedly the most awesome song in the series so far, but Fluttershy's rendering of Pinkie's song in 1.9 is the most hilarious thing I ever heard.

We can still do our pony rankings, post awesome fanart and videos, discuss episodes and mythology. We can all be pleasant and not give in to the hate. IT IS POSSIBLE!

And all it takes... it's so simple. If they knew... if they only knew...

DON'T FEED THE TROLLS! It's not too late! Tell the others! I'm counting on y-
Amir0x you are 100% right.

Buuuuut could you please fix the thread title? It should be friendship is ***MAGIC***

I don't really understand all the hype around this. I watched the first four episodes and it was okayish? I may be having trouble understanding it though, I'm an old going-deaf dude and most of the dialogue appears to take place above 20KHz
Jenga said:





Also, can someone edit Greywolf's? excellent info posts into the OP? (Ookami-kun?)

Not A Fur said:
Amir0x you are 100% right.

Buuuuut could you please fix the thread title? It should be friendship is ***MAGIC***

I don't really understand all the hype around this. I watched the first four episodes and it was okayish? I may be having trouble understanding it though, I'm an old going-deaf dude and most of the dialogue appears to take place above 20KHz

This is how it starts. I watched like the first three eps though, "people aren't entirely insane to like it, but I'm not sure where all the love comes from," and forgot it. A week later I was having insomnia and decided to watch some because I had nothing better to do. Then...


Stallion Free

Cock Encumbered
Not A Fur said:
I don't really understand all the hype around this. I watched the first four episodes and it was okayish? I may be having trouble understanding it though, I'm an old going-deaf dude and most of the dialogue appears to take place above 20KHz
Levels that only children are suppose to be capable of hearing.
Not A Fur said:
Amir0x you are 100% right.

Buuuuut could you please fix the thread title? It should be friendship is ***MAGIC***

I don't really understand all the hype around this. I watched the first four episodes and it was okayish? I may be having trouble understanding it though, I'm an old going-deaf dude and most of the dialogue appears to take place above 20KHz
I believe the original hype started when people thought there was a possibility of story arcs after the first episode. There was also all the reaction faces the ponies make, people loved that. Then there's also the fact that some people think the show is genuinely funny and like the personality's of the ponies.

After the third episode aired and it was clear there weren't going to be arcs, people were still hooked from the comedy, the reaction image potential, and the ponies themselves. I think a lot of the hype also comes from the fact that this is something guys can only enjoy on the internet. Aside from parents, guys aren't going to go around admitting they like the show and talking about it in public, so when they get on the internet, they show their enthusiasm a little more than they would otherwise, maybe? I don't know, just guessing.

Also, you guys really need to learn how to ignore people.
Not A Fur said:
Amir0x you are 100% right.

Buuuuut could you please fix the thread title? It should be friendship is ***MAGIC***

I don't really understand all the hype around this.
Not A Fur
(Today, 10:51 PM)
Reply | Quote

There's your problem


Master Milk said:
I believe the original hype started when people thought there was a possibility of story arcs after the first episode.
For me it was the opposite; at least where they were going with all the ponies representing aspects of friendship + magical charms. I liked the first two episodes mind, but I'm not sure I could deal with a Care Bear My Little Pony crossover type show - even tho I love Care Bears as well.

I enjoy the daily lives of ponies more than any kind of epic season long story arc where they are figuring out how to defeat the big bad. There are enough of those types of shows.

I am interested in seeing more of Luna though; especially since she is reformed. Where is she hanging out at and what is she up to? Wonder if she will ever appear in another episode?
Amibguous Cad said:
This is how it starts.

Ah, okay, cool. Well, I have some work to avoid tonight, I'll check in once I've watched a few more. It definitely does still feel like a kids show at this point (lots of awwwwwwww and foundational value stuff) but it ain't bad.

Myke Greywolf

Ambassador of Goodwill
So, since it seems like things have simmered down a bit, time to post some nice fan-art.

Badass Twilight: http://14-bis.deviantart.com/art/Twilight-s-Battle-189942674
Blue skies in Equestria: http://14-bis.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dash-190700780
"How does this look on me?": http://14-bis.deviantart.com/art/Rarity-192604445
Douchiness encarnate: http://14-bis.deviantart.com/art/Gilda-the-Griffon-193253926
"She'll mix up an evil brew": http://14-bis.deviantart.com/art/Zecora-193369239
The party don't begin 'til I say so: http://14-bis.deviantart.com/art/DJ-Pony-197965292

Great stuff from this guy, but there's plenty more to discover. I'd advise everyone who posts fan content to keep it clean. I'm sure I don't need to explain why.


Myke Greywolf said:
So, since it seems like things have simmered down a bit, time to post some nice fan-art.

Badass Twilight: http://14-bis.deviantart.com/art/Twilight-s-Battle-189942674
Blue skies in Equestria: http://14-bis.deviantart.com/art/Rainbow-Dash-190700780
"How does this look on me?": http://14-bis.deviantart.com/art/Rarity-192604445
Douchiness encarnate: http://14-bis.deviantart.com/art/Gilda-the-Griffon-193253926
"She'll mix up an evil brew": http://14-bis.deviantart.com/art/Zecora-193369239
The party don't begin 'til I say so: http://14-bis.deviantart.com/art/DJ-Pony-197965292

Great stuff from this guy, but there's plenty more to discover. I'd advise everyone who posts fan content to keep it clean. I'm sure I don't need to explain why.

Uhhhh that guy has some interesting....art work.
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