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My mom committed suicide last night.

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Shit man, I'm so sorry to hear that bro. Stay in the company of family and friends to help support you during this storm. Don't do anything irrational that you can't undo my dude...


I can't imagine what you are going through mate, may she rest in peace and you soon gather the strength to look forward to what's ahead in your life.


Damn.... I'm terribly sorry. I don't have any advice to give, but I wish you and your family the best in getting through this. Hang in there.


I´m sorry for your loss.. really sorry. Stay safe and show your love to the family you have left. I lost my father to suicide when I was a young boy. I never got to say goodbye or "I love you".. If I remember correctly my last words to him was something like "I hate you".. I was 11 years old, and I still hate myself for that.. So I´m kind of glad to read your last words to her was "I love you". . keep strong.
Man that is horrible... but, I guess at least you both got to say I love you. Not many people can say that.

Sorry for your loss OP, :(


Unconfirmed Member
Plasmid, I don't know you, but holy shit, I'm so so so sorry. My mom died two months ago, but from an illness that we saw coming well in advance. To lose your mom so suddenly... I can't even fathom how much that must hurt. If you want, I'd be happy to talk with you about things, and you should definitely continue reaching out to GAF if you want/need to.

A friend of mine who lost both of her parent's suddenly recently recommended the Dougy Center grief support groups to me. I don't know if they're available where you live, but hopefully they can offer some help.


I'm really sorry for your loss man... I just texted my mother straight away cause she called me yesterday for telling me she all of a sudden had a very high fever and felt awfull. I really had to know if she felt better today :(


From an absolute stranger on an Internet forum, I am truly sorry for your loss. Stay strong, and remember the best times you have had with her.

I wish all the best for you and your family.
Lost 2 friends last year in the same month from hanging. One has turned into a murder investigation, though the victim was also taking anti-depressants.

I'm sorry for your tragedy </3

There is no cut way to deal with this sort of thing. When you find that you can, celebrate her life and don't be ashamed to do that everyday.


Grown man now, still don't know what I'd do without my parents. It'd be like losing a part of myself since we're so close.

I'm so sorry for your loss.


Shit man, I'm so sorry to hear. I couldn't think of anything worse. And that last message.

I wish you and your family all the strength in the world.

Nothing I know I could say can change how you feel at this time. And It's made only harder by seeing how close you and your mother seemingly were. But I will give you my deepest condolences none the less. Know you couldn't have done anything to change things and remember those text's.

I remember how much of an ass I was to my mom cause I was at work. I made no time for her, and told her I would call her back. But I never did, it's the biggest regret I have in my life. Not being able to tell her I loved her or that I appreciated all the thing's she did for me. Instead I squandered that chance. She passed sometime during the night, probably waiting for me to call her.

Please take some solace in knowing she loved you, and know your a good kid no matter any past givings you may or may not have had with your mom and family.

The day's will be hard and you will have many days ahead of you, but be strong.

As an aside please research ambien and suicide rates. They've gone up dramatically over the last few years and are compounded by other drugs. I believe they announced a reduction of the amount a doctor should prescribe to patients.


I was 22 when I lost my mother to drugs almost eight years ago. Nothing can prepare you for this, and experiencing it at such a young age does leave scars. I loved my mother so much, and although I miss her tremendously sometimes it is a burden you learn to bear. Expect a lot of painful nights, and do your best to be close to family/friends as that is going to be the only way to get through this. I remember constantly dreaming about my mom still being alive, and that the whole 'her being dead' was just a big misunderstanding. I still get very melancholy around the holidays.

Best wishes, my friend. Just know that you are not alone. If you ever feel overwhelmed by this and need to talk, PM me or get ahold of me through steam (jred250). Someone is always out there looking out for you. You are in our thoughts!
:( :'( *hugs op*

thats awful news. im so sorry to hear that. hope you can manage but it will be hard :(

she saw your text though, i hope so you got to say i love you to her :(
I'm incredibly sorry for your loss, Plasmid. Hard to put that into words.

If there's anything I (or anyone else) can do, don't hesitate to ask.
My 1st cousin took his life in 2007. We were like brothers. He came over every Christmas without fail

It still pains me to this day.

You will have to dig deep as it's going to be rough. It'll hurt like no other thing has hurt before.

Time is the only healer. Cry your heart out and don't be embarrassed to do so. Seek comfort from those that are close to you, but ultimately, when you're by yourself that's when you will need to be strong

All the best lad


So sorry for your loss. :( I have not experienced anything like this, in fact I am worried how I would handle it when the time comes my 95 year old grandmother passes. The sheer thought of it horrifies me.

My wife had to deal with her mom effectively committing suicide a few years back, by stopping her medical treatment and eating, as she was sick of being sick. And it was (and still is) very hard on my wife. The biggest thing you have to be careful for is not fall into the trap of thinking you could have done something different to prevent this or that it happened because she did not care for you enough. It is a dark path to go and I hope you can stay far away from that. Talk about it with family and close friends. Take time to grieve your loss .

All the best in these tough times.


Wow. This is way too real. Im so sorry.

I can't imagine your despair. It seems like you were totally blindsided. My sincere condolences to you and your family.

My mother, who is about to turn 60, is a chronic major depressive who's taken anti depressant and anti anxiety drugs for the past 40+ years. She has tried to take her own life twice. The last time was Christmas of 2004. I had just moved out of the house and into an apartment with my girlfriend for the first time.

Ever since 2004 I feel like any day could be the day if I dont show enough love. Also, I have the same unipolar massive depression she has so I understand her. She feels old, she feels tired, she looks at living like a job, and wants to quit. Just like me.

After reading your post, I had to empathize and express my feelings, as it hits so close. Your story is a very real reminder to me to keep up the fight, for myself and my mother.

Stay strong, fellow.

EVOL 100%

Oh man... This is just awful.. I really can't imagine how painful this must be to you right now. Those texts are tearing me up.

I'm truly sorry for your loss, please stay strong. Condolences to you and your family.


Your situation is very affecting to me Plasmid... I am at such a loss, I try to even imagine how I could process it in my own life and my brain gives me blank answers. Please be strong for yourself and your loved ones, time is your best friend right now. I am very sorry.


NeoGAF's Chief Barrister
My condolences and very best wishes to you and your family Plasmid. There's nothing more I can say, not that's any use anyhow.


I am very sorry for your loss. It is very sad to lose a mother, but at least you know she loved you. I hope you will eventualy feel better


Very few people here will be able to offer you very strong and true advice, but that doesn't mean we're not with you.

Stay strong.
I'm sorry to hear, OP. Loss is difficult to cope with. Often times the only way around something is through it. Surround yourself with people you rely on and don't fight what youre feeling. You'll sort through it when you're ready to.
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