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PS4 supports only 4 controllers compared to XBO's 8


I honestly had no clue this was even possible. Kind of a total non-issue really especially since no one even bothers to support split-screen these days.

Tbh, I think I've only used 2 controllers at once this gen a handful of times. I didn't even have 2 for my PS3.


Boo, bad decision Sony. I know that I'm the exception here, but getting 7 people together in a room for Bomberman is one of my favorite memories from this Gen.
Let's pretend that games like Rock Band 3 weren't held back by having one of the multiplatform consoles being able to support only 4 controllers. Because that happened.

So "no audio when playing 5-7 players" isn't an option?

What about rock band on 36?0?
They're called friends. Might want to look into finding some.

Wow, when I have friends over not all of them are gamers. They like to hang out, drink, play beer pong, socialize, watch a sporting event and may watch others play, but they dont play.

Just because gamers have friends, that doesnt mean they are gamers.
This doesn't make any difference to me what so ever (I will never spend $400 on controllers) but I have a feeling the people who championed PS3's 7 controller support over the 360's 4 controller support have changed their tune for basically no reason.

Also, if PS4 supported 8 controllers and XBox didn't, this would become a bullet point complaint of Microsoft trying to screw people or something.
8 may be too many, but 4 is a bit disappointing.

I love to play wrestling games with family members, and there are 5 of us.

What is the reason for the limit?
The first and last time I had 8 players on a console was for Fifa on a PS2. We mostly did it for the novelty of having 8 wires sticking out of that ps2.

Ive never needed more than two since then.
There's already a thread on XBO's 8 controllers, but I feel like this is thread worthy as I had assumed PS4 would support 7 controllers like PS3. I was wrong.


This could make XBO the definitive place for sports game house parties. (Not that those happen often, but still.)

For reference, these were the "greater than 4 controller" supported games for PS3 from launch through 2011:

But buying 8 controllers makes the xbone even more expensive than having to buy only 4 controllers for the PS4.


Barely ever use two.

I can't even imagine a scenario where i would have 8 people playing my PS4/XBONE at the same time and even if i did who would pay for the other 7 controllers? I'm not fucking buying 7 more controllers and my friends don't play on consoles.
for the past 15 years I have atleast 4 buddies once week to play video games.

Nothing beats local couch gaming. 6 ppl fifa is awesome i will probably get my fifa and NHL on xbone as a result.


for the past 15 years I have atleast 4 buddies once week to play video games.

Nothing beats local couch gaming. 6 ppl fifa is awesome i will probably get my fifa and NHL on xbone as a result.

But that's impossible. Numerous people have said that this will effect absolutely no one so you must be lying. ;)

i know the number affected is a fraction of a percent, but they do exist.


I never know people actually use more than 4 controllers on their console! Won't the split screens be too small, or if play on the same screen everything will become a clusterfuck?

Definitely learn something new everyday. ;D


Slayer of Combofiends
Rarely see more than 3 people playing on the same console nowadays with the internet being the titan that it is. Not really important to have a system support more than 4 controllers. Personally never needed it for mine.


Don't even know where 4 people who sit in my house let alone 7

I have had a lot more people in my house but they rarely concentrate on just gaming.... there is other stuff to do like... well... chatting, or eating, or whatever. XD
I was honestly limited to four a few times when I still lived in the dorms at college.

Playing NHL, I had seven guys over one time and we just kept switching off. Halo was the same way. It would have been nice to be able to have more.

8 players will be nice. I won't use it very often if at all, but it's a nice feature just in case.
Nobody cares actually, but this thread is 9 pages because finally X1 had a higher number than PS4 in anything. literally anything lol
Do you read anything, ever? Or do you just like starting shit.

This was just the search results for FIFA, nothing else.
for the past 15 years I have atleast 4 buddies once week to play video games.

Nothing beats local couch gaming. 6 ppl fifa is awesome i will probably get my fifa and NHL on xbone as a result.
Damn... We play 6 vs. 6 in winning eleven and fifa every once in a while, so I can see Xbone's advantage.
DerZuhälter;79807229 said:
You tell your friends to bring theirs with them. Just played 3v3 FIFA last weekend with friends after the Bayern vs Chelsea Super Cup match.
A bit disappointing. Used to play Fifa with 6 of my friends on the PS3, some of the most fun i've ever had on video games.
Sad :(,

3 vs 3 or 4 vs 4 FIFA and NHL are a big thing at work during lunch.

Will have to buy a copy for work and one for home.
Even though it's a rarely used feature, doesn't mean it shouldn't be there. I'm actually a bit disappointed about this. A few of my friends usually have a couple of NHL gaming sessions a year that won't really be possible anymore.
we play fifa 3v3 almost every weekend. this shit sucks. wtf sony
I agree. Why doesn't the system at least support 6 players?

3v3 FIFA is a blast.
This is bullshit. I play 3vs3 fifa,and nba2k13 all the time on ps3. Yes we have 6 controllers, my cousins bring two from their house while I own 4. 3 on 3 is so much fun. Seriously making me second guess my pre-order... We play with 6+ of us at least twice a month.
I have 6 DS3 controllers, used to play 3v3 in FIFA. Sucks to hear I can't anymore. Oh well.
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