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PaRappa the Rapper told me to drop dead.

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Unconfirmed Member
Oh geeze I'm glad I kept this subscribed! Honestly, I thought nothing else would happen, but my "just in case..." instincts were right!!

Since he admits to owing money via email/texts, going to be an easy counter sue.

Yeah there really isn't much of a case in favor of him :/ A contract is a contract.

Hope that Dred actually goes through with this so that this finally gets resolved. Maybe US law is different than Canadian law, but I'm pretty sure that it doesn't count as slander when you can prove that it's true.

In this case it's not even slander. Slander has to be spoken. Libel is the correct term, being written. But... all that was written was the facts and proof on the whole ordeal. There IS such thing as "defamation", and here's a (gross) case in which Jesse Ventura WON with it, even though it was factual: http://www.washingtontimes.com/news/2014/aug/8/judge-upholds-jury-award-in-ventura-case/

Actually going to court and watching him embarrass himself in front of Judge Judy or whatever sounds hilarious in my head, and I would honestly consider it, but the truth is you can't count on this man for shit.

This... needs to happen. I would DVR the crap out of it!! "...just give the kid his $100." *Gavel smack* Actually, do you have to pay for daytime court shows, or would it be covered? I'm not sure how they work.
So the cycle begins again?


Sad thing is it still says he works for Sony....

What're the odds that he's just talking about reprising his role as Parappa in PSASBR and is thinking that amounts to anything? I mean, I really loved that game, but A.) It's a crossover fighter, not a sign of Parappa's resurgence (If it meant that the PS1 characters were coming back, however, a MediEvil 3'd've been appreciated...), and B.) The IP is dead; the project's been in SSM's hands for awhile, and they haven't touched it after they released the Zeus update about 2 years ago. So long as they're working on God of War, PSASBR will never be anything more than a side-project to them, and if they do another game with heavy online multiplayer, I'm thinking it'll just be another mode in a GoW game ala Ascension.

I think the Japanese VA was an "idol" in Japan and they typically have to keep a certain image. I think her sleeping around is a scandal because she can't been seen as "pristine."

Ugh... I hate that it's a scandal that this happened. Are dudes in the "Idol" culture treated the same way/have their careers killed if word gets out that they have a sex life, too? I mean, I can't remember names, but I know Aya Hayano isn't the only one that this happened to. Why does a person being sexually active make them reprehensible again? I'm no expert on "Idol" culture myself, and maybe I'm used to classic rock stars and other musicians in America having wild and public sex lives, but from what I've seen and read about Ms. Hayano and a few others, it'd suck to be in that scene.

Bringing this back to Dred Foxx, however, he didn't have much of a career to begin with, and this'd ruin it by proving he's an asshole who's hard to work with, but unlike other rappers who're the same way (Kanye comes to mind pretty quickly), he doesn't produce results. He's known for rapping about doing karate/relationship counseling with onions, learning how to drive, making seafood cake, and about how he doesn't chuckle, unlike his rival Sonic, as he would rather showcase his toned muscles. This actually would be career-killing if there was anything left to kill, unless there's a PSASBR 2 and they can't find a suitable replacement for him (Which honestly, shouldn't be that hard; SuperBot went out of their way to get Sunny Funny's old Voice Actress back for one line, and getting David Hayter to voice the final boss just because they couldn't get the rights to Snake, but since I doubt they'd be working on 2, the attention to detail VA-wise may fall back a little bit.).


I don't know how I ever missed this story. Thank you so much for providing a couple of hours worth of entertainment. Dred is a piece of shit.


For some reason this just reminds me of that Crazy Days & Nights blog.

All the same, I'm terribly interested in the outcome despite it's little/no effect on my life/outlook/wellbeing.

Dred is just a walking trainwreck, and I'm a terrible person for wanting to see this really explode in his face

You're not that terrible of a person...or a lot of people here, including me, are terrible people.

I think it would be a great show to see someone that really screwed someone else, with evidences and everything, so fucking stubborn that he's on the good side, realizing that he was wrong all along.

Or maybe he'll even say the judge was wrong because he lost his cause, I could see this hapenning. :lol


Is he like, one of those washed up "stars" that did one thing that people know about, but nobody necessarily knows it was him that was a part of it and he's self entitled because he was involved in something cool?
I'm going to say yes.

This guys is an asshole.
I just want to say, if a new Parappa ever gets announced we have to tweet Shu Yoshida en masse linking the blog about all this shit and saying that if Dred Foxx is in the game then we won't be buying.
Yes, male idols are held to the same standard. The idea is the same as a stripper. You want people to have the illusion they can get you.

Idols and entertainers are held to the same standard as government workers (teachers, leaders) are supposed to be held.

think about the amount of underage idols as well.

On topic: that guy has legendary tenacity. Most decent people would have paid back the money by now.


On topic: that guy has legendary tenacity. Most decent people would have paid back the money by now.

That's probably the funniest part to me, how so much stupid drama and a career-ruining blog could have been entirely avoided if he had just given back the damn money.

Like, jeez, how embarrassing. He would really rather go through all this stupid garbage than just give back the money that we already paid him. He's had our cash for 2 years, and I guess this morning he decided that wasn't enough?

Anyway, any respect or sympathy I had for this dude was pretty much tossed out the window this morning. I don't think I'm actually capable of dealing with him anymore.


I think I've asked before but cant Sony due him for using their IP/Character without their approval? Like Fox can make audio clips for his own thing but cant really do that and get payed by doing that, right?

Whatever the case, I never see someone like Nolan North selling his (Drake) voice over clips to fans because he knows thats like disrespectful to ND and its just a shady thing to do in general.


I think I've asked before but cant Sony due him for using their IP/Character without their approval? Like Fox can make audio clips for his own thing but cant really do that and get payed by doing that, right?

Whatever the case, I never see someone like Nolan North selling his (Drake) voice over clips to fans because he knows thats like disrespectful to ND and its just a shady thing to do in general.

I kind of doubt that he'd get in anything serious for voicing the PaRappa fan cartoon, although admittedly it hadn't really crossed our mind at first that that was even a possibility. We weren't going to profit off of it after all, it was gonna be a couple minutes long on Newgrounds and nothing else. It didn't really make sense to me at all when he asked for $100 for it due to his "lawyer", I had no idea those kinds of contracts covered non-profit fan animations on the internet. In hindsight I'm pretty sure he either didn't understand how Newgrounds worked (nobody gets paid for it) or completely BSed the part about needing money for it.

Now that I think about it, if I had to put money down I'd say that both probably apply.

On the other hand selling an album with the PaRappa name and character associated with it like he keeps saying he's going to do would definitely be shut down by Sony pretty quickly, especially after this whole incident.


In hindsight I'm pretty sure he either didn't understand how Newgrounds worked (nobody gets paid for it) or completely BSed the part about needing money for it.

Well, you technically can get paid for it if you enable ads in the loading screen before the video, but you have to get a lot of clicks to make any more than a dollar or two. I wouldn't have bothered.
That's probably the funniest part to me, how so much stupid drama and a career-ruining blog could have been entirely avoided if he had just given back the damn money.

Like, jeez, how embarrassing. He would really rather go through all this stupid garbage than just give back the money that we already paid him. He's had our cash for 2 years, and I guess this morning he decided that wasn't enough?

Anyway, any respect or sympathy I had for this dude was pretty much tossed out the window this morning. I don't think I'm actually capable of dealing with him anymore.

You have enough evidence for small claims court. This'll rule in your favor.


Can You Imagine What SureAI Is Going To Do With Garfield?
I read this thread awhile back but don't remember all the details. Any chance of a Lionel Mandrake recap?
Ugggh I know man, but it'd be such a hassle to deal with. I wouldn't go through with it unless I was positive I'd be walking away with more than the $100 we're owed.

Generally you can counter sue for much more, considering your lost time and goodwill, but I'm not a lawyer, don't take anything I say as legal advice. You can an should always solicit a lawyer for consultation in your local jurisdiction.


Ugggh I know man, but it'd be such a hassle to deal with. I wouldn't go through with it unless I was positive I'd be walking away with more than the $100 we're owed.

Does he actually have an employer or $100 to give? If he's stealing $100, then I can't imagine you can make him pay up anyway, unless you can garnish his wages (if he has any).
I'm usually not in favor of shaming someone over the internet at this level (blog post and all), but in this case Dred deserves it.

Dude is stubborn like blood on fabric, the way he dodges the issue he must think he's on some magic.

Could've avoided this potentially career killing blow but in the end, in life, you reap what you sow.

Your career is resting in pieces.
what's disgusting ?

Maybe? She did nothing wrong.

Ugh... I hate that it's a scandal that this happened. Are dudes in the "Idol" culture treated the same way/have their careers killed if word gets out that they have a sex life, too? I mean, I can't remember names, but I know Aya Hayano isn't the only one that this happened to. Why does a person being sexually active make them reprehensible again? I'm no expert on "Idol" culture myself, and maybe I'm used to classic rock stars and other musicians in America having wild and public sex lives, but from what I've seen and read about Ms. Hayano and a few others, it'd suck to be in that scene.

Oh no, someone with stricter standards than you thinks less of a singer for making herself
the band's fuck toy! omg judgmental, sexist, prude, etc., etc.

I think it's scandalous, he thinks it's scandalous, and our opinions are every bit as valid as yours. By shaming people who have different convictions than you, you're doing the same thing that you're accusing us of doing: being judgmental.


Oh no, someone with stricter standards than you thinks less of a singer for making herself
the band's fuck toy! omg judgmental, sexist, prude, etc., etc.

I think it's scandalous, he thinks it's scandalous, and our opinions are every bit as valid as yours. By shaming people who have different convictions than you, you're doing the same thing that you're accusing us of doing: being judgmental.

This is fucking gold. I honestly cannot believe you are justifying it this way.
Oh no, someone with stricter standards than you thinks less of a singer for making herself
the band's fuck toy! omg judgmental, sexist, prude, etc., etc.

I think it's scandalous, he thinks it's scandalous, and our opinions are every bit as valid as yours. By shaming people who have different convictions than you, you're doing the same thing that you're accusing us of doing: being judgmental.

Can we please just talk about the most important aspect of this whole thing?

That would be:

Why didn't the bassist get any love?
This is all over $100...... really??

I think that is truly the most baffling part of this ordeal....... wow.

Yeah. It shocked me at first, but after seeing how this clown acted through the whole ordeal I'm no longer surprised by anything he does.
Parappa's VA has made a complete ass out of himself.


This is all over $100...... really??

I think that is truly the most baffling part of this ordeal....... wow.

I suspect he only brought the lawsuit back up because this situation came back to bite him in the ass somehow. Jake said Dred made this post around the time he recieved the "ya boy f***ked up" message (apparently Dred later deleted it when Oroku Saki posted "my cock is huge" as a comment):

> Dred FoxxWhere is "Parappa The Rapper?" Petition for PTR3
18 mins ·
Heeeeezzzzz baaaaack!!!!!! Wow! I have'nt been here for a minute...over the last few months I have been going through LIFE changes. I can't put my "biz" on social network, to personal..but I'm good! The NEGATIVITY got out of hand but it's a small thing to a giant..remember "BIG" from PTR2? Yup! lol Unfortunately I had to put the PTR ALBUM on pause, because...to long to explain BUT! 8 songs are done and the graphics are in the works. 2015..yezzir! I MISS MY FANS!!! Real deal..anyhoo..all my new members Imma put you on in a sec, I just been outta touch taking care of my biz.. The past is the past, so don't use this platform for the nonsense..done. DON'T BRING IT HERE..SERIOUSLY. I have personal shout outs to my LOYALS (yall know) but Imma do that at a later date..I see yall!!! Im raising my thirteen year old daughter (luv ya babe!) who reads this page so keep it right & positive. One Love, One Heart..One Hip Hop..oh! "I gotta do whut!? I gotta believe!!" Ha! To all my fellow collaborators, I ain't forget, it'll happen in DIVINE TIMING...believe that. Waddup JADE SHOK! I still got the track you sent over a year ago..bangin'! Yo VINSTAGATOR..done deal! Im coming to Miami soon homie! Alejandra Garcia..you go guurrl! I see you too! Peace n Love..

This is just making a wild guess here, but I'd say he went to Sony for permission to release a PaRappa album and got shot down, and now he wants revenge. Or something. Who knows what that guy is really thinking.


I think the most likely scenario is that someone said something in real life to him and that's when it clicked with him that his career is actually in danger because of the blog (so much for his original plan of destroying it with a rap).

Here's part of a comment left on part 3 of the blog a month or two ago.
I didn't even know who he was, until my 10 yr old asked me if I know about him. Apparently he's telling kids he's a big time rapper and when I looked him up, I came across this situation. I see this man everyday and I'm gonna say something.

My guess is that Dred Foxx was hanging around somewhere (probably the Brooklyn public library) and ended up in a conversation with a group of little kids, where he naturally began bragging about his rap career (lol). The rest of the mother's comment explains the rest; she googles him and finds out what he's been up to the last few years, and if she kept her word, confronted him in real life about it.

It was at this moment that Dred realized that stealing money from people probably isn't a good idea and decided he'd desperately attempt to selvage himself by... blowing the whole thing up again? Seriously, if "PaRappa Voice Actor Scams Fans" didn't make it on Kotaku then I'm pretty sure "PaRappa Voice Actor Embarrasses Himself on Judge Judy" would.
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