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Official Grand Theft Auto: San Andreas topic

Eminem said:
is there any way to skip over the gun challenges at ammu-nation? i lost the AK one...is there a way to replay just that one, instead of going through the first three over again?

if there isn't, that's pretty stupid.

You'll need to master them to not to them again IIRC.


It was awesome seeing the main character in GTA3! What was even more funny is that he didn't even speak!
Dude. These flying missions are bullshit. Whoever thought that up needs a kick in the ass. I passed flight school and everything, but only because I got lucky. Its like the game wanted me to do the mission 50+ times before it'd finally pass me. Sometimes it felt like I was on the path to glory and the game would just restart the test. Damn, that's annoying. Can't wait to start driving cars again.


I just completed the "Reuniting the Families" mission (on my first go I must say :D), when will I be able to go to San Fierro?


Banstick Emeritus
I was having difficulty landing the airplane in the flying missions, so I left it and came back a day later. Enjoyed much more success. The helicopter missions, they're much easier to complete.


I beat them last night, after much anger and frustration. Now I'm in Venturas playing video poker like a madman. Since CJ gets fat when he eats a ton....I really think he should slowly turn into a 68 year-old white lady the more he plays the video poker missions. Come on Rockstar!
belgurdo said:
The only thing I'm seeing on the golf course is golfers.

Ok I just put the game back in (had to finish up beating Killzone). Head to Garcia streert, there should be a beat up old billboard that says "BOBO" across the street from that on the golf course you should see Katie near a tree. You've gotta go there during a certain time (I think its like 13:00-20:00).

Bob White

Haha doing a mission for Jizzy I was tooling back to his place when I cracked up a bit and decided to upgrade my vehicle because there's a time limit so I knock a guy off his bike and send him and his passenger flying. Get out and the dude I had gently brushed with my wrecked car jumps up and starts yelling shit at me (but making no move towards me) so of course I respond back. But then as I'm getting his bike he pulls out a bat and knocks me right of my (his) bike as I try to continue on my merry way. I get up and knock his ass down with a quick combo (only because I didn't have a gun equipped, his lucky day) but then his crazy bitch starts yelling at me in Spanish and jumps me from behind. Now I'm like screw the bike and I'm trying to get back in my old busted car but they won't get off my ass and a nearby cop is running up... so I just decide to never mind the mission and take care of the bidness at hand. There was a whole crowd watching, I have a respect meter to think about! ;)

So I run away a bit, pull out the MP5 and gun the chick down. The guy runs off, the cop draws so I gotta cap him, the crowd is all running and yelling but I take the time to find the guy who started it and take him down with the sword for extra "was your ride worth it?" dramatic impact. Failed the mission but damn was it fun.

The day GTA3 came out, stories like these started hitting the net and I loved everyone of them because they were so funny and different. Three years later these stories STILL bring a smile to my face.
Best quote I've heard from a random pedestrian was some old guy in front of the garage in San Ferrio. My CJ has a ton of tattoos, and the guy said "I can see you enjoy the prick of the tattoo needle!" and CJ responded postively with, "Uh, thanks. You should.. get some too..."
Just for reference:

spoiler tags: <spoiler>insert text here</spoiler> but use [ ]

Lakitu: You'll be able to head to San Fierro pretty soon.

I initially hated the flight missions, but once you get better planes, and since it's involved in my favorite mission outside of the final story mission, it will rock.


Gattsu25 said:
This game is great.


dammit ... . . . .

Amphibious Assault would have pissed me off greatly with this had I not taken advantage of off-track betting earlier in the game


You think that's good? Wait until Blackjack. If you don't suck, it's God's gift of money. I scored 3 million off of 4 blackjack hands. Lucky lucky lucky...
Ok. Just got through with the missions where
Truth asks you to steal some jetpack and some green goo or some shit
and they really felt out of place. I don't understand why a guy like CJ would do something like that. Its like Zero all over again. Its not that they were hard missions, just stupid. Its ones like that that really make me think EGM is smoking crack/bought off when they give it a perfect score. Add the game's glitchyness and other flaws and I'm really left scratching my head.

That said, I'm now doing the missions for Wu Zi in the 3rd city. I love that guy. He and Catalina alone make me glad I bought this game. The missions are alright and everything, but the story is what makes them so special. For example
when CJ tied that mafioso to the hood of his car and drove around trying to scare info out of him
that shit was AWESOME. Its like playing a REAL gang/mafia game again. That's how ALL of GTA should be, IMO. None of this Area 51 crap. But yeah, I'm always excited when new missions come around for Wu Zi. He's so cool and I'm glad CJ is his best bud.

CJ really turned his life around, huh? If you think about it, he's really well off now.
He owns an airfield complete with planes and a bike, his mom's place in the hood, and now he's partner with Wu Zi in that casino. Add whatever other random land you bought in the game and he's pretty well off. He went from a hoodrat to having it all.
I really like that about the story. Can't wait to find out what happens at the end. :D


They just happened to include all of this outerspace/alien/Area 51/Big Ear stuff, so they almost had to link the mission to the idea of it all.


Junior Member
Jugendstil said:
Best quote I've heard from a random pedestrian was some old guy in front of the garage in San Ferrio. My CJ has a ton of tattoos, and the guy said "I can see you enjoy the prick of the tattoo needle!" and CJ responded postively with, "Uh, thanks. You should.. get some too..."

I cracked when I heard someone yell "Move BITCH, get out the way!"

The people trying to convince a gay person that he is wrong for being gay was odd. I politely punched him in the face. ...I am not gay or anything.

Ploid 3.0

Bob White said:
The day GTA3 came out, stories like these started hitting the net and I loved everyone of them because they were so funny and different. Three years later these stories STILL bring a smile to my face.

Yea, that's part of the reason I bought GTA3. I had 0 interest in GTA3 when it was coming out and when it was out for a bit. I looked at all of the hype as if it was stupid and such. Then I saw all of the impressions on message boards and read user reviews and saw something like what Calder posted. I had to have it then. Good stuff btw Calder.


It seems that people barely comment on me, I often stalk them waiting for something interesting to come out, only to grow tired and go on to molest them with my bat...

Ploid 3.0

Moose said:
They just happened to include all of this outerspace/alien/Area 51/Big Ear stuff, so they almost had to link the mission to the idea of it all.

how can you have a big desert and a Area 51 type location and not have a mission take place there. Heck they had the right person to give it to you also.


God, I hate that ho. When I was doing a mission for her, we didn't get far, so I just got out of the car and shot her in the face...

She never shuts up.

I used to think, "Yay! Phone call! Mission!" only for it to be something about my lack of cajones.

Ploid 3.0

Moose said:
God, I hate that ho. When I was doing a mission for her, we didn't get far, so I just got out of the car and shot her in the face...

She never shuts up.

I used to think, "Yay! Phone call! Mission!" only for it to be something about my lack of cajones.



SolidSnakex said:
Ok I just put the game back in (had to finish up beating Killzone). Head to Garcia streert, there should be a beat up old billboard that says "BOBO" across the street from that on the golf course you should see Katie near a tree. You've gotta go there during a certain time (I think its like 13:00-20:00).

Argh, fuck it, this is just one part of the game I'll skip, because the damn women are NEVER THERE when you go there (and I parked on the golf course for half a day twice.) About the only woman who consistently stays in one place is Michelle, but I'm not going to lose all that muscle for minimal reward


Steroid Distributor
I put in about 4 hours today and all I did is take Denise out for food and some drive-by fun and take over territory.

If anyone doesn't already know about a really easy way to make money when they are getting started I'll help you out. Look for the drug dealers. They are wearing black tank tops and they stand there with their arms crossed. Every one of those guys is holding $2,000. So just kill everyone you see. I gained over 100k this afternoon.

But I've almost taken over all the areas that the Ballas had. Then it's on to the mexican gang. And as soon as I've done that I can do the final mission in Los Santos. I've done that mission a couple of times just to go base jumping. But I wasn't sure if I could go back and take over territory after I had left Los Santos. So I'm just gonna do it first.

Great game.


i picked this up yesterday....

i was 60th on the SECOND batch of preorders in the shop in Akihabara.

But yes, this game is utter class. I didn't get too into the last two games, but this is amazingly good.

Fantastic stuff.
Truelize said:
If anyone doesn't already know about a really easy way to make money when they are getting started I'll help you out. Look for the drug dealers. They are wearing black tank tops and they stand there with their arms crossed. Every one of those guys is holding $2,000. So just kill everyone you see. I gained over 100k this afternoon.

Also, look for the white guys with the hooded sweatshirt. I kill those guys all the time, good money...


OK so I suck ASS at this game. I can't beat the first mission. Either the essay's block me off till I lose my homies, or they gun my ass down before the second turn. The gym is closed as far as I can see, I know how to sprint on the bike (helped a lot actually with keeping up), but I'm about 0 for 2 hours on the first mission. I've been to Gamefaqs, where they told me it was "actually a pretty hard first mission because you're on a bike with
no way to defend yourself against the Ballas."

I'm not having fun. My only real GTA experience is about 15 missions on GTA VC for the PC. Help me before I snap my damn disk :(


Can Aynone post how i can find the Track Betting in Los Santos. Even with the map beside me i cant find the building. It would help if someone can post a Online Screenshot of the location!


from the house in jefferson, head through the park and take a left on the road. it's on yr right after a second.


WasabiKing said:
Also, look for the white guys with the hooded sweatshirt. I kill those guys all the time, good money...
They're just regular white dudes? I thought they were peddlers too. I killed a bunch of innocent women crossing the railway because I thought they were hooded dudes. I was disapponted when I ran up the stairs and realized there was no money there :(


I don't get these games. I'm having to repeat missions which aren't even fun. I am stuck with the tagging mission right at the start, wandering around looking for tags is tedious, then boomph you go to a new area and do it again. You die and get start over from the start. The bike pedaling was annoying as well. Also, the up down switching camera angle is also highly annoying. Why the hell did they add that?

The missions aren't fun, the controls aren't great. I JUST DON'T GET IT! I want to enjoy what others are enjoying. I normally can enjoy any game. These just seem unrefined and limited by that aspect.


Rorschach said:
:lol There were only two tags to do per area...you just suck at games :(

You sure? I did at least 5 tags in the first area(Idlewood) before moving to East SL.

PS: I don't suck at games =P
In East LS there are only 3 tags that you need to get to before the mission is over. They're all in a small area too so they aren't hard to find.
Sorry if this was posted in this thread (Big ass thread) But one of the horses you can bet on is called "Reeve's Revenge" I laughed my ass off followed by, "thats fucked up"


I didn't have trouble finding the ones in East SL, just the Idlewood ones. The mission after that one is much better though.


Infinitemadness said:
Sorry if this was posted in this thread (Big ass thread) But one of the horses you can bet on is called "Reeve's Revenge" I laughed my ass off followed by, "thats fucked up"
I just laughed. ><


I'm doing the garage missions in San Fiero and I have to drive to Montgomery to pick up Caesar and then back down to Angel Pine or wherever. Please tell me there aren't many of these cross country missions that require me to keep my car in one piece while driving halfway across the map.


I've realized that after playing this game for extended periods of time, listening to the real radio is almost unbearable. . .now. . .that's not to say that I've ever had a love for radio...but now the constant DJ (bullshit) talking and 10 minute commercial breaks get on my nerves much more than before



I was in the middle of a gang war over the rail road, i was shooting at some guy while my gang members were taking care of a bunch of dudes. I hear a train coming. I hear HEY MOTHERF *SPLURT*. I turn back to them. They were all dead, along with the ennemies. The train ran over all of them

That was funny as hell


Infinitemadness said:
Sorry if this was posted in this thread (Big ass thread) But one of the horses you can bet on is called "Reeve's Revenge" I laughed my ass off followed by, "thats fucked up"


Btw, where can you bet on horses?

Be careful when stacking in a lot of nice cars in one of your hideout's garage! I lost my Turismo! I don't know how, perhaps it's in a garage I've forgotten, but don't try to overstuff your garages, or else cars will disappear.
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