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My mom committed suicide last night.

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My moms best friend nearly killed herself on ambien. She was 43 and had a family, but, she was in between jobs and seriously depressed, not suicidal but just depressed. She was prescribed ambien and a couple other meds. The first night she woke up and tried to hang herself. She would have died had her husband not have gotten up to get a drink of water.

She claimed she had no idea what she was doing.


I'm sorry for your loss, Plasmid. I'm sure your mother was one of the most important people in your life, and I hope you can overcome this tragedy. Ambien is a very dangerous drug, and I'm hoping that in due time you may reconsider calling your mother's death a suicide.
I am so sorry. I can't even imagine having to deal with that. As others have said, stay as close to your other family right now as you can. They will need you and you will need them. Stay strong in such tough times.


Why? Why? There should be a back story somewhere. That text looked absolutely benign giving no hint of what was to come. What happened?

Neo Samus

I am so sorry for your loss. I went through a situation like this with my own father....except I didn't find out that he had killed himself till almost a year later.

Stay strong, you will get through this. Just make sure to seek help if you have trouble dealing with your loss/ :)


Full werewolf off the buckle
I'm so terribly sorry for your loss. I hope in the days and weeks to come you can eventually find some small measure of relief.


Honorary Canadian.
I'm gonna go listen to "Dear Mama" by Tupac, drink a couple beers and just vibe on this Sadderday shit til I fall asleep.

Good luck, OP. I couldn't imagine dealing with what you're doing.


fuck man...that text...my condolences :(

at least you have your brother there with you, take care of each other in this hard time :(


I honestly have no words, I'm sorry for your loss, I'm sure your mother was a great woman.

Please take care of yourself as well as your family.

Jesus, I can't even begin to imagine what you're going through.


ADD New Gen Gamer
That is a terrible thing that happened to you.

Just remember, it feels like shit now, and you may feel like you will never recover from this, but life will move on and eventually it will just become a memory. Stay strong dude.


I am so sorry for your loss. Keep your head up and whatever you do, do not blame yourself, your siblings, nor your dad.


Damn, man. I can't imagine what you're going through. All my condolences.

Hope you can take a little solace that you got to tell her you loved her.
Aww jeez, that's brutal. I'm sorry man.

Interesting fact, most people that commit suicide do it on impulse... they break and there is usually a 5 minute window... if they don't it within those five minutes, they almost always don't do it... (I'm not trying to change the subject, but...) the availability of a gun didn't help. Making it more difficult to do such a thing will reduce these chances... In the UK, they switched Tylenol into blister packs. It was the preferred method of suicide in the UK... the suicide rate from Tylenol overdose decreased significantly, with no other methods of suicide increasing as a result.

That I love you might not have been one of sadness, but a genuine, sincere and caring one.

Anyway, I wish I can just hang out with you and just sit there if you needed me to. It's hard to grasp at reality when things just don't make sense.

Deleted member 8095

Unconfirmed Member
I can't imagine. I would be devastated. I love my mom very much. I'm glad you got to tell her you love her.


wants to fuck an Asian grill.
Jesus im so sorry op.

One of my closest friends' younger brother had an incident with a headshot last year. Dont know whether it was accidental or intentional, but it really doesnt matter. Terrible tragedy either way. I myself stuck a .22 in my mouth a couple years ago. Hammer was pulled back and the barrel was halfway inside my mouth. Suicide and depression are all too common in today's world.

I really hope that your mom is in a better place and know that even tho we're strangers neogaf is here for ya.


Shit dude :(

Hang in there. I had a friend when when I was 8 years old who went through the same thing, and tons of people from the community came to help the mother and kids. It was one of the saddest things i've gone through and it wasn't even my relative, so I can't even begin to imagine how you must feel right now.

Hang in there!
I truly am sorry for your loss. My mother had three near successful suicide attempts, and everytime, no matter if we had fought or were on good terms, it hurt like hell.

I do hope and wish the best for you.


Neo Member
Wow! sorry to hear man... :( This may sound cold but at least you both got to tell each other you loved one another one last time.


gave away the keys to the kingdom.
I uttered a "Bloody hell" when I read the thread title. My sincerest condolences, and try to take solace in the fact that "I love you" were your last words to each other, even if the delivery was through impersonal means.


I'm sorry for your loss, I can't even imagine what that is like. If you are able please see a therapist or something so you can at least get things off your mind/chest and have someone to support you and give you advice, I'm sure you're going to have a lot of mixed emotions.

My own mother was on ambien for years, that shit is fucking bad news, she would say weird things and not remember later on among lots of other stuff, it was scary at times. Nobody should be prescribed that stuff.
I'm so truly sorry for your loss... My condolences to you and your family.

Seeing that text... Man... Reminds me of the texts my mom sends me randomly while I'm at work.

Also, be glad you managed to tell her that you loved her. I don't go a day without telling my mom "I love you" before I go to work in the morning.



Gaf is here for you bro.

also, after skimming the thread, im never taking Ambien. thanks for the heads up guys.
I am so very sorry bud. I've had two friends whose fathers took their own lives, and my own father died of a drug overdose a little over seven years ago. Gaf is here for ya my friend!


Remember who she was. And remember that you're her legacy.

This is a great tragedy and if they can determine that it was the meds, or a combination, I think those companies need to do more than just give a quick disclaimer.

I'm sorry that this happened to you and your family.
Why? Why? There should be a back story somewhere. That text looked absolutely benign giving no hint of what was to come. What happened?

This is how most often it is done, people committing suicide rarely give anyone an indication of what they are about to do. They can act perfectly normal the whole time, it is really hard to notice any danger signs.
This has to be devastating beyond words. I'm sorry for your loss.

If there is one minute good thing, it's that you both were able to say that you loved each other.


Damn. Condolences OP.

My only advice is to give yourself room and time to grieve. You probably can't make sense of it, you definitely can't change it, but you can try to accept that this awful thing happened and carry on.



I know our condolences can only do so much, but I truly am sorry for your loss. I wish nothing but the best for you and your family.


I'm sorry for your loss, Plasmid. Having lost my mother as well, though not to suicide (it was cancer), I can sympathize with your pain.

Just keep your head up. To echo what everyone else has said, look out for your brothers, particularly the youngest one as I imagine it will hit him the hardest. Don't forget about your father as well. I'm sure he's shook up. Last but certainly not least, take some time to yourself and cry it out. It's easy to get caught up in everyone else and forget about dealing with it yourself, but at some point you need to do that in your own way. It took me a while before I finally let it out.

Don't dwell on it and try not to get into the "could've, would've, should've" game that we as humans tend to sink into when we lose a loved one. It's not your fault. Think about the good times and the family you still have around you. Take care of yourself!
Dang, truely sorry for your loss.

My dad took his life 20 years ago this month, I was 13 and we werent close...honestly he didnt bother with me at all.
He ran a hose to his car interior on a back road and left no note, just drove off one morning and did it.
Tho he didnt care for me I still feel an emptyness from not knowing why and not having these last 20 years to have a chance to try to build a relationship with him.

Be glad you had her in your life and celebrate the memories.
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