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One Piece Manga |OT| ZEHAHAHAHA! The Name of this Age is Blackbeard!

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where does it say haki allows you to hit logias at full power? we've seen hints at what i'm saying all over the place. why didn't rayleigh severely wound kizaru when he cut him to stop him from killing luffy? it was a full haki sword strike but instead he just gave him a tiny cut to his cheek. blackbeards DF wouldn't even be special if haki allowed you to hit logias at full power. logias are the strongest precisely because it's not possible to touch the users unless you can use haki or you can cancel their powers like luffy did vs crocodile and enel. do i really have to explain why haki works on non logias? they take 100% of the damage when you hit them.

Logias are the strongest because they are given the ability to turn into an element or force of nature, granting them from the get go obscene amounts of power compared to other DF types as well as also being protected by their intangibility.

Can you please explain how this progression makes logical sense.

CoA is used to boost power and split a continent
CoA is used to boost power to destroy Noah
CoA is used to boost power to counter that same continent splitting head
CoA is used to boost power to create exploding arrows
CoA allows Logias to become tangible
CoA now reduces power against Logias

...... What

Rayleigh: "Stronger armor results in more powerful attacks"

Rayleigh didn't severly wound him because Kizaru isn't a glass cannon, Top tiers don't OHKO each other. If you're getting OHKOd by someone then you aren't in their league as evidenced by Jozu vs Aokiji. Kizaru also survived a slash from WB's Bisentto and Aokiji also survived being impaled by WB's Bisentto. The same Bisentto that i remind you caused the sky to split open when WB used it to clash with Shanks.

Blackbeard's DF is special because of it's ability to nullify and steal other DFs. That in no way now invalidates what CoA does.

A point from my previous post that you might have missed

That gold orb attached to Luffy was unable to destroy the bell it struck after hitting Enel, instead shattering on impact.

Compare that to Current Luffy OHKOing a Pacifista that took the combined force of the M3 preskip just to bring down. For what you're saying to be true that means that gold ball + Skypiea Luffy could do more damage than the combined force of the M3 which is just as impractical as him outdoing an admiral of all things when he was at Skypiea. He might as well not have trained and just had someone to melt down another ball of gold and dragged that around on his journey then.

Once again logically it's flawed for CoA to suddenly only allow weaker attacks against a specific DF type when every other application of it boost power and it is even stated to boost power the stronger it gets. It is also logically flawed for a weaker Luffy to deal damage remotely comparable let alone in excess of what an admiral can do. Your statement regards CoA is basically implying that Luffy at Alabasta with his moist knuckles was able to hit harder than Jozu a WB commander...... which is outright impossible.

Yo ugoo, edit your post with the manga pages please, or else you'll get banned.

I've removed them, how do we use scans though?


Usopp had the best moments in the series
1- Against Arlong Pirates: USOPP HAMMA!
3- Luffy vs. Usopp: The feels mang...
4- Against CP9: SOGEKING!
5- Pissing off Don Flamingo: God Usopp


I really hope Bartolomeo joins the Strawhats. His ability could be useful in protecting the ship from incoming attacks.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Another 10 years sounds reasonable.
East Blue/Grand Line lasted 13 years.
So far, post-timeskip has lasted almost 4 years.

I know some series that hit a timeskip outlast the previous era (notably Dragon Ball and Naruto), so having it be about equal is cool.


Scored 3/100 on an Exam
Frankly I think the series peaked in Skypiea/Enies Lobby.
What I care about is the plot, the stories, the characters. All we ever got since was plot progression and "look at how strong this guy is/got!!".
The characters aren't as interesting, I think, but the problem is mostly with the plot. What was the plot of something like the last arc?
They get on an island, there's an evil scientist trying to poison everything and tricked kids into experiments. Save kids, punch evil guy. Skypiea was so much more complicated and intricate than this-- there were characters that produced sympathy and interest even if you never saw them again (like Norland).


Frankly I think the series peaked in Skypiea/Enies Lobby.
What I care about is the plot, the stories, the characters. All we ever got since was plot progression and "look at how strong this guy is/got!!".
The characters aren't as interesting, I think, but the problem is mostly with the plot. What was the plot of something like the last arc?
They get on an island, there's an evil scientist trying to poison everything and tricked kids into experiments. Save kids, punch evil guy. Skypiea was so much more complicated and intricate than this-- there were characters that produced sympathy and interest even if you never saw them again (like Norland).

Punk Hazard was just the setting for Dressrosa, that and for Law to be shown off lol...I do like how we finally got explanation for things with Flamingo because he is basically the only shichibukai we basically knew nothing about.


Bane? Get them on board, I'll call it in.
Punk Hazard was just the setting for Dressrosa, that and for Law to be shown off lol...I do like how we finally got explanation for things with Flamingo because he is basically the only shichibukai we basically knew nothing about.

Don't forget the other new guy.
Remember, the war lead to the loss of three Warlords. Jinbe, Moriah and Teach. We know two of the replacements, Buggy and Law (though Law may have lost that status now). Hopefully we learn who the mysterious new guy is soon.


I always envisioned the Strawhats to become similar to peak Whitebeard Pirates. I mean, we kinda know that Jinbe is going to join eventually. I also have a feeling Law will too.
I think that Luffy has gone past recruiting crew and is now building an alliance of pirate captains to challenge the yonko. This was set up by Eustace Kid trying to form his own alliance and then Law starting an alliance with Luffy.

Glad to see OP OT.

Can any OP expert tell me why
died the way he did?

I spent the entire manga/anime imagining him as strong/smart and he died in a way that absolutely pissed me off. I paused for a long while from the series after that. Didn't like
how WhiteBeard went down
either, but I was way more into

Huh well I think that the "will of d" makes characters act in ways where they happily show no concern at all for their personal safety. But I saw something about highly decorated war heroes once and a common pattern with them is that they were put in a position where they had to take a large amount of responsibility for younger brothers and sisters at a young age. Ace is kinda like that. Put him in a certain situation and he can only move one way and there is no maybe or calculation.


Get Inside Her!
I think that Luffy has gone past recruiting crew and is now building an alliance of pirate captains to challenge the yonko. This was set up by Eustace Kid trying to form his own alliance and then Law starting an alliance with Luffy.

Unlike with White Beard, though, I don't think Luffy is going to WANT the alliance that's going to build around him. The Happou navy, Bart, various other goons, etc. So far it's pretty self-sustaining. And with Law, Luffy interpreted "alliance" to basically mean "nakama" so Law's kinda in trouble there. I think Luffy's really going to focus on his primary crew, while a whole alliance builds behind him without any of his direct input. It was said during the war, after all, Luffy's greatest strength is his ability to acquire allies.

I can see a situation later in the manga when his tiny crew is set up against an enormous force, then Luffy's "alliance" shows up unbidden and takes on the force so the strawhats can focus on the core membership.
Unlike with White Beard, though, I don't think Luffy is going to WANT the alliance that's going to build around him. The Happou navy, Bart, various other goons, etc. So far it's pretty self-sustaining. And with Law, Luffy interpreted "alliance" to basically mean "nakama" so Law's kinda in trouble there. I think Luffy's really going to focus on his primary crew, while a whole alliance builds behind him without any of his direct input. It was said during the war, after all, Luffy's greatest strength is his ability to acquire allies.

I can see a situation later in the manga when his tiny crew is set up against an enormous force, then Luffy's "alliance" shows up unbidden and takes on the force so the strawhats can focus on the core membership.

Whitebeard wanted a family and Luffy wants nakama. I think that Law like the people who called Whitebeard father will have no problem being "nakama" with Luffy but not being with him on his ship. Law has already pretty much realised that his bargaining and plotting wasn't enough to achieve what he wanted.
So because I like speculation, I see One Piece ending like this:

Another "War of the Best" type situation where it will be the Strawhat Pirates and their allied forces against the Marines before Raftel. I think Shanks and Big Mom will end up on Luffy's side, provided that Shanks doesn't fall to the Kid/Apoo/Hawkins Alliance. This will give us Luffy vs Akainu. The Shichibukai will be involved in this battle, with Buggy and Hancock providing support to Luffy. This is also where Mihawk and Zoro are gonna fight for real. Additionally, the Revolutionary Army will be providing support to Luffy in this battle to change the world.

After that, it will be the battle for One Piece, which will be the Straw Hat Pirates vs the Blackbeard Pirates on Raftel.

I'm so glad I don't have to make an account at Arlong Park to talk about OP now. :)
New crew members!


I just need an additional female nakama but the potential candidates right now don't interest me at all. Hoping there would be one for the next arc.

Bart and Law are really potential candidates for next crewmate. But they have their own crew so we'll see.


While I do like the lore of one piece and will "read it to the end"... I kind of dislike reading the manga.. I mostly skim through it these days.. only reading parts with luffy or any other important characters :/...I really dislike how the manga artist doesn't spread the drawings out..makes it confusing AS fuck to understand most of the time.
I also hate it when people use Nakama untranslated. I would prefer crew member or something, even friend would fit.

All according to keikaku.jpg
While I do like the lore of one piece and will "read it to the end"... I kind of dislike reading the manga.. I mostly skim through it these days.. only reading parts with luffy or any other important characters :/...I really dislike how the manga artist doesn't spread the drawings out..makes it confusing AS fuck to understand most of the time.
Well three pages of one piece = 3 months of bleach. We don't want one piece to end in 50 years .....


Another "War of the Best" type situation where it will be the Strawhat Pirates and their allied forces against the Marines before Raftel. I think Shanks and Big Mom will end up on Luffy's side, provided that Shanks doesn't fall to the Kid/Apoo/Hawkins Alliance. This will give us Luffy vs Akainu. The Shichibukai will be involved in this battle, with Buggy and Hancock providing support to Luffy. This is also where Mihawk and Zoro are gonna fight for real. Additionally, the Revolutionary Army will be providing support to Luffy in this battle to change the world.

After that, it will be the battle for One Piece, which will be the Straw Hat Pirates vs the Blackbeard Pirates on Raftel.

I'm so glad I don't have to make an account at Arlong Park to talk about OP now. :)

I disagree. Whitebeard stated that whoever finds one piece will proceed to challenge the world to a fight. I think the next/last big war will be after Luffy finds the one piece. I really hope a battle doesn't happen on Raftel. This placed has been so hyped as being hard as f*ck to find. Two groups arriving at the same time would cheapen that. I could see Blackbeard following luffys ship in if he had a reason to suspect that Luffy knows the location at that point but I hope that doesn't happen.

This is really interesting though. I love Raftel talk. I'm so curious about the last island before Raftel now. Will the strawhats be aware that they are now in find Raftel end game? Probably. We might get to hear of prior attempts to get there by other big name pirates and there failures as well. Unless it's so hard to even get to the last island before Raftel that no one has even made a legit attempt since gol d roger. Perhaps the location is so mysterious that the closest island to Raftel doesn't even realize that they are the closest to it. I'm just so curious about what it is about this island that makes it so difficult to find/reach. I mean everyone knows it's approximate location. It's the very end of the new world. Right before you hit the red line again. The island must not be nami compass compatible for some reason. If the compass things pointed to the island, it shouldn't be that hard to find it. Is there stuff guarding it? I kinda doubt that. Unless it's extremely powerful sea kings standing guard and you need the ability to talk to them to get by. Or hear them. I can't remember if they understand Japanese, but I think they do since they were talking to each other at fishman island when they were called.

I hope the islands atmosphere is kinda spooky/mysterious. It's been abandoned for so long as far as we know. Spooky in a no one has set foot here for years kinda way.

I also kinda hope there is some kind of super powerful devil fruit just chilling there. It hasn't been used in forever since the roger pirates didn't stumble across it or just didn't want to eat it. Oh shit what if there was one and it was the gum gun fruit. They could have given it to shanks for safe keeping or something. I kinda doubt that though. Oda better explain how shanks got that fruit now that I think about it.

Anyways Raftel could also have the devil fruit tree thing like some people suspect. You know, if it's real. It does seem like there should be one.

I wonder what's gonna cause Luffy to challenge the world to a fight. It will most likely be void century information that robin figures out. I highly doubt this but robin could be dead at this point. Like I don't even know why I wrote that but Luffy should be able to hear the voice or whatever like gol d roger did. Anyways it's doubtful that she will die before this or at all thankfully.

Do you guys ever think about the day we first read the chapter of them arriving at Raftel. Were talking years from now, but I wonder sometimes. Where will I be? How old will I be then lol. It's going to be an intense moment. Years of being a huge fan and finally entering the one piece end game. Oda sure does have a lot to live up to with the Raftel reveal. I'm sure our minds will be blown.


Thanos acquires the fully powered Infinity Gauntlet in The Avengers: Infinity War, but loses when all the superheroes team up together to stop him.
I don't know why, but I always pictured Raftel as a rainy island. Must be all the doom and gloom that seems to surround it whenever it gets mentioned.

I dunno. I remember what Whitebeard said, and the Wold Government is certainly the biggest of the big bads, but I don't think Luffy cares all that much, and the other Straw Hats sure as hell don't. They're good guys, but they are Pirates. Luffy isn't going to be the one who invokes change, but I could see him being the catalyst to it, which is why I can see the Revolutionary Army backing him up when it comes time for the last big war, and I'm almost positive there's gonna be another one.

I forget where I saw it, but someone suggested the possibility that maybe the Wold Government somehow accesses some of the ancient weapons and plots complete global dominance, with Akainu at the helm. That could be another way the whole thing goes down.

Haha, I'm so far ahead though. I'm still trying to figure out how Luffy is gonna beat Doflamingo. :)


I certainly don't think Luffy will run off to attack the World Government just because he discovers the truth behind the Void Century. What will happen is that Fleet Admiral Akainu will gather up the 3 Ancient Weapons to combat the new King of the Pirates, which necessitates he fuck with Shirahoshi, and he'll probably fuck with Vivi too.

So basically, "You fucked with my friends. Ima kill you."


I think that might be because we've seen it just once, sort of obscured by rainy weather.

Was it rainy? I just remember it being covered by clouds in a dramatic effect kinda way. Like here it is! The island you won't see again for 20 years!

I dunno. I remember what Whitebeard said, and the Wold Government is certainly the biggest of the big bads, but I don't think Luffy cares all that much, and the other Straw Hats sure as hell don't. They're good guys, but they are Pirates. Luffy isn't going to be the one who invokes change, but I could see him being the catalyst to it, which is why I can see the Revolutionary Army backing him up when it comes time for the last big war, and I'm almost positive there's gonna be another one.

Whitebeard specifically said that whoever finds the One Piece will challenge the world to a fight. I think the reveal will be so huge that even Luffy will feel compelled to do something about it. He always has had a strong sense of justice you know. He will be the freest person on the seas at that point. If he finds out some huge shit about the world government, I think he will be forced to act. I agree that Luffy doing something like this would be kinda out of character. I think thats why its got to be some huge information. Plus its not like hes gonna have anything else to do after raftel anyways. He will have achieved his goal so he can go do whatever he wants.


I certainly don't think Luffy will run off to attack the World Government just because he discovers the truth behind the Void Century. What will happen is that Fleet Admiral Akainu will gather up the 3 Ancient Weapons to combat the new King of the Pirates, which necessitates he fuck with Shirahoshi, and he'll probably fuck with Vivi too.

So basically, "You fucked with my friends. Ima kill you."

Haha no way. The three ancient weapons have been shrouded in mystery. One of them is even highly speculated to be on raftel/is the one piece. I can't see the guy getting all 3 out of no where. Maybe he will get his hands on one, but 3? No way.


Haha no way. The three ancient weapons have been shrouded in mystery. One of them is even highly speculated to be on raftel/is the one piece. I can't see the guy getting all 3 out of no where. Maybe he will get his hands on one, but 3? No way.
Really? The World Government has to know that the Pluton is located somewhere in Alabasta due to the whole Crocodile thing, and it's not absurd to think they could find out about Shirahoshi as well. We also don't know anything about the 3rd weapon, including how it's hidden or even if it is really hidden at all.


No Scrubs
Really? The World Government has to know that the Pluton is located somewhere in Alabasta due to the whole Crocodile thing, and it's not absurd to think they could find out about Shirahoshi as well. We also don't know anything about the 3rd weapon, including how it's hidden or even if it is really hidden at all.

Isn't the third the plans that Iceberg has?


Really? The World Government has to know that the Pluton is located somewhere in Alabasta due to the whole Crocodile thing, and it's not absurd to think they could find out about Shirahoshi as well. We also don't know anything about the 3rd weapon, including how it's hidden or even if it is really hidden at all.

I just think its bad writing for him to suddenly have all 3. Plus I doubt he would go mess with fishman island out of nowhere. Croc was on alabasta for a long time and wasn't able to find the weapon.

Edit: Also isn't having one enough? These things are supposed to be extremely powerful. Having all three should be a game over scenario. Like I have the only nuke in the world powerful. Only you can use it without killing yourself in the process if you have to launch it close to your location.


I just think its bad writing for him to suddenly have all 3. Plus I doubt he would go mess with fishman island out of nowhere. Croc was on alabasta for a long time and wasn't able to find the weapon.
Crocodile didn't have the resources of the entire Navy behind him. Also, Akainu is capable of doing anything out of nowhere.


Crocodile didn't have the resources of the entire Navy behind him. Also, Akainu is capable of doing anything out of nowhere.

Croc had someone who could read Poneglyphs. That has got to be better than just having a large search party.

Plus the dudes in the new world trying to keep everything from going out of control. I just can't think of a scenario where he decides to go check out alabasta for super weapons.


I just can't think of a scenario where he decides to go check out alabasta for super weapons.
New King of the Pirates, who has familial connections with the Revolutionary Army and a crewmember infamous for her pursuit of the Void Century. Time to tear apart a desert island looking for super weapons.


New King of the Pirates, who has familial connections with the Revolutionary Army and a crewmember infamous for her pursuit of the Void Century. Time to tear apart a desert island looking for super weapons.

I don't know man. I just don't see that happening. I guess we will just have to wait and see. Anyways the poneglyph was supposed to say where the weapon was right? The poneglyph on alabasta. So robin probably knows where it is right? She withholds so much important information I swear.

Edit: Oh crap I just remembered that Franky saw the blue prints for pluton. So he knows exactly what kind of warship it is and what makes it so dangerous. We have so much important info and the strawhats in the know just keep quiet haha. Anyways I just thought of something. If pluton is a big warship on alabasta, how was it not discovered by now? Where does one hide a warship? How does one hide a warship? A ship isn't likely to be laying in the desert somewhere. I guess that could be possible. A much more likey location is at the bottom of the ocean near alabasta. We know that you can coat ships now. Ships can go underwater in One Piece. What location around alabasa could be better? Its already in the water ready to go. Plus its impossible to find unless you know the location already. Well impossible until someone decides to randomly take a submarine there for deep sea exploration purposes.
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