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Portable console screenshot thread (3DS/Vita) - Rules in OP

So... an anime thread it seems.

I've been trying to interject some variety the last few pages. Gotta say I'm sad at the lack of 3DS shots but I know the process is fairly complicated so I understand why.

The reality is that the recent Vita releases are heavily Japanese centric, so that's gonna be reflected in a screenshot thread that relies heavily on recent releases...






Damn, that looks a lot better than I expected. I've never bought or played any version of Minecraft, I feel like I should pick it up on Vita to see what the fuss is about (and that way I might actually play it, too...)

yes, vita port looks and runs surprisingly good to me.



Need for Speed: Most Wanted

I kind of feel like this game is somewhat under-appreciated amongst Vita owners, which is a real shame. Yes, it's not native res, and as a consequence it looks hideous in screenshots. It's one of the games you absolutely have to see on a Vita in motion to appreciate. It's not the only sacrifice that the game makes compared to it's console counterpart - traffic is significantly reduced, and the car count in races is lowered slightly, with multiplayer down to 4 players. There's also no DLC, although in some ways that might actually be a positive in this case. But that's the full list of differences. And better still, there seems to still be a ton of people playing it! I'm in the UK, and despite burning through the single player a year or two ago (it's good enough to keep you occupied but there's little substance), I never touched the online multiplayer - I never realised how similar it is to Burnout Paradise, which I loved. Over the last two weeks i've jumped on at various times of the day and night and without fail I have had a full game every time. As soon as someone leaves, someone else joins. It's super weird that a three year old title that hardly gets a mention anymore seems to have such a decent playerbase.

Anyway, i'm having an absolute blast on the multiplayer and I urge anyone else with a copy (you might have grabbed it for free when EA gave it away last year) to at least give the online a go. Come join me!




I decided to test the number of cars you could get on screen at once. The answer seems to be 10, with up to 5 cop cars. If another civilian car drives up to the cluster of cars, one of the others will vanish. Amusingly, if you disable a police car but stay in the area, it doesn't vanish but still takes up one of those slots. So no matter how high your wanted level, if you can get 5 wrecked police cars in one place (as I have done here), you can just sit there as they make frantic appeals for back up that will never come. Seriously, I waited for ages. It also explains the reduced multiplayer count. If you have 4 cars in a race, there can only ever be a maximum of 6 other cars in the area as traffic, which is bad enough - if the maximum number of players was 8, you'd be stuck with a dismal 2 other cars at a time!
I had no idea this existed. Is it any good?

It's not too bad, pretty barebones presentation (basic menus, no story, no voice acting), but I dig the visual style, it's really colourful. Has about six events repeated over a number of tournaments and you can win various items to use against the CPU and upgrades. The racing and golf are by far the most entertaining.





maybe tomorrow it rains
Yeah, photo mode for Wipeout is ridiculous. Looks great while racing, but replays are on a whole other level.


I actually own this game thanks to a sale a few months back, but i've never played it or read anything about it (either on Vita or on any other platform). Is it good? Is the Vita port of it good? Because it looks absolutely stunning.

Super Time Force Ultra

I was a bit hesitant to give this one a go, being kinda sick (as I know a lot of other people are) of the seemingly never-ending stream of pixel-art games. I was extremely pleasantly surprised. Not only is the time rewinding mechanic fucking cool as hell, the game is also tough, but fair. The controls are dependable and if you die, it's pretty much definitely your fault. If you get too much going on on one screen the performance can start to drag (the game actually slows down rather than becoming a slideshow, at least), but this happens fairly rarely, and the second you get past that area everything accelerates back to normal speed. Usually it seems to occur when you have a large number of enemies combined with 15+ past versions of yourself, with everyone shooting and people dying all over the place. If you're good at the game (i'm not) then this kind of situation is completely avoidable, but it's not that bad even if you do encounter it. I did have one complete lock up which I should mention after the game appeared to slow down to the point of becoming completely stationary, and then the whole system froze.

All in all though, the different time periods are great, the characters are nicely distinct, the enemy variety is really good, and the feature where it shows your complete playthrough of the level afterwards is both good fun and also the only real chance you have of getting any screenshots. I know it's not a review thread but I don't know where else to post my opinions!




Go give it a try if you have PS+, it's free this month and it's well worth it!

I could not agree more.
It is a surprise. The best way to play it is trying to get all the emblems. The "Looker Stuff" you have to get in the minimum time is a real challenge.
And its humor! What a masterpiece!
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