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Off-site Community Discussion (Reset, etc.) -- READ OP. Stay civil. Don't make it personal. Keep it in here.

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It's fucked up.

I'd love to know what some of the ringleaders are actually studying.

When I went to university after high school it's like I was being sent to get a qualification to then get a fucking decent job.
No way I would have been getting myself into protests and other pointless shit. You were there to learn the stuff that will allow you to make some money in your career.

Sure, there was drinking and partying and joining clubs etc but the focus was always on the serious task of getting a qualification.

You look at these videos and it's like "what the fuck are these kids doing". Imagine wasting days at a time to get rid of a "racist" tutor or to make sure that the president of the place checks his privilege.

It's like you go to college to learn how to be an activist and then use what you've learned to get the college shut down and then fuck off to be a games journalist or e-begger or just be unemployed.
Yes, I do feel a general twinge of sympathy for the people who got scammed, but I dodged the college bullet and did so willfully. I had friends ~4+ years older than me who did the college thing. They were not partiers or slackers, either. They studied hard and finished college only to get mediocre jobs. Half of them ended up enlisting, and this was during the Bush Jr years.

This generation of college-trained dummies has guaranteed me a lifelong career of not being an unreliable flake. The job market standard is so low now because most of the college-trained applicants are idiots. I don't say this spitefully or out of ignorance: I've done hundreds upon hundreds of interviews, call-backs, job fairs, etc. in several industries. Credentials often end up being static/noise because every applicant carries the same generic, useless "certification" that has little to nothing to do with your field.

I will never want for middle-class work again. Me! An uneducated dullard. Me, someone lacking any degree from any college or university. I even dropped out of community college I was so undisciplined and "stupid". Didn't matter anyway.

The floor will drop out over the next 10 years for the university scam. Religious private institutions will weather the storm just fine (ironic). My generation is screwed, but if my kids want to go to college, there will be enough schools that "wake up" and begin providing a worthwhile education by the time they are old enough to attend.

I am happy to live in a post-university world.
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Rapid Response Threadmaker


I don't think OP or the readers in the thread grasp why RPG Maker forums removed the content. Most people probably don't understand what the status post OP is referring to and probably assume OP is talking about a regular forum post. The RPG Maker forums aren't removing forum posts about lgbt or preventing you from talking about your queer rpg on their forum. The status posts have very specific rules on what is allowed on them.

What is allowed:

  • Post Birthday Wishes
  • Post Random daily talk.
  • Announce your shop's availability.
  • Post Links to Free Resources you made.
  • Post RM-related talk such as events and forum-related news.
  • Post a link to a video as long as it does not violate the terms below.
  • Post Livestream links as long as it does not violate the terms below.
*When in doubt, ask a moderator.

What is NOT allowed:
  • Do not post excessively. Try to post no more than two status feeds in a 24 hour period. Try to keep it a 2 a day maximum.
  • Do not post support questions.
  • Do not discuss Politics and/or Religion Talk.
  • Do not discuss or link to any illegal materials/activities.
  • Do not ask people to join your forum, team or project. Also, please avoid asking people to comment on or view your thread.
  • Do not make feeds that are passive aggressive or otherwise offensive, especially against staff members.
  • Do not make feeds for support questions or lengthy discussions, including asking why your thread hasn't been approved yet.
  • Do not promote products or a service that is outside the forums. (e.g. customized mugs etc.)
  • Do not make feeds asking for donations, petitions, votes, signatures or registrations.
  • Do not solicit commissions, use only an approved Classifieds thread for both requesting and offering commissions.
  • Do not post any Patreon and/or Kickstarter-related news on the status feeds.
  • Do not post external links that would lead to donations, commissions, support and/or request topics.
  • Do not advertise your non-RM/VNM game.
  • Do not advertise your Chat Channels (e.x. Discord, Slack). What happens in those channels, stays in those channels. We do not endorse them.
Needs Staff Approval:

  • Contest-Related Promotions.
  • If you are unsure if your links are OK, please ask a staff member.

The posts joking at the observation that jrpg's often have political or quasi religious themes don't belong in the conversation, these have nothing to do with the games themselves but preventing a website feed from being filled up with opinions of a religious or political persuasion.
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Darkness no more


I don't think OP or the readers in the thread grasp why RPG Maker forums removed the content. Most people probably don't understand what the status post OP is referring to and probably assume OP is talking about a regular forum post. The RPG Maker forums aren't removing forum posts about lgbt or preventing you from talking about your queer rpg on their forum. The status posts have very specific rules on what is allowed on them.

The posts joking at the observation that jrpg's often have political or quasi religious themes don't belong in the conversation, these have nothing to do with the games themselves but preventing a website feed from being filled up with opinions of a religious or political persuasion.

He told them.

Obviously I was livid. I had never done so before, but made a tweet addressing the forum's representative since. I really cannot stand this kind of draconian stance anymore.


Man every THQ nordic topic on Era is just crybabies over the 8chan thing... But i guess some there dont wanna talk against the crybabies.. because we know they will ban them lol


Man every THQ nordic topic on Era is just crybabies over the 8chan thing... But i guess some there dont wanna talk against the crybabies.. because we know they will ban them lol
Actually they tried.


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More and more I see this world slowly becoming exactly what the old stalllone movie demolition man was

Such a fun movie.

It's almost as if the writers from that time were also faced with an ideological threat they viewed unfavorably.

And it's almost as if the threat from back then is the same one we are seeing creep onto the main stage of Western society now.
Actually they tried.


Is there a term for this narrative that Progressive group X really is not "Progressive" and the reason everyone else thinks they are is because everyone else are just horrible Libertarian misogynististic Alt-Right Nazi baby rapists who have not had their Overton windows forcibly shifted yet? It is like a inverse of No True Scotsman, but that does not capture all of the issues with that argument.
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Is there a term for this narrative that Progressive group X really is not "Progressive" and the reason everyone else thinks they are is because everyone else are just horrible Libertarian misogynististic Alt-Right Nazi baby rapists who have not had their Overton windows forcibly shifted yet? It is like a inverse of No True Scotsman, but that does not capture all of the issues with that argument.
I don't know if the term is official, but Hoffer refers to these as "True Believers". They are the fanatics who are 100% devoted to the cause. Like crabs climbing over one another, they try to out-virtue the others for the sake of their ideology.


This generation of college-trained dummies has guaranteed me a lifelong career of not being an unreliable flake. The job market standard is so low now because most of the college-trained applicants are idiots. I don't say this spitefully or out of ignorance: I've done hundreds upon hundreds of interviews, call-backs, job fairs, etc. in several industries. Credentials often end up being static/noise because every applicant carries the same generic, useless "certification" that has little to nothing to do with your field.

I will never want for middle-class work again. Me! An uneducated dullard. Me, someone lacking any degree from any college or university. I even dropped out of community college I was so undisciplined and "stupid". Didn't matter anyway.

The floor will drop out over the next 10 years for the university scam. Religious private institutions will weather the storm just fine (ironic). My generation is screwed, but if my kids want to go to college, there will be enough schools that "wake up" and begin providing a worthwhile education by the time they are old enough to attend.

I am happy to live in a post-university world.

Yup I'm with you here a straight C student, no degrees or further education. I do pretty good. I've actually interviewed applicants a few times in the not so distant past, entry level sales / account management positions. 99% of the applicants just sat there beaming and waving their degree in front of me like is was a job fast pass. I just paid no attention to whatever the qualification they had, because they all had a degree. I made my hiring decisions based on personality and the ability to actually hold a coherent conversation. These positions were just entry level after all.



Translation: We refuse to allow any other viewpoint exist then our own, and any attempts at thinking for yourself is considered a "threat" and will be dealt with severely.

Sounds familiar? Because it's the same talking point like all authoritarian regimes.


"Lol, banned for wrongthink"
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Actually they tried.


It's one of the dumbest things going on over there right now.

Imagine every fucking time a THQ Nordic game gets mentioned you start yelling at the world about how you were kidnapped and forced into prostitution when you were 7 years old and all these years later there MIGHT be footage of your abuse on a forum that THQ Nordic did a COMPLETELY UNRELATED "ask me anything" on. What the fuck is up with that?

Why not just drop it. THQN made a stupid mistake by using 8chan for an AMA. I don't know why the fuck they did that but I feel confident in assuming that they didn't say "hey, guys I think we should do an AMA but definitely we should do it on a site that has loads of CP, what do you think?"

Fucksakes. Imagine how utterly fucking shameless you have to be to bring this shit up every time a THQN game is announced or teased or released. "Hey, guys just a friendly reminder that I was abused as a child and THQN have an EXTREMELY loose connection to that".

If it even fucking happened. Would not surprise me at all if these fantasists were making this shit up to try and add some weight or justification for this mindless shit.

Just do what any normal person would. Understand that they fucked up by having an AMA on 8chan, laugh at how fucking misguided and dumb they are and then move the fuck on safe in the knowledge that they sure as shit won't be doing it again.

E3 2030: THQ Nordic are expected to announce their new lineup on Sony's streaming service, Playstation Infinite.
This fucking howling loon: Waaaaaaah! I was sold into prostitution as a child and the videos maybe were posted online and THQN had an AMA on the same site that maybe hosted those videos and, even though they didn't know, they need to be held accountable.

Look, I know what happened to that person is pretty damn harrowing. If it's even true. Which it may not be.
It's kind of irrelevant since for sure that kind of thing IS happening and for sure it is out there online.
That's awful and law enforcement should do everything they can to stop it.

Bringing up childhood abuse as a powerplay to bring people you don't like or don't agree with into line with your opinions or beliefs is fucking disgusting.

You can almost feel them getting over excited about the opportunity to shit on THQ Nordic and thinking "I've got the fucking trump card here because who's going to question a victim of child abuse".

What's the end game here? To leverage your personal childhood trauma into bad sales for a video game publisher who had nothing to do with all that?

Utterly, utterly, shameless cunts.



I don't really get what Jon Tron has done that is so egregious that nobody in the entire videogame industry can ever engage with him ever again or ANYTHING at all?

Oh my fucking god this game used Jon Tron in their advertisement so now Nazis are normalized and everyone will be recruited by the Alt-Right.

The dude has 5.4 million subscribers and seems to manage a few million views on each of his videos.
If he's some raging Neo-Nazi then the cat is pretty much out of the bag, and has been for years.

My opinion of stuff like this and the THQ Nordic thing is that they are trying to flex their "activist muscle".
Just see if they can get something banned or get an apology or get someone fired. For the purpose of showing how powerful they are.

Imagine in Jon Tron was legitimately some insane Alt-Right racist Nazi. You think people wouldn't notice?
He'd be turfed off YouTube for sure. No doubt.

I always hate how these cunts need to strip away context and ignore people holding their hands up and saying "I got it wrong there, I'll try to do better" just to keep the witch hunt going.

What do they want? To destroy his life? Make sure he never makes another dollar?
Yet, they are the ones who are supposed to be against this kind of abuse and harassment etc.


It's one of the dumbest things going on over there right now.

Imagine every fucking time a THQ Nordic game gets mentioned you start yelling at the world about how you were kidnapped and forced into prostitution when you were 7 years old and all these years later there MIGHT be footage of your abuse on a forum that THQ Nordic did a COMPLETELY UNRELATED "ask me anything" on. What the fuck is up with that?

Why not just drop it. THQN made a stupid mistake by using 8chan for an AMA. I don't know why the fuck they did that but I feel confident in assuming that they didn't say "hey, guys I think we should do an AMA but definitely we should do it on a site that has loads of CP, what do you think?"

Fucksakes. Imagine how utterly fucking shameless you have to be to bring this shit up every time a THQN game is announced or teased or released. "Hey, guys just a friendly reminder that I was abused as a child and THQN have an EXTREMELY loose connection to that".

If it even fucking happened. Would not surprise me at all if these fantasists were making this shit up to try and add some weight or justification for this mindless shit.

Just do what any normal person would. Understand that they fucked up by having an AMA on 8chan, laugh at how fucking misguided and dumb they are and then move the fuck on safe in the knowledge that they sure as shit won't be doing it again.

E3 2030: THQ Nordic are expected to announce their new lineup on Sony's streaming service, Playstation Infinite.
This fucking howling loon: Waaaaaaah! I was sold into prostitution as a child and the videos maybe were posted online and THQN had an AMA on the same site that maybe hosted those videos and, even though they didn't know, they need to be held accountable.

Look, I know what happened to that person is pretty damn harrowing. If it's even true. Which it may not be.
It's kind of irrelevant since for sure that kind of thing IS happening and for sure it is out there online.
That's awful and law enforcement should do everything they can to stop it.

Bringing up childhood abuse as a powerplay to bring people you don't like or don't agree with into line with your opinions or beliefs is fucking disgusting.

You can almost feel them getting over excited about the opportunity to shit on THQ Nordic and thinking "I've got the fucking trump card here because who's going to question a victim of child abuse".

What's the end game here? To leverage your personal childhood trauma into bad sales for a video game publisher who had nothing to do with all that?

Utterly, utterly, shameless cunts.
Agreed, but it's much more fucking stupid than that. They are not allowed or it's at least implied that they can't mention GAF "the other place" or "the old country". But they sure can mention by name fucking 8chan AND (for those peodos that are inclined) let them know that's when you can easily find the CP!

This is the forum that perma banned @ray_wonder for just posting a Joe Regan video becuse they didn't want to signal boost or allow his content on thier platform.

Those Ree-ers have by this point for fucking sure have signal boosted 8chan and its CP content way way way more than the original THQ AMA. Which is exactly why they invited THQ for the AMA in the first damn place!


Bringing up childhood abuse as a powerplay to bring people you don't like or don't agree with into line with your opinions or beliefs is fucking disgusting.

Separate point, separate quote. I've been on the end of this. Arguing with a guy, well not really arguing but shorthand. Right after he said everything I suggested was "too hard and impossible" he just threw out there "my grandfather sexually molested me" as if that had any relevance to our discussion and was intended to make me look like a cunt even though that's a known tactic by these people to make the other person look like a cunt for being hard on a "victim".

Anyway outside of Ree Ms Galaxy is a known manipulative bullshitter playing to his audience.
It's one of the dumbest things going on over there right now.

Imagine every fucking time a THQ Nordic game gets mentioned you start yelling at the world about how you were kidnapped and forced into prostitution when you were 7 years old and all these years later there MIGHT be footage of your abuse on a forum that THQ Nordic did a COMPLETELY UNRELATED "ask me anything" on. What the fuck is up with that?

Why not just drop it. THQN made a stupid mistake by using 8chan for an AMA. I don't know why the fuck they did that but I feel confident in assuming that they didn't say "hey, guys I think we should do an AMA but definitely we should do it on a site that has loads of CP, what do you think?"

Fucksakes. Imagine how utterly fucking shameless you have to be to bring this shit up every time a THQN game is announced or teased or released. "Hey, guys just a friendly reminder that I was abused as a child and THQN have an EXTREMELY loose connection to that".

If it even fucking happened. Would not surprise me at all if these fantasists were making this shit up to try and add some weight or justification for this mindless shit.

Just do what any normal person would. Understand that they fucked up by having an AMA on 8chan, laugh at how fucking misguided and dumb they are and then move the fuck on safe in the knowledge that they sure as shit won't be doing it again.

E3 2030: THQ Nordic are expected to announce their new lineup on Sony's streaming service, Playstation Infinite.
This fucking howling loon: Waaaaaaah! I was sold into prostitution as a child and the videos maybe were posted online and THQN had an AMA on the same site that maybe hosted those videos and, even though they didn't know, they need to be held accountable.

Look, I know what happened to that person is pretty damn harrowing. If it's even true. Which it may not be.
It's kind of irrelevant since for sure that kind of thing IS happening and for sure it is out there online.
That's awful and law enforcement should do everything they can to stop it.

Bringing up childhood abuse as a powerplay to bring people you don't like or don't agree with into line with your opinions or beliefs is fucking disgusting.

You can almost feel them getting over excited about the opportunity to shit on THQ Nordic and thinking "I've got the fucking trump card here because who's going to question a victim of child abuse".

What's the end game here? To leverage your personal childhood trauma into bad sales for a video game publisher who had nothing to do with all that?

Utterly, utterly, shameless cunts.

8chan does not allow child porn, and is actually heavily moderated when it comes to enforcing its limited rules.

There is likely proportionately more child porn, and actual communities of pedos, on Twitter and Facebook than 8chan.


8chan does not allow child porn, and is actually heavily moderated when it comes to enforcing its limited rules.

There is likely proportionately more child porn, and actual communities of pedos, on Twitter and Facebook than 8chan.
But that doesn't matter, right? It goes against Era's narrative and their hater boner for THQ. Sometimes I think it's even more than 8chan.


Separate point, separate quote. I've been on the end of this. Arguing with a guy, well not really arguing but shorthand. Right after he said everything I suggested was "too hard and impossible" he just threw out there "my grandfather sexually molested me" as if that had any relevance to our discussion and was intended to make me look like a cunt even though that's a known tactic by these people to make the other person look like a cunt for being hard on a "victim".

Anyway outside of Ree Ms Galaxy is a known manipulative bullshitter playing to his audience.

people do this with everything, all kinds of abusive backgrounds, they frame it like they're a test case

nope, you're just an asshole
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It's one of the dumbest things going on over there right now.

Imagine every fucking time a THQ Nordic game gets mentioned you start yelling at the world about how you were kidnapped and forced into prostitution when you were 7 years old and all these years later there MIGHT be footage of your abuse on a forum that THQ Nordic did a COMPLETELY UNRELATED "ask me anything" on. What the fuck is up with that?

Why not just drop it. THQN made a stupid mistake by using 8chan for an AMA. I don't know why the fuck they did that but I feel confident in assuming that they didn't say "hey, guys I think we should do an AMA but definitely we should do it on a site that has loads of CP, what do you think?"

Fucksakes. Imagine how utterly fucking shameless you have to be to bring this shit up every time a THQN game is announced or teased or released. "Hey, guys just a friendly reminder that I was abused as a child and THQN have an EXTREMELY loose connection to that".

If it even fucking happened. Would not surprise me at all if these fantasists were making this shit up to try and add some weight or justification for this mindless shit.

Just do what any normal person would. Understand that they fucked up by having an AMA on 8chan, laugh at how fucking misguided and dumb they are and then move the fuck on safe in the knowledge that they sure as shit won't be doing it again.

E3 2030: THQ Nordic are expected to announce their new lineup on Sony's streaming service, Playstation Infinite.
This fucking howling loon: Waaaaaaah! I was sold into prostitution as a child and the videos maybe were posted online and THQN had an AMA on the same site that maybe hosted those videos and, even though they didn't know, they need to be held accountable.

Look, I know what happened to that person is pretty damn harrowing. If it's even true. Which it may not be.
It's kind of irrelevant since for sure that kind of thing IS happening and for sure it is out there online.
That's awful and law enforcement should do everything they can to stop it.

Bringing up childhood abuse as a powerplay to bring people you don't like or don't agree with into line with your opinions or beliefs is fucking disgusting.

You can almost feel them getting over excited about the opportunity to shit on THQ Nordic and thinking "I've got the fucking trump card here because who's going to question a victim of child abuse".

What's the end game here? To leverage your personal childhood trauma into bad sales for a video game publisher who had nothing to do with all that?

Utterly, utterly, shameless cunts.
I will enjoy the THQN pedo games (according to era im a supporter for pedos lol)


I will enjoy the THQN pedo games (according to era im a supporter for pedos lol)
According to Era, GAF supports pedos becuse one mod here was convicted of having CP. like that was a requirement or background check needed before being a mod. 🤡🌎
According to Era, GAF supports pedos becuse one mod here was convicted of having CP. like that was a requirement or background check needed before being a mod. 🤡🌎
Those dark times are behind us, but the mods here were a clique that had more than one mod involved in CP. Amirox was, of course, arrested for it, but there was another one - I forget his name (edit: Opiate) - that would always show up and defend pedophiles (even banning people who spoke out against them), only for it to come out later, surprise, the dude liked 'em young. I seem to remember a different mod (Besada, maybe?) who had some shady CP things going on, but I'm not sure if I'm remembering that right.

But this was because the clique brought on these people and supported them, and guess what, that entire clique went to ResetEra. Some of them even became mods. All of them are pathetic human beings.

As for 8chan having child porn, I was under the impression this was planted by a SJW ally in an attempt to frame 8chan, and the actual child porn was immediately removed and the authorities contacted. I may be wrong on this though.
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Those dark times are behind us, but the mods here were a clique that had more than one mod involved in CP. Amirox was, of course, arrested for it, but there was another one - I forget his name - that would always show up and defend pedophiles (even banning people who spoke out against them), only for it to come out later, surprise, the dude liked 'em young. I seem to remember a different mod (Beseda, maybe?) who had some shady CP things going on, but I'm not sure if I'm remembering that right.

But this was because the clique brought on these people and supported them, and guess what, that entire clique went to ResetEra. Some of them even became mods. All of them are pathetic human beings.

As for 8chan having child porn, I was under the impression this was planted by a SJW ally in an attempt to frame 8chan, and the actual child porn was immediately removed and the authorities contacted. I may be wrong on this though.
It would absolutely not surprise me if there were pedos in that community hiding under the umbrella of progressiveness. Can't wait for the day they get exposed and watch Era admin try to hide it and fail badly at it. Just like religious groups are a cover for pedos.
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Getting boycotted by Resetera should be a badge of honor.

Oh no. My game wont be bought by racist SJW's who have nothing but hatred for white people. Whatever shall the industry do to correct this? :pie_eyeroll:

Naw, fuck Resetera. I'm sure THQ will survive without the $60 that Resetera [at max] would have given them.
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As for 8chan having child porn, I was under the impression this was planted by a SJW ally in an attempt to frame 8chan, and the actual child porn was immediately removed and the authorities contacted. I may be wrong on this though.

That is exactly what happened. They set up a board called /hebe/, put non-nude but questionable pictures of underage girls on it, and took a bunch of screenshots before it got nuked from orbit.


Darkness no more
This Ms. Galaxy is a joke character right? I haven't seen a single post from them that passes the smell test, yet people seem to be taking them seriously because... why?

They've been posting the most outrageous stories for years. Even back on GAF when they had an account.

I'm reading through the thread on the UN child pornography proposal, and because Austria was one of the sane countries that stood against the insane idea of protecting fictional children, they tried to blame it on THQ Nordic!

I've come to realize something from that thread. They think child pornography laws aren't there to protect children; they think these laws exist to punish perverts. Like the point is to take away things that people they don't like enjoy. So to them, taking away real child porn and taking away things like To Love Ru are the same thing.

Edit: This post was banned (duration pending) for "Using Pedantry to Excuse the Sexualized Depictions of Minors over Multiple Posts":
I am not “stanning” for this stuff, I don’t watch/read Loli stuff at all, I think it’s gross, and I think it should be banned off Twitter, reddit, and the like.

But I just don’t think it’s the same as actual child porn, I don’t think “into Loli” immediately equals “is a pedophile”, I think what “underage” counts as in anime is way too hard to define to make this law remotely viable, and I think there is a strong free speech case to be made.
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They just continue to let Ms. Galaxy shit up thread after thread with bullshit stories.
It breaks my heart a bit, as a decade ago, I was a huge fan of their content; They were one of the best YouTube poop people.

It sucks when someone whose work you admired changes in such a detrimental and hateful way. I wish them to stop, and I wish them peace.

Anywho, been following some of the SpongeBob news on /v/ with muh blue board peeps; day one. Saw more than a few bullshit bans over it, so expect more new users E3 week on NeoGAF. Hopefully, they will be good assets to this forum.
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Clapping supposedly triggers anxiety, so the ultra-woke college campus types pushed to replace it with snapping fingers.


That has already been replaced by "jazz hands."


From the article:

Last year it emerged that Oxford University's equality and diversity unit issued guidance to students advising them that students who avoid making eye contact with their peers could be guilty of racism.

Classic case of hypocrisy right here.
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