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Overwatch | Anniversary Event


Yeah I'm never gonna get any fridge skins. I've never had this problem before, I usually get most of the skins by the end of the event, right now I have one.

At least double xp will give me gold to buy 1 or 2 more.
From the things I really want, I'm just missing one of Sombra's voice lines and Mercy's dance, although I've been unlucky this event, as I have gotten, from about 30 boxes:

* Sombra's dance
* McCree's dance
* D-Va's dance

* Bastion Buggy

I'm glad there's no Legendary Skin I really want this time, but I fear that there will be one during the Summer Games that I'll want, so I don't really want to spend any coins.
I'll be grinding all weekend though, be either coins or the drops I want, I want to amass as much gold as I can for the next event.


Meanwhile i got symmetra's for the third time, and vishkar symmetra that i already had

Overwatch really wants me to switch my mains


Yay, got my third Legendary non-event skin. So far only one from the event.

Thanks Blizz, love your loot boxes <3

Just want the genji skin

And that's the only one I got, which is also my favorite.

Now I REALLY want Lucio's. It's his only skin that's not garbage for me.


Reading these posts actually makes me feel a bit better since it's clear that a lot of other people are experiencing terrible luck. On the plus side, I did get Genji's dance last night.
Yeah I'm never gonna get any fridge skins. I've never had this problem before, I usually get most of the skins by the end of the event, right now I have one.

At least double xp will give me gold to buy 1 or 2 more.

This event for sure has the lowest drop rate/ most dupes I've ever seen. Sitting on 1 skin as well despite playing a lot every day since the event started

Luckily the one drop I got was for my main D.Va so I'm not too salty


my last 2 lootboxes were a legendary non event hanzo skin duplicate, and legendary coin drop. I've opened 45 lootboxes so far and I've only gotten D.Va and Soldier event skins. Sunday or monday I'll buy my usual 50 boxes. I've also got 9k saved up


So far between my 2 accounts (1 I main hitscan DPS, the other projectile)

- Hanzo on both
- Tracer on hitscan
- Pharah on projectile

I suppose that breakdown is decent...but I spent $60 on boxes and played ~15 hours each of the past 2 weekends. The drop rates are seriously shot, or I have terrible luck.

Really want Green Ranger Genji, 50s waifu D.Va and 76...but I'll likely end up having to buy them on the last day with coins.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
all duplicates. so much fun.



Really Really Exciting Member!
So far between my 2 accounts (1 I main hitscan DPS, the other projectile)

- Hanzo on both
- Tracer on hitscan
- Pharah on projectile

I suppose that breakdown is decent...but I spent $60 on boxes and played ~15 hours each of the past 2 weekends. The drop rates are seriously shot, or I have terrible luck.

Really want Green Ranger Genji, 50s waifu D.Va and 76...but I'll likely end up having to buy them on the last day with coins.

I'm confused... why would you have 2 different accounts for different kind of characters? Where's the advantage in that? All it seems to do to me is costing twice as much money and you have to work twice as much to get stuff you want.


I'm confused... why would you have 2 different accounts for different kind of characters? Where's the advantage in that? All it seems to do to me is costing twice as much money and you have to work twice as much to get stuff you want.

Might play on two different systems. Friends play on one but he prefers the other.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Might play on two different systems. Friends play on one but he prefers the other.

He specifically said 1 account for "hitscan dps" and 1 for "projectile", so it's because of characters, not systems. I hope it's not just because of unimportant stats lol.


The faster EXP at least got me a few more dances and one more legendary skin.

Still probably gonna have to buy boxes due to the overwhelming amount of items.


I got super excited when I hit 2000 credits because I thought Genji's skin cost 2000. And now I'm sad to see it was actually 3000.
Finally got a legendary after so many hours and hours of farming and its some non-event skin..great...sigh

Yup. The drop rates in this event feel really abysmal, since the beginning I've only got one event skin.

And it was Pharah, the shit that should've been an Epic to begin with. And then today I open a box with a legendary in it and it's Yeti Mei. smh.


You talking about the same D.Va just laying waste to dudes along with Winston in comp?

I don't know. I've been trying to use her in Lockout and she just gets melted in an instant. The shield barely does anything.

It should be noted I'm talking about the console version. No idea if she's much better on PC.


I don't know. I've been trying to use her in Lockout and she just gets melted in an instant. The shield barely does anything.

It should be noted I'm talking about the console version. No idea if she's much better on PC.

Yeah but the defense matrix refilling makes her powerful in other ways too. That thing can ALWAYS be up.


Yeah but the defense matrix refilling makes her powerful in other ways too. That thing can ALWAYS be up.

Fair enough. Also Zenyatta is super strong. Can 1 shot Soldier 76 with his charge up. Maybe that's always been possible but again, rarely play these days so I can't always remember.


Fair enough. Also Zenyatta is super strong. Can 1 shot Soldier 76 with his charge up. Maybe that's always been possible but again, rarely play these days so I can't always remember.

Ya, a fully charged shot from Zen does a maximum damage of 230 (it's capped, so even if all orbs hit the head it's still max damage of 230). It can instantly kill all squishies except Mei and Reaper (who have 250hp).

His most recent buff was to remove the random spread his orbs had, so his aim is much more consistent than it used to be.
Fair enough. Also Zenyatta is super strong. Can 1 shot Soldier 76 with his charge up. Maybe that's always been possible but again, rarely play these days so I can't always remember.

Key with D.Va is to play mid range and focus on dealing as much consistent damage to as many people as possible. She's not great for solo kills or charging recklessly but her Damage over time if you have decent accuracy cam be insane due to her never having to reload. Focus on just getting as much health down for your teammates to help finish people off as possible


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Okay this isn't funny anymore. WTF is this shit, Blizzard??

Seriously have they done some shit to the looting system? i can't remember being this unlucky before in previous events.


Edit: and before someone says play more... i play this game a lot.

Okay this isn't funny anymore. WTF is this shit, Blizzard??

Seriously have they done some shit to the looting system? i can't remember being this unlucky before in previous events.


Edit: and before someone says play more... i play this game a lot.


Not seeing what's wrong tbh, that seems like the usual lootbox. You're at a pretty high level so you are probably getting a lot of dupes, currency acumulates fast.


If I ever post something in Japanese which I don't understand, please BAN me.
Not seeing what's wrong tbh, that seems like the usual lootbox. You're at a pretty high level so you are probably getting a lot of dupes, currency acumulates fast.

Well the thing is i try to play this game a lot, especially during events so i already got tons of lootboxes but not many skins, the only event skins i got so far are Soldier, Mei and Hanzo... that's it. Like i said i can't remember an event before being this unlucky, maybe they really secretly lowered the % chance for a legendary skin.

And about the dupes giving currency, that's pretty much nothing. One spray or player icon gives only 15 currency... that's an absolute joke when a legendary skin costs 3k.


Was the TTK on consoles always this quick?

I feel like it's lighting quick now.

That was her nerf a while back. They switched her health and armor so she dies quicker. But it's been that way for a bit. Nothing has changed recently. You have to be smarter about when to be aggressive now. Her defense matrix is still one of the best abilities in the game and will always make her a good character tho.


They're overloading the loot system with fodder like stickers and icons. None of them are rare so it's becoming increasingly likely you'll get one, in addition to that, the more loot boxes you open, the more likely it is you'll get a duplicate .


I'm confused... why would you have 2 different accounts for different kind of characters? Where's the advantage in that? All it seems to do to me is costing twice as much money and you have to work twice as much to get stuff you want.

I'm a pretty damn good hitscan player (3750 SR high last season), but after switching to PC from PS4 in December, I hadn't played at all on projectile heroes.

Trying to play even quick play with my MMR was frustrating, since I'd be going up against high master or even GM Genji/Widow/etc.

Made a new account to start fresh and work on projectile only. I don't consider $40 for an account that much...I mean, I spent $60 on silly ass RNG loot boxes and built myself a 2k+ PC.

The joys of being single and decently well employed.


Well the thing is i try to play this game a lot, especially during events so i already got tons of lootboxes but not many skins, the only event skins i got so far are Soldier, Mei and Hanzo... that's it. Like i said i can't remember an event before being this unlucky, maybe they really secretly lowered the % chance for a legendary skin.

And about the dupes giving currency, that's pretty much nothing. One spray or player icon gives only 15 currency... that's an absolute joke when a legendary skin costs 3k.

That is the point for you to pay for lootboxes.
Okay this isn't funny anymore. WTF is this shit, Blizzard??

Seriously have they done some shit to the looting system? i can't remember being this unlucky before in previous events.


Edit: and before someone says play more... i play this game a lot.


white white blue white is like 80% of the boxes you are going to open.
After seeing Soldiers event skin close up, I have to admit that its pretty good. It has a lot of nice detail that I didnt initially notice. The best skin for this event really.
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