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Overwatch wins Game of the Year at The Game Awards 2016


...so find active player numbers instead of quoting total registered user numbers? The premise of my anecdote was that people pick it up and then drop it because it's as deep as a puddle.

You're swinging around a premise based on an anecdote and you are telling OTHER people to go get 'real numbers'?

I swear I miss gaming side sometimes. This stuff is gold.

Personally, this is bullshit. Multiplayer only games are like unfinished games to me. There's little point to things if a narrative isn't present to guide it along and provide motivation .





Well-deserved! I used to not get how people can just play a MP game like CoD and little else but I get it now.
Personally, this is bullshit. Multiplayer only games are like unfinished games to me. There's little point to things if a narrative isn't present to guide it along and provide motivation . Gaming is not only gameplay, but also a lot of other things.

I should add as well that I have played the game and found it wanting in the fun department. For FPS's they should have gone with DOOM. Now that's pure gameplay bliss with a narrative spine to it.


I don't know whether to laugh or cry.


As someone who played UC1-3, loved 2, and found some of the stuff in 3 silly enough to make a thread talking about it, and who has no PS4 and hence have not played UC4, I find all this shade really weird. Like, why are people so vindictive? It's fucking Uncharted, how different can 4 be to make people this mad at it. Lol.

You would think that by the fourth entry people know what they're getting into. You either like Uncharted or you don't. I never found the Uncharted games very fun to play and (surprise!) my feelings didn't change after finishing UC4.


I'm not even an uncharted fan boy. I only played 2 and 4.

In fact I'm an online mp fan boy. I'd still give it to uc4 I think.

I'm going to have to play some more overwatch bc maybe the newest content is better or something.

Black Hat

I'm a massive Uncharted fan and after playing 4 didn't think anything would come close as I loved it that much.

Overwatch is my GOTY.
Overwatch is my game of the decade possibly.

Not for reasons of it being spectacular or groundbreaking or new, but as usual Blizzard has taken a well established game type, and made a significantly better game than anything that has existed before it.

It might not ultimately have World of Warcraft market sector dominance, but it's the best game they've done in my eyes. Ridiculously fun and varied gameplay. It's almost like something Nindendo would make in an alternate universe.
basically it's

- Overwatch is a more toxic community than Dota 2/Battlefield 1 because of people telling you how to play. "Don't pick this character, don't play that way, don't do this, don't do that. Did I pay 40 bucks for a videogame or a mother-in-law?"
- Poor balance. Lucio is top tier, not enough variety to differentiate DPS characters. "Specifically, there is not enough unique properties per character and certain elements are too additive with another and those unique properties that DO exist either have too much interference with other elements or not enough." (my goodness what a wordy sentence)
- Fuck Lucio!!! "His speed boost despite being halved on release messes with the pace of the game of too much and hampers certain character jobs too much (namely the defense category) and has nothing to compete with it." (weird though, because the post says his nerfs make him shitty even though he is integral to every team comp? i also don't agree with lucio being a 100% must have on every team)
- The trifecta of healers/DPS/tanks are fucked because of so much overlap. Tanks do so much damage, which leads to more teams going tank heavy, which then relates back to the post's point of not enough variety.

I'm missing a bunch of points, but that's basically the summary of it. I don't agree with any of the points (especially that Pharah dig cuz Pharah is pretty stronk now).


A lot of people responded to what I wrote but I want to quote this one post because I feel like people might read this summary and get the wrong idea. I want to clarify some things.

- The point about the community is more or less accurate. People have misconstrued this stuff is banter. It is not. Someone typing the Question Mark in all chat everytime they deny a creep in a dota game is banter. Very annoying true but banter. Someone micromanaging your every move and choice is harassment. When this is systemic in the community it becomes hostile.

- This sentence is not very clear I agree. I was struggling to condense my thoughts down to introduce what I was trying to get across. The initial post I had in mind was much larger. I condensed it down as much as I could. I was surprised that people thought the post was big. I initially thought I over edited it. My full thoughts on Overwatch and it's problems would probably be the size of a TED talk to be honest.

- I didn't mean that Lucio was shitty but that he FELT shitty to play, meaning unfun. The impact of skills has been stripped down combined with the new global ult charge change means you spend a lot of time slowly waiting for your sound barrier. In general these hard support type of characters are problematic in action games because I feel like they aren't designed in good faith. They got limited skill caps and seem to be made for weaker players. Some people might think this adds to the game's appeal because "there's something for everyone" but this design doesn't have long term viability. Weaker players get better over time and want to move on to higher skill cap characters. I've seen this process happen in TF2. Medic players get bored and move on to other characters and then there is a dearth of healing on a server.

- The tank dps healer problem isn't just an overlap issue. Overlap is a problem here that occurs from certain characters springs from this, but it's not the core problem. The "holy trinity" that blizzard is fond of is in itself the problem. It is not a good design for characters in general and is particularly bad in action games. "DPS" as a role is inherently problematic. Most people play these shooter games to do "damage" versus other players and not follow them around with a health hose attached to someone else's butt. Having that be one third of available roles is bad design. Look at any Overwatch discussion on any forum and you'll see the same complaints about how "no one wants to support or tank." Well no shit. I personally have been playing these arena fps games for about 18 years. Almost 2 decades of fragging people. I don't want to give that up to heal some 15 year old dew and doritos McCree playing shit lord named BoreHa420.

Tanks don't work properly in action games because you aren't fighting AI controlled monsters. There's no reason to beat on the tanky guy who doesn't do damage instead of the squishy guy who does from a human player perspective. Unless the tank itself is doing damage... in which case it's no longer a tank.

Healers I've already covered. But in summary they are low skill cap characters with limited growth.

I'm not salty. I just felt Overwatch was too flawed for game of the year. I didn't want to make a drive by post saying that in a one liner without explaining myself.
Tanks don't work properly in action games because you aren't fighting AI controlled monsters. There's no reason to beat on the tanky guy who doesn't do damage instead of the squishy guy who does from a human player perspective. Unless the tank itself is doing damage... in which case it's no longer a tank.

Healers I've already covered. But in summary they are low skill cap characters with limited growth.

I'm not salty. I just felt Overwatch was too flawed for game of the year. I didn't want to make a drive by post saying that in a one liner without explaining myself.

I disagree with you on these points; Tanks aren't just meant to aggro enemies. They also exist to soak alot of damage and be a nuisance that either you are forced to deal with or they'll wear you down relentlessly. They also provide means of reducing incoming damage, Rein shield, Dva defense Matrix, Winston bubble, Zarya shield, etc.

Healers having low skill caps is a little insulting, though. If anything a stellar healer shines even more brightly because of their ability to micromanage the battlefield more than your one dimensional dps class. Mercy may be extremely simplistic in her approach but understanding where to be and when will show the good from the bad and the best Lucios can do stuff like contest a payload solo for precious seconds seeming unkillable.


Healers having low skill caps is a little insulting, though. If anything a stellar healer shines even more brightly because of their ability to micromanage the battlefield more than your one dimensional dps class. Mercy may be extremely simplistic in her approach but understanding where to be and when will show the good from the bad and the best Lucios can do stuff like contest a payload solo for precious seconds seeming unkillable.

Yeap. Just look up someone like DSPStanky if you want to see the difference between a decent Lucio and a highly skilled one.
I personally dislike FPS so I will probably never play it, but damn if it's not deserved; many of my friends are in love with it. It stands for a lot of my ideals: simple base gameplay with a lot of depth; pure, immediate gameplay rather than wasting the player's time; memorable, stylized character designs that are superbly animated, instead of boring gritty realism; and so on.

My only objection is, isn't giving a GOTY at the start of December a little nonsensical? Doesn't this screw over games released during this month (and there are a few)? I'm assuming each GOTY they give also includes games from the previous year's December, but even so...
I personally dislike FPS so I will probably never play it, but damn if it's not deserved; many of my friends are in love with it. It stands for a lot of my ideals: simple base gameplay with a lot of depth; pure, immediate gameplay rather than wasting the player's time; memorable, stylized character designs that are superbly animated, instead of boring gritty realism; and so on.

My only objection is, isn't giving a GOTY at the start of December a little nonsensical? Doesn't this screw over games released during this month (and there are a few)? I'm assuming each GOTY they give also includes games from the previous year's December, but even so...
Grammys do the same thing. I think the cutoff to be nomintated is October.
- The point about the community is more or less accurate. People have misconstrued this stuff is banter. It is not. Someone typing the Question Mark in all chat everytime they deny a creep in a dota game is banter. Very annoying true but banter. Someone micromanaging your every move and choice is harassment. When this is systemic in the community it becomes hostile.

is this a jokepost

also you get assholes in dota and league too micromanaging you on how your build sucks and to buy this and skill this, it doesn't matter as much because the mute button exists, in fact its easier to ignore them in overwatch because there are no skills that directly affect your own team mates other than heals like there is in dota and league (jarvan ult, pudge hook, sd q, natures prophet's entire existence). if i were to accept your anecdote (my own anecdote being, no i have not seen anyone micromanage me, rather they just tell me to swap off genji or something), overwatch's community is no worse than any other online game and definitely not worse than dota and league


Overwatch is my game of the decade possibly.

Not for reasons of it being spectacular or groundbreaking or new, but as usual Blizzard has taken a well established game type, and made a significantly better game than anything that has existed before it.

I mean, COME ON!!

So many posts from people who hate the genre but love Overwatch. How arrogant to say OW is a better game than anything else in the genre when you don't play the genre.

The Blizzard brain-washing is strong in this one.
Yeah this is anecdotal but I've encountered 1 toxic person on mic in Overwatch on ps4. I don't play a lot of mobas but my brief stint with LoL and DOTA 2 are much worse. With OW there's a separate rank mode for people who really want to win and most people won't get on your ass for anything more than picking a bad hero. It's hardly the learning curve or toxicity of the MOBAs I mentioned. Then there's Left 4 Dead 2 which is just... still have nightmares from that one.

Oh Rainbow 6 Siege just came out too and that has team killing so naturally some of the community is gonna be pretty shitty. Also has the problem of having some less than stellar heroes. Learning curve is also much steeper and there aren't any support style heroes so non-skilled players can't ease their way in to the game by playing a Lucio type.

Personally, this is bullshit. Multiplayer only games are like unfinished games to me. There's little point to things if a narrative isn't present to guide it along and provide motivation . Gaming is not only gameplay, but also a lot of other things.

I should add as well that I have played the game and found it wanting in the fun department. For FPS's they should have gone with DOOM. Now that's pure gameplay bliss with a narrative spine to it.
Lol, man I think I already quoted this but I still can't get over it. DOOM makes fun of modern narratives and scripted bullshit and you completely missed that.


Overwatch is my game of the decade possibly.

Not for reasons of it being spectacular or groundbreaking or new, but as usual Blizzard has taken a well established game type, and made a significantly better game than anything that has existed before it.

It might not ultimately have World of Warcraft market sector dominance, but it's the best game they've done in my eyes. Ridiculously fun and varied gameplay. It's almost like something Nindendo would make in an alternate universe.

Nintendo did make Splatoon in this universe.


I disagree with you on these points; Tanks aren't just meant to aggro enemies. They also exist to soak alot of damage and be a nuisance that either you are forced to deal with or they'll wear you down relentlessly. They also provide means of reducing incoming damage, Rein shield, Dva defense Matrix, Winston bubble, Zarya shield, etc.

Healers having low skill caps is a little insulting, though. If anything a stellar healer shines even more brightly because of their ability to micromanage the battlefield more than your one dimensional dps class. Mercy may be extremely simplistic in her approach but understanding where to be and when will show the good from the bad and the best Lucios can do stuff like contest a payload solo for precious seconds seeming unkillable.

I think a good definition of tanks in this game: characters that force a coordinated response by the enemy team unless they want to be at a severe disadvantage.
Eh I'm okay with this. 2016 was a pretty mediocre year for video games.

Not quite, but it is certainly getting there. Give it a couple more years.
OW was already automatically better than TF2 for me when it was revealed that all loadouts were preset with no variations.


if you haven't yet seen this absolute monster of a lucio,


I, uh, I think I bought the wrong game by accident. I thought I was playing Overwatch but this looks nothing like the game I've been playing. :( And I love playing Lucio.

Overwatch is fantastic; some of the best raw joy I've had in gaming in a long time. And I play on PC and have never had any major problems with the community, though I auto-mute voice chat admittedly.


erotic butter maelstrom
Narratives do exist in multiplayer videogames. Just as they do in a game of chess or football. The only difference is that the narratives in these games aren't pre-written by somebody in a room. They're emergent and purely driven by the actions of the players. You can't write that shit.


Narratives do exist in multiplayer videogames. Just as they do in a game of chess or football. The only difference is that the narratives in these games aren't pre-written by somebody in a room. They're emergent and purely driven by the actions of the players. You can't write that shit.

Yes, yes. and remove the campaign from uncharted. Why not ? saves a ton of money.

I hope game publishers are not listening to the circle jerk on this thread. The last thing I want is more multiplayer games and less epic single players.

Was overwatch a great game ? hell yeah. Did it deserve goty over uncharted, dark souls or even titanfall ? nop.

Maybe if overwatch/multiplayer shooters are the only games you play/like .


Yes, yes. and remove the campaign from uncharted. Why not ? saves a ton of money.

I hope game publishers are not listening to the circle jerk on this thread. The last thing I want is more multiplayer games and less epic single players.

Was overwatch a great game ? hell yeah. Did it deserve goty over uncharted, dark souls or even titanfall ? nop.

Maybe if overwatch/multiplayer shooters are the only games you play/like .

If you removed the campaign from Uncharted it would be a bad game though. The notion that you have to have a campaign ala the past 15 years of gaming in order to be a top tier game is fucking ridiculous. The near universally agreed upon best game of all time (Tetris) is no different from something like Overwatch. Or Pac Man. Or any other classic game.

Nobody is saying that there shouldn't be single player games, nor does winning GOTY with a multiplayer only game indicate that that's what should happen. How about, get this, there's a variety of games, and we judge them on their own merits? The fact that the GOTY HAPPENS to be multiplayer only doesn't mean anything other than that it was the best game released this year for the majority of voters (and almost assuredly players as well). That's it.


If you removed the campaign from Uncharted it would be a bad game though. The notion that you have to have a campaign ala the past 15 years of gaming in order to be a top tier game is fucking ridiculous. The near universally agreed upon best game of all time (Tetris) is no different from something like Overwatch. Or Pac Man. Or any other classic game.

Nobody is saying that there shouldn't be single player games, nor does winning GOTY with a multiplayer only game indicate that that's what should happen. How about, get this, there's a variety of games, and we judge them on their own merits? The fact that the GOTY HAPPENS to be multiplayer only doesn't mean anything other than that it was the best game released this year for the majority of voters (and almost assuredly players as well). That's it.

Uncharted multiplayer is as fun as overwatch. If you remove the campaign, they would spend more time on the multiplayer and make it way better.
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