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PAX uninvites Colin Moriarty (PAX refuses refunds, Colin to refund 20 people out of own pocket)


Its interesting, i have been reading some articles about this, and its amazing how many of the articles pretty much suggested that SJW's run Pax now, and are trying to run gaming itself, and have a sizeable hold over publishers and gaming as a whole. You then see the SJW on Twitter pretty much promoting him being attacked, and it just made me think how some poeple STILL dont see SJW's as a dangerous problem to a free society, and to humanity itself.
The sooner the masses turn on SJW's, the better it will be for all of us.


If it really was Gregg, that would make him either a coward or a scumbag. But I don't think he would stoop so low.

He's kinda a piece of shit. So, it wouldn't surprise me.

Colin rolling into PAX:

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I feel like it may be due to concerns over people thowing stuff at him based on that tweet. I still don’t really understand why he’s so hated.
He made a joke about peace and quiet when the women are marching in a womans’s march.

Yep, the state of the world.

Airbus Jr

Moriarty :" Im actually not a far right..im a centrist "

Resetera 1:" Yikes !"

Resetera 2 : " Yikes!"

Resetera 3 : " Yikes !"

Moriarty : " Look guys..i dont even like trump"

Resetera 2: " Lol look at this..damage control"

Resetera 1 : " What a bigot"

Resetera 3 : "Racist"

Moriarty :" Wait a minute, how is that racist?"

Resetera 3: " Omg, by denying yourself as not racist...you just admit yourself as one!"

Resetera 1: " Exactly ! Thats what Trump always said!"

Resetera 1+2+3 :

Moriarty : " Ok guys..look..i dont want any trouble here...if you guys dont want me on PAX..il just leave"

Resetera 3: " Look at this playstation bigot...he just leaves like nothing ever happened!"

Resetera 2 :" tru dat... i think we should spank him"

Resetera 1 :"Spank him and kiss him😋!"

Moriarty : "B-b-but..guys... i dont kiss a dude"

Resetera 1+2+3 :" wtfffff !!!!! "

Res 1: "Did you see that !!!!"

Res 2 : " Yep hes a homophobia, clear as it is"

Res 3 : " Cant believe this misogynist shitbag refuses to kiss us "👿

Moriarty : " Ok guys i just dont want any trouble here..im gona leave"

Resetera1+2+3 : " Urrrrghhh.... too late for you !! We...re so upset right now.......arrrghhhhh...arrrughhhhh...mmplhhhhgrrrrrhhhh..AAAAAANGRRRRRYYY !!!! AAAARGRHHHHHHH !!!!!!!!!!!
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You don’t have to be a subscriber to listen

Wow. This made me legitimately angry.

So basically this dude is being blacklisted behind the scenes while people on Twitter openly encourage people to pour milkshake on him while in public and the mainstream gaming media are just looking on and shrugging their collective shoulders?

Worse is the possibility that it is people within the gaming media sphere that are actively doing this.

As Colin says, what is the end goal here? To remove him from all platforms and ban him from ever commenting on gaming? To make the dudes life so miserable that he commits suicide?

At what point do you say enough is enough?

The dude makes a Playstation podcast where all they talk about is videogame related stuff but no matter how successful that podcast becomes he can't have a panel at a convention, or even be acknowledged in some circles, because he made a joke 2 years ago. He didn't do anything illegal or immoral. Just has different personal opinions. Opinions that are not expressed in his podcast anyway.

Ah, but it's the "good guys" doing this so I'm sure it's for our own good in the end. Right? A bit of bullying and harassment for the greater good is fine. It's disgusting.

What an absolute fucking disgrace.


Wow. This made me legitimately angry.

So basically this dude is being blacklisted behind the scenes while people on Twitter openly encourage people to pour milkshake on him while in public and the mainstream gaming media are just looking on and shrugging their collective shoulders?

Worse is the possibility that it is people within the gaming media sphere that are actively doing this.

As Colin says, what is the end goal here? To remove him from all platforms and ban him from ever commenting on gaming? To make the dudes life so miserable that he commits suicide?

At what point do you say enough is enough?

The dude makes a Playstation podcast where all they talk about is videogame related stuff but no matter how successful that podcast becomes he can't have a panel at a convention, or even be acknowledged in some circles, because he made a joke 2 years ago. He didn't do anything illegal or immoral. Just has different personal opinions. Opinions that are not expressed in his podcast anyway.

Ah, but it's the "good guys" doing this so I'm sure it's for our own good in the end. Right? A bit of bullying and harassment for the greater good is fine. It's disgusting.

What an absolute fucking disgrace.
Its the vilest movement since fascism and bolshevism. There will be a reckoning.


Its the vilest movement since fascism and bolshevism. There will be a reckoning.

Yeah, no. I think you've spent too much time reading hyperventilating invective on the internet. There have always been people who are more progressive or more conservative with plenty of dumb people in either group. Go back hundreds of years and we can see similar arguments about how liberals are dangerous know-nothing's. Funny then because we are (almost) all liberals now in their sense of the word. A lot of unnecessary violence has occured because of language that suggests some group is not worthy of being treated like a fellow citizen.
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
You really gotta think that the only people benefitting from this are real ultra right-wing types. I mean I was searching a torrent site the other day and some cocksucker calling himself "roflcopter" or such had uploaded a mountain of actual neo-nazi, holocaust-denial, zionist conspiracy "documentaries". Truly vile nauseating shit, just the titles were enough to make me feel queasy.

Meanwhile the SJW cuck-fucks are busy tarring anyone who doesn't share their views with the racist/nazi/white-nationalist brush... talk about normalizing the obscene.

You tell people that they are Nazi's for stepping on the cracks in the pavement, and you are not only letting REAL ACTUAL NEO-NAZIS like the aforementioned shitbag off the hook, you are actively driving people into their waiting arms.

Its depressing because these SJW's being so unpleasant and unlikeable make people forget who the real enemy is. Replacing the historical reality with a watered-down contemporary cartoon version is unforgivable. They are actively facilitating the resurgence of the hard-right far more than Trumpism and Brexit.

Airbus Jr

You really gotta think that the only people benefitting from this are real ultra right-wing types. I mean I was searching a torrent site the other day and some cocksucker calling himself "roflcopter" or such had uploaded a mountain of actual neo-nazi, holocaust-denial, zionist conspiracy "documentaries". Truly vile nauseating shit, just the titles were enough to make me feel queasy.

Meanwhile the SJW cuck-fucks are busy tarring anyone who doesn't share their views with the racist/nazi/white-nationalist brush... talk about normalizing the obscene.

You tell people that they are Nazi's for stepping on the cracks in the pavement, and you are not only letting REAL ACTUAL NEO-NAZIS like the aforementioned shitbag off the hook, you are actively driving people into their waiting arms.

Its depressing because these SJW's being so unpleasant and unlikeable make people forget who the real enemy is. Replacing the historical reality with a watered-down contemporary cartoon version is unforgivable. They are actively facilitating the resurgence of the hard-right far more than Trumpism and Brexit.

Nice reverse pshycology right there

Only one flaws on your theory is that the group of people that constantly attacked Colin Moriarty are the left wing
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CliffyB's Cock Holster
Nice reverse pshycology right there

Only one flaws on your theory is that the group of people that constantly attacked Colin Moriarty are the left wing

Did you actually read my post? Was my comment about SJW cuck-fucks too subtle?

My point is they aren't saving anyone from the ultra right-wing, they are acting as cheerleaders because they need to fabricate a cartoon enemy for their own political ideological purposes. Forgetting that the real Nazis are still out there, and loving their purported new-found popularity.


Its interesting, i have been reading some articles about this, and its amazing how many of the articles pretty much suggested that SJW's run Pax now, and are trying to run gaming itself, and have a sizeable hold over publishers and gaming as a whole. You then see the SJW on Twitter pretty much promoting him being attacked, and it just made me think how some poeple STILL dont see SJW's as a dangerous problem to a free society, and to humanity itself.
The sooner the masses turn on SJW's, the better it will be for all of us.

Already happening I think, i see more of a backlash every day. Nothing lasts forever, everything gets a societal shift, every generation rebels against the last. SJWism is so restrictive, such a joke of a concept, it's dying on the vine every day.

Its my opinion that very few SJWs even hold that belief system as true, it's cuck men looking for sex, fat heffer women who don't want to work to look good, dumb morons trying to appear interesting by declaring themselves as identifying as a hat stand. Puritanism for an absolutely thick as pig shit generation with nothing to rebel against, so they chose to remove their own freedoms.

I love it now, it makes me laugh every day. Let them be pricks, it just makes it easier and funnier to offend them.


Did you actually read my post? Was my comment about SJW cuck-fucks too subtle?

My point is they aren't saving anyone from the ultra right-wing, they are acting as cheerleaders because they need to fabricate a cartoon enemy for their own political ideological purposes. Forgetting that the real Nazis are still out there, and loving their purported new-found popularity.

When it comes to the extreme right-wing I think most people figure out pretty quickly what they are dealing with. They are reasonably open about their views and not afraid to share them.

I don't think that smearing people who are normal as Nazis etc really helps the far-right as most people when encountering legitimate extreme right stuff are going to say "nah, I'm out". It makes the left look horrible but I do not think it helps the far-right.

They don't care that their actions may or may not inadvertently help ultra right-wing types because they honestly know that it won't.
"Centrists" are not a gateway to the far-right. Centrists are not "normalizing" far-right views.
These cunts already know that.

The biggest problem with centrists and people who are apolitical is that they are a threat to the extreme far-left.
This is because they allow people to see that there is a different and not extreme path.

Consider the reality of Colin's joke that started all this shit off. The effect of such a joke is just to say "ok guys we don't need to take this stuff SO seriously".
THAT is where the threat is. There is potential limiting of the power of the far left if people are allowed to say "meh, I am not taking this seriously".

Look at a place like ResetEra. They have an irrational hatred of anyone that doesn't toe the line. Why?
The easy answer is because it affects their ability to control people and exert power.

They CAN'T allow you to laugh and joke about things. Not because it could make people go far-right but because it would mean people realize "oh yeah, i don't actually have to care this much about all that stuff".

Dudes like Colin Moriarty show that you can say "it's not a big deal if the new Star Wars game has a white protagonist, I'm just going to enjoy the game" and then just go about your day. They do not want that.

They want an activist crowd, that thinks everything is super serious, so that when the call goes out they can rally the troops to put pressure on Developer X and Content Creator Y and Convention Organizer Z. It's why they hate AVGN and Videogame Dunky and Red Letter Media so on. Those dudes are too laid back and if you see them being laid back then you might think it's ok to be laid back too.

Their worst nightmare is a gaming community that says "I just want to enjoy games".
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Already happening I think, i see more of a backlash every day. Nothing lasts forever, everything gets a societal shift, every generation rebels against the last. SJWism is so restrictive, such a joke of a concept, it's dying on the vine every day.

Its my opinion that very few SJWs even hold that belief system as true, it's cuck men looking for sex, fat heffer women who don't want to work to look good, dumb morons trying to appear interesting by declaring themselves as identifying as a hat stand. Puritanism for an absolutely thick as pig shit generation with nothing to rebel against, so they chose to remove their own freedoms.

I love it now, it makes me laugh every day. Let them be pricks, it just makes it easier and funnier to offend them.

1) the dumbest fanatics are not representative - they only seem like it because they get outsized attention and are useful idiots for opposing fanaticisms; 2) it's not a choice between the status quo and fashionable isms - radical ideas get moderated down the line; 3) charitable criticism, knowing the best form of an opposing view is more likely to be persuasive. Language that suggests opposition are all performative posers is low value rhetoric for the home team. You may as well be crying about dirty hippies
When it comes to the extreme right-wing I think most people figure out pretty quickly what they are dealing with. They are reasonably open about their views and not afraid to share them.

I don't think that smearing people who are normal as Nazis etc really helps the far-right as most people when encountering legitimate extreme right stuff are going to say "nah, I'm out". It makes the left look horrible but I do not think it helps the far-right.

They don't care that their actions may or may inadvertently help ultra right-wing types because they honestly know that it won't.
"Centrists" are not a gateway to the far-right. Centrists are not "normalizing" far-right views.
These cunts already know that.

The biggest problem with centrists and people who are apolitical is that they are a threat to the extreme far-left.
This is because they allow people to see that there is a different and not extreme path.

Consider the reality of Colin's joke that started all this shit off. The effect of such a joke is just to say "ok guys we don't need to take this stuff SO seriously".
THAT is where the threat is. There is potential limiting of the power of the far left if people are allowed to say "meh, I am not taking this seriously".

Look at a place like ResetEra. They have an irrational hatred of anyone that doesn't toe the line. Why?
The easy answer is because it affects their ability to control people and exert power.

They CAN'T allow you to laugh and joke about things. Not because it could make people go far-right but because it would mean people realize "oh yeah, i don't actually have to care this much about all that stuff".

Dudes like Colin Moriarty show that you can say "it's not a big deal if the new Star Wars game has a white protagonist, I'm just going to enjoy the game" and then just go about your day. They do not want that.

They want an activist crowd, that thinks everything is super serious, so that when the call goes out they can rally the troops to put pressure on Developer X and Content Creator Y and Convention Organizer Z. It's why they hate AVGN and Videogame Dunky and Red Letter Media so on. Those dudes are too laid back and if you see them being laid back then you might think it's ok to be laid back too.

Their worst nightmare is a gaming community that says "I just want to enjoy games".


CliffyB's Cock Holster
I can't help but feel it blurs where the line is drawn.

Its less that its radicalizing people, although I do think that in rare cases an alienating experience with these people could push some individuals towards the opposite extreme, its the creeping desensitization that comes when a term is overused.

We don't come to new things with a full and complete understanding of them, so it doesn't take much to taint the picture. By building baseless and false associations between centre-right and alt-right figures, it makes the extremists seem more pervasive and influential than then actually are. It makes them seem less unpalatable.

It also makes it harder to judge incremental shifts in political polarity. If you jump straight to the nuclear option, where do you from there? The whole discourse gas become so hyperbole-laden that its hard to see where the political and cultural wind is blowing. Has there been a shift between 2018 and 2019? Which way has it gone? Honestly, I'm not sure.


Colin doesn't need PAX. He got to where he is by his own effort and the fans who supported him. I want him to continue making jokes, give critical viewpoints, call out on bullshits, and just being himself.

I hope PAX will end up destroying itself as it has now become a platform built on hive mind and political correctness.

Airbus Jr

When it comes to the extreme right-wing I think most people figure out pretty quickly what they are dealing with. They are reasonably open about their views and not afraid to share them.

I don't think that smearing people who are normal as Nazis etc really helps the far-right as most people when encountering legitimate extreme right stuff are going to say "nah, I'm out". It makes the left look horrible but I do not think it helps the far-right.

They don't care that their actions may or may not inadvertently help ultra right-wing types because they honestly know that it won't.
"Centrists" are not a gateway to the far-right. Centrists are not "normalizing" far-right views.
These cunts already know that.

The biggest problem with centrists and people who are apolitical is that they are a threat to the extreme far-left.
This is because they allow people to see that there is a different and not extreme path.

Consider the reality of Colin's joke that started all this shit off. The effect of such a joke is just to say "ok guys we don't need to take this stuff SO seriously".
THAT is where the threat is. There is potential limiting of the power of the far left if people are allowed to say "meh, I am not taking this seriously".

Look at a place like ResetEra. They have an irrational hatred of anyone that doesn't toe the line. Why?
The easy answer is because it affects their ability to control people and exert power.

They CAN'T allow you to laugh and joke about things. Not because it could make people go far-right but because it would mean people realize "oh yeah, i don't actually have to care this much about all that stuff".

Dudes like Colin Moriarty show that you can say "it's not a big deal if the new Star Wars game has a white protagonist, I'm just going to enjoy the game" and then just go about your day. They do not want that.

They want an activist crowd, that thinks everything is super serious, so that when the call goes out they can rally the troops to put pressure on Developer X and Content Creator Y and Convention Organizer Z. It's why they hate AVGN and Videogame Dunky and Red Letter Media so on. Those dudes are too laid back and if you see them being laid back then you might think it's ok to be laid back too.

Their worst nightmare is a gaming community that says "I just want to enjoy games".


Colin Moriarty is a shining example of how fucked this industry is with the radical far left and the dehumanizing and tearing down of people who have different opinions. I just listened to his podcast and it fucking broke my heart. This isn't just a game industry issue, this is becoming the sociatal norm and we need to stomp it out somehow. I hope he gets to the truth of why this happened.

Really concerning about what kind of world we're becoming when tearing down such a cool dude is not only the norm, but encouraged. For those that didn't listen to his podcast, he talked about how it's getting to the point where he wants to shutdown his interview show fireside chat for fear that some imposter is gonna come to his house and hurt him or his girlfriend. It's disgusting he has to consider that.


I must say, that I was banned/unbanned on GAF for things related to Colin and then permanently banned on the SJW Resetera cess pool. However, this forum is such a nice change now and people are actually humans who can think for themselves and level headed. I've never understood the hate for Colin. He's not a conservative and as far as I know he's pro gay marriage, pro abortion, anti death penalty, pro marijuana, etc. I agree with the post above, the left has swung so far to the extreme where you can't even be slightly left or in the middle.

Colin is super intelligent and brings a lot to the gaming world. If the trend continues where we can start banning folks for their views because they differ from your own; then we are on a dangerous path. PAX using their Soviet Union tactics is appalling.
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He made a peace and quiet joke when his girlfriend was out for the day.

None of the women in his life were offended, but the internet took upon themselves to get offended on their behalf.

First to address this quote.

Wasn't it a day when Women were saying they would stay home from work to show how important they are. If that is actually the case are people truly surprised why Colin would mock that? He wasn't being Anti-Women he was mocking the absurdity of not going to work to prove something no one is saying. Could you imagine if a guy says ... "I'm not going to work today....everyone will realize how important my gender is" ..... that would not go over well and for good reason because it's utterly absurd. Of course women are important in the work force...of course men are too. Who the fuck is saying differently? Twitter trolls? Do people get to just peace out on work cuz twitter trolls get to them?

Anyways now that I got that out of the way.
I'm absolutely *SHOCKED* people can say the name Colin here.....I heard another forum doesn't allow it. Also, this pax thing is utter BS....to give him a room, a time, and everything only to say nvm and not give an explanation is extremely weak of Pax.
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I must say, that I was banned/unbanned on GAF for things related to Colin and then permanently banned on the SJW Resetera cess pool. However, this forum is such a nice change now and people are actually humans who can think for themselves and level headed. I've never understood the hate for Colin. He's not a conservative and as far as I know he's pro gay marriage, pro abortion, anti death penalty, pro marijuana, etc. I agree with the post above, the left has swung so far to the extreme where you can't even be slightly left or in the middle.

Colin is super intelligent and brings a lot to the gaming world. If the trend continues where we can start banning folks for their views because they differ from your own; then we are on a dangerous path. PAX using their Soviet Union tactics is appalling.

In his podcast he did say he leans conservative but no idea on specifics. Regardless, he is a level headed guy and I don't care where he leans on certain issues. Everything that's happened to him is as you say, Soviet Union tactics.
In his podcast he did say he leans conservative but no idea on specifics. Regardless, he is a level headed guy and I don't care where he leans on certain issues. Everything that's happened to him is as you say, Soviet Union tactics.
The dude is literally supporting Tulsi Gabbard...... Resetera is so nuts that they hate a person that is hardly even a conservative to begin with. It's astonishing.
He made a peace and quiet joke when his girlfriend was out for the day.

None of the women in his life were offended, but the internet took upon themselves to get offended on their behalf.

The replies to that utterly benign tweet are infuriating. I cannot believe we're stuck with a generation of humans this profoundly mentally damaged as to lose their minds over perfectly normal and healthy men/women banter.
I dont understand the hate this guy gets. He always seems very logical and educated about what he says. I think some people hate him just cause they know they could never hold their own in a debate with him.
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I don't think I'll ever agree with deplatforming of any person regardless of how I feel about them personally. An easy way to not have to listen to someone talk is to change the station. When you deplat people you're essentially saying I'm scared of their ideas and refuse to fight them on the merits of their argument. It's cowardly and shouldn't be accepted in this day and age.
I don't think I'll ever agree with deplatforming of any person regardless of how I feel about them personally. An easy way to not have to listen to someone talk is to change the station. When you deplat people you're essentially saying I'm scared of their ideas and refuse to fight them on the merits of their argument. It's cowardly and shouldn't be accepted in this day and age.
100%. In other words people should grow up and learn to step outside their respective echo chambers. If they feel strongly about their positions they should be able to defend them against someone who disagrees.
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I wonder if Colin's criticism about Jason's Schreier on a recent Sacred Symbols could have anything to do with him being banned at pax? Comrade Schreier seems to operate in this fashion and has a lot of left wing friends in gaming. He also was one of the founders of Resetera I believe, so he has a platform to spew his left wing ideologies.


I wonder if Colin's criticism about Jason's Schreier on a recent Sacred Symbols could have anything to do with him being banned at pax? Comrade Schreier seems to operate in this fashion and has a lot of left wing friends in gaming. He also was one of the founders of Resetera I believe, so he has a platform to spew his left wing ideologies.

What’d he say about Schreier?


What’d he say about Schreier?
Schreier wrote a piece about Treyarch "employees" being treated unfairly. However, the "employees" were actually contractors who were paid hourly and overtime to test the game. Schreier mentioned in his piece how they weren't treated like other employees, parked in a different parking lot, and were working really long hours. Colin responded that if he were in that situation, he would work as many hours as possible because these testers were getting 1.5X regular pay for overtime. Additionally, Colin said that he likes Schreier but he has to be careful about doing pieces like this because Jason is obviously pushing for unionization in that gaming industry and that his writings have an obvious ideological bias.
Colin has been a fan of Jason Schreier for a long time and even had him on his Kinda Funny show a long time ago. I highly doubt it's due to that. I also think Jason can handle criticism enough to not be vengeful over it.


Colin has been a fan of Jason Schreier for a long time and even had him on his Kinda Funny show a long time ago. I highly doubt it's due to that. I also think Jason can handle criticism enough to not be vengeful over it.
Did you listen to the Sacred Symbols episode before posting this? Or read my comment above? Schreier uses his platform to go after anybody now. Dr Disrespect let Schreier have it on twitter recently (and it was quite hilarious.)


Neo Member
I know it's a small sample but who here actually uses games media outlets i.e. Polygon/Gamespot/IGN. I stopped a long time ago when they started posting and reposting articles about best phone cases/best gaming tables etc...

My news now comes from here because you guys are shit hot for info and then I listen/watch sacred symbols for my PlayStation and Colin/Chris fix and gamescoop because I like daemon hatfield. I sometimes watch the game informer show as I don't mind those guys.
Did you listen to the Sacred Symbols episode before posting this? Or read my comment above? Schreier uses his platform to go after anybody now. Dr Disrespect let Schreier have it on twitter recently (and it was quite hilarious.)
Colin being critical of Jason in one episode doesn't change anything. Colin has continually said nice things about Jason for a long ass time. Down to calling him one of the only actual game's journalists doing actual investigative work. Just cuz he disagrees one time I highly doubt it changes any of that. Unless Colin said ...JASON HATES ME NOW AND I HATE HIM in said episode. lol
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This is probably just the case of a bunch of people writing in saying PAX shouldn't allow Colin there and them folding. I don't necessarily think it has to be an industry person although they could have contributed.


Colin has been a fan of Jason Schreier for a long time and even had him on his Kinda Funny show a long time ago. I highly doubt it's due to that. I also think Jason can handle criticism enough to not be vengeful over it.
I disagree. He'll suck corporate dick to get on their good graces. Backtracking on F76 and promoting lootboxes are micro examples. Oh don't forget to read his book because he's the most respected video games journalist out there!

Herr Edgy

Without knowing too much about this Colin Moriarty guy and just from the perspective that he is a centrist and made this joke on twitter (basically: if he actually was a racist, I wouldn't know):

Stuff like this is what drives me away from game development. Game development is fun as long as people handle each other respectfully. The self-portrayal of large parts of the games industry just irritates me. How about we just come together, develop games, professionally, and that's it? Why do we have to ostracize and defame others and their works? How can I have fun being creative in a highly teamwork-dependent industry if this is how people treat each other?

To give a bit of background, back when I was a bachelor's degree student I led a team of 8 -> 14 -> 6 people for a games project for close to 1.5 years. We were all relatively new to game devopment at first so the entire project was a big learning opportunity.
I learned a lot about project management, people management, writing, gameplay programming, Unreal Engine, level design and so on and so forth. I made mistakes, both on a social and technical level. What I, however, did not do, unlike some of the members, was tear someone's work apart with no regards to productivity and civility.

I organized our trip to the German Dev Days, an event for German game developers. Twelve select newcomers can present their games at this event that is hosted by a publisher, so the entire event is a good business opportunity as well. After organizing our stay, getting funds from our university, creating our application materials, working on level design, combat, writing, cut scenes, AI and anything else basically non-stop for several weeks, many core-parts were still not how we, including me, wanted them to be (stiff combat system, odd dialogue lines et cetera). It was just that handling so many of the core systems on my own and also having to manage the team and logistics took so much work and effort that the time I had was simply not enough, even though we had vast improvements.

In this scenario, the last thing you want to be part of is three of four other team mates ganging up on you complaining that the combat system is shit, the writing is shit, the level design was shit. And no details given. It's not like they laid back to relax in that time: they did work properly and they have good technical skills. But this kind of stuff is so offputting, I ended the project soon after. It was not maintainable with toxic team mates.

What I'm trying to say is that professionalism seems to be gone from most of game developers' public events and from some developers, too. It's all about the talk, how you portray yourself, what opinions you seemingly have. How can you find meaning in your work if your work environment is toxic?


Neighbours from Hell
Think of the premise of deplatforming and how stupid it is. It’s incredibly self-important, for one. The fact that these people think their morals are THE morals to adhere to. And not only that but they’re so important, they’re the gatekeepers. They get to pick and choose who should and should not be allowed to function in society.

All because they were likely bullied in high school and want to take that built up anger out on someone a decade+ later.
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