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New York Magazine Cover: 35 Women Tell Their Stories About Being Assaulted by Cosby

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Running off of Custom Firmware
Is that empty seat reserved for Whoopi Goldberg?
I know that she's done an about-face about Cosby, but I wouldn't mind have her sitting in that chair, facing the other 35, and reacting to their stories.

Everyone needs to hear them.


This is terrible. A shame he is going to get away with it.

Also, I'm going to ask the question. Were they all white women?
Statute of limitations.

I think only 1 of the victims was still possibly within it for when it occurred, but it wasn't clear.

I am a complete layman when it comes to legal matters, but that just seems so ridiculous to me. Who cares how much time has passed when 30 people have given testimony to Cosby's crimes. A rational person would think the scale and magnitude of his crimes would be enough to override the statute of limitations.


Hopefully this piece of shit gets what's coming to him. And by that I mean being beaten within an inch of his life.


i really want an interview from him though. i bet all the reporters are stumbling over themselves to get one.

He's spoken multiple times since the allegations have come to their most recent light, and he just denies and acts confused. There's not gonna be anything pertinent coming from him, ever.


That is one chilling cover. Whoever came up with that idea certainly got the message across.

I commend all of these women for their courage to speak out about this after so many years of silence.


The Amiga Brotherhood
I am a complete layman when it comes to legal matters, but that just seems so ridiculous to me. Who cares how much time has passed when 30 people have given testimony to Cosby's crimes. A rational person would think the scale and magnitude of his crimes would be enough to override the statute of limitations.

Yeah, me too.

Seems to be different in the UK as well, as the police here investigated and charged people going back decades following the Jimmy Savile scandal which has many parallels with Cosby.
This cover makes plain why the conspiracy theorists claiming "attention seeking" or "gold digging" are people who should just have their opinions written off.


If we can't put Cosby in prison, I at least hope we can get rid of these "statue of limitations" laws. They're terrible, unnecessary, and prevent people like Cosby from going to jail.

This cover and these images are powerful. I hope they help victims in some way. I don't just mean victims of Cosby's. Even if the cover can just help a victim feel not alone in their pain... That's what I think about when I see that empty chair. That "you don't have to feel alone in your pain anymore." There's all these other people, of different ages and professions and races and locations, just like you.
scary to think he isn't in jail and probably never will be if it isn't at this point with this amount, which makes this kinda sad in a way too. "look how many accussers and nothings happened".

Deleted member 284

Unconfirmed Member
Rod from #TBGWT got it right; Cosby could very well be Americas most prolific rapist


listen to the mad man
If we can't put Cosby in prison, I at least hope we can get rid of these "statue of limitations" laws. They're terrible, unnecessary, and prevent people like Cosby from going to jail.

Statute (not "statue") of limitations laws exist because they recognize that merely beginning court proceedings against someone is itself prejudicial; it's painful for all involved, it's costly for both the state and people, and more importantly, the likelihood of securing a conviction is extremely low unless the jury behaves in a prejudiced way. The kind of evidence needed to secure a conviction beyond a reasonable doubt in any serious crime vanishes the longer the time horizon goes. DNA is not available; already unreliable eyewitness accounts (not whatsoever saying anything about the victims, but rather corroborating witnesses) become even more unreliable, key actors move away or die, dates become fuzzy, etc. Which puts the jury in an unenviable position of deciding whether a likely guilty man should go free, or if they ought to "stretch" to convict. The system is engineered to make it hard to make people go to jail because it's much worse to have innocent people to go to jail than guilty ones walk.

There may well be grounds for dropping statute of limitations in the case sexual assault, as many jurisdictions do in murder and other serious crimes, but the logic has to be stronger than "Here is a guilty guy. We're mad we can't prosecute him. Time to find a way to throw him in jail."


Tomorrow's NY Daily News

This cover makes plain why the conspiracy theorists claiming "attention seeking" or "gold digging" are people who should just have their opinions written off.

It's sad to see that many people don't believe their story. At least to coworkers at my job don't. One night I was scheduled to work with one of my coworker's, and he and another coworker talked about for a whole hour how the government framed Bill Cosby to keep black people in poverty. Their argument revolved around how Bill Cosby's comments about black people getting their act together brought fear from the government as it could incite some sort of black cultural revolution. However the government had to find a way to get the black community to turn against Bill Cosby. So they waited for years until a black comedian made a comment against Bill Cosby (he had to be black so that the black community would accept it as well as them fight against one another) and his previous rape accusation and then got the media to widely publicize it. The entire Bill Cosby drug rape thing is a government ploy to keep black America down.
Goddamn son. Haven't been paying too much attention to this, thought it was just a couple of women but this...fuck Cosby, how you manage to get scott free until last year is beyond me.
Jesus Christ.
I know this is going to sound weird...but 35 women, "I was like wow".
But then I actually saw the cover of those 35 women and my jaw dropped
It just kind of just hit me.
And to think Cosby almost got away with this.

The cover really does make you think. If someone like Cosby who was considered untouchable back in the 80s and 90s was doing despicable things, who are the celebs of today that are doing things like this & getting away with it because of their status? And who are those celebrities who did get away with their despicable things?

Old Hollywood, in particular, seems like one of those places where you could get away with anything as long as you were famous. Clark Gable got away with fathering a love child with his public reputation intact. I suppose the Hollywood of today is the same.


And to think Cosby almost got away with this.

The cover really does make you think. If someone like Cosby who was considered untouchable back in the 80s and 90s was doing despicable things, who are the celebs of today that are doing things like this & getting away with it because of their status? And who are those celebrities who did get away with their despicable things?

Old Hollywood, in particular, seems like one of those places where you could get away with anything as long as you were famous. Clark Gable got away with fathering a love child with his public reputation intact. I suppose the Hollywood of today is the same.

I like to that in today's internet age it is a lot harder for celebs and politicians to get away with shit like this.

At least, thats me being optimistic...


Is that empty seat reserved for Whoopi Goldberg?
I know that she's done an about-face about Cosby, but I wouldn't mind have her sitting in that chair, facing the other 35, and reacting to their stories.

Everyone needs to hear them.

I am so glad I'm not the only one who had this exact thought.

Sup, Whoopi. Take a seat.
I like to that in today's internet age it is a lot harder for celebs and politicians to get away with shit like this.

At least, thats me being optimistic...

I heard many actresses have to sleep with well-known producers and directors to star in films, shows and plays. I know it isn't the same thing, but there's still plenty of disgusting stuff that people in power are getting away with.


lt me say this much Women please ( I have never been and I am not saying it is easy) but please if something like this happens you have to go to the cops IMMEDIATELY. When you don't you just give that person a license to do it to someone else. I haven't been keeping up with the deatils of this story.... but about what time do we know of the first person he did this to and when is the last case we know of. NO person should hav egotten away with this for this long... idon't care if he is a celebrity and filthy rich.

Some did. How do you think a cop in the 80s and 90s is going to react to you saying, "Bill Cosby drugged me! And he raped me and left me in a hotel room to rot!"? How seriously do you think a criminal attorney is going to take you or the states' or federal DA office? Just read the reactions when the floodgates first started to open and for months afterward.

No one wants to think of Bill Cosby that way. Unless you're under 14, we all know how highly this man was sanctified. It's nothing short of a blessing and the changing of time that this story caught fire the way it has.
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