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So it has to be said. Will multi platform games that are on PS4 and PC be gimped because of PC?

The average PC running steam games is currently a 2 core intel machine running at around 3.0Ghz with 4gig of memory.

Even if you upped that to a quad core and added a reasonable graphics card. It's not going to get anywhere near what PS4 is capable of.

I don't find the "average" of PCs very meaningful. Every modern i-series build with graphics from the last few gens will be canceled out by people running Pentium 4s.

Developers don't have to target the average either, as the more cutting edge system owners will be the more likely to buy high end games.

And for the record even an old Core 2 quad at 3GHz would likely beat a 1.6Ghz octacore Jaguar most times. Jaguar is the successor to Bobcat, the competitor of Atom, not the Core series.


Gold Member
So it has to be said. Will multi platform games that are on PS4 and PC be gimped because of PC?

The average PC running steam games is currently a 2 core intel machine running at around 3.0Ghz with 4gig of memory.

Even if you upped that to a quad core and added a reasonable graphics card. It's not going to get anywhere near what PS4 is capable of.

No, just no....
So it has to be said. Will multi platform games that are on PS4 and PC be gimped because of PC?

The average PC running steam games is currently a 2 core intel machine running at around 3.0Ghz with 4gig of memory.

Even if you upped that to a quad core and added a reasonable graphics card. It's not going to get anywhere near what PS4 is capable of.

Yea man,

8 core > 2 cores and obviously 8 gigs > 4 gigs

Damn PCs holding PS4 back
So it has to be said. Will multi platform games that are on PS4 and PC be gimped because of PC?

The average PC running steam games is currently a 2 core intel machine running at around 3.0Ghz with 4gig of memory.

Even if you upped that to a quad core and added a reasonable graphics card. It's not going to get anywhere near what PS4 is capable of.
For multiplats you better worry about the new xbox.


So it has to be said. Will multi platform games that are on PS4 and PC be gimped because of PC?

The average PC running steam games is currently a 2 core intel machine running at around 3.0Ghz with 4gig of memory.

Even if you upped that to a quad core and added a reasonable graphics card. It's not going to get anywhere near what PS4 is capable of.
Not unless the game's designed primarily for PC like Diablo 3, and even then that's largely because the likes of Blizzard want to hit as many people as possible, taking the opposite approach from Crytek pushing hardware as hard as they can.

The handy thing with consoles is that they're a reliable baseline to develop on, everyone's system is the same, so if a million people will buy on the PS4 it doesn't really matter if you sell on PC only for some people to be unable to run, they can just upgrade later or buy the console now. Or they can skip on a PC SKU entirely. If anything this should be emboldening PC development, IE making games start requiring 64-bit OSes rather than being 32-bit programs.


So it has to be said. Will multi platform games that are on PS4 and PC be gimped because of PC?

The average PC running steam games is currently a 2 core intel machine running at around 3.0Ghz with 4gig of memory.

Even if you upped that to a quad core and added a reasonable graphics card. It's not going to get anywhere near what PS4 is capable of.

uh, usually there are Console>PC ports not other way around.

And with PS4/720 having 8 GB, it will be extremely beneficial for people who have high end PC's.

So all PC gamers should be very happy with new PS4 coming out.
Somewhere ken is smiling while the nurse changes his straight jacket

Not really. If it was up to him we would of got 20GB of GDDR10, 16 cell processors, and 32 SPE's. lol.


I'm sure you read many posts like I do but some of the irrationality at these things is confusing. As was noted earlier, when it was 4gb GDDR5 for PS4 and 8GB DDR3 for Durango, everyone was ok. Now we see these posts spinning this in a negative light.

I guess new systems bring a further enhanced outlook on these console wars. What I don't like are some who say things about one platform and ignore the same faults on their own platform of choice.

I'm actually really excited for PC right now since we will finally start seeing our modern HW taxed properly. 8GB of GDDR5 is going to really be big and I would bank on many of the 2GB GPU's like the 2 SLI 670's I have being really bottlenecked in the next year or two.

This is why I am looking at something like 2 Titan level GPU's with at least 4GB of memory for my next upgrade.

Yep. Like mentioned in my last post, people have changed their attitude towards PS4's RAM quick. It's really rediculous.


Even if you upped that to a quad core and added a reasonable graphics card. It's not going to get anywhere near what PS4 is capable of.
Huh? A quad core desktop CPU is more powerful than an 8 core Jaguar. And any "reasonable" 2014 GPU will outperform PS4's GPU.

Also, to hold anything back, according to current rumours, the PC target would need to be lower than the 720 one, not PS4. And that's even easier to hit, what with its pitiful 1.2 TF GPU performance.


Did they mention that all that 8gb ram is for games?

With that kind of social service running in the background and sharing thing how much will be left for gaming? 6gb?


Did they mention that all that 8gb ram is for games?

With that kind of social service running in the background and sharing thing how much will be left for gaming? 6gb?
They just said the system would have that much, we don't know the OS footprint. I doubt we will unless someone leaks it, but they may well be trying to go for something relatively small, or at least not Durango big.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I can understand a quad core i5 might be better but that 8Gb of GDDR5 coupled with a reasonable graphics card in PS4 means that texture size is no longer a issue.

I'm expecting better textures on PS4 games relative to PC games.
I can understand a quad core i5 might be better but that 8Gb of GDDR5 coupled with a reasonable graphics card in PS4 means that texture size is no longer a issue.

I'm expecting better textures on PS4 games relative to PC games.

Hate to break the news to you, but RAM is not the limiting factor for texture size in this case. The PS4 GPU is.

Going from 4GB to 8GB GDDR5 memory is not going to allow the PS4 GPU to process larger textures.


Huh? A quad core desktop CPU is more powerful than an 8 core Jaguar. And any "reasonable" 2014 GPU will outperform PS4's GPU.

Also, to hold anything back, according to current rumours, the PC target would need to be lower than the 720 one, not PS4. And that's even easier to hit, what with its pitiful 1.2 TF GPU performance.

I think he meant actually outputting that to screen. I have 4 core CPU i have 6870 and i fully believe my PC would fry and burn if it would need to run Killzone4demo or any other presented demos at 1080p.


I can understand a quad core i5 might be better but that 8Gb of GDDR5 coupled with a reasonable graphics card in PS4 means that texture size is no longer a issue.
I'm expecting better textures on PS4 games relative to PC games.

Forget an i5, a Core 2 Quad at 3GHz would still be better than octacore Jaguar at 1.6.

And I'm still not seeing what your point is, as I said Developers do not have to target the average PC. PC games as always will have a variety of texture/filtering etc settings to choose from. Those of us with PCs beefy enough to run them at the full res will do so, those of us with lesser hardware will just run the same game with lower settings.

Yes the PS4 has more GDDR5 than any of us have on graphics cards, but as any PC gamer knows all the video memory in the world doesn't get around the performance of the chip itself. I'd still bet a GTX 680 with 2GB video memory could do more impressive things when pushed then the ~7850 ish card in there. Textures will still be limited by the chip itself, even if memory is no longer a bottleneck at all.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
What games have texture sizes as an issue?

Most of them. You see it all the time. A face that uses a high resolution texture but the clothes and floor is low rez. Most games have a huge mix match of texture resolution. I hope that will be eliminated on PS4.


Most of them. You see it all the time. A face that uses a high resolution texture but the clothes and floor is low rez. Most games have a huge mix match of texture resolution. I hope that will be eliminated on PS4.

You know that's a development time and money issue, right? Look at Skyrim on PC by default, even maxed out it doesn't look that good. But modern PCs can run it will all manner of mods that make it look incredible.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I think he meant actually outputting that to screen. I have 4 core CPU i have 6870 and i fully believe my PC would fry and burn if it would need to run Killzone4demo or any other presented demos at 1080p.

Yep. That's what I'm talking about.


I can understand a quad core i5 might be better but that 8Gb of GDDR5 coupled with a reasonable graphics card in PS4 means that texture size is no longer a issue.

I'm expecting better textures on PS4 games relative to PC games.
No. It doesn't have the TMUs or GPU clock to use higher-res textures than on a decent modern PC GPU.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
You know that's a development time and money issue, right?

More like a issue trying to shoe horn that game into a PS3.

I'm expecting PS4 games to have a almost unlimited texture budget. I'm wondering how much they will have to downgrade those games to work on PC.


I just hope there is a baseline in textures for next gen which is good (doesn't have to be the best) across the board.

No. It doesn't have the TMUs or GPU clock to use higher-res textures than on a decent modern PC GPU.

A Pitcairn derivative isn't a decent GPU?


Most of them. You see it all the time. A face that uses a high resolution texture but the clothes and floor is low rez. Most games have a huge mix match of texture resolution. I hope that will be eliminated on PS4.

I think he meant actually outputting that to screen. I have 4 core CPU i have 6870 and i fully believe my PC would fry and burn if it would need to run Killzone4demo or any other presented demos at 1080p.

I'm not so sure. Don't get me wrong, my pants were blown off by Shadow Fall. But fairly mainstream gaming graphics cards can also run Crysis 3 pretty well these days at 1920x1080. I'm undecided which looks better, but the fact that they're so close is the important thing.
Most of them. You see it all the time. A face that uses a high resolution texture but the clothes and floor is low rez. Most games have a huge mix match of texture resolution. I hope that will be eliminated on PS4.

You implied that the lower VRAM on PC meant low res textures that will not occur on PS4.

What PC games run out of VRAM?


I'm expecting PS4 games to have a almost unlimited texture budget. I'm wondering how much they will have to downgrade those games to work on PC.

I don't get what you're missing here; they can just include whatever high end textures as "ultra" settings or whatever and leave them there for whoever can use them. They don't have to "downgrade" the whole game. PC games have settings.


A Pitcairn derivative isn't a decent GPU?
I didn't say that. I said it's not better than one.

Really, we don't need to argue about this too hard. Just look at multiplat comparisons in 2014.

I don't get what you're missing here; they can just include whatever high end textures as "ultra" settings or whatever and leave them there for whoever can use them. They don't have to "downgrade" the whole game. PC games have settings.
Pretty much. And texture resolution may be the most easy thing to scale of them all.


You implied that the lower VRAM on PC meant low res textures that will not occur on PS4.

What PC games run out of VRAM?

I can download 2GB texture pack for Fallout New Vegas or GTA4 and i can safely say that i run out of VRAM especially in GTA4 with mods.

Frankly changing textures to super high res on my 6870 didn't have any real hit beside slower loadings (which i fixed with SSD)

Running out of VRAM in GTA4 is especially noticeable since it offload everything to DDR3 ram and then there is just massive popups everywhere.

I think what are we missing from full picture is that amount of fast ram can really push things from design perspective.

Megatextures on 8GB GDDR5 will be just lovely and i am sure Carmack is happy about 8GB.

Shifty Gazer from B3D already had few interesting ideas.

Also doesn't volumetric stuff need a lot of Ram ? We saw already in those trailers that most of things on screen were pushing volumetric smoke everywhere.

I think Knack was most impressive to me with those explosions which were just looking totally awesome.

I will download and make gifs from it.
1. Putting in same post MS,Nintendo, SNES, NES is constructive talk to you ?
2. They say it i don't need to know your whole post history.
3. Does resolution dictate which game look better ? I don't agree that additional RAM will make console better than PC in therms of pure power but we don't know how developers will use that especially since it will be standard feature in every box.

Point is you are trying to spin 8GB like it is some waste of ram. 8GB is amazing hardware achievement and something that developers will love. In fact many developers already said that they love Sony choice.

Here are 3 developers comments:

@ID_AA_Carmack: I can’t speak freely about PS4, but now that some specs have been made public, I can say that Sony made wise engineering choices.

Randy Pitchford ‏@DuvalMagic
Thanks for the great event in NY @playstation - Very pleased with the commitment to 8gb of GDDR5 memory. Other specs are beautiful too!

Tiago Sousa ‏@CRYTEK_TIAGO
8 GB unified mem as baseline for next tech iterations makes me very, very happy. Fun times coming ^_^

Earlier you tried to spin it by saying that In MS console this isn't something amazing completely missing point that this is GDDR5 memory not "peasant" DDR3 memory which we can buy in shops for few bears price.

Sorry but i don't see your point or what are your trying to spin. 8GB GDDR5 in PS4 is fucking fantastic thing for developers and totally unified memory pool in addition to that is icing on that cake.

Freedom of simply dumping things into ram is for developers more important than just few FPS better. The less time they will spend on memory juggling the more time they can spend on other things. Indie devs will especially love this since most of them are just few people.

1. I was accused of being biased against Sony.
2. It's good, since there is no need at all to do.
3. I'm not saying 8GB RAM is a waste of resources. I'm saying 8GB is a waste of budget. And, just like Durango, is not oriented to pure gaming like an upgrade to GPU could be, but just for those social media hub most core gamers are not interested in.

Btw, some praises come for the system as a whole, not just RAM setup. Sony did the right choice this time in that regard.

This post just reeks of a lack of understanding of how modern, game focused hardware works.

RAM is always a bottleneck in computing. Especially in fixed hardware platforms like consoles. Not just quantity of RAM, but bandwidth too.

Who cares most about RAM? Developers. If you have been following the progress of the PS4, it was initially designed with 2GB or RAM, and after pressure from devs, was upped to 4GB. Then recently, from further pressure from the likes of Epic and internal studios, increased again to 8GB.

And there are two big differences between the 8GB of RAM in the next Xbox and the 8GB of RAM in the PS4.

Xbox is using slow DDR3 RAM, which is better suited for general purpose computing. It has a low bandwidth, meaning you have a bottleneck as to how much data can be read/written into RAM each frame. PS4 is using GDDR5, a much more expensive RAM type designed for graphics (the G in GDDR stands for graphical). It has a blazing fast bandwidth, meaning a fuckload of data can be transfers in/out of it per frame, which has serious benefits in rendering. The next Xbox does also have a small cache of fast EDRAM to mitigate its slow main RAM, but even that has a bandwidth far below the RAM in the PS4.

The other point is the Xbox is reserving 3GB for the OS, so only 5GB is available for games. The PS4 is rumoured to reserve 0.5GB, so 7.5GB of RAM is available for games.

Whatever way you look at it, the 8GB of unified GDDR5 is a seriously impressive spec to have, and a massive improvement over what is rumoured to be in the Xbox.

Again, you're wrong at a technical level.

There is no point having a beast of a GPU if you don't have the quality and type of RAM to feed it. This has easily provable real word metrics. Look at the range of AMD cards and their various rendering scores. You see better results with the same card moving from DDR3 to GDDR5, then you do going up to the next card (better GPU) and still use DDR3. And better performance by increasing the RAM

The reality is, the PS4 would gain more rendering performance increasing the RAM from 4GB to 8GB, than they would adding a couple more CUs to the GPU. Likewise, MS would see better performance improving the RAM to GDDR rather than giving the GPU clock speed a boost or adding a few more CUs.

What could you expect from someone calling himself SPE after CELL processor. All those gang attacks make me feel like this (Youtube).

RAM wasn't at all a bottleneck at WiiU or original Orbis design. And, as I expressed at Durango threads, I have my worries about 32MB ESRAM not being enough to do the job at 1080P. But, at the same time, I think that WiiU, 360 and Durango have the memory setup more desirable for gaming consoles. Not so fast big pool of main RAM, and a smaller buffer of high speed RAM. Why?

In the current PC architecture, VGA's needs a lot of VRAM because of the interface between main CPU&RAM and VGA, the PCIExpress. PCIE 2.0 x16 peaks at 16 GB/s, 3.0 x16 at 32GB/s. That isn't enough for real time rendering, so if you run out of VRAM and the program is forced to page to main RAM, performance dips.

In a closed enviroment like a home console, you don't have this limitation, so you don't need at all those large pools of VRAM. That's why I think Sony is burning resources there. Same CPU and GPU, 8GB of DDR3 and 64MB os EDRAM (or even more, Sony style) would be a cheaper solution and better performer. And wouldn't force Sony to sell at loss like PS4 will first months. It's just like PS2 and PS3 all over again, Sony arriving late and brute forcing design.

My 2 cents.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
I can download 2GB texture pack for Fallout New Vegas or GTA4 and i can safely say that i run out of VRAM especially in GTA4 with mods.

Frankly changing textures to super high res on my 6870 didn't have any real hit beside slower loadings (which i fixed with SSD)

Running out of VRAM in GTA4 is especially noticeable since it offload everything to DDR3 ram and then there is just massive popups everywhere.

I think what are we missing from full picture is that amount of fast ram can really push things from design perspective.

Megatextures on 8GB GDDR5 will be just lovely and i am sure Carmack is happy about 8GB.

Shifty Gazer from B3D already had few interesting ideas.

Finally. Someone gets it.

I was thinking today about megatexturing with that huge pool of super fast GDDR5 memory. Something that a PC will not be able to do.


People, we should remember that 8GB is the system total and not what will be available to devs after the OS takes a bite out. It will be more like 6GB (which is still substantially above the rumoured 3.5GB).
I never thought I would see the day where more RAM in a console would cause a debate like this. A year ago we were dreaming and laughing at consoles having 8GB of RAM. Durango gets it; cool MS is smart. Sony gets it; downplaying for the forever.


People, we should remember that 8GB is the system total and not what will be available to devs after the OS takes a bite out. It will be more like 6GB (which is still substantially above the rumoured 3.5GB).

Would the OS quadrouple in size from the 512MB rumor just because they doubled the RAM? Everything else in the rumored specs was dead on. I'm thinking 7-7.5GB free, but we don't know at this point.


People, we should remember that 8GB is the system total and not what will be available to devs after the OS takes a bite out. It will be more like 6GB (which is still substantially above the rumoured 3.5GB).

Speculating right now about what OS will take is imo like predicting weather for next year. We have a bunch of rumors and nothing that clearly says that xxx of MB will be taken.

In fact with technologies like context switching or recent Vita OS downsize we can't really say anything.


PS4 will be the best home for ID tech 5. I wouldn't mind a Rage BFG edition or something while waiting for Doom 4.


PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 PS4 Xbone PS4 PS4
Hate to break the news to you, but RAM is not the limiting factor for texture size in this case. The PS4 GPU is.

Going from 4GB to 8GB GDDR5 memory is not going to allow the PS4 GPU to process larger textures.

Why is that the case?
Honest question, did the latency issue was discussed back in 2004-5 when the xbox360/ps3 specs were announced?, I don't really remember..

Sure given both Durango and Orbis have the same CPU (more or less), Durango will have a little benefit thanks for memory setup. But will be pretty negligible. Much more on a gaming task oriented device. You will need to run WinRAR benchs to notice :p

Back in the day, Xenos and Cell had so low IPC that RAM latency was the minor of the issues.

So it has to be said. Will multi platform games that are on PS4 and PC be gimped because of PC?

The average PC running steam games is currently a 2 core intel machine running at around 3.0Ghz with 4gig of memory.

Even if you upped that to a quad core and added a reasonable graphics card. It's not going to get anywhere near what PS4 is capable of.

Even a Q6600 at 3Ghz should be able to smoke next gen CPU's.

I can understand a quad core i5 might be better but that 8Gb of GDDR5 coupled with a reasonable graphics card in PS4 means that texture size is no longer a issue.

I'm expecting better textures on PS4 games relative to PC games.

You still need more and better TMU's. Orbis will be just 'ok', current Durango known specs are 'so-so'.
Developers are loving the fact that PS4 has 8GB of DDR5 RAM. Now I don't know much about techs, but considering that people that I look up to in the gaming industry loves it, I choose to believe them more.

When all else fails, trust the professional, not the herd :p


PS4 will be the best home for ID tech 5. I wouldn't mind a Rage BFG edition or something while waiting for Doom 4.

Carmack seems to be happy

John Carmack ‏@ID_AA_Carmack
I can’t speak freely about PS4, but now that some specs have been made public, I can say that Sony made wise engineering choices.


People, we should remember that 8GB is the system total and not what will be available to devs after the OS takes a bite out. It will be more like 6GB (which is still substantially above the rumoured 3.5GB).

All the rumors that were tied to the 4GB/8GB DDR5 stories said that Sony is telling developers to expect a 512MB OS. The OS footprint is something developers actually NEED to know relative to the total system memory, and is therefore a pretty damn reliable rumor.

All signs point to this being a last minute bump by Sony so they've built their OS to fit with the 512MB OS that they were aiming for with 4GB of system memory. Why do you assume that they've now quadrupled it?


Would the OS quadrouple in size from the 512MB rumor just because they doubled the RAM? Everything else in the rumored specs was dead on. I'm thinking 7-7.5GB free, but we don't know at this point.

Speculating right now about what OS will take is imo like predicting weather for next year. We have a bunch of rumors and nothing that clearly says that xxx of MB will be taken.

In fact with technologies like context switching or recent Vita OS downsize we can't really say anything.

Anything is possible but it is better to play it safe and keep your expectations low. It is not cynicism rather learning to have realistic expectations. If the previous EDGE rumour about 512MB consumption is true with all the features that were presented two days ago, then one can assume that Sony will want to react to MS (which many feel was the prime reason they even changed to 8GB GDDR5 in the first place) when they release their feature set and lock away more RAM for adding to OS functionality.

This is what the WiiU did and Iwata said that they are looking to reduce 1024MB OS footprint in half.


All the rumors that were tied to the 4GB/8GB DDR5 stories said that Sony is telling developers to expect a 512MB OS. The OS footprint is something developers actually NEED to know relative to the total system memory, and is therefore a pretty damn reliable rumor.

All signs point to this being a last minute bump by Sony so they've built their OS to fit with the 512MB OS that they were aiming for with 4GB of system memory. Why do you assume that they've now quadrupled it?

Worst case assumption is since they could not decrease the OS footprint as plan to 512mb, they then had to compensate by increasing the pool


Would the OS quadrouple in size from the 512MB rumor just because they doubled the RAM? Everything else in the rumored specs was dead on. I'm thinking 7-7.5GB free, but we don't know at this point.

I think what most are suggesting is that the launch window/first year games are targeting 4GB RAM and it would be smart of Sony to reserve say 2GB now and reduce it later when they are sure they don't need anymore.


I think what most are suggesting is that the launch window/first year games are targeting 4GB RAM and it would be smart of Sony to reserve say 2GB now and reduce it later when they are sure they don't need anymore.

Yes. I don't think they will be taking advantage of 3-3.5GB+ situation right now to the point of games that will be created based around that spec. Funny thing is, unlike the last generation, PS4 games at launch should end up looking better that what KZSF looked like, and then gradually even more so (much like all generations) given that the limited showing BS tech demos. I remember before the PS3 came, there was an avalanche of tech demo from GG, PD, Insomniac (I8), eight days etc which did not match up with what launch games because they had developed those tech demos based on specs that PS3 could not exactly match. In the case of PS4 it's just the opposite.
People, we should remember that 8GB is the system total and not what will be available to devs after the OS takes a bite out. It will be more like 6GB (which is still substantially above the rumoured 3.5GB).

No, we really don't know about this. The PS4 OS was rumored to use 512MB of ram, and thus far no other rumor suggested otherwise.


Yes. I don't think they will be taking advantage of 3-3.5GB+ situation right now to the point of games that will be created based around that spec. Funny thing is, unlike the last generation, PS4 games at launch should end up looking better that what KZSF looked like, and then gradually even more so (much like all generations) given that the limited showing BS tech demos. I remember before the PS3 came, there was an avalanche of tech demo from GG, PD, Insomniac (I8), eight days etc which did not match up with what launch games because they had developed those tech demos based on specs that PS3 could not exactly match. In the case of PS4 it's just the opposite.

Zup bro. So what you're basically saying is they showcased the lowest possible "high end" tech demo on KZSF(if that makes any sense)? When they utilize more RAM they should be able to drastically improve on KZSF visuals right?

I'm really buzzed about the other titles they have under development for PS4 aswell, just imagine how the next Naugtydog games will look like or the next Santa Monica Studios games will look like. I mean Sucker Punch is an amazing studio and Second Son looked orgasmic and that was truly a nextgen game, but in my honest opinion both Naughtydog and Santa Monica Studios have outdone Sucker Punch interms of visuals in PS3 gen. So imagine how much better visually their games will be compared to the jawdroppingly gorgeous Infamous Second Son.
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