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PoliGAF Thread of toothless Hill-Billys (75,000 in Portland for OBAMA post #3599)

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φίλω ἐξεχέγλουτον καί ψευδολόγον οὖκ εἰπόν
To put 75K in perspective...

He could have sold out Madison Square Garden 4 times over for one event.


If Obama can pull 75,000 in the primary, I really hope he makes a trip to UF near the fall. Edwards came in 2004 to a decent crowd, but I bet Obama himself could pack the swamp. Loudest 90,000 people for a political rally I can figure.


GhaleonEB said:
The news just cut from Obama's massive crowd to Hillary's crowd. Looked like a few hundred in a sparsely populated park. :lol
:lol :lol

Don't know why but that made me laugh.


Tamanon said:




TLG Fan Caretaker Est. 2009
Okay how is it even close between Obama and Hillary and McCain?

Shouldn't Obama win by a landslide? This should be the biggest victory since Reagan/Mondale, no?


Y2Kev said:
Okay how is it even close between Obama and Hillary and McCain?

Shouldn't Obama win by a landslide? This should be the biggest victory since Reagan/Mondale, no?

Well he should. Once we get into the GE, hopefully he'll start pulling away in some swing states. Unfortunately he's (half) black and has a funny name, and uneducated rural white voters (code for dumb racists) will vote like uneducated rural white voters do.


*drowns in jizz*
Y2Kev said:
Okay how is it even close between Obama and Hillary and McCain?

Shouldn't Obama win by a landslide? This should be the biggest victory since Reagan/Mondale, no?

He should. Your basing your premise on the assumption that most voters will vote with an educated vote, for the right reasons, for the best candidate- and not a vote out of partisanship, fear, ignorance, racism, hatred, or bigotry.
Thats one hell of an assumption.

And Jesus Christ at those photos.


Tamanon said:
McCain's camp responding to Obama calling out the lobbyists working on his campaign....

Well at least there goes the cleanest campaign ever.:lol

Bill Ayers?


Wow, McCain's team. Just wow. :lol


AniHawk said:
Well he should. Once we get into the GE, hopefully he'll start pulling away in some swing states. Unfortunately he's (half) black and has a funny name, and uneducated rural white voters (code for dumb racists) will vote like uneducated rural white voters do.
I tend to be nervous about everything. I'm very worried for the general. But just as I was nervous about the who primary until I took a look at the numbers and saw Obama had a lock, I've been looking at the electoral landscape and even now it's pretty friendly to Obama. He's got a number of clear pick-ups over Kerry, and shouldn't lose any that Kerry carried. (har har)

I think he'll win by a pretty solid margin.


GhaleonEB said:
I tend to be nervous about everything. I'm very worried for the general. But just as I was nervous about the who primary until I took a look at the numbers and saw Obama had a lock, I've been looking at the electoral landscape and even now it's pretty friendly to Obama. He's got a number of clear pick-ups over Kerry, and shouldn't lose any that Kerry carried. (har har)

I think he'll win by a pretty solid margin.
Yeah, as untrustworthy as voters in this country are, he looks poised to hold Kerry's states, as well as pick up a few.

People make a big deal about swing states like Ohio and Florida, then forget about the overall map. It's entirely likely that Obama could win easily while losing Ohio and Florida. People tend to forget that Gore would've won the electoral college vote if he'd won New Hampshire. Not Tennessee, Ohio or Florida. New Hampshire.
Y2Kev said:
Okay how is it even close between Obama and Hillary and McCain?

Shouldn't Obama win by a landslide? This should be the biggest victory since Reagan/Mondale, no?
Give the man some time. Remember, Hillary was doing better than Obama almost 2-1 at this point of the primary cycle. The more Obama personally campaigns, the better he does in the polls.


maximum360 said:
Not sure if this was posted yet: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=tHliQNZcmi8

It reinforces the fact that Bush is an idiot and McCain is a doddering fool for going along with him. His administration is full of contradiction.

Holy crap I didnt know Grandpa Bush funded the Nazis? I know this is a few years old but WTF this is just surreal



Record Obama Crowd, the Size of a City

PORTLAND, Ore. -- Sen. Barack Obama has seen his share of large crowds over the last 15 months, but his campaign said they have not approached the numbers gathered along the waterfront here right now.

The campaign, citing figures from Duane Bray, battalion chief of Portland Fire & Rescue, estimated that 75,000 people are watching him speak.

The scene suggests this is not an exaggeration. The sea of heads stretches for half a mile along the grassy embankment, while others watch from kayaks and power boats bobbing on the Willamette River. More hug the rails of the steel bridge that stretches across the water and crowds are even watching from jetties on the opposite shore
Do not read the article comments.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Portland is the best city in the fucking world. Anyone disputing that? No? Didn't fucking think so.


reilo said:
Portland is the best city in the fucking world. Anyone disputing that? No? Didn't fucking think so.
I went to Portland a few years ago when I was in the Pacific Northwest, and liked it so much I wanted to move there. What a great place.

grandjedi6 said:
Chicago disputes that
Also I very nice place. My vacation spot this summer.

...man I wish I didn't live in Ohio.


learning some important life lessons from magical Negroes
Deus Ex Machina said:
Record Obama Crowd, the Size of a City


Do not read the article comments.

Folks, that is not Portland in that photo. I have no idea where that is, but that is not Portland, Oregon.

Folks. He is right! That is not Portland Oregon! Despite the fact that I just drove by that exact same place just now, and that I drive by that exact same spot five times a week! It is a replica!

Kinda like that fake moon landing!
Deus Ex Machina said:
Record Obama Crowd, the Size of a City


Do not read the article comments.

holy christ...

Talk about Obamabots that do not know how to think!

I am sadden by how many American citizens are being raped by Barack Obama. But it is their own fault. So much historical ignorance, so much lack of political education.

Barack Obama's pretty words are just that, pretty words with nothing to stand on.

I ask all of you mindless Obamabots who support this very dangerous individual to go deeper than his pretty words!!!

WHAT HAS BARACK OBAMA DONE IN THE US SENATE OR THE ILLINOIS SENATE THAT SHOWS HE IS A UNITER?! What piece of legislature, what bill did he bring to the floor or sponsored that shows he is a uniter?

During his very short political life before running for the Presidency of the USA, how has Barack Obama reached across the aisle and shown that he is a uniter?

C'mon Obamabots, if this individual is so great, prove it!!! Don't quote me speeches, quote me action!

There are many other historical figures that claimed to be uniters, that claim to bring change and hope. I ask you, what type of change is Obama talking about, what type of hope is he talking about? Hope to who? Him, his loyal friends?

You people remind me of the mindless thousands, millions that lined up the streets of Nazi Germany to listen to Hitler's pretty words about a united Germany and making it a strong nation again. You remind me of the countless mindless millions who lined up the streets of Cuba to listen to Castro give similar speeches about Cuba. You remind me of the countless mindless millions that cried and visited Stalin's tomb after his death.

I cry for this great nation of ours. I cry for the great level of ignorance that exists in this nation. I cry for all the Americans who believe in Barack Obama. Barack Obama is using you, he is raping you.

If Barack Obama is elected President, this will mark the beginning of the end for this nation. May God prevent this man from ever becoming President of the United States of America.

Let us not forget Barack Obama's friends, William Ayers, Bernadine Dohrn, "Rev." Wright. How blind, how blind can American citizens be?

I pray for this nation and I pray that the Obamabots wake up!

........('(..HOMOSEXUAL... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.•´

wake up. obama is a muslim. Why would you vote for the enemy? You people are so blind. The rapture of the Christians is happening soon, then all of you left-wing bigots can have anyone you want as president. Until then, get out of the way of sanity and vote for McCain! It's time to wake up people!

........('(...´...´.... ¯~/'...')
..........''...\.......... _.·´

DEATH TO OBAMA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


... "..."


will totally Facebook friend you! *giggle* *LOL*
Deus Ex Machina said:
Record Obama Crowd, the Size of a City


Do not read the article comments.
what a comedy goldmine.

What the hell happened to this country?
Dumbed, numbed and duped, we live like savages feeding on scraps of venomous news bits, hate and division. Meanwhile the world watches in disbelief as we self implode like a dysfunctional and suicidal family. We feed on each other in a bloodfest, not knowing what divides us other than the labels our masters have given us. The world spins out of control, we have returned to our most vicious nature, ready to kill and die for nothing.
i don't even know who this is aimed at.:lol

If the DNC thinks they will BULLY THE AMERICAN PEOPLE

by forcing Obama on us

then the MORE than 18 million people



Hillary has gotten and will continue to get the popular vote!


No little stinking caucaus' to manipulate here!

He's about to legitimately win on Hilary's terms.:lol

coming with attack ads on BARRY HUSSEIN OBAMA after his comments today is going to be so simple

try and take the CARS and AIR conditioners away from the people and you will have a REVOLUTION!!! hahaha this man is so NAIVE and simple.


That's incredible that this many people could support a man who we can only hope at the very best of possibilities slept completely unconscious in church for over 20 years. How can people be so gullible to believe someone like this who supported the kind of vile hatred that spewed from the pulpit of his church with his attendance and tithes for 20 years? What is wrong with people anyway?
Wow, someone actually gave a shit about this Wright crap.:lol

It will be worth an Obama presidency to watch all of these young socialist idealists who love him stand with their mouth gaping open as he takes their guns, their incomes and their rights away from them. "But you were supposed to be the good guy!, I voted for you!" Grow up you bunch of simpletons, this guy is an ages-old politician with a new face.
Yea, I;m done.


Master of the Google Search
Deus Ex Machina said:
Record Obama Crowd, the Size of a City


Do not read the article comments.
Jack please do not post factual comments here. We do not care about anything real or factual. Nor do we care if that is or isnt portland. Next time put a vile slur in your comment. Thank you
reilo said:
We'll call it a tie. Chicago has shitty winters and Oprah.

Yeah but Portland has shitty Portlanders
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