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NeoGAF is heating up!


If only my penis was as big as my GamerScore!


I'm genuinely surprised by the fact that a forum can actually recover this well nowadays, when most people have moved on to social media, image boards and reddit.

Seems like forums aren't a dying breed after all and that makes me happy. I hope we can keep growing.

Grats neogaf.

I'm glad this place didn't go the way of SomethingAwful; that's where I thought it was going to go when I was lurking during the Great SJW Schism.


Great place, great mods, great members, great banter. Console Warriors/Political trolls aside, our community behaves well and respects everyone, even when each other's opinions on gaming, pop culture or politics do not align. This is a refreshing sight in this day and age.

I appreciate the freedom to express every opinion within the realm of decency and politeness. People who say this board is an echo-chamber are out of their goddamn minds ! There are members from every corner of the world and every political alignment. The back and forth and debates are more and more frequent now in the Politics board for example, and I like seeing multiples sides of a same story or event.

The difference in activity between post-tantrum and today is staggering. Late 2017/early 2018 GAF was a ghost town. This really feels like a lively place now. Tonight's the litmus test to see if GAF's truly back in shape ! I hope the servers won't melt :messenger_grinning_sweat:. I can't wait !


Good to know. I think alot of people either getting sick of Era or banned and coming back here. Which is great as GAF near the end before it imploded was basically exactly like Era is now. When Era came about GAF was dead, and later on it was just full of trolls. However I'm seeing a lot of quality posts lately so it's getting back to the old days of GAF which is great. When I say old days I'm talking about 2010 that's around when I was active in GAF.


I'm very happy for the rising numbers of neogaf. I love the people here, the discussions you can have and the relaxed atmosphere.
I have to admit, up until a few weeks ago I still lurked resetera because it was a good source of news , albeit filtered by their idiotic world views. It also left me with some rancid drunk vomit after taste.
Now I don't need that place anymore.
Good luck gaf, you deserve it.

Astral Dog

The other place is insane, and I think the message is slowly getting through.
Its a little scary at times, i got expulsed permanently for saying Barret is an awesome character and not just a racist caricature, yes he IS a stereotype,i just thought he was cool anyways and stand by it!

sometimes i miss that Nintendo community and their crazy speculation though :'^(


I'm glad to have recently joined this community proper after lurking for years lol stick with us EviLore EviLore we like what you've (re)created for us.

Also, fuck sake I missed this because I was spending time with my parents, whom I I haven't seen in person in literally months, do they know I could've been on NeoGAF posting a sick gif instead of enjoying their company. Fucking cunts.


Gold Member
This is great to hear. I'm glad Indecided to stay back then to see what future holds. The community seems to be in good shape now, and I often visit here to ser what my homies at NintendoGAF are doing in our very own thread.


Gold Member
It's great to see the resurgence. 6000 posts a day is awesome. Congratulations to Evilore, to the mod team, and to everyone behind the scenes who helped this happen. I've been a member for 10 years, but I never bothered to post much at old GAF, because there was so much noise, and I didn't trust the moderators.

I'm really enjoying new and improved GAF. The mods are relaxed, restrained, and reasonable. Freedom of expression is a central principle, and it doesn't feel like an echo chamber the way most other places do. There is a wide diversity of opinions and no sense you have to walk on eggshells or self-censor. It's what a forum should be -- free-wheeling, fun, with lots of humor and camaraderie.

I think GAF has actually started to restore some of my love for gaming. I've been kind of "meh" on gaming for the past few years, but I'm wondering in retrospect how much of that related to the people I was hanging out with. GAF seems like a more fun and diverse crowd, so I'm looking forward to seeing what happens as we move into next gen.

Goro Majima

Kitty Genovese Member
I love being back.

I'd rather engage in actual conversation about issues rather than participate in an echo chamber that is getting crazier by the day. Sure I read some absolutely crazy nonsense posted by some of y'all but I don't turn into an angry shaking pile of goo whenever I read something I dislike.

It's also great that I have yet to type a post out and then not hit the "reply" button because I was too afraid of catching a ban which is incredibly liberating.


That April dip looks like my stocks situation right now. Good to see Gaf gaining some big momentum while keeping a fair moderated community in place.


Thanks for having us.

Moderation is fundamental, and at this forum, although you can feel that it’s here, it’s here for extreme purposes only - and not to force a narrative or a political viewpoint.

I’m sure I’ve written this before at this forum, but it’s worth writing again. At ResrEra there was a thread about a transgender fighter (once a male) getting into the ring with female fighters and beating the crap out of them. The thread was being controlled by the forum moderators, and it was obvious there was an unwritten rule you weren’t supposed to debate whether or not the man was a man - you were just supposed to accept that he was a woman, and therefore entitled to beat the crap out of other women.

One person simply asked the moderators if he was allowed to give a counter opinion - because it seemed to him that you might get moderated if you were to disagree with the forum consensus. He got permanently banned simply for asking that question. The reason for the ban: engaging in hate speech.

What was even worse - nobody said anything about the perma-ban. You could sense that people wanted to debate the point, but were fearful of being banned and not being able to post about gaming anymore.

It reminded me of this quotation from a famous man:

“History will have to record that the greatest tragedy of this period of social transition was not the strident clamor of the bad people, but the appalling silence of the good people.”
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I stopped posting on GAF in 2015 cuz I was too focused on work and the place was turning into a progressive fight club.

Came back in late 2018 after the fallout since I remembered I had an account. Don't regret it, there's been some quality discussions and good new blood come in. Most of all you're able to butt heads without getting banned afterwards for it. It's been good people.

I think Tyler getting more involved with the members and able to get engrossed helped the place a lot considering the prior community were out for blood 24/7.

To 2020 y'all. The future is bright.

The site has had its ups and downs (to put it lightly), but I'm glad to have been a part of it over the past 10+ years. Here's to another 10! :messenger_beaming:

Astral Dog

I got banned on Era one time because i said that PS fans can now enjoy a good uncharted game with Rise of TR or whatever i said.

But whatever. On new Gaf im allowed to voice my opinion etc :)
I can't understand the bizarre obsession with Naughty Dog on ERA, i really can't 😳
They worship them like they are beyond gaming or something


I don't use facebook really, just for family and events really, here is a story of what I saw when I went there recently:

I saw a guy I used to work with getting in a massive argument after he posted a Candace Owens recent video where she talks about the current issues + George Floyd, he posted it and wrote "Here is an alternate take on these issues, interesting stuff".

What do you think happened next?

Of course he was attacked: they called her a "right-wing bitch" and "stupid cow" (I'm in UK, cow is derogatory word for women) and said the video wasn't worth watching because she's a "right wing conspiracy theorist who hates herself and other black people". They said he was supporting racism by posting it or watching/listening to it.

I didn't realise people were being THAT crazy about this stuff. I invited him to comment in threads here because he can have a much more honest discussion about this stuff.

Long story short, I messaged him about fifteen (15) times saying how people wouldn't act like that here, a lot of people here do have different opinions but they won't just shut down the discussion if they don't like it and/or call you complicit/a racist just for posting it.

Even after all the reassurance he's still sending me messages days later saying "Yeah but will the people in the forum just pile on me and go off on me? I can't be bothered with that"...

It doesn't matter how many times I say what I bolded above, he has spent so much time around these fuckers that he can't even imagine a place where he could have an honest and open discussion, that made me so fucking angry to be honest. I hope he joins up soon. Cheers for being not-cunts, guys.
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