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Neil Druckmann interested in making Punisher and Half-Life Games


He could probably make a good Half-Life game but obviously that'll never happen unless he leaves ND and goes to Valve.


Greg Miller asked this on Twitter:

It would actually be really interesting to see The Punisher game made by Naughty Dog. I'm not sure if they should do it but they know how to make good and violent action games so they might be the right studio for it. I liked The Punisher game from 2004:

I don't know if it is a good idea for him.
I think


If he really wants to subvert expectations, directing a game surrounding a machismo dude like The Punisher would certainly help keep him out of a box.


It doesn't matter if the father is the CEO of Pfizer, I assume the ampoules they are using come from before the apocalypse, as a bunch of meat heads wouldn't have a factory that produces those up and running. I'm not a pharmacist, but from what I've searched, anabolic steroids don't have a longer shelf life than 36 weeks, so she would long be out of those by the time the game arrived. Not to mention the logistics of keeping the whole bunch of bodybuilders fed and eating their 10,000+ calorie per day diet, which sounds to me like a reckless way of living in the apocalypse where food is scarce.

The plot point of the she hulk lady is indefensible. It literally cannot happen, and the only reason it did is because of stupid SJW reasons that care not about internal logic. That's why the biggest plot points don't make sense and enrage so many people, because they modify or kill characters in ways that don't go according to their characters because they want them replaced by an lgbt flag cast.

Yeah cause everything else in the game is based on pure fact. LMFAO. Why do some people take this so seriously? Lot of you really hate women I guess.

Show me a game that's not based on outlandish feats and powers.
Can 1 man take down a whole army? Can someone get shot multiple times and rest for 30 seconds and heal. Crazy. Think about what you writing ffs.


Yeah cause everything else in the game is based on pure fact. LMFAO. Why do some people take this so seriously? Lot of you really hate women I guess.

Show me a game that's not based on outlandish feats and powers.
Can 1 man take down a whole army? Can someone get shot multiple times and rest for 30 seconds and heal. Crazy. Think about what you writing ffs.

Hate women? What part of the argument would make you think that? Basically, every work of fiction requires you to suspend your disbelief to a certain degree. The author establishes the tone, the rules of his/her world, the characters and then delivers the narrative.

The world of TLOU2 is a very bleak version of humanity, but it is based on a very realistic take on humans. It is asking you to believe a few things, such as that this fungus can infect people rather than insects and that it can disrupt the entire society. Ok, give things but that's about it, it asks of you very little in disbelief after this, you accept it, move on and enjoy the story.

The problem with Abby is that you have a very well crafted, realistic, bleak world, and then you introduce an element that doesn't fit. Druckmann added a roided up body builder lady that beats all the guys at lifting in the middle of the apocalypse, in a very resource limited world. It's absolutely stupid, and the only reason to include that design is due to some woke religious type of thinking.

Your examples come from gameplay, which can clash with narrative if you care a lot about that kind of thing, but they are irrelevant in this case as what I dislike is purely in the realm of narrative.
I feel he'd make the Punisher trans (think Abby, but even more buff and violent) and HL would star Gordon's independent, strong and free-thinking daughter (who has even more accomplishments under her belt than her father).
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It's possible for a woman to get as big as Abby
dog I’ll agree that’s a female
but it ain’t a woman
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I'm really confused by the hands down dismissals on the Punisher IP possibility. I understand why anyone would worry if the story would be what most Punisher fans would expect. But whether anyone liked the direction taken with LOU2 or not, the first and second LOU gameplay seems like it would suit the Punisher world really well IMO. This gentleman is certainly not afraid of violence in his games, so why not give him a shot if he gets the opportunity? The list of people who make better games on the technical side is rather short IMO. And I think it's a pretty far leap to conclude that he would deviate far from existing IP just because the story that he told ended up different than hoped for. Is there a risk? Sure. But at least give him the chance would be my vote, because the likelihood of an awesome Punisher game from him seems fairly high.
I'm really confused by the hands down dismissals on the Punisher IP possibility. I understand why anyone would worry if the story would be what most Punisher fans would expect. But whether anyone liked the direction taken with LOU2 or not, the first and second LOU gameplay seems like it would suit the Punisher world really well IMO. This gentleman is certainly not afraid of violence in his games, so why not give him a shot if he gets the opportunity? The list of people who make better games on the technical side is rather short IMO. And I think it's a pretty far leap to conclude that he would deviate far from existing IP just because the story that he told ended up different than hoped for. Is there a risk? Sure. But at least give him the chance would be my vote, because the likelihood of an awesome Punisher game from him seems fairly high.
It's not the technical details or the quality of violence I'd be worried about, but rather his 'artistic' vision for the story and characters. I don't need or want a Punisher game to make some kind of social or political statement, and that's kind of his MO in recent years, ya know?


It's not the technical details or the quality of violence I'd be worried about, but rather his 'artistic' vision for the story and characters. I don't need or want a Punisher game to make some kind of social or political statement, and that's kind of his MO in recent years, ya know?

His recent years though started in 2004 with Garth Ennis. And even in the 80s and 90s Punisher comics dealt with themes like trauma and police corruption. There are plenty of other games where you can just go around killing bad guys. What makes the Punisher unique IMO is some of those more complex ideas - punishing those on either side of the law who abuse the system and take advantage of others.


Mod Team and Bat Team
Staff Member
I love cowboy bebop but dont see how they could make a game out of it, unless just making a general space cowboy type of rpg.
Not much would change. Linearity, walking segments... minus the fun (as far as whimsy or fantastical funny fun goes). I'd love a Half-Life RPG though, just far away from Neil... and no to a ND Cowboy Bebop game, I'd say let Bamco take care of that.

Just not a fan of Neil's beliefs, but he can lead a team to do successful projects.
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Half-Life could be a challenge for him because he'd need to figure out how to make something that doesn't take agency away from the player to tell the story, which would be new ground for him.
I mean, I wouldn't ask Miyamoto if he could do a The Last of Us.

He could just remake HL2 and make Alyx really ugly then it'd have Druckmann written all over it


Simps for Amouranth
lotta hate in this thread for a genuinely talented dude, i mean he's fucking co-president of Naughty Dog ffs, you dont get to that level without being the very best at what you do and hes among the very best whether you like it or not, just cause some of you cant hack the "SJW" side of things or what he did with TLOU2, ya gotta give him some props ffs, personally i don't give a fuck about his politics, that his prerogative but to think that he couldnt write/direct and ultimately with ND produce a fucking insanely good AAA punisher game is some crazy shit imo


lotta hate in this thread for a genuinely talented dude, i mean he's fucking co-president of Naughty Dog ffs, you dont get to that level without being the very best at what you do and hes among the very best whether you like it or not, just cause some of you cant hack the "SJW" side of things or what he did with TLOU2, ya gotta give him some props ffs, personally i don't give a fuck about his politics, that his prerogative but to think that he couldnt write/direct and ultimately with ND produce a fucking insanely good AAA punisher game is some crazy shit imo

Because what gaming as a medium really needs to excel is more on rails linear narratives right? Never mind choice and consequence or player agency, feel those production values. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If the entirety of your game's narrative can be readily translated into a book, TV series or a movie...you're not really leveraging the true power of the medium.


Simps for Amouranth
Because what gaming as a medium really needs to excel is more on rails linear narratives right? Never mind choice and consequence or player agency, feel those production values. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

If the entirety of your game's narrative can be readily translated into a book, TV series or a movie...you're not really leveraging the true power of the medium.

Quite a number of us enjoy a linear narrative driven game, i mean its my favourite choice of game and I'm sure I'm not alone. Its a massive medium with enough to go around and i would argue that ND and especially TLOU2 are leveraging the true power of the medium in telling a story in which you are the main protagonist in a way a movie or tv show cant hope to emulate. I felt more emotions playing TLOU1 & 2 than i ever did watching a movie or TV show, TLOU2 had me up and shouting at the tv ffs in a number of scenes because i had become so attached to the journeys of both Ellie & Abby lol
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Quite a number of us enjoy a linear narrative driven game, i mean its my favourite choice of game and I'm sure I'm not alone. Its a massive medium with enough to go around and i would argue that ND and especially TLOU2 are leveraging the true power of the medium in telling a story in which you are the main protagonist in a way a movie or tv show cant hope to emulate. I felt more emotions playing TLOU1 & 2 than i ever did watching a movie or TV show, TLOU2 had me up and shouting at the tv ffs in a number of scenes because i had become so attached to the journeys of both Ellie & Abby lol

Where is the agency? Where is the freedom? Where is the real innovation? That you're apparently unable to connect with other media on an emotional level doesn't invalidate those points. That's merely your burden.


Honestly after replaying some sections in Last of us without hud, and seeing things on youtube of people doing this wild combat encounters. i would have to say in terms of third person gory action, naughty dog can do punisher right. And I honestly think if they take legit critiques of some of the lows of last of us 2, mainly in it's pacing and being tad overlong. I think they could honestly make an amazing punisher game. Especially if they take some hints from Volition's game back in 2003.

I think they could do a good gritty story. Question is where do they pick up franks story? I feel netflix punisher did great job with frank castle, but did poorly with his villains like Jigsaw. I could see a mix of max payne 3 in there with maybe a washed out frank, who was punisher years ago but stopped because of maybe a cop getting killed by his bullet like in the comics.

Honestly would love for them to really do a good take on jigsaw. 90's version story was fantastic, garth ennis's run was great as well.


Simps for Amouranth
Where is the agency? Where is the freedom? Where is the real innovation? That you're apparently unable to connect with other media on an emotional level doesn't invalidate those points. That's merely your burden.

Agency, freedom... did you play some of the more opened ended levels of TLOU2 where you can either run through em to the end, stealth through em, stealth kill your way through em or go all out Rambo... man some of those levels where insane, they where huge with lots of options and the enemies once you where spotted would relentlessly pursue you and call out to each other putting you in ever more pressure.. the gameplay was second to none and to dismiss it... well that says more about you m8, like i said there's plenty of room in gaming to accommodate all styles just because i don't like platformers or sim games doesn't mean they're shit.

As for connecting with other media, sure i can get caught up with a movies story or shows characters like anyone else but when you are directly controlling the character for the better part of 20-30hours you tend to invest more into them than you would simply following a story on the TV, again thats just me.
I would love to see Druckmann/Naughty Dog try their hands at an FPS. They don't have to use the Half-Life IP; I'm sure they could come up with something atmospheric with a similar feel. Ever since playing Uncharted 4 and really enjoying the combat I've thought they could manage a fast and lively FPS with a high level of mobility (the wide-open areas in UC4 where you were encouraged to keep swinging around and be very aggressive were so much fun). Alternatively if their next game was Savage Starlight (basically their own take on Mass Effect) I would be more than happy with that too!


Agency, freedom... did you play some of the more opened ended levels of TLOU2 where you can either run through em to the end, stealth through em, stealth kill your way through em or go all out Rambo... man some of those levels where insane, they where huge with lots of options and the enemies once you where spotted would relentlessly pursue you and call out to each other putting you in ever more pressure.. the gameplay was second to none and to dismiss it... well that says more about you m8, like i said there's plenty of room in gaming to accommodate all styles just because i don't like platformers or sim games doesn't mean they're shit.

LOL. I'm on narrative agency and you're on about level navigation. What next? You get to choose which weapons to use (so much freedom!!!) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

As for connecting with other media, sure i can get caught up with a movies story or shows characters like anyone else but when you are directly controlling the character for the better part of 20-30hours you tend to invest more into them than you would simply following a story on the TV, again thats just me.

No lies detected


Well, thank Odin Half-Life is not with Sony. I'd rather Valve keep it and not make games.
And as for The Punisher, I don't care if Druckmann ruins it. Apart from the first four episodes of Daredevil season 2, he's a boring character.
I regret watching his first season. They got me by using Metallica in the trailer.

Also, as an aside, the entire Daredevil series and the first season of Jessica Jones are the only Marvel Netflix shows worth watching.


lotta hate in this thread for a genuinely talented dude, i mean he's fucking co-president of Naughty Dog ffs, you dont get to that level without being the very best at what you do and hes among the very best whether you like it or not, just cause some of you cant hack the "SJW" side of things or what he did with TLOU2, ya gotta give him some props ffs, personally i don't give a fuck about his politics, that his prerogative but to think that he couldnt write/direct and ultimately with ND produce a fucking insanely good AAA punisher game is some crazy shit imo

Nobody gave a shit about his politics until he started bringing his politics into it


Last of Us 2 spoilers:
I don't think Abby was taking steroids. She trained for years so she could kill Joel. She knew what Joel was capable of so she wanted to be prepared. There are many women MMA fighters who are very muscular so it made sense.
The amount of muscles she has need energy. She has to eat far more than the average person in her group to sustain them. Absolutely retarded in a doomsday scenario with food rationing happening. No one would allow her that.


Simps for Amouranth
Nobody gave a shit about his politics until he started bringing his politics into it

How did he bring his politics into it? genuinely curious, he wrote a story based around characters he developed and give them complex real world personalities and threw them into a horribly unforgiving world and they all acted accordingly


Simps for Amouranth
LOL. I'm on narrative agency and you're on about level navigation. What next? You get to choose which weapons to use (so much freedom!!!) ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

No lies detected

well there's not going to be much narrative freedom in telling a linear story now is there, as for the other aspects of the game, he's not reinventing the wheel, he's just made the wheel super fucking efficient and awesome
lotta hate in this thread for a genuinely talented dude, i mean he's fucking co-president of Naughty Dog ffs, you dont get to that level without being the very best at what you do and hes among the very best whether you like it or not, just cause some of you cant hack the "SJW" side of things or what he did with TLOU2, ya gotta give him some props ffs, personally i don't give a fuck about his politics, that his prerogative but to think that he couldnt write/direct and ultimately with ND produce a fucking insanely good AAA punisher game is some crazy shit imo
I heard he cucked his way to the top though.


Simps for Amouranth
I heard he cucked his way to the top though.
What does Cucked mean slang?
It's a slang term derived from "cuckolded". A cuckold ("cuck" in modern slang) is a term for a husband whose wife has cheated on him. In its slang usage, it doesn't need to mean that literally, but it is often used as a synonym for "emasculated"

You made no sense... how did he cuck his way to the top or this an American thing cause i sure as shit have never heard the expression
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