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Nashvember Wrasslin' |OT| Big Daddy Cool's Big Sexy Diesel-Powered Month

  • Thread starter Deleted member 47027
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Deleted member 47027

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Mid-South 84 also going up. Hot damn! This is a real treat. Fuck!

Data West

coaches in the WNBA
I don't know if I can get down with New Jack not coming out to his proper theme
Lance Storm mentioned this.

When was the last time you left Raw feeling happy? With an over face winning a match or pulling something off?

All they care about is building heels up but you never have a moment where you end the show on a Fuck yes moment.
What the fuck would Lance Storm know about sending people home happy?
Lttp but holy smokes Xavier with the Street Fighter and EVO shootout.

Beef, SF did it!!

Why do you guys watch when it's obvious most of you won't be happy until Roman Reigns personally apologizes for ever thinking about being more popular than your personal IWC hero?

I'm sick of the Roman hate, myself, as I think the guy is secretly a pretty damn good worker, but one can't help but notice the entirely hamfisted way they are building Roman up, one that will lead them into the same trap they are currently experiencing of "Not enough star power in case the big moneymaker gets injured".


If I'm an nbc executive I'm looking to replace wwe with 3-5 cheap hours of reality tv as soon as the tv deal is up if not before.
Good. I've been going through withdrawal from lack of Fear Factor and Deal or No Deal. They need to bring both franchises back.

As for RAW, the WWE made a serious mistake by not giving Roman the belt at Survivor Series for longer than a cup of coffee. Now we must all face the consequences for their lack of good judgement.
I'm sick of the Roman hate, myself, as I think the guy is secretly a pretty damn good worker, but one can't help but notice the entirely hamfisted way they are building Roman up, one that will lead them into the same trap they are currently experiencing of "Not enough star power in case the big moneymaker gets injured".

First, that's historically how wrestling has always worked. The fact that the WWE lucked into two of the most popular draws of all time for a few years in the late 20th century wouldn't change that. If Hulk Hogan would've got hit by a bus in 1990, the WWF would've fell off a cliff. Hell, it kinda fell off a cliff when Warrior won the title and Hogan was still around,

But, the problem isn't that they're booking Roman well (in terms of his wins and losses - you can argue about everything else). The problem is that they're not booking everybody as well. However, instead of saying, "book more guys strongly," the Internet is saying, "book Roman as shittily as everybody else!"


Why do you guys watch when it's obvious most of you won't be happy until Roman Reigns personally apologizes for ever thinking about being more popular than your personal IWC hero?

1. Why are you complaining about people complaining?
2. Why do you always reference the IWC in a negative fashion? Did they do something to you in a past life or something? Additionally, you're apart of the IWC as well. You're on the internet, you're a wrestling fan (I'm assuming) and this is a community.

But, the problem isn't that they're booking Roman well (in terms of his wins and losses - you can argue about everything else). The problem is that they're not booking everybody as well. However, instead of saying, "book more guys strongly," the Internet is saying, "book Roman as shittily as everybody else!"

Uh, that's exactly what some folk want to happen. Don't make excuses.


Perhaps they should find a way to make Reigns more appealing? Nah, just keep doing the same shit that hasn't been working...
Vince knows what the people want more than they do. He's said so himself.

The people wanted "anyone but Roman," well they got their wish.
And what "people" are these anyhow? The fans who are tuning out in droves? Anyone with two functioning brain cells to rub together should have realized LONG before now that we were getting Roman whether we wanted him or not. The sooner we get him, the sooner he can fail at being Cena and Vince can obsess over some new pet project.

The dilemma with not getting him at Survivor Series is that we're now completely and royally fucked. Roman's build will now last until Mania Star where he'll go over like a wet fart and they'll look to the returning part-timers to carry the company (burying everyone in their wake) to "sell out" AT&T Stadium.

Also, anyone in this thread that references the "IWC" needs to get it through their thick skulls that "the IWC and Internet fans" as some subsection of the WWE fan population that is somehow at war with the company... this is a myth perpetuated by the WWE. It doesn't exist. It's as real as Santa Claus. There are casual fans and there are life-long fans... all of whom are wired these days... and frankly, none of those fans have been serviced of late. That said... I realize that most of the folks who still toot that horn are playing characters and don't actually buy into any of that being real themselves.
People have been saying "book more guys strongly" for years, long before Reigns.

No, they've been saying "book the guys I like more strongly and job Cena to everyone." Now, they've just replaced Cena in that sentence with Reigns. It's ironic that most of the fantasy booking that surrounded folks like Cesaro basically boils down to "book them like Reigns, even though I'd whine about Reigns being booked this way."
I haven't watched any wrestling in around 5 or 6 months, but that video is just fucking awesome. What a great time to be a fan that was. That wasn't even two years ago. Wow....

...and within a week, everybody was whining about how much Raw sucked or saying they were going to #CanelWWENetwork because of how the Rumble was booked.
Who was it here that said that WWE 2002 was basically video game booking?

Because the main event of this raw I'm watching is undertaker and Lesnar vs Ric flair and rvd
...and within a week, everybody was whining about how much Raw sucked or saying they were going to #CanelWWENetwork because of how the Rumble was booked.

True. But I will always have that moment. Five years from now, I won't give a single fuck about what happened after. I don't even care now. I'll remember how I felt when that moment happened. Nothing else matters in the end.


With as much as he's been pushed, he could be dressed like Mantaur and should be over more than he is
As overpushed as Reigns is, he hasn't been booked nearly as strong as he should be. Largely due to the fact that they're trying to artificially squeeze him into some John Cena or Daniel Bryan mold instead of playing to his genuine strengths, masking his weaknesses and allowing him to excel by doing what he's good at.
You all going to be mad when New Day has the best match at tlc

Eh, Sheamus had awesome matches with Big Show during his title reign a couple of years back and Roman was having the best in-ring year in the WWE before being saddled with a bunch of crappy workers + Luke Harper for a few months, so I doubt they can have anything less than a *** 1/2 match unless the booking is really shitty.
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