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New Halo 3 SP Campaign screenshot


butthole fishhooking yes
Son of Godzilla said:
What? That's ridiculous. What's the ****ing point of 360 being able to do 1080p if Halo 3 won't run it natively.

Bullet point on the box.

They could run it natively, but they would have to sacrifice in other areas. It's a design choice plenty of developers on both HD consoles continue to make.


xbot xbot xbot xbot xbot
syllogism said:
So do you think the cutscenes will in typical halo fashion look better than the actual gameplay?

Of course they will - they've already mentioned that they'll be turning on extra effects like DOF blurring, bloom and the like, none of which are on in that pic, you know, as if he stopped walking, got out of the first person view, and took a screencap of gameplay...

These are the kind of things they talk about in the Bungie Weekly Update...

Shin Johnpv said:
I guess you don't remember the video of the master chief standing there ready to jump out of the ship, and the video they originally showed, claiming was real time in game and how the final would look showed really good dynamic lighting, self shadowing, very high quality texture maps, a fairly dense model and a bunch of other things that weren't seen in the final version of the game. SO yes the scene was in the final of the game but the actual rendering quality of it was no wheres near the same. There are gifs out there showing the difference side to side, and they've been around for ages and that is only 1 of the many differences between the final and that video. I have more important shit to do today than run around looking for a gif that has been posted on this site plenty of times before.

Well, you're still here, so it's definitely not THAT important... :)

Sure there was that trailer/teaser - did they pass those off as the game as clearly as they just said for this pic? No.
Looks like hotness. I'm more excited for Halo 3's Campaign than the multiplayer. And that's not an insult to the multiplayer at all. I loved Halo 2's multiplayer, played it for years, and I loved the Halo 3 Beta. The Campaign just means a lot ot me.
Son of Godzilla said:
What? That's ridiculous. What's the ****ing point of 360 being able to do 1080p if Halo 3 won't run it natively.

Do you think we will see native 1080p console First Person Shooters capable of doing splitscreen and holding a steady framerate this gen?


formerly cjelly
Someone needs to alert a mod to this thread. GAF evidently needs a clear-out and this looks like just the thread to kick things off. :lol

And I'm with Ghaleon on the shot; I don't really care what the graphics look like, I'm more interested on the actual environment behind, it just looks super-mega-epic.


Oh please that's the excuse Bungie used for Halo 2. So blame Bungie for the crap they spewed. "The reason the final game was downgraded because we forgot to test the game on the retail machine eventhough we've been developing the game for the past 9 months." Bullshit. What will their excuse be this time?
Skilotonn said:
Sure there was that trailer/teaser - did they pass those off as the game as clearly as they just said for this pic? No.

... you'd figure someone actually playing the game on-stage would count as pretty clear confirmation, but hey.

I still don't see the issue here. Aside from less excessive micro-bumpage, this looks about as good as expected, if not a bit better. Which is a good thing.


The mods need to put this place in a police state before E3.

We don't need Gamefaq posters eating up GAF's bandwidth with their clever retorts.


Frank addressed 1080p in an update from April.

The strangest rumor of all was that MS was "forcing" Bungie to make Halo 3 60 fps at 1080p. Um, it was one thing to see that on a forum, but it was strange to see it on regular news site.

1080p at 60 fps is awesome for fighting games and barely a stretch for Live Arcade games. But if you want epic battles, dozens of bad guys, huge vistas and colossal structures, with advanced AI, HDR lighting and explosive physics, then you're not getting those at 1080p at 60fps. Actually, that's not entirely accurate - Halo 3 will display at 1080p through the Xbox Elite with its scaler and HDMI port, but not natively. We've seen it do just that and it looks utterly lovely. So if you have a 1080p TV, enjoy it yourself in a few weeks. Most people, and I mean the VAST majority of people don't have a 1080p TV, so it would be foolish to sacrifice even a single feature for a bullet point number on the back of a box.

The only number we're committing to is that our number one priority is to make Halo 3 look awesome, smooth, detailed and innovative, no matter what resolution you run it at. Although that said, it does look significantly better in HD, so maybe you should convince the powers that be, that now is the time for a set upgrade?


Yet here we are in July talking about it? :p

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
besada said:
I guess you missed the part where the first picture is clearly labeled CG. Or the part where Bungie explicitly said it was CG. Unlike certain other companies who pretended their CG was real-time footage.

I'm guessing you are missing the part where the current Chief model has taken on the likeness of the CG model and how Bungie nailed it. I preordered Legendary edition in full the day it became available. Your anger is misguided.


p3tran said:
damn it started

:lol :lol :lol
no trannysurprise?

I also got 500'd moments ago


Skilotonn said:
Of course they will - they've already mentioned that they'll be turning on extra effects like DOF blurring, bloom and the like, none of which are on in that pic, you know, as if he stopped walking, got out of the first person view, and took a screencap of gameplay...

It's amazing how people never learn


I dont think it should be considered "trolling" to state your opinion on a game. The problem with GAF is the double standard. Im pretty sure if I went into the Warhawk thread and gave my opinion on the game I would be banned shortly there after because some mod would perceive it as trolling.

The Jason

looks pretty good, I'd like to see more than just MC's blurry gray/green suit though, it gets boring after a while.


wow awesome screenshot. I'm not sure if I'm in the Killzone or Halo 3 camp though. I guess I'll just stay neutral and play them both.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
TheDuce22 said:
I dont think it should be considered "trolling" to state your opinion on a game. The problem with GAF is the double standard. Im pretty sure if I went into the Warhawk thread and gave my opinion on the game I would be banned shortly there after because some mod would perceive it as trolling.

This double standard has been in place for years. Pretty sad, but we all know it is here.


GAF's Bob Woodward
Umm..to get things back on track, perhaps..

..do we know what to expect in terms of a playable presence at E3? I guess some multiplayer stuff is a shoe-in post-beta, but will there even be hands-on for select press folk on the single player, or will they do a on-stage demo, or..?


One thing I noticed are those who are most vocal about stealth trolling in 'their' threads are also the ones who stealth troll other threads. Amazing.

Awaiting F_C to pop in to get personal with members.


$50/hour, but no kissing on the lips and colors must be pre-separated
[Nintex] said:
wow awesome screenshot. I'm not sure if I'm in the Killzone or Halo 3 camp though. I guess I'll just stay neutral and play them both.



trmas said:
This game is an FPS, so unless I am missing something (possible), this is a cutscene type model. It still looks good - we know the 360 is a capable piece of hardware, just really crappily manufactured.
That is my problem with the 360 - it's completely unreliable. Not a fan of Halo, but can still appreciate what Bungie is trying to accomplish. Looks pretty good, and anyone who says otherwise is just a troll. But, Halo still sucks as a game ;)


Not a very interesting picture. They put the focus on the Cheif, but the lighting and texturing isn't as nice as the older pics, so I don't get what the point is exactly. All it does is highlight the fact that the armor has lost it's metallic look.

Agent Icebeezy

Welcome beautful toddler, Madison Elizabeth, to the horde!
NinSoX said:
One thing I noticed are those who are most vocal about stealth trolling in 'their' threads are also the ones who stealth troll other threads. Amazing.

there is nothing stealth about this thread


Nervous Hamster said:
I am waiting for the retail version. This screen looks too good to be in-game.
I'm not waiting for the retail version. I'm going to take my chances and play this screen!


gofreak said:
Umm..to get things back on track, perhaps..

..do we know what to expect in terms of a playable presence at E3? I guess some multiplayer stuff is a shoe-in post-beta, but will there even be hands-on for select press folk on the single player, or will they do a on-stage demo, or..?

Well, it looks like there is going to be a SP trailer. I expect it will be that and gameplay footage from one of the earlier enviroments.

I doubt they'll have the game playable there, because we've already played the MP beta. But you never know...


I'll ask again

Since my question got buried beneath the trolling.

Does this pretty much confirm that MC landed in Africa?

The Jason

Mojovonio said:
I'll ask again

Since my question got buried beneath the trolling.

Does this pretty much confirm that MC landed in Africa?

are there a lot of snowy mountains and lush green fields in Africa?


gofreak said:
Umm..to get things back on track, perhaps..

..do we know what to expect in terms of a playable presence at E3? I guess some multiplayer stuff is a shoe-in post-beta, but will there even be hands-on for select press folk on the single player, or will they do a on-stage demo, or..?
Not really. We do know that EGM (Shoe) has seen/played(?) a small part of the campaign for an issue after E3. So we can assume Sp will be there, playable by the press is doubtful. Probably a demonstration. But it won't reveal much if anything of the story.
a Master Ninja said:
Do you think we will see 1080p FPS console games capable of doing splitscreen and a steady framerate this gen?

Of course not, but asking that makes me curious about Halo's splitscreen in general. It screws with the aspect ratio, in order to preserve the field of vision or whatever the ****. But doesn't this also mess with the display ratio? I mean, you can't simply can't cram a 720 picture into less than that size, and you can't just switch ratios all willy nilly, so the split screen basically has to be significantly less than 720p right?

I think I have a headache.

Anyways, there will probably be a campaign teaser and multiplayer at the show. Considering how tight arsed Stinkles has been with campaign info I doubt they'd go and ruin that with playable levels. Maybe something specifically for E3 though.


Mojovonio said:
I'll ask again

Since my question got buried beneath the trolling.

Does this pretty much confirm that MC landed in Africa?

I think saying it is Kilimanjaro is a little too specific, it could be any number of mountains for all we know.
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