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Overwatch | Anniversary Event


Opened around 30 boxes. I got one legendary, then i got the dance of Mei, a shit loads of blue, then the dance of Mei again! What are the odds?

Judging by how often this seems to happen according to this thread, it seems to be likelier than one would expect.
But it's probably just that people who aren't salty about their shitty RNG-luck don't come here to complain about it.

But yeah, I'm approaching "uninstall" levels of annoyance over how shitty all my boxes are coming up. Why am I even playing this if it's just pissing me off?
Ended up buying the Mei skin and dance in an attempt to stop playing so much (avoiding the chance of a dupe and the ensuing buyer's remorse). Would have been nice of them to tell us about the double XP weekend beforehand.


Judging by how often this seems to happen according to this thread, it seems to be likelier than one would expect.
But it's probably just that people who aren't salty about their shitty RNG-luck don't come here to complain about it.

But yeah, I'm approaching "uninstall" levels of annoyance over how shitty all my boxes are coming up. Why am I even playing this if it's just pissing me off?

Wow, surely there's something better you can be doing with your life if you're actively being pissed off by a videogame, and still playing it.

I'll never get the amount of importance people put on skins. You can't even see it while you play the game. Do you have a prior gambling problem? or an addictive personality?

Do people not just play the game to enjoy.. the 'game'? I mean, skins are nice to have don't get me wrong, and I myself have had dupes and been all "oh ffs, not another one, just give me the damn Soldier skin I want already" But I wouldn't alter my play habits just because of something that a) doesn't in any way affect the gameplay, and b) is something that you'll only see on a very rare occasion (unless, I guess, you main Reinhardt)

It just seems so odd to me, and I don't know if it's because I'm 30, but this need to have everything handed to gamers on a plate just boggles my mind. You were never promised the skins, there was always set chance to get every box in the game. regardless if it was a dupe or not. There wasn't a EULA stating "And you WILL get the skin you want by the end of the event, or your money back".

Dunno, just seems like people's reactions are going a bit overboard.

If you care about skins, and not really about enjoying playing the game, there's a little known game called APB reloaded, you can make your own skins all day long and make yourself look as fancy as you want. As a bonus, it's 3rd person! so you can actually see what you're wearing.


Really Really Exciting Member!
Ended up buying the Mei skin and dance in an attempt to stop playing so much (avoiding the chance of a dupe and the ensuing buyer's remorse). Would have been nice of them to tell us about the double XP weekend beforehand.

They probably only decided on this yesterday or the day before. Otherwise, there would have been no point on keeping this information secret for the last 2 weeks other than some conspiracy nuts saying it was for them to sell more boxes.

Judging by how often this seems to happen according to this thread, it seems to be likelier than one would expect.
But it's probably just that people who aren't salty about their shitty RNG-luck don't come here to complain about it.

But yeah, I'm approaching "uninstall" levels of annoyance over how shitty all my boxes are coming up. Why am I even playing this if it's just pissing me off?

Here's a question for you : Do you play this game only for the cosmetics or because the game is actually fun to play? If you don't even enjoy playing this game and just play to get cool skins, why do you even continue?
They probably only decided on this yesterday or the day before. Otherwise, there would have been no point on keeping this information secret for the last 2 weeks other than some conspiracy nuts saying it was for them to sell more boxes.
Yeah I think it may be a concession to the "feedback" Jeff and the team have been receiving.
Judging by how often this seems to happen according to this thread, it seems to be likelier than one would expect.
But it's probably just that people who aren't salty about their shitty RNG-luck don't come here to complain about it.

But yeah, I'm approaching "uninstall" levels of annoyance over how shitty all my boxes are coming up. Why am I even playing this if it's just pissing me off?

If cosmetics upset you that much I just wouldn't open your lootboxes.


Wow, surely there's something better you can be doing with your life if you're actively being pissed off by a videogame, and still playing it.

I'll never get the amount of importance people put on skins. You can't even see it while you play the game. Do you have a prior gambling problem? or an addictive personality?

Do people not just play the game to enjoy.. the 'game'? I mean, skins are nice to have don't get me wrong, and I myself have had dupes and been all "oh ffs, not another one, just give me the damn Soldier skin I want already" But I wouldn't alter my play habits just because of something that a) doesn't in any way affect the gameplay, and b) is something that you'll only see on a very rare occasion (unless, I guess, you main Reinhardt)

It just seems so odd to me, and I don't know if it's because I'm 30, but this need to have everything handed to gamers on a plate just boggles my mind. You were never promised the skins, there was always set chance to get every box in the game. regardless if it was a dupe or not. There wasn't a EULA stating "And you WILL get the skin you want by the end of the event, or your money back".

Dunno, just seems like people's reactions are going a bit overboard.

If you care about skins, and not really about enjoying playing the game, there's a little known game called APB reloaded, you can make your own skins all day long and make yourself look as fancy as you want. As a bonus, it's 3rd person! so you can actually see what you're wearing.

Here's a question for you : Do you play this game only for the cosmetics or because the game is actually fun to play? If you don't even enjoy playing this game and just play to get cool skins, why do you even continue?

If cosmetics upset you that much I just wouldn't open your lootboxes.

I'll expand on my annoyances a little so you get a better grasp of where I'm coming from.

First, some background. I don't have an addictive personality or a gambling problem or anything like that. I've never bought any loot boxes. I never will.
I dislike and will not support a business model that is built on pay-for-RNG, like the lootbox system is. And I think blizzard are being complete dicks by circumventing the Chinese gambling laws the way they are.

Now, some introspection about my saltiness over the event boxes.
I enjoy the gameplay of Overwatch. I don't play for the boxes, I play for the game. I regularly complain about the trend in modern gaming where everything needs some kind of arbitrary progression system, and I constantly lament that people aren't content with just playing games for the fun of it anymore.
In a world where event boxes would not exist, I would not like the game less. I would like it more.
And skins generally aren't important to me.

So, here's the problem:
Right now, every time you get an event box with shitty drops, you are reminded how obscenely unlikely it is for you to score the two or three event skins available for your mains in the limited time window you have through regular means. Even if you just have one skin you really want, the proximity in time between this and the previous event means you might not have enough gold for even that much.

You are constantly made aware of the way the system and the event itself is designed to maximize profits from sold lootboxes, and this taints my enjoyment of the rest of the game.
The whole reward loop during events is not designed for you to get more interesting things, it's designed to make you give them more money. And I think that sucks.


I'll expand on my annoyances a little so you get a better grasp of where I'm coming from.

First, some background. I don't have an addictive personality or a gambling problem or anything like that. I've never bought any loot boxes. I never will.
I dislike and will not support a business model that is built on pay-for-RNG, like the lootbox system is. And I think blizzard are being complete dicks by circumventing the Chinese gambling laws the way they are.

Now, some introspection about my saltiness over the event boxes.
I enjoy the gameplay of Overwatch. I don't play for the boxes, I play for the game. I regularly complain about the trend in modern gaming where everything needs some kind of arbitrary progression system, and I constantly lament that people aren't content with just playing games for the fun of it anymore.
In a world where event boxes would not exist, I would not like the game less. I would like it more.
And skins generally aren't important to me.

So, here's the problem:
Right now, every time you get an event box with shitty drops, you are reminded how obscenely unlikely it is for you to score the two or three event skins available for your mains in the limited time window you have through regular means. Even if you just have one skin you really want, the proximity in time between this and the previous event means you might not have enough gold for even that much.

You are constantly made aware of the way the system and the event itself is designed to maximize profits from sold lootboxes, and this taints my enjoyment of the rest of the game.
The whole reward loop during events is not designed for you to get more interesting things, it's designed to make you give them more money. And I think that sucks.

Some good points and I do agree that all games need some form of progression these days where before they didn't That is just a trend in gaming that appeals to the younger generations more and provides more stories/theory crafting within a game at a very basic level.

I also think Loot boxes are kinda gross when real world money is involved and I think drop rates should be shown etc but I don't blame Blizzard (apart from the gross way they are avoiding China's rules) as they need to make a profit and it does indeed provide a lot of free content for a lot of the player base.

You kind of contradicted yourself though, you said generally skins don't matter (which I'm guessing means all cosmetics) but yet you feel bad when you don't get the loot you want. Which means you must care about the cosmetics :p

I think Blizz do a pretty darn good job of it considering the amount of content they are providing to the game and how much they are listening to the community. The gold income is a little slow (or the prices are too high) and items being locked behind events is a little annoying. That is something that will fade over time though where after 18-24 months all the skins for year 1 will be available in normal boxes and year 2 will be the new hot stuff.

This then ends up boiling down to the me-me-me, now-now-now nature of gaming fans where it is seemingly impossible to wait or be satisfied with what is currently available. I'm not saying this is your case Jhn as it seems like you aren't fussed with the loot so my only advice would be just to ignore it for as long as you can, collect those loot boxes and just let them sit in your inventory and open them all once the event is over. That way it won't sting as bad when you aren't getting what you are looking for.
Genji main here. Have never once used the "I Need Healing" voiceline. With any character either. I feel bad ordering them stuff like that.

Course then you get the Mercy and Ana who heal everyone but me and I'm in their line of sight waiting but then I get killed. Annoys me a bit.

Anyways back to the topic, still no new skin.

Also a Genji main.

The reason why we don't actually use the "I need healing" is because we're failing at our role if we ever have to waste the healer's time with such a request.

Genji can scale walls, so there's no stopping us from simply going to the nearest health drop, wherever it is.

I actually came here to comment on this. I know what I'm doing this weekend.


You kind of contradicted yourself though, you said generally skins don't matter (which I'm guessing means all cosmetics) but yet you feel bad when you don't get the loot you want. Which means you must care about the cosmetics :p

Sorry. To clarify a bit, just because they're "not important" does not mean I'm completely uninterested in them. It's not binary.
I still think it'd be cool to get the few things I like, I'm just saying that not getting them wouldn't be the end of the world.
I.e, if all these skins were pure DLC that you just bought outright I wouldn't buy them, but I'd have less of an issue with the business model and be less salty about it.


Neo Member
I've gotten 4 non events legendaries, all from arcade or normal play boxes. And only tracers skin, which is the antithesis of what i'd like to get. I'm feeling the rustle. I just want some way to spend money on this game that isn't gambling, I'd like to support the game but not like this.


My luck:


kill me pls.


Wow, just bought a 50 pack on PC and I think I got every dance from it. Best luck ever.

Edit: Just missing a handful. Not bad at all.


Junior Member
Opened like more than 10 boxes not a single legendary at this rate RIP Lucio Skin 😢

After all this time I spent grinding I just got the shitty Bastion event skin so far wtf


My event skins haul so far:

Bedouin Pharah
Cruiser D.Va
Cyberninja Hanzo
Beekeeper Mei
Dune Buggy Bastion

Only really need Cyborg Soldier 76 (will spend 3000 credits on it the last day if I don't get lucky with the drop), don't like the rest.

Have about 70% of the dance emotes.

Pretty pleased.


Looking forward to seeing the blinding white background of the main menu go once the event is over..
All the skins are ugly as hell except for genji and Lucio. I'm all about the dances though and I already bought the ones I really liked. I'm good for this event.
I'll expand on my annoyances a little so you get a better grasp of where I'm coming from.

First, some background. I don't have an addictive personality or a gambling problem or anything like that. I've never bought any loot boxes. I never will.
I dislike and will not support a business model that is built on pay-for-RNG, like the lootbox system is. And I think blizzard are being complete dicks by circumventing the Chinese gambling laws the way they are.

Now, some introspection about my saltiness over the event boxes.
I enjoy the gameplay of Overwatch. I don't play for the boxes, I play for the game. I regularly complain about the trend in modern gaming where everything needs some kind of arbitrary progression system, and I constantly lament that people aren't content with just playing games for the fun of it anymore.
In a world where event boxes would not exist, I would not like the game less. I would like it more.
And skins generally aren't important to me.

So, here's the problem:
Right now, every time you get an event box with shitty drops, you are reminded how obscenely unlikely it is for you to score the two or three event skins available for your mains in the limited time window you have through regular means. Even if you just have one skin you really want, the proximity in time between this and the previous event means you might not have enough gold for even that much.

You are constantly made aware of the way the system and the event itself is designed to maximize profits from sold lootboxes, and this taints my enjoyment of the rest of the game.
The whole reward loop during events is not designed for you to get more interesting things, it's designed to make you give them more money. And I think that sucks.

Sums up my thoughts exactly. I don't know what the solution is, but loot boxes as they are now are an annoyance and I'd much prefer the ability to purchase/unlock specific items instead of the 100% RNG system.


Double exp is so nice. I didn't realize it had already started, and then my first win of the day was a competitive game on Gibraltar that went for four long rounds. Game ended up being worth 17k exp.

Then I opened my box and got double legendary drops, but it was only Genji (a dupe) and money.


Junior Member
Finally got a legendary after so many hours and hours of farming and its some non-event skin..great...sigh


My event skins haul so far:

Bedouin Pharah
Cruiser D.Va
Cyberninja Hanzo
Beekeeper Mei
Dune Buggy Bastion

Only really need Cyborg Soldier 76 (will spend 3000 credits on it the last day if I don't get lucky with the drop), don't like the rest.

Have about 70% of the dance emotes.

Pretty pleased.


Looking forward to seeing the blinding white background of the main menu go once the event is over..
^ Woo! Got the Cybord Soldier 76 on my first legendary drop after playing for a couple of hours on double EXP, so lucky! 😬😬

Now I'm debating if I should save all my credits so I can have enough to do a least a couple of forced skin buys on the last day of the NEXT event, or get the Grafitti Tracer on the last day of the current one, which is a skin I find kinda cool but don't totally love because her face is covered. 🤔

edit- just gave the tracer skin a good look, I actually like it a lot, I'm buying it on the last day if I don't get the drop.


^ Woo! Got the Cybord Soldier 76 on my first legendary drop after playing for a couple of hours on double EXP, so lucky! 😬😬

Now I'm debating if I should save all my credits so I can have enough to do a least a couple of forced skin buys on the last day of the NEXT event, or get the Grafitti Tracer on the last day of the current one, which is a skin I find kinda cool but don't totally love because her face is covered. 🤔

buy the dances you dont get i would say


Jew Gamer
This last bit is painful for me. Out of 50ish boxes so far during the event I've gotten one skin so far and it's for a character I had a better skin for already :(

Just want the Genji and DVA so bad


Gonna be painful when xp goes back to normal.

Yeah, they're gonna spoil people and its gonna wind up being complained about like the early RoS events that caused them to keep hiking Legendary rates once people got used to numbers that felt rewarding


Got my first legendary in a box earned with double XP.

It was Baldrich's armor. It looks sick, but fuck me, I'm never going to get these anniversary items.
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