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POPGAF |OT2| Oops!... We Did It Again

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Sorry, I'm late to the "Your Body" music video discussion, assuming there was any. Here's my two-cents on the video and Christina's sitcha-ation at the moment:

First of all I think that a lot of people are taking notice of her return to music, a lot more than I had thought would notice or care to. I think The Voice has done of a good job of keeping her name present in the pop culture vernacular so I think that's a good thing. The issue that I've always had with Christina Aguilera (among some others) is the way she presents herself personality-wise. On The Voice she treads the line of smugness pretty successfully, and I think a lot of people see her as a bit snobbish, cold, unappealing. Her personality is obviously the opposite of endearing and she seems to insist on putting on a face that almost always comes off as calculated, and reeking of vanity.

The music video for "Your Body" reminded me of that "swagger" she plays up when she's singing about something even remotely sexual or enticing. The sideways glances, mouth half-open, slightly raised brow with pursed lips and clenched cheeks. It's actually quite insufferable to watch. God knows I love the woman for that golden voice and the songs under her belt that have honestly changed my life growing up, but her particular brand of smugness that she insists on putting on during music videos or performances come off as so so so so fake to me. And I know that every mannerism she uses is so calculated because no person can just have those kinds of expressions be candid. There's just no way. I think she's obsessed with that sensation of being a buxom bombshell and having the world clammer over her looks that she plays it up. It could be done pseudo-sarcastically but she does it too much and often for me to believe it. Christina Aguilera is just straight-up unlikable. It makes it hard for people to root for her success when that icy demeanor becomes a saboteur. I feel like if she made an effort to let go of some of that control and let herself be herself in front of the world then it would serve her better.

Besides that criticism (sorry if it's a bit long-winded), the "Your Body" video is still a bit of a hot mess. Yes she looked pretty in many of those shots but I stopped giving a shit about "pretty" once Lady Gaga made bleeding to death on stage cool. The whole video was resting on her looking bubbly and cute while being surrounded by confetti and loud colors but that all goes back to the fact that she never is cute to me. It's always a presentation in pretty for her and it's embarrassing to watch. Also the ending made no sense, but that's fine. I went out last night and within the span of 3 hours that I was there, "Your Body" got played 3 times. I think it'll have a steady climb to massive popularity if she plays her cards right but we'll see. At this point I'm ready for single #2 and I'm hoping that the song will be a valued addition to her portfolio and not just an example in "catching up."

What kind of thorough reading? I agree with some of these points.




Sorry, I'm late to the "Your Body" music video discussion, assuming there was any. Here's my two-cents on the video and Christina's sitcha-ation at the moment:

First of all I think that a lot of people are taking notice of her return to music, a lot more than I had thought would notice or care to. I think The Voice has done of a good job of keeping her name present in the pop culture vernacular so I think that's a good thing. The issue that I've always had with Christina Aguilera (among some others) is the way she presents herself personality-wise. On The Voice she treads the line of smugness pretty successfully, and I think a lot of people see her as a bit snobbish, cold, unappealing. Her personality is obviously the opposite of endearing and she seems to insist on putting on a face that almost always comes off as calculated, and reeking of vanity.

The music video for "Your Body" reminded me of that "swagger" she plays up when she's singing about something even remotely sexual or enticing. The sideways glances, mouth half-open, slightly raised brow with pursed lips and clenched cheeks. It's actually quite insufferable to watch. God knows I love the woman for that golden voice and the songs under her belt that have honestly changed my life growing up, but her particular brand of smugness that she insists on putting on during music videos or performances come off as so so so so fake to me. And I know that every mannerism she uses is so calculated because no person can just have those kinds of expressions be candid. There's just no way. I think she's obsessed with that sensation of being a buxom bombshell and having the world clammer over her looks that she plays it up. It could be done pseudo-sarcastically but she does it too much and often for me to believe it. Christina Aguilera is just straight-up unlikable. It makes it hard for people to root for her success when that icy demeanor becomes a saboteur. I feel like if she made an effort to let go of some of that control and let herself be herself in front of the world then it would serve her better.

Besides that criticism (sorry if it's a bit long-winded), the "Your Body" video is still a bit of a hot mess. Yes she looked pretty in many of those shots but I stopped giving a shit about "pretty" once Lady Gaga made bleeding to death on stage cool. The whole video was resting on her looking bubbly and cute while being surrounded by confetti and loud colors but that all goes back to the fact that she never is cute to me. It's always a presentation in pretty for her and it's embarrassing to watch. Also the ending made no sense, but that's fine. I went out last night and within the span of 3 hours that I was there, "Your Body" got played 3 times. I think it'll have a steady climb to massive popularity if she plays her cards right but we'll see. At this point I'm ready for single #2 and I'm hoping that the song will be a valued addition to her portfolio and not just an example in "catching up."

LOL... well, you certainly went in w/ your JUDGMENT SHADEs on... undercover haterz stay panini pressed, obsessed, regressed, and incensed.

i can't.



The music video for "Your Body" reminded me of that "swagger" she plays up when she's singing about something even remotely sexual or enticing. The sideways glances, mouth half-open, slightly raised brow with pursed lips and clenched cheeks. It's actually quite insufferable to watch. God knows I love the woman for that golden voice and the songs under her belt that have honestly changed my life growing up, but her particular brand of smugness that she insists on putting on during music videos or performances come off as so so so so fake to me. And I know that every mannerism she uses is so calculated because no person can just have those kinds of expressions be candid. There's just no way. I think she's obsessed with that sensation of being a buxom bombshell and having the world clammer over her looks that she plays it up. It could be done pseudo-sarcastically but she does it too much and often for me to believe it. Christina Aguilera is just straight-up unlikable. It makes it hard for people to root for her success when that icy demeanor becomes a saboteur. I feel like if she made an effort to let go of some of that control and let herself be herself in front of the world then it would serve her better.

I agree that Christina at times comes off as calculating and smug (not so much season 3 of The Voice, though. She's been pretty charming and not nearly as defensive in her banter with the other guys). I think one of the things I like most about the Your Body video is that it's the first time in a long time we've seen her have a little fun with a concept. To quote one of the glowing praise reviews I posted in the Your Body thread:

Whereas “Not Myself Tonight” played without a trace of irony, this video shows off a Christina who seems to be having a good time. It’s a deliriously fun vibe for her, maybe her best since the Stripped era. (The “Dirrty” braids she shows off when she’s hooking up with the guy at the bar? That’s definitely the look.)

But most importantly, the clip is funny and engaging, proving that she’s not all about smug self-aggrandizing — she’s a girl who knows how to laugh at herself. Sincerely, it’s been years since we loved a Christina Aguilera video this much.

The comparison to Not Myself Tonight is pretty apt, I think, because part of the reason that video was so bad was because she was so dead serious about it. Like she thought every every frame of every scene was just breaking the boundaries and deserving of an editorial. Like Elizabeth Berkley in Showgirls, she wasn't having fun with such a ridiculous concept and it showed. In the "Your Body" video, it is very obvious that Christina realizes how silly it all is.

As for how unlikable Xtina is, well, that's personal. I and a few others happen to love her.

Besides that criticism (sorry if it's a bit long-winded), the "Your Body" video is still a bit of a hot mess. Yes she looked pretty in many of those shots but I stopped giving a shit about "pretty" once Lady Gaga made bleeding to death on stage cool. The whole video was resting on her looking bubbly and cute while being surrounded by confetti and loud colors but that all goes back to the fact that she never is cute to me. It's always a presentation in pretty for her and it's embarrassing to watch. Also the ending made no sense, but that's fine. I went out last night and within the span of 3 hours that I was there, "Your Body" got played 3 times. I think it'll have a steady climb to massive popularity if she plays her cards right but we'll see. At this point I'm ready for single #2 and I'm hoping that the song will be a valued addition to her portfolio and not just an example in "catching up."

Now this I just don't understand. The point of the video is not "Christina being cute and girly and look at all those colors and glitter!" Not at all. The "cutesy" in the video is exaggerated to play against the fact that Christina spends the entirety of the video savagely murdering men. The pink explosions and blue paint for blood and confetti for brains are a nod to the campy, cartoonish violence portrayed in Tarantino and Russ Meyer films, and in the old Warner Bros. cartoons. That's what the ending is meant to convey, and is really the only issue I take with the video. I think the video and its intent to be a play on cartoon violence would have held up without that bit of obvious explanation to the audience. I'd like to think people would have gotten it.

I mean, for crying out loud, she's rocking leopard-print tights with a flower-print corset in one scene, and in another scene she's wearing ridiculously out-of-fashion cut-off shorts and a cropped denim jacket against a US flag print leotard. Her hair is in rollers and she's wearing ridiculous Gaga-parody sunglasses and dramatically chewing gum. She sprays tanning oil on her leg, and THEN gets in a tanning bed FULLY CLOTHED. Not to mention the whole thing takes place in a TRAILER PARK. I mean come on, do you really think she's just trying to be sexy in this video? The whole thing is a joke.

Granted, I'm not going to try to argue that "Your Body" warrants the type of dissection and analyses a Russ Meyer or Quentin Tarantino film does. It's not meant to be looked into THAT deeply. But there's definitely a lot more there than you're giving it credit for, and certainly a lot more than just "Oh, look at Christina being pretty."



Also, you might like her, but it doesn't mean she's not unlikable. She's extremely so.

Well sure, in the sense that a lot of people can be unlikable to other people. But I don't see it as a point of argument when it could be said about a lot of people.

You and so-and-so don't like her; I and so-and-so do. It's really a moot point.


i honestly can't @ this bit:

I think a lot of people see her as a bit snobbish, cold, unappealing. Her personality is obviously the opposite of endearing and she seems to insist on putting on a face that almost always comes off as calculated, and reeking of vanity.

so what?
People will find a reason to dislike someone, just for the sake of disliking 'em. Tom Cruise is consistently revered as GENUINELY THE NICEST GUY EVER, yet loads of people hate him just because. LOL

that's all down to you, and you need to ask yourself: even if Christina is the coldest bitch in the universe IRL... why does that affect my enjoyment of Your Body's music video? Look inside yourself for what's missing.


i honestly can't @ this bit:

so what?
People will find a reason to dislike someone, just for the sake of disliking 'em. Tom Cruise is consistently revered as GENUINELY THE NICEST GUY EVER, yet loads of people hate him just because. LOL

that's all down to you, and you need to ask yourself: even if Christina is the coldest bitch in the universe IRL... why does that affect my enjoyment of Your Body's music video? Look inside yourself for what's missing.


Is this a serious post?


the thing about Christina is a lot of peeps see her as 'that bitch'. You know, the one in high school/wherever that had you feeling insecure and scared she was gonna steal ya man - THAT is why peeps dislike her. She's ridiculously talented, confident, and gorgeous... so peeps wanna 'knock her down to size' to make themselves feel better, and go in on her 'bad attitude' and weight, because THAT'S ALL THERE IS.

she's a bad bitch, what can I say?


Is this a serious post?

ya seriously. I mean, I think Ke$ha is gross-looking, and utterly unappealing but her Blow music video was good fun/cute.
i honestly can't @ this bit:

so what?
People will find a reason to dislike someone, just for the sake of disliking 'em. Tom Cruise is consistently revered as GENUINELY THE NICEST GUY EVER, yet loads of people hate him just because. LOL

that's all down to you, and you need to ask yourself: even if Christina is the coldest bitch in the universe IRL... why does that affect my enjoyment of Your Body's music video? Look inside yourself for what's missing.

What kind of conveniently placed meta perspective?? :p

But really though, if you got the gist of what I was arguing, I said that the reason the "your Body" video doesn't work for me is because Christina's attempt to be tongue-in-check, hint-hint-nudge-nudge to the audience comes off as transparently awkward. She tries to display a sense of humor that is so vacant in that video. There are moments throughout where I feel like I can laugh along but it doesn't hold enough of a presence for me to completely believe the schtick. She seems to be running with a humorous theme for the video but she still does it in that "Christina" way, and that "Christina" way is not funny. It's that scene in "Ain't No Other Man" where she's lying on the floor grasping those shiny earphones, and smugly glaring at some extra next to her with that "isn't this a great opportunity for you?" face that shows up ALL THE TIME.

Let's run through some of those mannerisms now.

The "I need to make sure I'm as fuckable as possible in every shot, under any foreseeable context" glare:

The "slowly squint while I raise my head and freeze my cheekbones" look:

The "I heard something over there, don't distract me while I'm giving face" sideways quick glance*:

The "I'm making sure everybody in this room is tuning in to all this pretty" sideways slow glance:

And of course, the "I'm so entertained by my cuteness" face pinch:

Fake. Fake fake fake. FAAAAAKE.

If I had the divine ability to create gifs then I would cover all 42 Christina facial tics but alas, they're all there. And none more sincere than the other. But yeah Royalan, the "Your Body" video hardly warrants a deep discussion because it's just a silly clip, but watching it just brought back those opinions that I've always had so I felt like sharing. Still love my girl but she really needs to let loose.

*This gif also displays the "I'm so entertained by my cuteness" face pinch in the last frame. Multitasker!
Not gonna disagree that Xtincta is a cold, calculating husk of a personality, but do you know why she's making those facial expressions? Because she's ACTING.

Even I can see the tongue-in-cheek nature of the video. Chill bro <3


Speaking of Xtina, and the Your Body video... did anyone else find her USA outfit to be incredible? The scenes where she wore it were so HOT.

Not gonna disagree that Xtincta is a cold, calculating husk of a personality, but do you know why she's making those facial expressions? Because she's ACTING.

Exactly! She's acting. There's zero sincerity in her delivery, in EVERYTHING SHE DOES. That's what I'm talking about. lol

royalan said:
You know I <3 you sis but those were some hilariously specific descriptions of her facial expressions.

I feel like you're relating Xtina to someone in your personal life who really did you wrong.

I'm not really pressed about anything, it's just a fun thing to bring up because my friends and I make fun of her face all the time. <3


Speaking of Xtina, and the Your Body video... did anyone else find her USA outfit to be incredible? The scenes where she wore it were so HOT.


No. I didn't care about the outfits. I was generally thinking


Except when she had that black dress on. That was extremely unflattering, gave me Adele vibes.
Exactly! She's acting. There's zero sincerity in her delivery, in EVERYTHING SHE DOES. That's what I'm talking about. lol
Aren't you contradicting yourself then?

First you say that her cold and calculated mannerisms in her video reflect poorly on her personality, and now you say that her acting is insincere and not reflective of the real her.



While y'all were wasting words on a washed up has-been whose single is tumbling down the iTunes charts, it was confirmed that GAGA is working with Delio-bait French Electro House/Pop producer Madeon.


He did an amazing amalgamation of our faves' hit songs, and produced the fresh poppy track The City.

Aren't you contradicting yourself then?

First you say that her cold and calculated mannerisms in her video reflect poorly on her personality, and now you say that her acting is insincere and not reflective of the real her.


No. My argument was that she comes off as fake and is putting on this face/personality that isn't sincere, and this "face" in question is what makes her so unlikable. I have no idea what her honest personality is because she refuses to show it, at least not completely. I see moments of it here and there, especially on The Voice when she's a bit more "off" but otherwise she has a wall up. *shrug*



Speaking of Xtina, and the Your Body video... did anyone else find her USA outfit to be incredible? The scenes where she wore it were so HOT.


Sis, I can't stop DYING over her spraying tanning oil on her leg. Can NOT tell me that wasn't deliberate!

Exactly! She's acting. There's zero sincerity in her delivery, in EVERYTHING SHE DOES. That's what I'm talking about. lol

I'm not really pressed about anything, it's just a fun thing to bring up because my friends and I make fun of her face all the time. <3

I think she's very genuine on The Voice....


While y'all were wasting words on a washed up has-been whose single is tumbling down the iTunes charts.

But's its barely been two weeks and Your Body is still gaining in airplay daily and the video is the most watched on Youtube. And she hasn't even performed the song yet.




it really does boggle my mind how Christina gets peeps SO MAD. I mean is it her genuine does.not.give.a.fuq. air? I think that's it. Peeps stay mad, but Christina moves on unbothered, and I find that REALLY sticks in a peep's craw... (like Koodo, for instance... he goes on and on about how ain't nobody checking for 'Xtincta', yet he STAYS MAD and checking as per.


Speaking of Xtina, and the Your Body video... did anyone else find her USA outfit to be incredible? The scenes where she wore it were so HOT.


iconic, tbh.


While y'all were wasting words on a washed up has-been whose single is tumbling down the iTunes charts

Right? Let's keep the talk of those who aren't in the top 10 of iTunes to a minimum. Xtina has had a whole page.

Let's dive into Rih getting that #1 on iTunes UK so soon after release.

Mau ®

Its very strange because the video for Your Body did initially gave her a decent push the first day, jumping 10 spots from 40's to 30's but now its slipping again and showing dark red decreases on Kworb.

The airplay updates are also getting smaller. P!nk's vile Blow Me song also faced a similar situation but it was like 1 month and a 1/2 into its life.

ALSO: Xaoxxlug... Soulscribe is a Xtina stan lol


Wasn't it just hearsay?

Regardless, OMG. The line-up of producers is positively wetting. Now I just need confirmation about that awful Cake track being a JOKE and not an intended album cut.

Some people were saying that they actually liked it and were looking for a download

Mau ®

Right? Let's keep the talk of those who aren't in the top 10 of iTunes to a minimum. Xtina has had a whole page.

Let's dive into Rih getting that #1 on iTunes UK so soon after release.

It doesnt surprise me. Rih is the UK Queen of Pop.

However... Diamonds could be out of the USA itunes top 10 by Wednesday. :,(
it really does boggle my mind how Christina gets peeps SO MAD. I mean is it her genuine does.not.give.a.fuq. air? I think that's it. Peeps stay mad, but Christina moves on unbothered, and I find that REALLY sticks in a peep's craw... (like Koodo, for instance... he goes on and on about how ain't nobody checking for 'Xtincta' and yet...

Tired response. She's still my #3 queen, I'm just having fun. She just has very obvious facial tics that I find hilarious. You can admit she's a plastic, it's okay. No one's keeping tabs on you.



Wasn't it just hearsay?

Regardless, OMG. The line-up of producers is positively wetting. Now I just need confirmation about that awful Cake track being a JOKE and not an intended album cut.

But I fucking love Cake. ;_;

Yeah it's unpolished, ridiculous and obviously a joke. But I stan it because it's the first time in a really LONG time that Gaga's cooled it on being so gosh-darn SERIOUS.

It's refreshing to see Gaga doing something so silly and just a tad bit ironic. And if it's any indication of her mindset going into the ARTPOP era I might have to start stanning again.

"Fuck yo face, trick b****. Fuck yo life, you b****-ass trick."


Tired response. She's still my #3 queen, I'm just having fun. She just has very obvious facial tics that I find hilarious. You can admit she's a plastic, it's okay. No one's keeping tabs on you.


it's cute that you'trying to front like you weren't coming for her.
But I fucking love Cake. ;_;

Yeah it's unpolished, ridiculous and obviously a joke. But I stan it because it's the first time in a really LONG time that Gaga's cooled it on being so gosh-darn SERIOUS.

It's refreshing to see Gaga doing something so silly and just a tad bit ironic. And if it's any indication of her mindset going into the ARTPOP era I might have to start stanning again.

"Fuck yo face, trick b****. Fuck yo life, you b****-ass trick."
People are always saying this- how the Gaga of the Born This Way era was so insufferably serious and averse to irony and I see it to a certain extent, but did everyone forget that some of her most tongue-in-cheek, irony-laced songs come from BTW? Government Hooker, Americano, Hair
(before she turned it into a horrific tribute ballad that made me question her sense of irony)
, Bad Kids, Highway Unicorn, You and I, etc.

And the Born This Way and You and I videos are cheesetacular, as well.

Mau ®

Let's talk instead about how Taylor Swift destroys your fave's mercilessly


New song tomorrow. The RED Domination has just begun gurls. *.*


Mostly of being laughed at, yes. The topic with the pictures of her being enormous at that performance was legendary.


Lets not forget the multi-page of straight GAF oogling her curves in the now ICONIC yellow dress. ;)

Let's talk instead about how Taylor Swift destroys your fave's mercilessly

How on EARTH did Taylor Swift climb back up on the iTunes charts with We Are Never Ever Getting Back Together? She went from being #5 to right up under Psy's ass again. And it must have happened in just the last hour.

I have honestly got to hand it to the girl. I think she's terribly uninteresting and has no redeeming qualities as far as singing and performing goes, but this era has so far been flawlessly handled. How she charts globally this era will be interesting to watch.
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