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Nintendo 3DS Price drop thread (169 USD, 15k yen, 250 AUD, ~£130, 169 EUR)


artwalknoon said:
Well, if that is the case, that was terrible management on Nintendo's part but even if true the 3ds is still lacking messaging between friends, chat or pictochat for friends online, the ability to organize the friend list, friend invites instead of 2 way friend codes, and a few other online things I'm sure I'm forgetting. To me these are pretty basic features that for as long as they're missing will at minimum create a negative perception of the 3ds' online capabilities/ecosystem/whatever.

Also it needs more 1st party games to take advantage of its supposedly very easy to set up and efficient online infrastructure.
Sure, but those are features that can still be added. I don't see any of the fundamental design flaws the Wii had, like the fact that there simply was no underlying, persistent operating system at all. 3DS has everything in place to realize an awesome online experience, now it's all up the firmware programmers.
Trurl said:
Lots of people saw it coming.

Early adopters (I am one) should be happy at this news. Regardless of the price drop paying $250 was a mistake, but at least now the system has a shot at long term viability.

Agreed. Nintendo getting aggressive like this is very good for the customers and the industry.

The shock of this announcement is the timing and how much Nintendo is willing to cut 3DS' price. They are not even going to wait for the holidays to make this move.
wsippel said:
Sure, but those are features that can still be added. I don't see any of the fundamental design flaws the Wii had, like the fact that there simply was no underlying, persistent operating system at all. 3DS has everything in place to realize an awesome online experience, now it's all up the firmware programmers.
Hate to say it, but the 3DS UI design IS a complete design flaw. Shit feels like 2002, seriously.


Mailenstein said:
Hate to say it, but the 3DS UI design IS a complete design flaw. Shit feels like 2002, seriously.
3DS' UI is pretty nice in my opinion. It's the features itself that are missing. But visually, I think it's pretty great.


Mailenstein said:
Hate to say it, but the 3DS UI design IS a complete design flaw. Shit feels like 2002, seriously.
Even that's just software. It's not like they etched it into the screen, right? ;)

Still, I don't think it's that bad. It's really mostly about features, or rather the lack thereof.
wsippel said:
Even that's just software. It's not like they etched it into the screen, right? ;)

Still, I don't think it's that bad. It's really mostly about features, or rather the lack thereof.
The whole thing is an evolved version of the DSi UI and it still feels and looks like it in many ways. They could've done it from scratch and way better tbh.


creamsugar said:
It's in the LTD column? Please see the "Actual Apr-June. '11" column.

Nintendo shipped a lot for launch, and then those didn't sell out. Therefore, only a marginal shipment was needed to keep stock levels up in the U.S.
velvet_nitemare said:
Man i remember the thread when this thing was announced. Pretty much everyone was sure this thing would be a monster right out the gate, being successor to the best selling handheld of all time and glassless 3D.

This news would blown minds if predicted back then.

You mean the news that is was going to be super over priced with no key first party launch titles and games $10 more than the DS? Yeah, no one drooling over the system then had any clue.


Mailenstein said:
The whole thing is an evolved version of the DSi UI and it still feels and looks like it in many ways. They could've done it from scratch and way better tbh.
Still doesn't matter in this context. I'm talking about system level stuff, not frontends. You know, stuff like how the Wii resets the system and reloads the operating system every time you start a channel, complete with network reset. Now that's a design flaw. Even worse, it's impossible to fix without breaking compatibility. That's what I mean by "broken by design". 3DS doesn't have those issues.


Mailenstein said:
Hate to say it, but the 3DS UI design IS a complete design flaw. Shit feels like 2002, seriously.
Really? Can you elaborate? To me its a fine UI more or less an evolution of the wii and dsi UI and not so dissimilar to a basic smart phone icon layout. Its nice, clean, and functional. The biggest issue is that its missing features.
All the people saying that the price should be lower are really showing their true colors.

If these posters were actually for real we would have heard the cries for $250 Xbox 360 models at launch or $300 PS3 launch models. None of those premium price consoles had the kind of library that justified $400-$600 for a launch but gaffers bought into it anyway.

If they can buy into the shitty ass launch library for the 360 and PS3 they can sure as hell buy into this for a quarter of the price.
Father_Brain said:
Eh. I'll judge that based on whether he actually follows through on his talk about DD, and whether their Wii U strategy reflects a realization that an overwhelmingly Japan-centric strategy is no real way to run an international company, among other factors.
Just wanted to chime in and say that I agree fully with this. I don't plan on buying into Nintendo's hardware and software if their strategy continues to focus primarily on the wants and needs of markets outside of the US.

It has made for terrible online networking, shitty online communities and a crippled hardware that was not compatible with the design philosophies of the Western game devs that now control a big piece of the console game pie.
BurntPork said:
No, I a- *sees angry stares*

Well, I'm the most bipolar.
I used to think that I was the craziest Nintendo fan lol.
wsippel said:
Still doesn't matter in this context. I'm talking about system level stuff, not frontends. You know, stuff like how the Wii resets the system and reloads the operating system every time you start a channel, complete with network reset. Now that's a design flaw. Even worse, it's impossible to fix without breaking compatibility. That's what I mean by "broken by design". 3DS doesn't have those issues.
Well sure, I got that part. Just wanted to point out things when talking about "design". I mean, it's not like I spend hours and hours surfing the menu, so if they can deliver the features that people are asking for, I will be fine. The chance is there.


ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
SolarPowered said:
I used to think that I was the craziest Nintendo fan lol.

You? When I was lurking I could have sword you were a Nintendo troll.
I guessed $225 for launch way back. I am sure the business says go 25 too high vs 25 too low.

They thought it was stronger on its own. DS would slow. Game library for the first 6 months couldn't of been this bad on the drawing board.
They got 3 months till the real fight for the future starts, holiday and Vita.
Have not done well in building the system up for that battle need to kick it up now. Price Cut. Educate the public better. Dump in cash to get the work at max to get some great games out for this year.


ViperVisor said:
They thought it was stronger on its own. DS would slow. Game library for the first 6 months couldn't of been this bad on the drawing board.
They got 3 months till the real fight for the future starts, holiday and Vita.
Have not done well in building the system up for that battle need to kick it up now. Price Cut. Educate the public better. Dump in cash to get the work at max to get some great games out for this year.
I don't think the real battle is with the vita I think its with a rapidly changing market. The new price definitely helps Nintendo tap into a wider consumer base but the question remains does the hardware itself have enough appeal for consumers and is the dedicated portable gaming market still as large as it was in the ds/gba days?


This Console just needs more games, that's all.
a price cut will help, a bit. But without any games, this system will never make profit.
When i'm looking at amazon.de i see only 30 games. 60% of these games are definitly "crap".


I know how Nintendo can turn the 3ds around. Make Animal Crossing 3ds an MMO. I mean Animal Crossing pretty much is an mmo life/farming sim without the mmo part and the 3ds is supposed to be really easy to do online stuff with given one cpu is dedicated to networking alone. Do it Nintendo, sales will skyrocket.
artwalknoon said:
I don't think the real battle is with the vita I think its with a rapidly changing market. The new price definitely helps Nintendo tap into a wider consumer base but the question remains does the hardware itself have enough appeal for consumers and is the dedicated portable gaming market still as large as it was in the ds/gba days?

Maybe. But if there is less hours to fill and so less $40 game purchases out there they have to fight for every one with Sony. They can't out-simple the impulse market. If it grows to a certain level then there can be only 1 in the dedicated portable market and that will probably be Nintendo even if it is not the sacred cash cow it once was, it will all be theirs.


Death Prophet
artwalknoon said:
I know how Nintendo can turn the 3ds around. Make Animal Crossing 3ds an MMO. I mean Animal Crossing pretty much is an mmo life/farming sim without the mmo part and the 3ds is supposed to be really easy to do online stuff with given one cpu is dedicated to networking alone. Do it Nintendo, sales will skyrocket.
It would be really nice if Nintendo expanded the online features, but I think they are scared news outlets will be all: "Nintendo allows online predators to connect with children" or some shit.


Fantastical said:
It would be really nice if Nintendo expanded the online features, but I think they are scared news outlets will be all: "Nintendo allows online predators to connect with children" or some shit.
Yeah, I'm not entirely sure why Nintendo has been so resistant to online gaming but they need to get on the bandwagon fast. Animal Crossing is just begging to be an mmo or at least have an mmo like community environment. But as I write this the 3ds still can't even send messages between registered friends, people who had to enter friend codes on both ends, so yeah, Nintendo+competent online=not happening, ever.


Actually, if there is one thing I absolutely adore about Nintendo (there are several in fact), it's that they haven't allowed their systems to be held captive by yearly released online multiplayer games.


Actually, if there is one thing I absolutely adore about Nintendo (there are several in fact), it's that they haven't allowed their systems to be held captive by yearly released online multiplayer games.

yes, their frequently released franchises tend to be more spread out and lack online ;)
Satchel said:
What was the price of the DS/DS Lite upon release?

Because in Australia, the 3DS isn't THAT far above what the DS/DS Lite launched at.
DS and DS Lite both launched for 200 in Aus, 3DS launched for 350 I'd say thats a huge difference. DSi however was launched for 300.


So, I'm sure this question has been asked many times before, but other than Zelda: OoT 3D, are there any other games out that make it worth considering picking one by September?


Speevy said:
Actually, if there is one thing I absolutely adore about Nintendo (there are several in fact), it's that they haven't allowed their systems to be held captive by yearly released online multiplayer games.
Not a problem, I'm fine with one mario kart per gen if it had a great and deep online system. I'm fine with one animal crossing per gen, but again it needs that flushed out online component. Having a great online system doesn't automatically mean it will become a yearly iteration, Nintendo has never operated that way. But in the online department they seriously need to catch up to industry standards. And if part of the issue is how to be profitable with a free online experience they can introduce micro-transactions into a game like animal crossing easily. As long as its well managed and not a rip off long time fans wouldn't complain.


hEist said:
This Console just needs more games, that's all.
a price cut will help, a bit. But without any games, this system will never make profit.
When i'm looking at amazon.de i see only 30 games. 60% of these games are definitly "crap".
The problem here is not that there are no games, because there are. The problem is that the best games has already been played by many of us.

To have games like Super Street Figther IV 3D, Zelda Ocarina Of Time 3D, Ridge Racer 3D, Dead or Alive Dimensions, etc, within 6 month after the systems launch is awesome, really. But, yeah, the games aren't really new and fresh, are they?

That's the problem. IMO

Personally I've had tons of fun with Zelda OoT 3D, it's really fantastic, better than anything I have on the other consoles right now.
- BUT... I only played it until I gt to the Temple of Time back in the days on the N64, I stopped playing after I had been big (and lost all my equipment, which was a killer for me back then).
So for me it's pretty much a completely new game. And to top it off, it looks awesome now, it plays amazing, it's fun, a milestone in gaming really, and I've never played it before, kind of.

My missus ain't quite as impressed though since she has played through OoT like 10 times or even more on the N64. But I'm pretty sure that those who are in my shoes won't complain about the quiality of the games on the 3DS. OoT is way too great.

Not to forget though. The 3DS is back compatible with the DS. And out of the 15 games we bought "for the 3DS" this summer we only have 3 3DS games, the rest are DS games. (never had a DS)

Cygnus X-1

ShockingAlberto said:
Parish wrote a good article and, as he often does, finished it off with something that made me pause after I closed the window.


I haven't had time to browse forums this morning to gauge the Internet's reaction to news that the Nintendo 3DS will be dropping in price to $169 -- a demoralizing price cut of roughly 40% a mere four months after the system's debut. But I can already guess what I'd see if I were to look: People dancing on the premature grave they've dug for the system (or for Nintendo); people celebrating failure; people mockingly tossing around terms like "bomba" and "epic fail."

These same people are ostensibly fans of the medium. Supposedly, they love video games. But anyone who proclaims to be a fan of gaming yet celebrates this massive concession to market pressure by Nintendo is -- pardon my French -- a total idiot. The troubles that the 3DS faces now are part of a much bigger malaise that threatens to choke the life from the medium you love. Do you think PS Vita is going to fare much better in the U.S.? Do you think Wii U and PlayStation 4 and Xbox Whateverthehelltheycallit are going to have better luck when they launch? I have my doubts. The fizzling of the 3DS is another sign that what you think of as "real" games are heading out to pasture, and that at the current rate the entire market will consist entirely of free-to-play multiplayer games, hyper-linear military-themed first-person shooters, Facebook games, and the latest flavor of flash-in-the-pan music/dance hit being milked to death as quickly as possible by whichever publisher was lucky enough to stumble onto it. That's not really cause for celebration.

Right now, Zynga has the highest theoretical market value of any game publisher -- in fact, I've seen a Zynga IPO estimated at $20 billion, which I'd guess is roughly the value of the rest of the games industry rolled into one. Meaning the best way to rake in money with video games is currently to build a Skinner box bearing a superficial resemblance to a game in order to annoy every high school acquaintance who friended you on FaceBook. Viva the future, eh?


And if you think the idea of this cut presaging tough times ahead for games is some kind of Chicken Little alarmism... well, you haven't been talking to publishers lately like I have. It's a gloomy time in this here industry, folks.

He also discusses the free games as a retro game fan.

I'm glad I'm not the only moron who see things this way. The industry as we know it is slowly collapsing.
Andrex said:
You? When I was lurking I could have sword you were a Nintendo troll.

I've been in a lot of the smaller niche game threads for Nintendo games like Muramasa, DS:E, Little King's story(barely lol), I was regular part of the pokemon threads too.

I was just frustrated as fuck with Nintendo's direction and voiced my opinion quite a bit before they locked WiiU discussion into the megathread. Hell, I think I've traded pokemon with you...



ὁ αἴσχιστος παῖς εἶ
SolarPowered said:

I've been in a lot of the smaller niche game threads for Nintendo games like Muramasa, DS:E, Little King's story(barely lol), I was regular part of the pokemon threads too.

I was just frustrated as fuck with Nintendo's direction and voiced my opinion quite a bit before they locked WiiU discussion into the megathread. Hell, I think I've traded pokemon with you...


I said when I was lurking, so right after the Wii came out I believe.

But my memory is total crap lately it seems so probably disregard what I say.


Cygnus X-1 said:
I'm glad I'm not the only moron who see things this way. The industry as we know it is slowly collapsing.

Despite that I like the 3DS, my take on the hand held market is still that both the 3DS and PSVita will eventually fail, big time.

The reason is: Apple.

Long gone are the days when casual gamers were picking up a DS to play while waiting for the bus. That just ain't happening anymore. The casuals play on their iPhones instead. Buying games for $0.99 instead of $40. And the casual gamers were a BIG part of the hand held market.

And I have no idea what Nintendo and Sony could do to change this. Having great hardware and cater to the hardcore market won't work. That market is too small. Especially since most hardcore gamers rather play Uncharted on a 50" flat screen TV than a tiny hand held screen, which makes the market for those type of games even smaller.

I hope they'll find a way though.
The industry is NOT collapsing.
Zynga will be traded with a value that it doesn't simply have. Do you think it's a good thing? Well... And I'm still waiting software houses to put huge efforts on iOS devices as they've always did on consoles.
Andrex said:
I said when I was lurking, so right after the Wii came out I believe.

But my memory is total crap lately it seems so probably disregard what I say.
Yeah, I was not on Gaf yet when the Wii came out, but I do remember being on joystick and losing my mind when I heard the name lol.

Too much Pokemon on the brain? I think so...
artwalknoon said:
Really? Can you elaborate? To me its a fine UI more or less an evolution of the wii and dsi UI and not so dissimilar to a basic smart phone icon layout. Its nice, clean, and functional. The biggest issue is that its missing features.

I'm fine with the look of it, but there's some weirdness. Why are the Mii features spread over three different places? Like, your favorite color is in one place, favorite game is in another, and then your friend code is up top in a small orange square smiley face. What about that icon says that it's home to all my friends and online identity? Speaking of, the friend code is in one place, but the online features/settings are somewhere else.

The StreetPass vs SpotPass stuff was confusing at first. Different settings, but the messages appear the same (although different colors). Why can't the Street Pass app (w/ the games and puzzles) just have an "Options" menu, so all StreetPass stuff can be done through that app? And all SpotPass done through the Internet menu, which would also list your friends and codes and that stuff. And all the Mii stuff in one app.


Nonoriri said:
But it is.
Huh, so it is. When did that drop? At 3DS launch? Last time I checked it was still $129 or whatever. Still, it took almost seven years for it to hit that price point. That seems like an awfully long time to wait over $69. Eh, to each their own I guess.
artwalknoon said:
Really? Can you elaborate? To me its a fine UI more or less an evolution of the wii and dsi UI and not so dissimilar to a basic smart phone icon layout. Its nice, clean, and functional. The biggest issue is that its missing features.
I actually already did. The thing feels like a DSi with added features UI wise. Every application feels like it's on it's own, seperated from the other ones. It may be just me, but I don't see or feel any crossconnection between applications and the whole system doesn't feel like it's designed to deliver any kind of online experience, beside shopping games which I already could on the DSi. I'm pretty much missing any improvement in this area. What is that friends list good for at this point? To see what people are playing and to read their favourite catchphrase? Hey, that guy is playing the same game atm and it's capable of online multiplayer! How can I message him? Internet or phone. I mean c'mon, seriously. I don't need features which don't add anything to my gaming experience at all.
And as long as we're talking about the 3DS UI, I want folders. I want to put all the non-gaming Nintendo stuff in one giant folder. Nintendo video, Mii Maker, the Health Warning, etc.
Has this been posted???

Aim is to combine social and real networks, synergise and maximise, aiming for new software this fy and next

For 3ds and wiiu we are strongly aiming on digital side

Plan very soon to announce strategy for combination of digital and packaged and synergy between the two

some guy tweeted iwatas press conference

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