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Overwatch has destroyed me

I've played Overwatch 2-3 times a week since launch, and as much as I love it, the lack of things like custom servers means it will never form the communities that led to me playing TF2 for something like 4000 hours over eight years.
Man you're fine. Hard to say it's broken you after 300 hours. I don't play over watch but my girlfriend has put close to 3,000hrs (could be much more now that I'm thinking about it) into it over the last year. She took a small break for Zelda, Persona and Splatoon but other than that she plays it pretty much every day for a few hours for an entire year.


It would be Smash and Monster Hunte in some ways nowaday. My actual "Holy Grail" though when I was younger was PSO. That game had me hooked for Hours on end.


Gold Member
dropped off from comp play since it became pointless which was good since it gave me time to play my snes classic.

but since the halloween event i've been playing the junkenstein's revenge, finally did manage to get the mercy spray (beat on expert then survive 4 bonus rounds)


1000h+ by playing nothing else since launch.

I solved my "addiction" by making a smurf and playing only Mercy on it. (I leave the match if nobody gives me her.) That revolutionised my habits to absolutely no more than 2h per day, if playing at all. A tiny 50h in Season 5.


Rocket league, Wish I could add Lawbreakers to that :(.
I once thought OW would be that game oh boy how I was very wrong mercy of the old among other things will push me away.
2k + hours on Rocket League and not slowing down one bit. It’s my go to game fit any occasion. When I want to relax, when I want to screw around ir fo full try hard.
Although not that a lot of the time for me 😁.
Yup dota 2 was like crack to me. Valve fuck it up by patching it with all these new shit.

Unfortunately, none of the new stuff has turned me off of the game and I'm still dumping at least three or four hours a day into it. Thankfully no one else I know plays so eventually I'm sure I'll get bored of not having a real team to play with.... eventually.... Did give up on ranked at least though, so that was a step in the right direction i guess...


Ask me about the moon landing or the temperature at which jet fuel burns. You may be surprised at what you learn.
I played Overwatch pretty much every night from June 2016 till June 2017.

After 300+ hours I got my fill and have no desire to play it ever again. Rainbow 6 Siege helped me get away and I was hooked on that for a few months too.

Nowadays I just clear out my backlog and enjoy a variety of games instead of grinding the same game all the time.
Destiny for me. Falling into the lore helped a lot I think, I love being in that universe. Most played game by a long mile and for all its faults I'm happy to have D2 to run around in.


I had to stop playing minecraft because I was playing it all night, taking my save to work, playing all lunch, taking it home and playing all night again. I wasnt even playing multiplayer, but heavily modded singleplayer. Played hundreds of hours on one save and then nuked the whole thing (literally) and then straight away started again. I had to stop because I wanted to actually play other games, now I'm much happier with my gaming habits.
I was so addicted to TERA when it first launched it ruined my relationship with my then ex-fiance, quit my job during the time and was borderline anorexic from lack of sleeping and eating.

Played TERA about 20 hours a day 7 days a week.





Admittedly a lot of that time has been keeping the game open in the backround too.

I don't even want to know how much time I have spent on WoW over the years, especially during Vanilla.

don't get me started with cs.


I wish I could not get bored and get that much values out of games, lol. 15 hours of Overwatch were enjoyable, but I'm pretty well done.


I was you at one point OP. It, like everything else, will find its place in the back of your mind eventually. I played it hardcore, pre season 1, season 1, season 2, and then sporadically from then on. I haven't even logged in to get my free box for this event.


I‘m addicted to this game and nothing else compares. I try getting away from it by buying other games but I‘d always let them collect dust and play some OW matches instead. It‘s Action non-stop, it always demands my attention, it‘s 80% fun and I sometimes die of laughter. 300h and it doesn‘t get boring in the slightest.

Do you also have a holy grail game?

I was like that with MAG on the PS3. No FPS have come close to being as good, IMO.
Meh, I've rotated between Overwatch, Agents of Mayhem, Dragon's Dogma, and Paladin's this week. Evil Within 2 is on it's way so I'll be switching to that when it gets here.


Neopets! I've been playing it for 16 years. I still log in every day to do daily stuff.

Don't get me wrong here tho, I don't spend more than 10 mins a day playing it.

I usually have an MMO that I slow grind on for fun here and there -- right now it's FFXIV. I used to play them more, but I've got real life obligations/work/social stuff to give higher priority. Still, it's a good type of game to spend a lot of time on when I have the time to spare.


at last, for christ's sake
I finally got over my addiction, Switch and Divinity 2 helped a great deal. Now I play the occasional two-three comp matches more like a pasttime than a matter of life or death and don't give a rats anymore if I lose. Ironically, I'm always winning

Before OW, RTCW was my jam. Six thousand hours, I would still be playing if my clan hadn't disbanded and TF2 and BF2 didn't happen

Spider from Mars

tap that thorax
I fall into Football Manager holes where that's all I will do with my free time for a week or two at a time and then force myself to not play it for a few months. Eff that stupid, beautiful mess.
TES Oblivion was my kryptonite in high school. I put in well over 1000 hours into that game. Nearly completed every location with 4 characters. I played a ton of other games but Oblivion was crack.


I tend to get addicted to one game at a time, especially if its a solid multiplayer experience.
For me, my experience can be boiled down to:
Counter Strike followed by CS: Source
World of Warcraft addiction starts (didnt really play anything else for years)
Dota 2 addiction starts- Over 4k hours on steam, quit cold turkey over a year ago and don't care to go back.
Now its PUBG - Over 500 hours and still counting. Took a few weeks break but got sucked back in.


Phantasy Star Online.

I bought another phone line in my mother's home and installed it in my room to play this game. Bought Versions 1 and 2 on Dreamcast and played and played and played.

I cannot begin to fathom the number of hours I spent on PSO. I was a college student at the time, so if I wasn't in class or at work, I was playing PSO. (Hell, sometimes I played WHILE I was at work.)

If Sega (Atlus, who the fuck ever) would get their head out of their ass and port it over here, I wouldn't need to buy another game for the rest of my PS4's life.


Back in the day it was definitely quake 1. I loved the shit out of that game, and played it nonstop after school.

These days the closest is titanfall 2. I’ve been burning through some single player stuff recently, but that’s a game I can load up for three or four matches and have a good time.
Most of the games I end up loving are singleplayer experiences that don't really have the replayability or content to consume me. I'm probably lucky for that, because if the story just kept going I'm darn sure I'd keep playing.


Neo Member
World of Warcraft expansions like TBC and WotLK, Monster Hunter, CS 1.6 and Overwatch were all games that absorbed me into them for a long, long time.


I agree, OP. The level of polish and sheer fun-factor of Overwatch makes it the best team-based shooter I've ever played. Leave it to Blizzard to perfect a formula. The only other team-based shooters that have ever come close to this level of enjoyment from me are early Team Fortress 2 and Unreal Tournament 2004 onslaught mode.

Overwatch no longer takes up all my gaming time, but rarely a day goes by where I don't get a few matches in.


I call this the SoulsBorne Effect. After playing those games, anything else palea into comparison and I always go back to them.

Even this year as amazing as it is I am replaying Demon Souls and bouncing back to Overwatch for a breather.

So yes.
Smash Wii U is that game for me, so I totally hear you OP.

Smash in general has always been that game for me since Smash 64, really, but Smash Wii U in particular.


I‘m addicted to this game and nothing else compares. I try getting away from it by buying other games but I‘d always let them collect dust and play some OW matches instead. It‘s Action non-stop, it always demands my attention, it‘s 80% fun and I sometimes die of laughter. 300h and it doesn‘t get boring in the slightest.

Do you also have a holy grail game?

Overwatch and Titanfall 2 this year; Gears of War 3 and Halo 5 previous.

My favorite line : "sometimes die of laughter"

Games are meant to be enjoyed. Simple. The multiplayer games I've enjoyed are so varied in moment to moment gameplay that even in death I can laugh and go "Okay good one" and move on. (Conversely fuck every random death in games like Call of Duty due to crap spawns.)
I just recently cracked over 18000 hours played in WoW, as I always played the same toon. When I saw that, I actually sat back for a moment and thought about it....

*log out*
*delete character*
*uninstall game*

Never felt such a weight lifted off my shoulders. But man when I told my guild mates what I had done they flipped their shit. Nearly 100% achievements, literally millions in gold, and 13 years of work gone in less than a minute.


It doesn't matter how good a game is for me. Once I play enough of it I eventually get burned out and don't play it again.

So apart from maybe Runescape (which I played religiously when I was a kid) I haven't managed to play any game for longer than 350 hours.
When Monster Hunter 3U came out I somehow managed to put in 100+ hours over the course of a week or two. This was while working and being a full time student in college. I'm not really sure how I functioned.

Nothing has been quite as bad. Overwatch and Rainbow Six Siege are usually my go to games but I can get myself away to play other things or do something else.


I love Overwatch too...but I can't play it like I used to in this current meta. I used to do 4-5+ hour sessions on Friday/Saturday/Sunday if I had time over the weekend, now I play 1-2 matches and I start feeling worn out.

When you main primarily flankers and the entire current meta is focused on chasing a Mercy around the map literally every fucking game it wears on you quickly. Top that off with spam heroes being stronger and there being more shields than ever and it's lost a lot of the magic it had for me in previous metas.

Plus the toxicity is out of this world. I play in mid-high Masters on PC and it's been a nightmare this season. The community has been getting steadily worse for the last 6 months or so in my experience.
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