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"My Xbox 360 Died and I Lived to tell the story" Official Thread


BenjaminBirdie's Thomas Jefferson
ZombieSupaStar said:
how does best buys warranty work on 360s now I heard they changed it?

like you no longer take it to the store but mail it in and they send back the credit?

It depends on the store. As long as it is within the manufacturer's warranty, they are supposed to swap it out in the store. However, they can refuse and make you go through the mailing option (like mine did) without really any reason. I would ask the store manager at your store what the policy is. I had a lower manager basically refuse to swap mine out but after I mailed it out, I spoke to the store manager and he told me I could have swapped it out. Really frustrating.
Mine is starting to freeze a lot and give dirty disc errors while playing the Darkness, which makes me think the red rings of doom aren't far off. This is my second unit, which I received last winter from MS after the first one had the same problems.


Finally bought a new PSP, but then pushed the demon onto someone else. Jesus.
Jugendstil said:
Mine is starting to freeze a lot and give dirty disc errors while playing the Darkness, which makes me think the red rings of doom aren't far off. This is my second unit, which I received last winter from MS after the first one had the same problems.

Well, then you're already familiar w/ the routine.


My 3 month old UK Premium just ringed on me.

My mate said THREE of his mates also had their consoles ring up last night. This is ****ing ridiculous.
Out of six 360s bought by myself and coworkers, not even a single one survived 8 months. None of our replacements have broken so far.


Phthisis said:
Here's an idea: instead of sending borked 360 units to the repair center when they fail, send them to the corporate HQ in Redmond. If you could get enough people to mail the 360s, they'd pile up; it would send a pretty clear message, and mainstream news outlets would be all over it. It'd be pretty tough not to respond when there are a couple million boxes stacking up in Todd Holmdahl or Peter Moore's office.

Microsoft Corporation
One Microsoft Way
Redmond, WA 98052-6399

Now that is just silly, if we did that they could use all the 360's and build a really big fort. Todd's 360 house, no angry 360 owners allowed.
DenogginizerOS said:
It depends on the store. As long as it is within the manufacturer's warranty, they are supposed to swap it out in the store. However, they can refuse and make you go through the mailing option (like mine did) without really any reason. I would ask the store manager at your store what the policy is. I had a lower manager basically refuse to swap mine out but after I mailed it out, I spoke to the store manager and he told me I could have swapped it out. Really frustrating.

i mean do they send back a gift card, or a crappy "fixed" 360?


Did you know Halo invented the FPS?
I bought a 360 at launch. My first x-box 360's drive broke 3 months after owning it and couldn't read any games/movies. My 2nd x-box 360 gave me a red ring of death after 5-6 months because it was overheating? When I move around the 360, you could hear a chip fell off inside so maybe thats why it gave me the ring of death. Currently on my 3rd Xbox 360 and it's been fine so far....


Just died. Froze during Pacman CE. Restarted. Red ring of death.

Hadn't had a single problem before that either. Thankfully I have a replacement plan. Fix this crap Microsoft!


Quick question: when (if) Microsoft fix this problem, will they announce it or they won't say a thing, since they haven't officialy admitted the problem?

Either way, I'm counting on GAF to tell me when I can buy one. :(


I’m not sure if this has been posted before, and I hope its on topic - the recent batch of consoles shipped to retailers in Australia have been known to be dead on arrival. The HDD error code is thrown up (funnily enough my old system threw up one of these messages lately).

A message was sent to EB stores stating this on Monday afternoon/Tuesday. MS are trying to determine the serial numbers that are affected.

I just thought I'd give a heads up to any Australia members who are thinking about buying one this week.


Choabac said:
I’m not sure if this has been posted before, and I hope its on topic - the recent batch of consoles shipped to retailers in Australia have been known to be dead on arrival. The HDD error code is thrown up (funnily enough my old system threw up one of these messages lately).
Woah. I had this problem just a couple of months back as posted in this thread.

Bought a 360 from Harvey Norman for a relative, it was DOA with a E67 hard drive error. Tried the harddrive from my own 360 on it and it was fine and also tried starting up without the hard drive and it was fine.

Took it back and got another 360. It was also DOA with the exact same problem. At that point I was really pissed off at having wasted my whole day so I got a refund and the clerk commented that maybe the whole batch is f*cked and he would notify the manager.

They were July 2006 manufacture date if I remember right.


adamsappel said:
Okay, I updated the list. 687 dead consoles, from 512 individual posters. Refurb failure rate holds at 34%.

You have a typo in my username. It's just that I'm using your list to automatically calculate the 360 failure rate, and it won't list me if the username is spelled wrong. Could you correct it please? Thanks.


adamsappel said:
Okay, I updated the list. 687 dead consoles, from 512 individual posters. Refurb failure rate holds at 34%.

I don't appear to be on that list and have just sent my 4th 360 away to be fixed/replaced after its GPU went to crap. Has to be said the previous 3 consoles didn't die as such but had unacceptable faults.

I’m not sure if this has been posted before, and I hope its on topic - the recent batch of consoles shipped to retailers in Australia have been known to be dead on arrival. The HDD error code is thrown up (funnily enough my old system threw up one of these messages lately).

I keep thinking the situation can't get any worse but I get proved wrong everytime. :lol
Rody said:
Quick question: when (if) Microsoft fix this problem, will they announce it or they won't say a thing, since they haven't officialy admitted the problem?

Either way, I'm counting on GAF to tell me when I can buy one. :(

They won't say a thing. Why would they announce fixing a problem which they keep claiming does not exist?
Rody said:
Quick question: when (if) Microsoft fix this problem, will they announce it or they won't say a thing, since they haven't officialy admitted the problem?

Either way, I'm counting on GAF to tell me when I can buy one. :(

itll prolly be a site reporting on the internal change, just like with the new heatsink last month.


Temp Banned for Remedial Purposes
Playing armchair psychologist here, but we know how ridiculously expensive the first Xbox was for MS to build and how it precluded them from anything but massive losses in that generation. Perhaps they went overboard on the cost controls this time? Ironic if all of the warranted repairs and ill will generated precludes them from profiting again.


Got my 360 back from repair an hour ago, read a bit of paper that came with it saying that the DVD drive had been fixed which is understandable since it never opened half the time, but I noticed that "other" was not selected which was what I assumed the GPU would be under (it was the GPU going tits up that was the main problem with the console).

First thing was odd was that I couldn't download anything from Xbox Live to my Hard Drive and then sure enough after 5 minutes, the colours went to shit and then after going to try the 360 on a different TV with different cables, the GPU went to **** and is now displaying a black screen with white pixels moving diagonally yet again, which was the reason I sent the damn 360 to them in the first place.

2 hours of robust testing my fecking ass. At least I got a 1 month of Xbox Live which is the first form of compensation I have got from Microsoft through this debacle, and I also have a questionnaire to fill out which will no doubt be done with a vengeance. Peter Moore should thank his lucky stars he will never meet me as I would likely give him a Glasgow kiss if I had the chance.

Also worth mentioning that the delivery guy said someone down the street was on his 32nd 360, I honestly don't know if I should believe him or not :lol


Add me to your list x2

My first one broke last Summer - a launch unit - that was plagued with the three rings of death. I didn't have a warranty, and MS wanted $120 to fix it (this was before they announced that they would extend the warranty).

I then went out and bought another core unit with a warranty at Best Buy, and it lasted until one day in March when the three rings of death hit my console while I was playing Saints Row.

I got a new one from Best Buy, but my confidence is really shaken in the 360, especially when I look at this list.


My X360 got the 3 reds yesterday. I'm somewhat surprised, considering that I haven't put many hours on it in the 6 or so months that I've owned it. I hadn't played on it for close to a month and yesterday was the first time I'd turned it on in over three weeks. It froze on start-up and subsequently went 3RLOD on reboot. I called for repair and the poor guy that answered was seemingly grateful that I wasn't personally abusive to him. I've got a box/coffin enroute and I'm not all that put out about it. Cause ya know, things break.
I've had 5 die on me, but luckily I had a BB replacement plan that took care of them all until now. With the last exchange being in the second year of the plan, my plan is now null and void :(

So if my latest system fails me I'm pretty much done with MS this gen...


adamsappel said:
Yeah, sorry, I've been fixing up my house for sale and hoping this list wasn't growing too quickly. No such luck. Updated list:
Add me, my xbox 360 has been sent to repairs 4 times. (freezing issues first, then disc read errors all the other times.) My fiancé had hers sent to repairs "only" once.
Shawnwhann said:
I've had 5 die on me, but luckily I had a BB replacement plan that took care of them all until now. With the last exchange being in the second year of the plan, my plan is now null and void :(

So if my latest system fails me I'm pretty much done with MS this gen...

but the 2nd year cant you just buy a new system with the giftcard they send you?, then youd have another 2 years (assuming you got another warranty)

Guy Legend

Anyone listen to the latest 1 up podcast? They said that basically all the original 360's have long been broken. Truly pathetic in my opinion.
but the 2nd year cant you just buy a new system with the giftcard they send you?, then youd have another 2 years (assuming you got another warranty

They let me exchange it in store at my local BB. They mentioned protocol was calling it in and shipping it and blah blah blah... but the manager there was cool and just let me exchange it.

I am still mulling over whether to get a new warranty with BB as I have 30 days, but I am seriously over forking up more dough for MS hardware....

BTW my less than a week old Elite just froze during a Rainbow Six session.....


My 360 is back!! And didn't die the first 5mn!! Now i am on the 'my 360 is GOING STRONG' clan ;) Now since i am used to the PS3, i find the 360 VERY noisy (fans+dvd). 27 April - 03 July it was a long wait for shitty piece of hardware.


Add me to the list please, my first 360 died several months ago.

Second unit is starting to give me some troubles, but it is still working.
Shawnwhann said:
They let me exchange it in store at my local BB. They mentioned protocol was calling it in and shipping it and blah blah blah... but the manager there was cool and just let me exchange it.

I am still mulling over whether to get a new warranty with BB as I have 30 days, but I am seriously over forking up more dough for MS hardware....

BTW my less than a week old Elite just froze during a Rainbow Six session.....

eh 80 bucks every 2 years isnt so bad I used to swap/rebuy a ps2 warranty yearly with gamestop back when they flaked out all the time.


JB1981 just had his second 360 die, it wasn't a refurb either, he swapped it for a new one last year. 15 of the 46 people on my friends list have had at least one 360 die, andt 4 have had at least 2 or more die. ****ing pathetic.


I've noticed a weird thing in call of juarez, leaves transparency looks weird, with a lot of small black triangles when seen from below.


Sorry about the picture quality but I took it with my phone.

Is this normal? or is my 360 dying ( again ) ?


OniShiro said:
Is this normal? or is my 360 dying ( again ) ?
I'm thinking you don't have anything to worry about. Has it always been like that or did it just start?

The graphical artifacts from a loose GPU are not restricted to certain polygons but rather affect the whole screen (from what I've seen anyway).

I think you're OK :)


Bildi said:
Has it always been like that or did it just start?

I think it looked better before, the first time I saw that effect I remember seing the leave veins like nice textures instead of lines of black triangles, but maybe it's my imagination.

If someone with the game can just check and see if it looks like mine I'd really appreciate it, because my console died and I fixed it myself so I'm pretty worried thinking it can die again.


LeBron loves his girlfriend. There is no other woman in the world he’d rather have. The problem is, Dwyane’s not a woman.
edit-nothing to see,problem solved


Rody said:
Quick question: when (if) Microsoft fix this problem, will they announce it or they won't say a thing, since they haven't officialy admitted the problem?

Either way, I'm counting on GAF to tell me when I can buy one. :(

One day after I ask this, Microsoft speaks!

It has its own thread, but I think I should post this here too:

Microsoft Expands Xbox 360 Warranty Coverage

Microsoft Expands Xbox 360 Warranty Coverage
REDMOND, Wash. — July 5, 2007 —Microsoft Corp. today announced that it will expand its global Xbox 360™ warranty coverage. Any Xbox 360 customer who experiences a general hardware failure indicated by three flashing red lights will now be covered by a three year warranty from date of purchase. All other existing Xbox 360 warranty policies remain in place.

As a result of what Microsoft views as an unacceptable number of repairs to Xbox 360 consoles, the company conducted extensive investigations into potential sources of general hardware failures. Having identified a number of factors which can cause general hardware failures indicated by three red flashing lights on the console, Microsoft has made improvements to the console and is enhancing its Xbox 360 warranty policy for existing and new customers.

Microsoft stands behind its products and is taking responsibility to repair or replace any Xbox 360 console that experiences the “three flashing red lights” error message within three years from time of purchase free of charge, including shipping costs. Microsoft will take a $1.05 billion to $1.15 billion pre-tax charge to earnings for the quarter ended June 30, 2007 for anticipated costs under its current and enhanced Xbox 360 policies.

“The majority of Xbox 360 owners are having a great experience with their console and have from day one. But, this problem has caused frustration for some of our customers and for that, we sincerely apologize,” said Robbie Bach, president of Microsoft’s Entertainment & Devices Division. “We value our community tremendously and look at this as an investment in our customer base. We look forward to great things to come.”

For any customer who has previously paid for repair expenses related to the three flashing lights error message on the Xbox 360 console, Microsoft will retroactively reimburse them.

At 2:30 p.m. PDT today, Microsoft will hold a teleconference for financial analysts and investors with Robbie Bach, president of Entertainment and Devices, Chris Liddell, senior vice president and chief financial officer, and Frank Brod, corporate vice president and chief accounting officer to discuss today’s announcement. To participate, U.S. residents can dial +1-888-459-9165, and those outside the United States can dial +1-773-799-3324. The passcode is MSFT. The call will be available for playback beginning approximately one hour after the conclusion of the call through 5 p.m. PDT on Thursday, July 12. To access the playback, U.S. residents can dial +1-866-363-4143, and those outside the United States can dial +1-203-369-0210. An audio webcast of the conference call will also be made available at the Investor Relations site at http://www.microsoft.com/msft.

Xbox 360 customers with questions should visit www.xbox.com.


Peter Moore explains:



With MS announcement of 3 year warranties for all, I must say........I AM SORRY to those I called liars in this thread. There is indeed a problem even I, "xbot fanboy elite" can not ignore. Sorry all.


Got my 360 back today. After 31 days and it's just a replacement system. One manufactured at an EARLIER date; 2/19/06 :(

Sure, an extended warranty is nice, but you're still without your 360 for a month.
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