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No Man's Sky - Atlas Rises |OT| Nada, Polo and you no longer fly solo


The Cryptarch's Bane
The No Man's Sky Wiki is quite well-done and being rapidly updated. Check it our for deeper dives into any of these topics.

See anything to correct here please send me a PM and I will verify and correct it. Thank you!

I used the PS4 buttons below.

One tiny bit of general advice: Take it slow. There's no right way to play. Don't panic. ;)


Table of Contents

Looking for something? CTRL + F
If you are brand new, start with the "On-foot Navigation" stuff IMO.

1: The Quick Menu

2: The Build Menu

3: Navigation

4: Scanning and Discoveries

5: Currency

6: Common Resources

7: Space Stations

The Quick Menu

The Quick Menu, which was added after launch, is crucial to getting the most out of the game without interrupting your "flow" as you play. It is accessed by pressing D-pad Down, then D-pad Left or Right to choose an option.

  • Recharge/repair depleted or broken systems, technology, and weapons for your suit/multitool/ship.
  • Access Photo Mode to take screenshots.
  • In space, access the Galaxy Map.
  • On foot, turn on and off a torch/flashlight.
  • Summon your freighter, if you have one. You can do this on foot (to put it in orbit above your current planet) or in space, as long as it is not in proximity to interfering objects.
  • On foot, summon your ship, as long as it has sufficient launch thruster fuel. More on this below under "On foot Navigation."
  • In Exocraft (land vehicles), select different technologies and scan for targets.
The Build Menu

Also added post launch, the Build Menu allows you to construct various objects on the surface of a planet that can aid exploration and have other effects. It is accessed by pressing D-pad Up, then D-pad Left or Right to choose an option.

The basic build options available all take only small amounts of common resources. They are:
  • Communications Station. This is a flavor item that simply allows you to leave a message of your choice in plain text. Visitors to your planet will be able to access and read this message in the exact spot you built it.
  • Save Point. Self-explanatory.
  • Signal Booster. This is the most valuable item you can build. After crafting it, you can search for one of the following:
    -The Resource Deposit option reveals the position of an uncommon/rare mineral deposit.
    -The Monolithoption reveals the location of a Monolith. These can increase racial standing and teach words, as well as
    locate Portals in exchange for racial influence items.
    -The Habitable Base option reveals the position of an empty base.
    -The Drop Pod option reveals the position of a Drop Pod- allowing you to upgrade the number of exosuit slots you have. (NOTE: Cargo slots are currently broken and cannot be added; do not select this option until fixed).​

Getting around in NMS can be thought of having five orders of magnitude:

On-foot: manuevering around the surface of a planet on your feet and with a jetpack
Exocraft: using land vehicles to get around on the surface of a planet
In-atmosphere: traveling in your ship above the surface of a planet
Intrasystem: traveling in space within a system, i.e. between planets, space stations and freighters
Interstellar: traveling between star systems

We'll start from the simplest- on foot- to the most complex.

Getting around the surface of a planet is mostly straightforward, but here are some tips that can make the experience much more enjoyable:

  • Learn to Boost Dash early on and never forget it. This technique is accomplishing by sprinting, hitting the melee jumping, and holding down your jetpack boost during the melee animation. You can pulse the jetpack boost to get more airtime rather than holding it down continuously.

    -Is fun AF.
    -Dramatically improves your on-foot traversal speed.
    -Can allow you to cross chasms you would ordinarily need to climb down into and back.
    -Is essential for running and hiding from Sentinels.​

    Jetpack upgrades can be thought of as direct upgrades to the Boost Dash, as they will give you longer in-air momentum.
  • When against a sheer vertical cliff or surface of any kind, your jetpack boost meter does not drain. You can ascend/climb indefinitely to get out of pits, etc. Just keep holding toward the wall.
  • As long as you are within a certain range, you can transfer items from your Exosuit inventory menu to your ship inventory (and back), which supports larger stacks of most resources. When your Exosuit is full, you can transfer to continue mining/gathering, and if you are not in range you do not need to return all the way to your ship but just the boundary of this range (0:30) to be able to transfer goods.
  • Hazard Protection, which is recharged with Zinc or craftable shielding shards/plates made with common resources, protects you from heat, radiation, cold and toxicity. There are multiple levels of exosuit upgrades to made the protection last longer against each of these hazards. Once you know the blueprint for these upgrades, you can dismantle and craft them again at any time, so consider whether the inventory space may be more valuable until hitting a particularly harsh planet, upon which you can recraft the necessary protection. Some planets, including Paradise planets, require no Hazard Protection at all. Others have intense storms which can drain unupgraded Hazard Protection in seconds.
  • Life Support, which is recharged with Isotopes or craftable Power Gel, can be thought of as your exosuit's support of your body to prevent fatigue. It is not consumed to any extent while in your ship in-atmosphere, in exocraft, or while standing still, but is consumed on any planet when walking, and especially sprinting, boosting, and falling. There are various upgrade levels to improve the length of time your Life Support will last before needing to be recharged. Some planets with gentle Atmospheres, including Paradise planets, will drain Life Support at much slower levels. Others with less forgiving atmospheres will drain your Life Support much faster as a representation of your exosuit combating the higher gravity.
  • The ability to summon your ship from anywhere with the Quick Menu is incredibly valuable to safely exploring on foot without fear of having to make a treacherous return walk or getting hopelessly lost. Your ship must be loaded with enough Plutonium to take off. However, if it is empty, remember that you can transfer Exosuit contents to your ship- so you only need to survive/traverse back into transfer range, feed your ship the Plutonium, and summon it.

Without getting into too much detail here, if you follow the base building progression you will gain the ability to create multiple land vehicles, called exocraft. The controls for them are fairly straightforward, so here are just a couple of basic notes:

  • Acceleration and braking are the same as in-ship controls. Turning is controlled by camera heading (right stick).
  • The Nomad (small, light exocraft) can cruise over water/liquid.
  • Boost by holding the X button. When facing vertically, i.e. against a cliff face, this can be used to shoot you out of a chasm.

As of 1.3, ships are additionally maneuverable and practical to fly above the surface, but you can damage your shields by colliding with geometry and large creatures as well.

Basic ship controls are as follows:
  • Hold R2 to use slow thrusters, good for precise corrections.
  • L2 brakes and can slow your ship to a near-hover.
  • Hold Circle to boost- this is the fastest in-atmosphere travel available. Your ship is still highly manuerable while boosting, but turning radius is lessened.
  • L1/R1 to rotate (or do a barrel roll).
  • Hold Square to land. You can initiate landing at any speed/orientation as long as you are not to high and the landing zone is unobstructed.
As of 1.3, your ship can mine resources and kill creatures while flying in-atmo. Mining is best done with the Phase Beam; pulse the button to avoid overheating. This is particularly valuable for the giant pillars/eggs of minerals found on surfaces that can be easily seen from high altitudes. Killing creatures from your ship is likewise valuable for (the highly cruel and unusual) extermination missions.


Flying around space within a system uses largely the same controls as flying in-atmophere, with two exceptions:
  • R1 + L1 to Pulse Jump. This is the fastest method of non-FTL travel in the game. Your Pulse engine is fueled by Iron (abundantly found in asteroid fields in space and all rocks on planets).
    -L2 to exit Pulse at any time.
    -During a Pulse Jump, you cannot turn, ascend/descend or otherwise alter your heading at all.
    -The best way to Pulse Jump toward a specific destination is to put its icon in your crosshair, and initiate the jump. Your ship will autosteer you the best it can to the correct point for this destination. This is particular useful for on-planet POIs that are far from your currently location on the planet. Fly back up into space, put the icon in your crosshair, and jump- when you reenter the atmosphere you will be very close (typically around 1 minute of boost travel) away.
    -During a Pulse Jump you may be scanned by pirates and then pulled out of your jump to be attacked (in Sci-Fi terms, this is known as "interdiction.") If you clear enough distance from the pirates locally, you can initate another jump. Or, boost toward any nearby planet, space station or open freighter to safety. Additionally, if you are scanned while in space but not Pulse Jumping, you have until the scan completes to initiate a jump. Sometimes this headstart will be enough to get you safely away from the pirates.
  • Left and Right on the D-pad will select/cycle hostile targets. (I'm not positive but I believe this is relevant for firing Rockets) On a planet, using this can apparently reveal nearby crashed ships.
A couple of additional notes:
  • If you own a Freighter, and are making frequent rapid trips between the surface and space- say, strip-mining a planet and selling off at the system space station- consider instead summoning your Freighter into orbit above the planet and trading with captains that enter it to cut down on valuable intrasystem travel time and risk of being pirated.
  • Remember that Photo Mode can be used in space.

Because of the vast distances between star systems, Interstellar travel can only be done via "jumping" or "warping," which is essentially the sci-fi trope of Faster-than-Light (FTL) travel. All of the in-game recipes, components and upgrades regarding the "Hyperdrive" concern this level of travel.

Manuevering at this level is all done via the Galactic Map, accessed via the Quick Menu. This map is feature-packed and a bit difficult to navigate at first, but extremely useful.

The most important aspect to keep in mind when using the Galactic Map is which Path you are on. To switch between the available Paths, press Left or Right on the D-pad.

Available paths will include some or all of the following:
  • Atlas Path. This puts you on a path to the nearest Atlas Station system, necessary for story quests.
  • Galactic Core. This puts you on a path following the best possible linear jumps you can make toward the center of the galaxy.
  • Black Hole. This puts you on a path toward a nearby detected Black Hole. Jumping through a Black Hole will transport you to a random system that is closer to the center of the galaxy, but not in a linear path. Using Black Hole travel is the quickest route to the center, but ship systems are damaged any time you fly through one, and it prevents the ability to easily warp back to previous systems since you may be incredibly far away from your previous system despite being closer to the center. With the ability to own Freighters and multiple ships, you can have a secondary ship in your hangar to use solely for Black hole travel and save on repair costs rather than constantly damaging your primary ride. Also see Black Hole Roulette for a method of cutting down on travel time to specific destinations across the galaxy.
  • Current Mission. This puts you on a path to the system containing the objective for your current selected mission, if any.
  • Custom Waypoint. This puts you on a path to the system that you have marked with a Custom Waypoint. You can mark a system by pressing Square with it selected in the Galactic map, or by press A on its name in the Discoveries menu (for already-visited systems).
  • Free Explore. This removes any path, allowing you to view your possible jumps to all nearby systems.
When you first enter the Galaxy Map, the system you are currently in is selected. If you are on one of the path options, the Right Stick will move you along this path to the next system you can jump to in order to follow that path. With a path selected, you can only move two directions with the Right Stick: forward and backward. In Free Explore mode, you can point the right stick in any direction to path toward that system.

If you press Circle, you will deselect your current system.
You can now roam freely about the map, panning with the Left Stick and rotating with the Right Stick. Whatever system is closest to the center of your screen will be selectable. Press X to select a system. Press Square to set a waypoint, or hold X to warp. Bear in mind that some systems will be out of your hyperdrive max range, and some systems require specific hyperdrive upgrades to visit even if you are within their range.

At any point, with no system selected, press Circle again to return to your current system.

Pressing L3 will scan for nearby systems of interest. The results can be browsed by pressing L1. These can include Black Holes, and most notably, "Contact"- a system that has been previously discovered/explored by another player.

You can also Filter all systems on the map by pressing Up and Down on the D-pad. Filters include: dominant species (Gek/Vy'keen/Korvax), economy type, and conflict level. However, these filters require scanner technology upgrades to your ship before they are selectable.
Scanning and Discoveries

The Discoveries menu, accessible from the Options button, shows all of the Systems, Planets, Fauna, Flora, and Waypoints you have discovered. Mineral/rock formations can also be discovered but are not logged on this menu.

First, System, Planet and Waypoint discovery: Systems are discovered simply by entering them, and planets are discovered by landing and exiting your ship. Waypoints on planets are discovered by simply walking close enough to the save beacon on that planet.

All other kinds of Discoveries must be scanned. Scanning can also give you useful general information about your surroundings.

There are three distinct forms of scanning- your Starship Scanner used in your ship, your Analysis Visor used on foot, and the Exocraft Signal Booster.

Starship Scanner

The Starship Scanner is usable in your ship by pressing R3.

It has somewhat different effects depending on context:
  • In open space with nothing under the crosshair, it may detect and place specific POIs on a planet (such as an abandoned building).
  • In open space, with a planet under the crosshair, it will give you a brief analysis of the planet including its Biome/potential hazards, and some of the resources that can be found on it.
  • In-atmosphere, it will mark unknown POIs (green question marks). However, these may be far away from your current location and will disappear if you leave atmo, limiting the usefulness of this scan.
Analysis Visor

The Analysis Visor is only used on foot and has two functions:
  • Pressing R3 does an area scan around you, marking resources with icons for a brief time. This is extremely useful for finding basic resources for survival and takeoff- marked with common element abbreviations- as well as deposits of more valuable resources and even technology caches and knowledge stones (which teach you alien words).
  • Holding L2 activates the scanning visor and analyzes whatever is under your crosshair. While active, you can also zoom with R3. You must hold the target under your crosshair until the bar fills for discovery to occur.

    -Scanning undiscovered flora, fauna, and rock formations this way will instantly give you a small number of Units and add the two former categories to your Discoveries menu. From this menu, you can rename and upload these discoveries to the Atlas (at which point, other players visiting the planet would be unable to "discover" them again, and they will see what you named them). This provides an additional Unit bonus per upload. In the case of fauna, uploading all species on a planet rewards a huge Unit bonus.
    -Scanning both flora and rock formations can reveal secondary resources within, so it is always a good idea to scan before mining/gathering. The secondary resources found in certain targets cannot be found anywhere else on the planet.
    -Creatures may be scanned alive or dead. Flying creatures are most easily scanned by gaining as much height as possible, or shooting down one of the specimens to scan.​
Upgrades are available to (at least) increase the amount of Units obtained when uploading discovered fauna and flora.

Exocraft Signal Booster

The Exocraft Signal Booster must be crafted, and can then be selected from the Quick Menu while in an Exocraft. It enables you to search for various items of interest depending on installed upgrades, including: resource deposits, Depots, Drop Pods, Abandoned Buildings, Ruins, and Monoliths.


There are two major currencies in NMS: Units and Nanite Clusters.

  • Units are used to buy resources, crafting components and trade commodities, as well as to purchase new ships and Freighters.

    Units can be earned by scanning and uploading discoveries, selling goods, killing pirates/bounties, in small quantities from interactive objects in buildings, and as mission rewards.
  • Nanite Clusters are used to buy technology blueprints from space station NPCs, and potentially other non-trade items. Unlike Units, Nanite Clusters are an inventory item, and stack up to 250 in your exosuit, 500 in your ship, and 1000 in Freighters and Storage Containers.

    Nanite Clusters can be earned by searching abandoned shelters and outposts on planets, succeeding at NPC interactions, feeding certain animals (which will lead you to a buried object that yields them), searching damaged machinery, destroying sentinels. destroying Freighter cargo containers (be warned, doing this will cause you to be attacked as a pirate), in small quantities from interactive objects in buildings, and by trading Gek Relics, Korvax Casings, and Vy'keen Effigys to the respective race.
Common Resources

This is just a list of some basic resources, why you need them, and where to find them.

Several technologies that need to be recharged can use any element from a given category:

Oxides: Iron, Zinc, Titanium
Silicates: Heridium, Platinum, Chrysonite
Isotopes: Carbon, Thamium9, Plutonium

Below are some specific elements and their uses (outside of crafting) along with the easiest way to acquire them. These are the ones that you basically want to have a couple of stacks of on hand to get around the universe.
  • Iron is used to recharge ship shields and your Pulse Engine. It is found in huge amounts in asteroid fiels in space, and all rock formations on planets.
  • Plutonium is used to recharge Launch Thrusters, and is found in red crystals scattered about the surface of all planets. It shows up during a basic scan on foot as Pu.
  • Thamium-9 is used to recharge Life Support and Multi-tool technologies. It is found in asteroid fields in space, and in red flowers on planets. It shows up on a basic scan on foot as Th.
  • Zinc is used to recharge Hazard Protection, and is found in yellow plants in planets. It shows up on a basic scan on foot as Zn.
  • Platinum is a common component in many crafting recipes and is found in blue plants on planets. It shows up in a basic scan on foot as Pt.
  • Corprite can be found by feeding many creatures, who will then "produce" it for you. It can also be farmed. Spoiler alert: this is poop. As in coprolite.
  • Mordrite can be found by killing creates. "Mord" and similar constructions is the word for "death" in Latin-derived langauges (as found in the English word "mortician").
Most other basic resources are found in huge deposits in either sunken well-like formations, pillars, or egg-shaped rocks on planetary surfaces, and huge egg-shaped rocks and sharp colorful crystals in asteroid fields. Various resources can also be obtained by dismantling existing technology (for example on a a crashed ship), or similar purchased through trade.

A note on Hyperdrive fuel resources: once you have a acquired an AtlasPass v1, the red cyclindrical canisters you see scattered on the ground near planetary outposts can be opened and always contain hyperdrive materials, up to and including antimatter outright. Remembering to stop on a planet and open these every so often can keep your ship fueled for many jumps even if you don't spend much time planetside otherwise.

Space Stations

There is a single space station in every system throughout the galaxy. Here's what you have access to in each:


This is where you start when you land. You can use this as a ship showroom if you're in the market for a new ship. You can also trade with these captains and they may have different sell prices and inventories available than the system trading network.

Other than that there's not much here.

Right Wing

Facing into the Hangar, on the right:
  • A group of NPCs; increase race standing, get rewards, learn words, etc.
  • The Gek Overseer to begin Base Building
  • A galactic trade network terminal. From this you can access both your exosuit and ship inventory to buy and sell.
  • An NPC blueprint trader; accepts Nanite Clusters.
Left Wing

Facing into the Hangar, on the left:
  • More random NPCs
  • A teleportation unit to return to Base/Home Planet.
  • A mission NPC; quests available based on standing with each race.


How do I get out of the terrain manipulator? Some Alien gave it to me (first alien I saw) but I need to mine crap! I cant figure out how to move back to the beam.


The Cryptarch's Bane
How do I get out of the terrain manipulator? Some Alien gave it to me (first alien I saw) but I need to mine crap! I cant figure out how to move back to the beam.
haha awesome, that'll be triangle on PS4 I believe? It's Y for me on a 360 pad

E92 M3

I really like this screenshot:



I never got this game, due to the disappointing initial reviews. It's on sale right now (Steam) for $24. After this update, I'm seeing a lot of positive reviews. You guys think it's worth it now for someone who never bought in on release?

Van Bur3n

What do I do with this night crystal? I got it out of a container and it says its a technology component. I've read up its extremely rare but has no actual use. Has it gotten a use with the new update? Do I just sell it? Can I eat it?

I never got this game, due to the disappointing initial reviews. It's on sale right now (Steam) for $24. After this update, I'm seeing a lot of positive reviews. You guys think it's worth it now for someone who never bought in on release?

I was very skeptical of getting it as well even at its current price because, you know, it's NMS. I eventually bit the bullet and bought it because the price was too good to pass up. Even as it was downloading I was immediately feeling regret but as soon as I started playing it grew on me quite fast. I'd say get it.
How's the PC performance these days? What sort of framerates can I expect to get with an RX 480, i5-4460 and 12gb memory on maximum graphics?


I was very skeptical of getting it as well even at its current price because, you know, it's NMS. I eventually bit the bullet and bought it because the price was too good to pass up. Even as it was downloading I was immediately feeling regret but as soon as I started playing it grew on me quite fast. I'd say get it.

Haha okay thanks. I was looking forward to a quiet chill game and explore planets but scarred from the initial outcry.
Someone on Steam just posted that you can scan for nearby crashed ships.

He says "hit '1' and select targets with 1,2,3 while dogfighting".

He goes on to say

"if you are nearby a crashed ship, hit 1 and a hologram and indicator will appear on your ship panel"

Apparently its the dpad on a controller.

Anyone make sense of that???


Someone on Steam just posted that you can scan for nearby crashed ships.

He says "hit '1' and select targets with 1,2,3 while dogfighting".

He goes on to say

"if you are nearby a crashed ship, hit 1 and a hologram and indicator will appear on your ship panel"

Apparently its the dpad on a controller.

Anyone make sense of that???

I'm pretty sure I did this in the beginning of the game and forgot about it. The number keys target nearby ships and it will pick up crashed ships if you're near one. Pretty sure that's how I found my current ship.
Pretty sure I just got my first quest bug.

Overseer wants two voltaic cells to build some weapons. I have two in my inventory. He keeps just doing the random npc chatter tho.



So my Atlas Path just seems to have stopped.

Found one and couldn't interact with it, but maybe I revisited a previous one?

Should I just head coreward until I run into Polo and Nada again?

Pretty sure I just got my first quest bug.

Overseer wants two voltaic cells to build some weapons. I have two in my inventory. He keeps just doing the random npc chatter tho.


Try selecting that entry from your Log, and that should make the quest update, and bring the marker up on the Overseer.


As a mission reward I got like 3 Six-pronged decouplers. I'm sure these are needed for something, someday, probably... but really should I just be selling this shit right now?

All the doo-dads and googaws that aren't like, directly related to repairing a downed ship or something...
I've put maybe 20 or 30 hours into the game on normal, but have not played for nearly a year. Should I just restart to enjoy the update properly?

I've been thinking the same thing. With all the new stuff they've added in this update and the ones before, it's probably better to restart a new campaign.

I don't even remember where I left off, or how the game even controls/operates. I don't even remember what I was actually on the path to doing before.

For those playing the game with all the new content and updates, is this more in-line with what your expectations originally had for this game?


Just saw the new Quidditch ship at my local Space Station, and that shit is hot fire. MUST own one now.

Just started digging into missions and I like the overlapping you can do and the number you can get at a time. Seems a good way to build yourself up.

Also, anyone use a Cyclotron Ballista as a weapon on their ship? Just got a blueprint for it, but haven't built it yet.
I haven't seen this thread leave the first page.


Guys, we've finally made it. *Wipes tear*

Back on topic. Has anyone had a bug with resources like Emeril showing to be worth less than they actually are? I was doing some mining just a few moments ago and Emeril was saying that it was worth only 27,500 units for the stack of 250 (Typically it is 68,750). I thought they had just nerfed the hell out of it, but when I took it to the space station it was worth the normal amount. Wasn't able to replicate the bug with anything else though, I just tried it on Gold and that was fine.


Gold Member
I've been thinking the same thing. With all the new stuff they've added in this update and the ones before, it's probably better to restart a new campaign.

I don't even remember where I left off, or how the game even controls/operates. I don't even remember what I was actually on the path to doing before.

For those playing the game with all the new content and updates, is this more in-line with what your expectations originally had for this game?

If you already bought this initially you're definitely the best candidates to enjoy this now COMPLETE game. I sure do
I started a new game and the first planet went really well, found lots of cool stuff, fixed my ship in record time, and picked up an A class mining tool gratis.

Then I remembered... oh no, I never activated that beacon thing at the very start of the game, where that red orb comes out and says something about "ITERATION ######". Is that important? Can I somehow find it again?


So my Atlas Path just seems to have stopped.

Found one and couldn't interact with it, but maybe I revisited a previous one?

Should I just head coreward until I run into Polo and Nada again?

Try selecting that entry from your Log, and that should make the quest update, and bring the marker up on the Overseer.

Have you been following the Awakenings story? I had a couple of things feel broken but then they started working when I got to the appropriate place in the story.

I'm just following that now. Not going to do anything 'off the beaten path' until the bug fixes hit. Learned that the hard way after moving my base, lol.


I started a new game and the first planet went really well, found lots of cool stuff, fixed my ship in record time, and picked up an A class mining tool gratis.

Then I remembered... oh no, I never activated that beacon thing at the very start of the game, where that red orb comes out and says something about "ITERATION ######". Is that important? Can I somehow find it again?

It starts the Atlas path. You'll get plenty of chances to start it don't worry. Atlas basically stalks you, lol.
Just spent probably 20 minutes mining a huge deposit of gold and then I just fell through the world.

This used to happen frequently if you got greedy and tried to mine to the very bottom of the mineral deposit. Strange how some old bugs are returning. Not sure if that's what you did, but it's always good to pay it forward and leave that last bit for another sucker to fall through.
I started a new game and the first planet went really well, found lots of cool stuff, fixed my ship in record time, and picked up an A class mining tool gratis.

Then I remembered... oh no, I never activated that beacon thing at the very start of the game, where that red orb comes out and says something about "ITERATION ######". Is that important? Can I somehow find it again?
I've been playing all summer and I don't know what this is :O

Do you mean when you find your crashed ship and the pod asks you if you want to follow the Atlas path or if you just want to freely explore the universe? If so, you can start that again later at any time (via a 'Space Anomaly')... Though I've never tried it personally hehe.
Just hired a Gek overseer and I can't give him the damn platinum he has asked for.
Have you tried teleporting out of your home base and back to it? I had some trouble with that, too... I kept getting the response you get when you don't have the quest complete mats. Either that or are you sure the Platinum is in your inventory? If it's in your ship maybe you're parked slightly too far away. It should work though, even on a pre-1.3 base.


The Cryptarch's Bane
Just saw the new Quidditch ship at my local Space Station, and that shit is hot fire. MUST own one now.

Just started digging into missions and I like the overlapping you can do and the number you can get at a time. Seems a good way to build yourself up.

Also, anyone use a Cyclotron Ballista as a weapon on their ship? Just got a blueprint for it, but haven't built it yet.
it has a cool name, I want one
Someone on Steam just posted that you can scan for nearby crashed ships.

He says "hit '1' and select targets with 1,2,3 while dogfighting".

He goes on to say

"if you are nearby a crashed ship, hit 1 and a hologram and indicator will appear on your ship panel"

Apparently its the dpad on a controller.

Anyone make sense of that???
Left and Right on the d-pad cycle ship targets. I didn't know it could highlight crashed ships though, that's kinda sweet.
I started a new game and the first planet went really well, found lots of cool stuff, fixed my ship in record time, and picked up an A class mining tool gratis.

Then I remembered... oh no, I never activated that beacon thing at the very start of the game, where that red orb comes out and says something about "ITERATION ######". Is that important? Can I somehow find it again?
That is the start of the Atlas Path, the launch game storyline.

You don't need to find it again to get back on that quest. When you encounter Nada and Polo on their Space Anomaly (you will know when this occurs), choose the option that concerns the Atlas path and they will put you back on track.
So can I do both the new main quest and Atlas path at he same time?
Correct yeah


Have you been following the Awakenings story? I had a couple of things feel broken but then they started working when I got to the appropriate place in the story.

I'm just following that now. Not going to do anything 'off the beaten path' until the bug fixes hit. Learned that the hard way after moving my base, lol.

How do I go about that?

Don't think I've ever had that in my quest log...?

The only thing in my Primary Missions is The Atlas Path: Recover Atlas seeds.

Objectives: Find the next Atlas Interface.


This used to happen frequently if you got greedy and tried to mine to the very bottom of the mineral deposit. Strange how some old bugs are returning. Not sure if that's what you did, but it's always good to pay it forward and leave that last bit for another sucker to fall through.


The one that's got me is the ship sinking into the ground and then when you get in it your view is all off centre. Like either you're basically sticking your head through the roof or lying on the floor. I got attacked by a group of pirates earlier and I could barely see over the dashboard.

That bug has been in and out a couple of times in various guises, I swear.

How do I go about that?

Don't think I've ever had that in my quest log...?

The only thing in my Primary Missions is The Atlas Path: Recover Atlas seeds.

Objectives: Find the next Atlas Interface.

The main story? It just sort of 'starts' doesn't it? I got a call on my radio in space. I think if you start a new game it comes up as a waypoint, not sure.
This used to happen frequently if you got greedy and tried to mine to the very bottom of the mineral deposit. Strange how some old bugs are returning. Not sure if that's what you did, but it's always good to pay it forward and leave that last bit for another sucker to fall through.

Yep, that's what got me. I'll keep that in mind in the future, lol.
Love that it's a Korvax pirate crew (who would think they existed) and the flavor text is like the most awkward threat ever.

Jerks. Based on the options there and my playstyle I need to get me some damn Defense Chits!
First pirates I responded to was Korvax and it was kinda passive-aggressive lol. 'I have no interest in your well being but I have calculated that I want your loot' or something. When I tried to barter with him he said 'my calculations are that your inventory is worth significantly more than that price so I've decided your offer is undervalued and insulting' haha.

BTW you can get lots of Defense Chits by doing item delivery missions. Most off-system ones seem to give one.
It starts the Atlas path. You'll get plenty of chances to start it don't worry. Atlas basically stalks you, lol.

I've been playing all summer and I don't know what this is :O

Do you mean when you find your crashed ship and the pod asks you if you want to follow the Atlas path or if you just want to freely explore the universe? If so, you can start that again later at any time (via a 'Space Anomaly')... Though I've never tried it personally hehe.

That is the start of the Atlas Path, the launch game storyline.

You don't need to find it again to get back on that quest. When you encounter Nada and Polo on their Space Anomaly (you will know when this occurs), choose the option that concerns the Atlas path and they will put you back on track.

Great, thanks for the help!


The Cryptarch's Bane
How do I go about that?

Don't think I've ever had that in my quest log...?

The only thing in my Primary Missions is The Atlas Path: Recover Atlas seeds.

Objectives: Find the next Atlas Interface.
You'll get it, it is a separate quest. Just continue going about your business for now.

Also, Atlas seeds eh? It seems they changed that path a bit as well. Was that part of 1.3 or redone earlier, anyone know?


The main story? It just sort of 'starts' doesn't it? I got a call on my radio in space. I think if you start a new game it comes up as a waypoint, not sure.


I wonder if I somehow broke the story, or mistakenly answered incorrectly.

Don't really want to start over, but might have to at this point. :\

You'll get it, it is a separate quest. Just continue going about your business for now.

Also, Atlas seeds eh? It seems they changed that path a bit as well. Was that part of 1.3 or redone earlier, anyone know?

I should be at my third Atlas Interface now - do you expect I'd have it by then?

And the Atlas Path not giving me any new waypoints kind of makes it hard to figure out what to do. I'll just keep heading coreward and hope I run into Polo and Nada, I guess.
Anyone have any feedback on new Freighter pricing?

All the Freighters I've seen now with 15-20 slots now cost over 50 million credits. I think the 19 or 21 slot one I saw was nearly 100 million. Pre-1.3 they were usually like 11 million up to maybe 20 million.

Everyone getting the same huge price increases?

My 16 slotter than cost me 11 million is now worth 55 million o.0 glad I bought that a month ago lol

Weird thing is, I compared it to two other Freighters... Around 17-20 slots. One was 88 million or so, but my trade-in cost was 110 million! wth. But then with one that was 90 million or something, the trade-in costs was only like 30 million... the math differences were wrong in both cases and in different directions -_-

anyone else experience that?
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