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New Metal Gear Solid 4 scans


The Amiga Brotherhood
Those look awesome!!!

Actually I think these scans look better then the E3 trailer, I was kinda disspointed with the whole E3 showing (especially with Snake's model). Imo

It also gives us some insight of the gameplay, like shoulder view (yay), first person view (yay, hope you can move in that view) and some cool things you can do with MKII! Also I totally like this whole ruined city kind of thing. If I understand this right you are in this middle eastern city where a war is going on and Snake is kinda butting in doing his own thing (like he is hacking in a game of battlefield 2). If this city is big and you have a sense of a war going on then this could be a really special experience. And the best part is this is supposedly one of many locations around the world.

Kojima should improve Snake's skillset though, I mean it was limited as hell and just looked ackward (especially in MGS3) a matter of fact it hasn't changed that much from the first MGS. They should take a good look at Splinter Cell, because that game owns MGS in that department. If they don't change the gameplay dramatically then it doesn't matter how good the graphics are, it will still have dated gameplay. But these scans give me a lot of hope, will find out tomorrow I guess.


darthbane2k said:
Oh God what?
MGS4 looks gorgeous - yes we all agree, but it does not mean forgiveness for Sony, nor does it give them a pass to continue to shit all over the industry.
There is a lot more work to be done with PS3, its price, its marketing and its launch titles - before we can all be screaming about forgiveness.

Rant over - yeah i'll probably be banned for this.

some good point their but all have no place in this thread WHATSOEVER, take the "rant" elsewhere please.


Gold Member
djkimothy said:

/other thread was perfectly fine.
Awesome pic :lol
RamzaIsCool said:
Kojima should improve Snake's skillset though, I mean it was limited as hell and just looked ackward (especially in MGS3) a matter of fact it hasn't changed that much from the first MGS. They should take a good look at Splinter Cell, because that game owns MGS in that department. If they don't change the gameplay dramatically then it doesn't matter how good the graphics are, it will still have dated gameplay. But these scans give me a lot of hope, will find out tomorrow I guess.

Kojima said Snake will definetly be getting an improved skillset for this game. Including some things that he'd thought about including in previous games but decided against because they look strange.


This...this is a downgrade? Wow, you should drop that 1080p Kojima because apparently people are god-damn blind either way.

Astonishing that they actually managed to meet the expectations from those trailers. One of the most gorgeous games ever.


I love Metal Gear Solid, but am I the only one who doesn't give a rat's bum for MGS4?
It looks so dull and boring compared to MGS1, 2 (Tanker only, the rest of the game does not exist :) ) and MGS3


Junior Member
Looks incredible.
In fact I think these screens look better than the screens released for the E3 trailer.

The most crucial thing now is the animation. If it animates smoothly without breaking the illusion than I think this could easily be the best looking gameplay graphics so far.


Beautiful. Gorgeous. Amazing. Etc. Etc.

Game held up from video > gameplay a LOT better than Gears did. Kojima am graphics god <3 <3 <3.


Have a fun! Enjoy!
Nice, I see the straps on Snake's suit stay visible while octocamoing.

So, does the MKII steal stuff from soldiers or just send an e-shock? Picture suggest the latter
First TGS trailer had low-res textures and low framerates, E3 trailer had everything supped up and dropping framerate, GC trailer had everything supped up and amazing framerate, and it looks just like CG trailer on scans - this game came along way since first unveiling just like MGS2 did.
drohne said:
you need to replay the first mgs.
People forget that you had to CRAWL across pudlles of water or metal grates so as not to make noise, because Snake didn't know how to walk, only run (because he is that badass)
Lortnoc Egamad said:
First TGS trailer had low-res textures and low framerates, E3 trailer had everything supped up and dropping framerate, GC trailer had everything supped up and amazing framerate, and it looks just like CG trailer on scans - this game came along way since first unveiling just like MGS2 did.

Yah the textures all seem to be getting better. They aren't perfect by any means but they've definetly come a long ways since TGS last year (which isn't surprising since Murata admitted they had to throw in some current gen textures to get the trailer finished).


Well, considering the E3 trailer was a downgrade from the TGS one, it's not surprising the gameplay looks like this. Very nice, but not even close "OMG Best graphics ever! "
I put this in the other thread, put it here as well.....

I think we are going to have the best game ever on our hands........


Look at snake's camo in that!!!"!£!!"!!!


Scans look a little wash out. The trailer had alot of contrast to it.

I can't wait to see direct feed screens ><

quick bump of contrast with photoshop D:


ELS-01X said:
Well, considering the E3 trailer was a downgrade from the TGS one, it's not surprising the gameplay looks like this. Very nice, but not even close "OMG Best graphics ever! "
Have you made it your mission to shit on any PS3 game that isn't Lair (king of el'downgradeoton'). What are the ****ing downgrades on this you're referring to anyway? Point them out.

This is certainly, easily and completely the best in-game graphics of next-gen.

Awesome texturing, awesome lighting, awesome models, and seemingly awesome IQ (although scans could be doing that).


SolidSnakex said:
Yah the textures all seem to be getting better. They aren't perfect by any means but they've definetly come a long ways since TGS last year (which isn't surprising since Murata admitted they had to throw in some current gen textures to get the trailer finished).

Kojima also said he didn't want the ultra sharp textures in places because it came across to clean, they even went as far to mess them up.
DSN2K said:
Kojima also said he didn't want the ultra sharp textures in places because it came across to clean, they even went as far to mess them up.

Yep and I like that style. But he seems to want to get them to a point where everything is basically on the same level so that people don't point at the textures as not being up to par.


travisbickle said:
I put this in the other thread, put it here as well.....

I think we are going to have the best game ever on our hands........


Look at snake's camo in that!!!"!£!!"!!!

holy shit


travisbickle said:
I put this in the other thread, put it here as well.....

I think we are going to have the best game ever on our hands........

Look at snake's camo in that!!!"!£!!"!!!

holy shit I didnt even notice :O


Gold Member
If MGS4 looks this good and still has destructible enviroments on the level Kojima was suggesting, then wow.
travisbickle said:
I put this in the other thread, put it here as well.....

I think we are going to have the best game ever on our hands........


Look at snake's camo in that!!!"!£!!"!!!
I'm pretty sure this is part of the same sequence.
how the **** can any of you guys claim its a downgrade or that it looks" OMG amazing" from these scans?:lol

I wanna see actual gameplay videos.


MickeyKnox said:
People forget that you had to CRAWL across pudlles of water or metal grates so as not to make noise, because Snake didn't know how to walk, only run (because he is that badass)

The game looks great. I'd prefer direct-feed screens and vids though, but this'll do for now. Anyone who doubted before was a fool anyway. I understand things are going differently so far this gen, but I don't see why Kojima would have produced like 30 minutes worth of trailers just to have to downgrade everything. I think spitting out cutscenes is really easy for his team once the engine is in place. I think all we've seen so far has been the progression of the game engine over time. I'm sure the visuals are gonna change some more between now and the game's release. Kojima is great with MGS, but I imagine he'll be even better once completely freed of Snake. PEACE.


ELS-01X said:
Well, considering the E3 trailer was a downgrade from the TGS one, it's not surprising the gameplay looks like this. Very nice, but not even close "OMG Best graphics ever! "

A title which I guess Lair deserves,right?:lol :lol :lol


The Amiga Brotherhood
drohne said:
you need to replay the first mgs.

Well let's see what MGS3 has over MGS:

- Snake can release this finger of the trigger if you don’t want to shoot.
- Snake can climb over things
- CQC <--- pretty big improvement give you that.
- Snake can now fire in first person mode
- Snake can peak around corners
- Snake can interrogate people.
- Snake can roll into crouch postition.
- Fundamentally the rest is pretty similair.

Maybe I missed some little things, but with 5/6 years between MGS - MGS3 and a hardware change, those improvements are laughable small. To make it worse Kojima didn’t even change the camera system until Substince, it had the same 8-direction walk thing in all 3 MGS game, that’s what I mean with dated gameplay. This already looked and felt ackward in MGS3, so he should make major improvements in MGS4 in that department. And I am sure he will, MGS was always a serie I loved very much, but it has some serious flaws which I hope he will address.
Kabuki Waq said:
how the **** can any of you guys claim its a downgrade or that it looks" OMG amazing" from these scans?:lol

I wanna see actual gameplay videos.

Dunno where this downgrade talk is coming from but as Kojima would say:
Baryn said:
FFXIII, NG: S, DMC4, VF5, White Knight, MotorStorm, Resistance

FF13 looks so far exaggerated and removed from the series' roots thats its not worth bothering defending.
VF5 - who cares, VF3 was the series' peak.

As for the other titles you mentioned... who gives a shit, I certainly dont.
darthbane2k said:
FF13 looks so far exaggerated and removed from the series' roots thats its not worth bothering defending.
VF5 - who cares, VF3 was the series' peak.

As for the other titles you mentioned... who gives a shit, I certainly dont.
That's great. Too bad lots of other people give a shit though.


Kabuki Waq said:
if you dont count in game Animation. i think Heavenly sword will take the BGE title.
Perhaps if they fix the sliding. I didn't see anything wrong with LO's animation btw.


darthbane2k said:
As for the other titles you mentioned... who gives a shit, I certainly dont.
Awww :(

When you see the boxarts in store just pretend they have "only on Xbox 360" on them, should help change your perspective.


Why are you feeding it? This thread is supposed to be about the MGS4 HQ scans not the wether the PS3 is worth it of if it has any great games.

MGS4 scans discussion bitches!
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