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PoliGAF Thread of toothless Hill-Billys (75,000 in Portland for OBAMA post #3599)

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Cheebs said:
I am not saying this as a joke or in some sexist manner in an attempt to cause controvery but its simply the fact she is the women's candidate. Women tend to be more emotional about things than men generally. It makes sense they are taking this so hard and in such a illogical and irrational manner compared to when other candidates lose, from the perspective that her base is women which is abnormal for a candidate since politics tends to be seen as a "mens sport" and thus we are seeing a woman like reaction from her loss.

Oh god, hopefully this wont be taken the wrong way. :(
No, I agree. To steal a line from Rev. Wright, tho, that doesn't make them deficient; just different. Also, I made a post about this earlier in the thread but there are lots of older women out there like my mother who suffered actual discrimination in a different time in this country and whose feelings about the first women with an actual chance to win the Presidency are not going to be rational. I doubt mine would be if I had gone through the same things.
Lv99 Slacker said:
Speaking of books or documentaries, do any of you guys have any recommendations for material that deals with the current state of journalism in terms of its corruption enabling, sensationalism, and hot-headed, yelling-over-each-other-with-soundbites/talking-points discourse? How it came to be and which individuals/organizations are trying to do something about this, if anything can be done at all. Before anyone says something like "The answer to all of that is simple: money". Holding people's - who are in positions of power - feet to the fire, and exposing frauds and cowards, can certainly be entertaining for viewers, as we've lately seen with Chris Matthews.






That Culture of Fear book is SUCH a good book, especially considering this campaign. A ton of really interesting points and essays.


The Lamonster said:
wow it wasn't that bad, man
Well the claims I was basically about to be banned didnt really leave me in a good place. ;)

Triumph said:
No, I agree. To steal a line from Rev. Wright, tho, that doesn't make them deficient; just different. Also, I made a post about this earlier in the thread but there are lots of older women out there like my mother who suffered actual discrimination in a different time in this country and whose feelings about the first women with an actual chance to win the Presidency are not going to be rational. I doubt mine would be if I had gone through the same things.
Yes, its different. It's not a BAD thing per sa. It goes along with this obsession I see on mydd and hillaryis44 to find sexism anywhere possible. It's a different mindset. Not a worse mindset, but something we never had to deal with in a losing campaign before.


Lv99 Slacker said:
Speaking of books or documentaries, do any of you guys have any recommendations for material that deals with the current state of journalism in terms of its corruption enabling, sensationalism, and hot-headed, yelling-over-each-other-with-soundbites/talking-points discourse? How it came to be and which individuals/organizations are trying to do something about this, if anything can be done at all. Before anyone says something like "The answer to all of that is simple: money". Holding people's - who are in positions of power - feet to the fire, and exposing frauds and cowards, can certainly be entertaining for viewers, as we've lately seen with Chris Matthews.
Culture of Fear and OutFoxed.

edit: also forgot, Power of Nightmares. It's available on that free documentaries website. Corporation is also good for just general information, but if you watch it and like it you'll be called a commie.


I watched an old episode of crossfire online today. First time I seen it other than that infamous Stewart episode. Jesus Christ was it horrible. It took that "every story has two equally right sides to it and they both happen to be from the two political parties!" nonsense to the 1000x level of insanity. Things are still bad in that area, but crossfire blew them all away.


Triumph said:
Culture of Fear and OutFoxed.

edit: also forgot, Power of Nightmares. It's available on that free documentaries website. Corporation is also good for just general information, but if you watch it and like it you'll be called a commie.
why do socialists have a victim complex?
Lv99 Slacker said:
Speaking of books or documentaries, do any of you guys have any recommendations for material that deals with the current state of journalism in terms of its corruption enabling, sensationalism, and hot-headed, yelling-over-each-other-with-soundbites/talking-points discourse? How it came to be and which individuals/organizations are trying to do something about this, if anything can be done at all. Before anyone says something like "The answer to all of that is simple: money". Holding people's - who are in positions of power - feet to the fire, and exposing frauds and cowards, can certainly be entertaining for viewers, as we've lately seen with Chris Matthews.

Try Outfoxed. Its mostly about how Faux News came about and how their tabloid-style became popular over time.

Edit: beaten repeated :lol


φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
Cheebs said:
Well the claims I was basically about to be banned didnt really leave me in a good place. ;)

I'm just putzing around, dude :lol
Clinton today told her "independent" bloggers to write about "how caucuses are unfair"

On a conference call with the campaign today, which Hillary Clinton was on, bloggers who support her were given instructions what to write about in order to coordinate with the campaign's line of attack. It is supposed to look like the bloggers came up with the idea themselves, however, not that the campaign told them what to write about.

Here is the report of the call from one of the bloggers on the call:


There were more, some not so positive but I made a choice to focus on the positives.

One little tidbit on the negative, encouraging the bloggers to discuss how the Caucus system is not a fair representation. The example she used were beauty pageant primaries that follow the official Caucuses and how much better she did in the primary.

The argument fully ignores that they are in fact meaningless with low turn out, but what the heck let's not focus on the negative.


Triumph said:
Because capitalists have a false sense of superiority and accomplishment.
but we have accomplished many things. Nothing wrong with being proud.

So we have a false sense of superiority. Well, i would say no, but maybe. Communism is gone, Evil capitalism is still here.


Deus Ex Machina said:
Clinton today told her "independent" bloggers to write about "how caucuses are unfair"

On a conference call with the campaign today, which Hillary Clinton was on, bloggers who support her were given instructions what to write about in order to coordinate with the campaign's line of attack. It is supposed to look like the bloggers came up with the idea themselves, however, not that the campaign told them what to write about.

Here is the report of the call from one of the bloggers on the call:

It's funny, I actually AGREE that caucuses suck for representing people. But the thing is, going into the primary season YOU KNEW ALL THESE FUCKING STATES WERE GOING TO HAVE CAUCUSES. It's her own damn fault for not planning on how to compete in those contests. If they want to talk about how to fix it going forward, cool and more power to them. Sounds like they want to bitch and whine about spilled milk, tho.


avatar299 said:
but we have accomplished many things. Nothing wrong with being proud.

So we have a false sense of superiority. Well, i would say no, but maybe. Communism is gone, Evil capitalism is still here.
Triumph said:
It's funny, I actually AGREE that caucuses suck for representing people. But the thing is, going into the primary season YOU KNEW ALL THESE FUCKING STATES WERE GOING TO HAVE CAUCUSES. It's her own damn fault for not planning on how to compete in those contests. If they want to talk about how to fix it going forward, cool and more power to them. Sounds like they want to bitch and whine about spilled milk, tho.


Here is the audio of Hillary's conf. call today giving talking points to bloggers


masud said:
These feminist Clinton supporters are really scaring me. It's seems like they are taking pleasure in the possibility that they could cost Obama the election. How can people be so shortsighted?
I take solace in knowing that if McCain wins because of them, they will be directly responsible for flushing women's rights down the tubes.


Clinton today told her "independent" bloggers to write about "how caucuses are unfair"

So after Michigan and Florida are seated at the convention, I guess the only argument left to her campaign is that caucuses are unfair. Hope she gets slammed on this because that line of thinking undermines the entire process. Even if they were unfair what does she want done? Have new primaries in all these states? Fat Chance. Ignore their delegations? Not going to happen. All she is doing is watering the seeds of resentment that will undermine the near term goal of party unification. It is clear that Obama will be the nominee. By giving her supporters some reason not to support him, and by telling them that the DNC and the media are stealing this election, she is harming the democrats chances in November.

This race was close, I will give her credit for not giving up. But there can only be one winner in such a contest, and she missed the mark. She never once held the lead in elected delegates. She needed huge wins on after her disastrous February. Her 10% wins just didn't cut it. West Virginia was too small and too late.


Small balls, big fun!
Triumph said:
It's funny, I actually AGREE that caucuses suck for representing people. But the thing is, going into the primary season YOU KNEW ALL THESE FUCKING STATES WERE GOING TO HAVE CAUCUSES. It's her own damn fault for not planning on how to compete in those contests. If they want to talk about how to fix it going forward, cool and more power to them. Sounds like they want to bitch and whine about spilled milk, tho.


Caucuses are tilted against service-sector workers, the elderly, the disabled, and parents (mostly mothers). It does reward enthusiasm but it also rewards certain lifestyles.

I lump this in with her bit about elites not having the population's interest at heart. It's a true argument and one generally made by people on the left, but she's only rolling it out because it's temporarily convenient to do so.


Master of the Google Search
KRS7 said:
My take,

-Hillary wins West Virginia by 41 points (scary mountain people)
-John Edwards and NARAL endorse Obama
-Bush criticizes Obama at the Knesset remarking in Israels 60th anniversary
-Obama campaign and senior democrats (including Hillary) respond and tell Bush to STFU
-McCain says Obama needs to answer questions and practically sides with Bush
-Right wing talk radio blowhard gets Hardballed
-Obama responds to Bush and
-McCain says Obama believes we have no enemies in a speech to the NRA.
-At the same NRA meeting, Huckabee makes a bad joke about a gun being aimed at Obama
-Huckabee apologizes
-Turns out McFlipflop wanted to negotiate with Hamas

And on the lighter side, O'Reilly is angry and confused. New footage with the producer surfaces.

Did I miss anything?

Forgot the West Virginia Douche-Off


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Mandark said:

Caucuses are tilted against service-sector workers, the elderly, the disabled, and parents (mostly mothers). It does reward enthusiasm but it also rewards certain lifestyles.

I lump this in with her bit about elites not having the population's interest at heart. It's a true argument and one generally made by people on the left, but she's only rolling it out because it's temporarily convenient to do so.
Come on, we all know Hillary would have lost in Iowa, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Washington, Washington DC, and Hawaii.

The only two states where caucuses probably really hurt her were Maine and Nevada.

Hell, the fact there were caucuses should be a good thing for her, in a lot of these states, especially Colorado, Washington, and Minnesota. See Wisconsin for how things would have gone for her if those states did primaries.

You're looking at a 500k-600k popular vote victory for Obama in those three states, at least.


GaimeGuy said:
Come on, we all know Hillary would have lost in Iowa, Colorado, Idaho, Kansas, Minnesota, North Dakota, Nebraska, Washington, Washington DC, and Hawaii.

The only two states where caucuses probably really hurt her were Maine and Nevada.

Hell, the fact there were caucuses should be a good thing for her, in a lot of these states, especially Colorado, Washington, and Minnesota. See Wisconsin for how things would have gone for her if those states did primaries.

You're looking at a 500k-600k popular vote victory for Obama in those three states, at least.

MN represent.

My roommate was the head of my school's Obama group (I was involved, too). Our precinct went something like 80-20 for Barack.

So awesome.


adg1034 said:
MN represent.

My roommate was the head of my school's Obama group (I was involved, too). Our precinct went something like 80-20 for Barack.

So awesome.
I'm just proud my home state of Iowa kicked this all off.

Then again, they went Bush in '04.
I can't believe McCain (or anybody) thinks that baldly stating that you wouldn't be ending the war until your second term is a good idea. If that held true, it would surpass the Iran-Iraq war as the longest declared war of the 20th-21st century. Ten years in a war with a country we defeated in two months. How many trillions of dollars will it end up costing us?


adamsappel said:
I can't believe McCain (or anybody) thinks that baldly stating that you wouldn't be ending the war until your second term is a good idea. If that held true, it would surpass the Iran-Iraq war as the longest declared war of the 20th-21st century. Ten years in a war with a country we defeated in two months. How many trillions of dollars will it end up costing us?
I can't either, but he's doing it. Hopefully swing voters won't buy it.

I mean, it's one hell of a promise to make. If he's the next President, and he can't get troops out by the end of 2013 based on whatever expectations he feels must be met to declare "victory" (something he just PROMISED), he screws himself big.
Cheebs said:
*yeah I am editing this out I think lol*

Oh god, hopefully this wont be taken the wrong way. :(

I see nothing wrong with it. You could have said that in a much worse tone, in which case I could see a ban happen. But you prefaced it well imo. And you're right. When Hillary was the inevitable candidate I think many women got their hopes up and expected history to happen. Now that history is not going to happen (at least not in their favor lol) and they're shocked. I'm sure there are plenty of older women who saw this as the last chance to possibly see a woman become president. Obama represents everything that's wrong with our society to them: an under qualified (from their perspective) young male who did less work but is rewarded ahead of the woman. These chicks lose their husbands to younger women, they lose job opportunity to younger men, now their chance at the white house is taken by an uppity young black man. Their thoughts, not mine
Um, guys, don't you think its hypocritical to be calling out Clinton supporters for threatening to support McCain when there were a shitload of people IN THIS VERY THREAD who threatened to do the same if Obama lost.

Don't go on all that anti-feminist bullshit (I'm starting to think that the term feminism has become more maligned than socialism in America) and start saying "oh they're just irrational women getting too emotional". There would be a shitload of black voters (and far leftists) who would feel the exact same way.
Dan said:
So fucked up.

Bush = popular during presidential campaign

Obama = popular during presidential campaign

Therefore, Bush = Obama

Hillary supporters really are incredibly dumb.
Heh. At least that's better than the

Obama = Popular with everyone

Antichrist = Popular with everyone

Therefore, Obama = Antichrist

thing I saw after his speech in 2004.


Clothed, sober, cooperative
Inflammable Slinky said:
Um, guys, don't you think its hypocritical to be calling out Clinton supporters for threatening to support McCain when there were a shitload of people IN THIS VERY THREAD who threatened to do the same if Obama lost..

wat? Not that I read. I must have missed those posts. I would vote for Hillary in a heartbeat over McCain. It's not even a question.

I don't like her campaign, but her policies are fine.


avatar299 said:
but we have accomplished many things. Nothing wrong with being proud.

So we have a false sense of superiority. Well, i would say no, but maybe. Communism is gone, Evil capitalism is still here.

Since when did socialism=communism?


Inflammable Slinky said:
Um, guys, don't you think its hypocritical to be calling out Clinton supporters for threatening to support McCain when there were a shitload of people IN THIS VERY THREAD who threatened to do the same if Obama lost.

Don't go on all that anti-feminist bullshit (I'm starting to think that the term feminism has become more maligned than socialism in America) and start saying "oh they're just irrational women getting too emotional". There would be a shitload of black voters (and far leftists) who would feel the exact same way.
Actually I think most of the upset GAFers were just saying they wouldn't vote. Which is also sad, but at least is not actively pursuing a president whose goals are the opposite of yours--which would be the case for any feminist who voted for John McCain.


Small balls, big fun!
Yeah, there have been a bunch of "I'd vote for McCain" or "I wouldn't vote" posts in the big primary threads.

Not everyone or even a majority, and you shouldn't generalize blah blah, but a lot.


Mandark said:
Yeah, there have been a bunch of "I'd vote for McCain" or "I wouldn't vote" posts in the big primary threads.

Not everyone or even a majority, and you shouldn't generalize blah blah, but a lot.
I'm sure it's not a majority of Hillary supporters either...
Sharp said:
Actually I think most of the upset GAFers were just saying they wouldn't vote. Which is also sad, but at least is not actively pursuing a president whose goals are the opposite of yours--which would be the case for any feminist who voted for John McCain.
Hell, it'd be worse.

At least with Obama they get called sweeties instead of cunt and lose all rights to their vags.


Volunteer Deputy Campaign Director, Obama for America '16
Mandark said:
Yeah, there have been a bunch of "I'd vote for McCain" or "I wouldn't vote" posts in the big primary threads.

Not everyone or even a majority, and you shouldn't generalize blah blah, but a lot.
I would have voted for Obama as a write-in, personally
Sharp said:
Perfect retort!

No sadly, those that vote Republican in Kansas make up exactly 65% of the electorate. Democrats have decreased that lead from the 72% it was in 2000, but that still gives any Repub an advantage.

Give it another 10-15 years and you might be seeing Kansas go (D).
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