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New Nintendo hardware confirmed.


Anyone else holding off on purchaseing the DSi XL thinking there might be some official 'DS2' news released later this year?


Now that we've lived through this recent Nintendo Summit...what's everyone's opinion on if they'll still show/release new hardware anytime soon (2010)?

Also, as a side note, was it confirmed whether the Black Wii was coming to the US or not?
If there isn't a big E3 blowout, with a lot of games really close to finishing with a lot of third parties on display, I don't see a DS2 this year. If the DS2 is revealed but the games aren't far along, I'd say a Q1 2011 release is likely.

If nothing is shown? Then no new hardware until middle of 2011 at the earliest.


There's just too many factors...
-Is PokeMon GEN 5 coming to the DS or the next DS or not?
-Is the XL going to help prolong the DS's life?
-Will DQ IX, Golden Sun and others be big pushes to stave off a next-gen DS?
-What about Japan where DQ IX & PokeMon HS/SS have already been released?

Then they gotta think about mindshare in comparison to the competition...yeah they wanna milk the DS cash-cow, but at what expence? E3 is far off but I really do think rumors will continue (of course) around GDC and that the big things will be the Vitality Sensor, then the next DS then close with Zelda Wii...at least a hint of them working on some new "3RD Pillar" or something...something to get press in the mainstream mindshare against PSP2/Apple competition.
Machado said:
I personally bnelieve the DSi is a ripoff now...for $20 more you get bigger screens and better battery life.
This is the logic Nintendo used when pricing these things

"This plays DS games, but for $30 more, you can get this....and for $20 more than that, you can get THIS!"


Wildcard berths that can't beat teams without a winning record should have homefield advantage
ShockingAlberto said:
This is the logic Nintendo used when pricing these things

"This plays DS games, but for $30 more, you can get this....and for $20 more than that, you can get THIS!"

So, they used general business practices? Is that what you're trying to say?


ShockingAlberto said:
This is the logic Nintendo used when pricing these things

"This plays DS games, but for $30 more, you can get this....and for $20 more than that, you can get THIS!"

I'm sure you could've written this to make Nintendo sound stupider... if that was the point. I can't really tell.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
GamerZero said:
Anyone else holding off on purchaseing the DSi XL thinking there might be some official 'DS2' news released later this year?

More in that I just am ready for the DS2 in general. I want better screens, really advance hardware, and a 2010s decade interface and feature set.
GamerZero said:
Anyone else holding off on purchaseing the DSi XL thinking there might be some official 'DS2' news released later this year?
My DS Phat has a fucked up top screen from when I went to see Avatar and I plan to wait for E3 before I buy a new one.
Machado said:
I personally bnelieve the DSi is a ripoff now...for $20 more you get bigger screens and better battery life.

Blame sony. They started the "lets raise the price of each consecutive SKU release" and Nintendo is simply following.

It's amazing isn't it? 6 years after release and Nintendo is pricing the DSXL at $40 higher than when the DS originally launched!

The GBA only took 3 years to go from 99 to 49!


Brettison said:
More in that I just am ready for the DS2 in general. I want better screens, really advance hardware, and a 2010s decade interface and feature set.

Me too. Some people are pointing to the DSi XL as the reason Nintendo won't reveal 'DS2' anytime soon, I'm starting to wonder about that.


GamerZero said:
Me too. Some people are pointing to the DSi XL as the reason Nintendo won't reveal 'DS2' anytime soon, I'm starting to wonder about that.

I still fail to see the logic behind their assumptions. The XL offers NOTHING new besides its size. Same thing as the Game Boy Micro.

They could say that the XL is proof that Nintendo is willing to milk the DS cow until it's dry. But don't pretend that it's a significant hardware revision :lol


DS2 is coming.

And before all the conference hype, the earliest slot for a reveal was at GDC, which has a history of new hardware being shown.


GamerZero said:
Me too. Some people are pointing to the DSi XL as the reason Nintendo won't reveal 'DS2' anytime soon, I'm starting to wonder about that.

Arguably, with the DS's software release schedual and them bringing the DSi XL out so early in this year, one wonders if all that is just to buy some time until the next DS comes? Things are getting tight in Japan and with Sony/Apple really looking to take some mindshare, it begs the question: how long can they wait?

Nintendo will want to 1UP the competition again before PSP2 comes with it's obvious touchscreen. Myself, I think they're going for a one screen solution and that this screen will be the "next-gen" in touchscreen technology in order to raise the bar. With all these patents, Nintendo is obviously toying with that. With screen vibration to let the player "feel" the game (on-screen buttons, textures, patterns, etc.) and pressure sensitivity for more "depth" to touchscreen control maybe Nintendo will put less emphasis on or do away with normal buttons altogether?

My question now (if they do the above) is what should the resolution of the screen be? PSP is 480x272 and (when held vertically) they could fit the DS's 2 256x192 screens (plus 92 line "buffer" space between the screens & on-screen controls) for full backward compatibility. iPhone/iPod Touch is 430x320 though, so maybe this resolution to make ports more viable and/or give the 16:9 480x272 48 extra lines for on-screen controls. Either solution would be good enough for VC games up to N64 (320x240) with enough space, again, for on-screen controls. If they were to do DreamCast/GCN/Wii-level ports/VC though they'd all have to run in half their resolution, but even so there'd be enough space for their respective on-screen controls (even DC's VMU) so maybe this would be the perfect resolution? We also have to question how well this would scale up if the next DS will have HDTV output of some kind...480x272 is a 16:9 aspect ratio so that (or anything above that) would scale well. For full DC/GCN/Wii-level visuals though, maybe a 640x480 would be best...which would also help the ergonomics for DS backwards compatibility...but is that too much?

So taking all of that into account, what so you NeoGAF?


DrGAKMAN said:
Arguably, with the DS's software release schedual and them bringing the DSi XL out so early in this year, one wonders if all that is just to buy some time until the next DS comes? Things are getting tight in Japan and with Sony/Apple really looking to take some mindshare, it begs the question: how long can they wait?

Nintendo will want to 1UP the competition again before PSP2 comes with it's obvious touchscreen. Myself, I think they're going for a one screen solution and that this screen will be the "next-gen" in touchscreen technology in order to raise the bar. With all these patents, Nintendo is obviously toying with that. With screen vibration to let the player "feel" the game (on-screen buttons, textures, patterns, etc.) and pressure sensitivity for more "depth" to touchscreen control maybe Nintendo will put less emphasis on or do away with normal buttons altogether?

My question now (if they do the above) is what should the resolution of the screen be? PSP is 480x272 and (when held vertically) they could fit the DS's 2 256x192 screens (plus 92 line "buffer" space between the screens & on-screen controls) for full backward compatibility. iPhone/iPod Touch is 430x320 though, so maybe this resolution to make ports more viable and/or give the 16:9 480x272 48 extra lines for on-screen controls. Either solution would be good enough for VC games up to N64 (320x240) with enough space, again, for on-screen controls. If they were to do DreamCast/GCN/Wii-level ports/VC though they'd all have to run in half their resolution, but even so there'd be enough space for their respective on-screen controls (even DC's VMU) so maybe this would be the perfect resolution? We also have to question how well this would scale up if the next DS will have HDTV output of some kind...480x272 is a 16:9 aspect ratio so that (or anything above that) would scale well. For full DC/GCN/Wii-level visuals though, maybe a 640x480 would be best...which would also help the ergonomics for DS backwards compatibility...but is that too much?

So taking all of that into account, what so you NeoGAF?

I agree with everything you say. NOA Exec Cammie Dunaway told GameSpot yesterday she didn't think there would be a Wii successor anytime soon but she did not mention the current DS. http://www.gamespot.com/events/nintendo10/video.html?sid=6251936
GamerZero said:
I agree with everything you say. NOA Exec Cammie Dunaway told GameSpot yesterday she didn't think there would be a Wii successor anytime soon but she did not mention the current DS. http://www.gamespot.com/events/nintendo10/video.html?sid=6251936

Outside of the DS tidbit, what's interesting about this is the "anytime soon" doesnt mean "We wont start to talk about the successor at E3" speak. You can start to introduce a new system longggggggggg before you reveal anything


The GameSpot interviewer should of asked her if there would be a DS successor any time soon and ask about those DS2 rumors swirling.
GamerZero said:
The GameSpot interviewer should of asked her if there would be a DS successor any time soon and ask about those DS2 rumors swirling.

The rumors are just going to get bigger. Logically, introducing DS2 around Winter in Japan doesnt sound too far off, especially for someone who's had the DS(phat) for at least 4 years :lol . But I dont see the DS2 coming out this year. AT ALL. There wont be enough of a lineup and Nintendo isnt Sega
i really hope that whenever the next Nintendo handheld comes out, it has physical buttons. I love my ipod touch but I can't play games with on-screen virtual buttons. I have never had hand cramping problems with any console or handheld (including the tiny gameboy micro) but on-screen buttons on the ipod touch make my hands hurt. games that don't involve on-screen buttons can be a lot of fun though, but they're more like puzzle games and such, or stuff like Kitten Jump (which is fantastic and everyone with an iphone/ipod touch should own)
DrGAKMAN said:
So taking all of that into account, what so you NeoGAF?
640x384 top screen, 512x384 bottom screen.

It's becoming very hard to argue for a DS2 release for this year. If full dev kits were in developer hands, we would have heard about it, and it's getting rather late for that and a release this year. It's starting to sound like it has to be pushed out into 2011 at earliest.


the DS can last for another 5 years or so.
The only ones who would be disappointed in that is GAF and other nerds.


Ahhh, perhaps we'll finally see Nintendo's 'third pillar' come into effect with new hardware if it's not intended to replace DS or Wii.


nods at old men
DeathbyVolcano said:
:lol No it can't.
Why not?

When there's just about nothing else out there, you can last ages.
See the original Gameboy which was old tech even when released, much like the DS.

What's forcing a DS2 considering the DS sales.

I REALLY want a DS2 though. :D
dallow_bg said:
Why not?

When there's just about nothing else out there, you can last ages.
See the original Gameboy which was old tech even when released, much like the DS.

What's forcing a DS2 considering the DS sales.

I REALLY want a DS2 though. :D

You are underestimating the competition a bit. Nintendo can't allow to lose momentum by being late to the party from a technical point of view.


Frencherman said:
You are underestimating the competitio a bit. Nintendo can't allow to lose momentum by being late to the party from a technical point of view.

They were late to the party technologically with the DS and that worked out just fine. For now, the system still has the software to keep it trucking for another year or two, maybe three. But five? I doubt it.
It feels like momentum is already slowing software wise. The 3rd parties seem like they're mostly done, and outside of a handful of delayed jrpgs, the release list is mostly filled with games that are either shovelware, movie licenses, or afterthoughts for the handheld crowd.
If Nintendo kept bringing out Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, Brain Training, Nintendopets, Layton, Mario and Luigi RPG, Mario Kart, ... games out at a decent pace, the DS could easily last another 5 years.

That's not to say it would be in their best interest. They might keep decent to stellar sales throughout those 5 years, but perhaps it's better to not let the environment they work in change so much that they lose brand awareness/competitive advantage/dev support/... It's probably a dangerous strategy with wasted potential to extent the DS's lifetime to it's limits. A successor to the DS better come sooner than later imo.


Snakeyes said:
I still fail to see the logic behind their assumptions. The XL offers NOTHING new besides its size. Same thing as the Game Boy Micro.

They could say that the XL is proof that Nintendo is willing to milk the DS cow until it's dry. But don't pretend that it's a significant hardware revision :lol

This isn't the best argument though. You may well be right, but the gameboy micro was to sell something to hip technology loving people (nintendo pr) who probably already owned a gb micro and thus to make some more quick bucks off the old hardware, while the xl is for old people who do not own the sytem yet. The next DS is also going to be just that, the next DS, its not going to be a "3rd pillar" (also PR, but the general consensus is that it was to cover their asses if the thing tanked). It will be more like going from gameboy color to GBA, and there were no GBC revisions anywhere near when the GBA came out, or nearly as much software still in the pipelines. I don't think that we will see the next ds until next year, but just for having said that it will probably come out next week.:lol
Souldriver said:
If Nintendo kept bringing out Pokemon, Mario, Zelda, Brain Training, Nintendopets, Layton, Mario and Luigi RPG, Mario Kart, ... games out at a decent pace, the DS could easily last another 5 years.

That's not to say it would be in their best interest. They might keep decent to stellar sales throughout those 5 years, but perhaps it's better to not let the environment they work in change so much that they lose brand awareness/competitive advantage/dev support/... It's probably a dangerous strategy with wasted potential to extent the DS's lifetime to it's limits. A successor to the DS better come sooner than later imo.

When a software developer gets to the point where all they can do is release a game that's too similar to the last one, you have run out of ideas. That's what would happen in another two years or so, so it's not like the DS needs to be eliminated immediately. It's not about the software after 5 years. The DS's capabilities and hardware have been nearly fully exploited, where Nintendo is just adding optional enhancements on new models. It's now about whether the hardware has reached its limit for DS owners and buyers.

Personally, I dont see why WE couldnt wait another year or so. But can Nintendo?


dallow_bg said:
Why not?

When there's just about nothing else out there, you can last ages.
See the original Gameboy which was old tech even when released, much like the DS.

What's forcing a DS2 considering the DS sales.

I REALLY want a DS2 though. :D

i reckon they could and still maintain some pretty fantastic sales, but they wont

i think they want much better sales and they need better grahics at this point. they also need to make inroads on the cellphone market. a ds phone would be tits


Frencherman said:
You are underestimating the competition a bit. Nintendo can't allow to lose momentum by being late to the party from a technical point of view.


What is the Wii?
DrGAKMAN said:
Arguably, with the DS's software release schedual and them bringing the DSi XL out so early in this year, one wonders if all that is just to buy some time until the next DS comes? Things are getting tight in Japan and with Sony/Apple really looking to take some mindshare, it begs the question: how long can they wait?

Nintendo will want to 1UP the competition again before PSP2 comes with it's obvious touchscreen. Myself, I think they're going for a one screen solution and that this screen will be the "next-gen" in touchscreen technology in order to raise the bar. With all these patents, Nintendo is obviously toying with that. With screen vibration to let the player "feel" the game (on-screen buttons, textures, patterns, etc.) and pressure sensitivity for more "depth" to touchscreen control maybe Nintendo will put less emphasis on or do away with normal buttons altogether?

My question now (if they do the above) is what should the resolution of the screen be? PSP is 480x272 and (when held vertically) they could fit the DS's 2 256x192 screens (plus 92 line "buffer" space between the screens & on-screen controls) for full backward compatibility. iPhone/iPod Touch is 430x320 though, so maybe this resolution to make ports more viable and/or give the 16:9 480x272 48 extra lines for on-screen controls. Either solution would be good enough for VC games up to N64 (320x240) with enough space, again, for on-screen controls. If they were to do DreamCast/GCN/Wii-level ports/VC though they'd all have to run in half their resolution, but even so there'd be enough space for their respective on-screen controls (even DC's VMU) so maybe this would be the perfect resolution? We also have to question how well this would scale up if the next DS will have HDTV output of some kind...480x272 is a 16:9 aspect ratio so that (or anything above that) would scale well. For full DC/GCN/Wii-level visuals though, maybe a 640x480 would be best...which would also help the ergonomics for DS backwards compatibility...but is that too much?

So taking all of that into account, what so you NeoGAF?

Nintendo needs to keep physical buttons no matter what touchscreen technology they implement. If they don't, they are basically making the iphone/ipod touch their competitor, and you can be sure that as powerful DS2 will be when it comes out, the ipod that follows will be even more so. So will PSP2, which I don't see phasing out physical controls either. I also can't see third parties agreeing with such a move.

With the way the DS sold, there's no need abolish traditional controls. Games that are intended for the expanded audience simply don't use them and prompt the player to touch the screen to start.
Bizzyb said:
If PSP2 has two screens I will lose all respect for Sony as an innovative company.
Better to appear a copycat than to not and seem lacking. Hello, PS2 with only two controller ports.
Jonnyram said:
Well with the Wii story the specs were leaked only 4-5 months before release.
Ehh. I'm sure the major points were being argued over around the turn of 2005 to 2006, even if we didn't have an official-reading spec sheet.

Here's a thread from December 6, 2005. It actually somewhat overstates the speed and RAM increases, looking back.
It's amazing that after all that has happened this gen, people STILL believe that technology is a driving factor in video game success. And in handhelds no less. How can anyone look at the history of the original Gameboy and now the DS and think that Nintendo has to be competitive with hardware specs? The only driving factors are software and interface. As long as Nintendo and 3rd parties are putting out strong software, and the interface can keep up, they'll maintain their lead.

If the software does slowdown, especially from third parties, then I could conceivably see Nintendo needing to upgrade.
JoshuaJSlone said:
Better to appear a copycat than to not and seem lacking. Hello, PS2 with only two controller ports.

Ehh. I'm sure the major points were being argued over around the turn of 2005 to 2006, even if we didn't have an official-reading spec sheet.

Here's a thread from December 6, 2005. It actually somewhat overstates the speed and RAM increases, looking back.
That thread ends on an absolutely perfect note.
kame-sennin said:
The only driving factors are software and interface. As long as Nintendo and 3rd parties are putting out strong software, and the interface can keep up, they'll maintain their lead.

If the software does slowdown, especially from third parties, then I could conceivably see Nintendo needing to upgrade.
I look at release lists, and it feels like a massive software slowdown. It feels full of shovelware, late jrpgs, and handheld afterthoughts to big name console titles. Maybe some of these are going to be big sellers (well, the jrpgs obviously have some potential there) but none of it feels like the fresh list of titles we had 2-3 years ago. It feels like the end of a generation.

The DS has huge momentum right now, and while I think they could continue to sell lots of hardware for the next three years on little more than the strength of their back catalog, I also think that Nintendo would be missing an opportunity to carry their momentum into a new generation.


JodyAnthony said:
i really hope that whenever the next Nintendo handheld comes out, it has physical buttons. I love my ipod touch but I can't play games with on-screen virtual buttons. I have never had hand cramping problems with any console or handheld (including the tiny gameboy micro) but on-screen buttons on the ipod touch make my hands hurt. games that don't involve on-screen buttons can be a lot of fun though, but they're more like puzzle games and such, or stuff like Kitten Jump (which is fantastic and everyone with an iphone/ipod touch should own)

In my brainstorming for the next DS I thought that they'd want to bring a true emphasis to touch-only gaming by having minimal or no "real" buttons. It was my reasoning for a one screen/no hinge design as this would help reinforce the screen better for durability. But in my designs I kept running into the problem of having one's hand cover up the camera/mic when held vertically (in DS backwards compatibility mode) and it's just something I couldn't get over...nor do I think Nintendo or others would be able to either. I thought (with that design) that this would bring a focus to touch-only gaming since it's obvious Sony will (and Apple will continue to) use a touchscreen in their portables...so basically, my logic was that Nintendo had to do a "next-gen" touchscreen in order to compete.

But I remember someone making a post about buttons vs touch and how it's usually an either or thing so I've gone back on my one screen no hinge design and now I'm leaning towards one screen design with slide down button controls (like PSP go) so that at least it's there as an option. Together with what you said about on screen buttons causing cramping and how that would really be used as a major point (no buttons) of negativity when comparing the next DS to the next PSP, I've gone back on it.

Fourth Storm said:
Nintendo needs to keep physical buttons no matter what touchscreen technology they implement. If they don't, they are basically making the iphone/ipod touch their competitor, and you can be sure that as powerful DS2 will be when it comes out, the ipod that follows will be even more so. So will PSP2, which I don't see phasing out physical controls either. I also can't see third parties agreeing with such a move.

With the way the DS sold, there's no need abolish traditional controls. Games that are intended for the expanded audience simply don't use them and prompt the player to touch the screen to start.

You're right, my current brainstorming is headed towards a slide design. That way touch-only games could be played with the screen only and more traditional games (traditional games, DS B/C when held vertically, VC titles, etc.) could be played by sliding down the button controls from under the screen. Since the lower part of the unit would only be a D-Pad, 4 face buttons and 2 analog nubs then the slide screen on top would still be somewhat reinforced (better than a clamshell hinge anyways).

bmf said:
640x384 top screen, 512x384 bottom screen.

Okay...how in the HELL did you come up with that...please tell me 'cos I can't make sense of it at all. I at least gave reason behind my resolutions.

Are you saying simply double the pixels of the DS's top & bottom screens and make the top one slightly wider? I was worried that a 640x480 design would be too big, but yours would basically be DOUBLE that when the unit is opened!!! That's no longer a portable that's about 2 DSi XL's or 1 iPad...too much?
DrGAKMAN said:
Okay...how in the HELL did you come up with that...please tell me 'cos I can't make sense of it at all. I at least gave reason behind my resolutions.

Are you saying simply double the pixels of the DS's top & bottom screens and make the top one slightly wider? I was worried that a 640x480 design would be too big, but yours would basically be DOUBLE that when the unit is opened!!! That's no longer a portable that's about 2 DSi XL's or 1 iPad...too much?
Lots and lots of dots per inch. Keeping the clamshell makes sense. Doubling the resolution makes scaling a non-issue. If Tegra2 is the rumor, then a high resolution makes sense. The screens don't have to be huge - I would expect the unit to be DSi sized, but the resolution should be high.

If the system is in fact Tegra2, then it doesn't make sense to not compliment it fairly well.


kame-sennin said:
It's amazing that after all that has happened this gen, people STILL believe that technology is a driving factor in video game success. And in handhelds no less. How can anyone look at the history of the original Gameboy and now the DS and think that Nintendo has to be competitive with hardware specs? The only driving factors are software and interface. As long as Nintendo and 3rd parties are putting out strong software, and the interface can keep up, they'll maintain their lead.

If the software does slowdown, especially from third parties, then I could conceivably see Nintendo needing to upgrade.

There's a difference between technology being important indirectly and it not being important at all.

If Nintendo wants strong third-party support, and wants to be competitive against the PSP (to the 18-35 male demographic), then it will need to be graphically/technologically competitive.


bmf said:
Lots and lots of dots per inch. Keeping the clamshell makes sense. Doubling the resolution makes scaling a non-issue. If Tegra2 is the rumor, then a high resolution makes sense. The screens don't have to be huge - I would expect the unit to be DSi sized, but the resolution should be high.

If the system is in fact Tegra2, then it doesn't make sense to not compliment it fairly well.

So how would you feel about a 480x640 one screen design (with DS B/C done vertically)?


The Legend of BorkBork: BorkBorkity Borking
bmf said:
I look at release lists, and it feels like a massive software slowdown. It feels full of shovelware, late jrpgs, and handheld afterthoughts to big name console titles. Maybe some of these are going to be big sellers (well, the jrpgs obviously have some potential there) but none of it feels like the fresh list of titles we had 2-3 years ago. It feels like the end of a generation.

The DS has huge momentum right now, and while I think they could continue to sell lots of hardware for the next three years on little more than the strength of their back catalog, I also think that Nintendo would be missing an opportunity to carry their momentum into a new generation.

From a personal standpoint, there are more games this year that appeal to me than 2009. Easily. But that's obviously not the same as a commercial perspective though.


Ask me about the GAF Notebook
dallow_bg said:
Why not?

When there's just about nothing else out there, you can last ages.
See the original Gameboy which was old tech even when released, much like the DS.

What's forcing a DS2 considering the DS sales.

I REALLY want a DS2 though. :D

I'm not a smartphone guy, but if they do wait to long 3rd parties might move on to other platforms. Granted Nintendo games still sell fantastically and they have to be making mad cash on the hardware so they might not care. They don't need to do anything this year though, but they can't wait 5 damn years. Within 5 years there WILL be a PSP2 as well as an even bigger Apple App store along with a much beefier Android Marketplace. They are all coexisting now, but if they advance that far ahead tech wise in a few years without a Nintendo redo I don't see how devs won't want to go else where beyond the interface issue.

Plus unlike Nintendo alot of 3rd parties don't like to really milk multiple releases of major franchises on handhelds unless they are spinoffs or remakes. DQX won't be a DS title even though DQIX was for example.

That does factor in your DS is sort of killing itself cause it will get saturated and we won't see multiple releases of certain games like Mario Kart unlike say Pokemon. 2011 seems ripe for the PSP and DS to get sequels though. 2012 would honestly really be pushing it IMO with the tech increase in phones.
DrGAKMAN said:
So how would you feel about a 480x640 one screen design (with DS B/C done vertically)?
I personally like a bigger wider screen, but the twist screen idea presents many problems. It's hard (maybe expensive) to make structurally sound. I have a phone that does it. If it loses the clamshell design, it becomes less rugged and harder to protect the screen. The big plus shape is kind of odd, and may require dual sets of controls to accommodate both configurations. Last it adds to the width of the system with the wide screen and the buttons on either side. The DS Lite rides kinda large in my pocket. I think the DSi probably the largest size that I'd want to carry around in that manner.

I think a clamshell can accommodate higher resolution screens and still keep a small form factor.


bmf said:
I personally like a bigger wider screen, but the twist screen idea presents many problems. It's hard (maybe expensive) to make structurally sound. I have a phone that does it. If it loses the clamshell design, it becomes less rugged and harder to protect the screen. The big plus shape is kind of odd, and may require dual sets of controls to accommodate both configurations. Last it adds to the width of the system with the wide screen and the buttons on either side. The DS Lite rides kinda large in my pocket. I think the DSi probably the largest size that I'd want to carry around in that manner.

I think a clamshell can accommodate higher resolution screens and still keep a small form factor.

That was Shogmaster's "TS" design...not mine.

Mine was/is a slide screen (like the PSP go) with screen on top and controls underneith. That way you can have both traditional controls when slid open *and* touch-only controls (like iPhone/iPod Touch) when slid closed. I know a clamshell design is more preferable to most, but not a deal breaker. With a clamshell design the screen is less reinforced when opened, hinge's are sorta flimsy (especially when a screen get's too big), touch-only gaming isn't doable (especially since the screen isn't reinforced by the rest of the body of the unit) and the only other option is a swivel hinge (to flip the screen up for touch-only gaming or down for storage), but those are even less durable. Old GameBoy's, celphones and even today's PSP's & iPhone's have exposed screens...buy a damn case! My design will have "grooves" for a simple calculator like sheath to slide over the screen when not in use.


gerg said:
There's a difference between technology being important indirectly and it not being important at all.

If Nintendo wants strong third-party support, and wants to be competitive against the PSP (to the 18-35 male demographic), then it will need to be graphically/technologically competitive.

That sure helped them for the cube....
Seriously it's exactly what kame-sennin is saying.
You actually think that it's driven by tech and the rest is an after thought.
And why would they want the 18-35 male demographic when they can have all the rest of the gaiming population anyway?
If it will need the extra horsepower for anything, it will be to fully realize the new gameplay mechanics and game genres that may be introduced with this next generation DS. It doesn't need stunning graphics to be a great success.
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